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Test Coverage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "http_header.h"

static void web_client_enable_deflate(struct web_client *w, bool gzip) {
        web_client_flag_set(w, WEB_CLIENT_ENCODING_GZIP);
        web_client_flag_set(w, WEB_CLIENT_ENCODING_DEFLATE);

    if(!web_client_check_conn_unix(w) && !web_client_check_conn_tcp(w) && !web_client_check_conn_cloud(w))

    if(unlikely(w->response.zinitialized)) {
        // compression has already been initialized for this client.

    if(unlikely(w->response.sent)) {
        netdata_log_error("%llu: Cannot enable compression in the middle of a conversation.", w->id);

    w->response.zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    w->response.zstream.zfree = Z_NULL;
    w->response.zstream.opaque = Z_NULL;

    w->response.zstream.next_in = (Bytef *)w->>buffer;
    w->response.zstream.avail_in = 0;
    w->response.zstream.total_in = 0;

    w->response.zstream.next_out = w->response.zbuffer;
    w->response.zstream.avail_out = 0;
    w->response.zstream.total_out = 0;

    w->response.zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    w->response.zstream.zfree = Z_NULL;
    w->response.zstream.opaque = Z_NULL;

    // Select GZIP compression: windowbits = 15 + 16 = 31
    if(deflateInit2(&w->response.zstream, web_gzip_level, Z_DEFLATED, 15 + ((gzip)?16:0), 8, web_gzip_strategy) != Z_OK) {
        netdata_log_error("%llu: Failed to initialize zlib. Proceeding without compression.", w->id);

    w->response.zsent = 0;
    w->response.zoutput = true;
    w->response.zinitialized = true;

        // cloud sends the entire response at once, not in chunks
        web_client_flag_set(w, WEB_CLIENT_CHUNKED_TRANSFER);

    netdata_log_debug(D_DEFLATE, "%llu: Initialized compression.", w->id);

static void http_header_origin(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len __maybe_unused) {
    w->origin = strdupz(v);

static void http_header_connection(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len __maybe_unused) {
    if(strcasestr(v, "keep-alive"))

static void http_header_dnt(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len __maybe_unused) {
    if(respect_web_browser_do_not_track_policy) {
        if (*v == '0') web_client_disable_donottrack(w);
        else if (*v == '1') web_client_enable_donottrack(w);

static void http_header_user_agent(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len __maybe_unused) {
    if(w->mode == HTTP_REQUEST_MODE_STREAM) {
        w->user_agent = strdupz(v);

static void http_header_x_auth_token(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len __maybe_unused) {
    w->auth_bearer_token = strdupz(v);

static void http_header_host(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len) {
    char buffer[NI_MAXHOST];
    strncpyz(buffer, v, (len < sizeof(buffer) - 1 ? len : sizeof(buffer) - 1));
    w->server_host = strdupz(buffer);

static void http_header_accept_encoding(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len __maybe_unused) {
    if(web_enable_gzip) {
        if(strcasestr(v, "gzip"))
            web_client_enable_deflate(w, true);

        // does not seem to work
        // else if(strcasestr(v, "deflate"))
        //  web_client_enable_deflate(w, 0);

static void http_header_x_forwarded_host(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len) {
    char buffer[NI_MAXHOST];
    strncpyz(buffer, v, (len < sizeof(buffer) - 1 ? len : sizeof(buffer) - 1));
    w->forwarded_host = strdupz(buffer);

static void http_header_x_forwarded_for(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len) {
    char buffer[NI_MAXHOST];
    strncpyz(buffer, v, (len < sizeof(buffer) - 1 ? len : sizeof(buffer) - 1));
    w->forwarded_for = strdupz(buffer);

static void http_header_x_transaction_id(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len) {
    char buffer[UUID_STR_LEN * 2];
    strncpyz(buffer, v, (len < sizeof(buffer) - 1 ? len : sizeof(buffer) - 1));
    (void) uuid_parse_flexi(buffer, w->transaction); // will not alter w->transaction if it fails

static void http_header_x_netdata_account_id(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len) {
    if(web_client_flag_check(w, WEB_CLIENT_FLAG_CONN_CLOUD) && w->acl & HTTP_ACL_ACLK) {
        char buffer[UUID_STR_LEN * 2];
        strncpyz(buffer, v, (len < sizeof(buffer) - 1 ? len : sizeof(buffer) - 1));
        (void) uuid_parse_flexi(buffer, w->auth.cloud_account_id); // will not alter w->cloud_account_id if it fails

static void http_header_x_netdata_role(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len) {
    if(web_client_flag_check(w, WEB_CLIENT_FLAG_CONN_CLOUD) && w->acl & HTTP_ACL_ACLK) {
        char buffer[100];
        strncpyz(buffer, v, (len < sizeof(buffer) - 1 ? len : sizeof(buffer) - 1));
        if (strcasecmp(buffer, "admin") == 0)
            w->user_role = HTTP_USER_ROLE_ADMIN;
        else if(strcasecmp(buffer, "manager") == 0)
            w->user_role = HTTP_USER_ROLE_MANAGER;
        else if(strcasecmp(buffer, "troubleshooter") == 0)
            w->user_role = HTTP_USER_ROLE_TROUBLESHOOTER;
        else if(strcasecmp(buffer, "observer") == 0)
            w->user_role = HTTP_USER_ROLE_OBSERVER;
        else if(strcasecmp(buffer, "member") == 0)
            w->user_role = HTTP_USER_ROLE_MEMBER;
        else if(strcasecmp(buffer, "billing") == 0)
            w->user_role = HTTP_USER_ROLE_BILLING;
            w->user_role = HTTP_USER_ROLE_MEMBER;

static void http_header_x_netdata_permissions(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len __maybe_unused) {
    if(web_client_flag_check(w, WEB_CLIENT_FLAG_CONN_CLOUD) && w->acl & HTTP_ACL_ACLK) {
        HTTP_ACCESS access = http_access_from_hex(v);
        web_client_set_permissions(w, access, w->user_role, WEB_CLIENT_FLAG_AUTH_CLOUD);

static void http_header_x_netdata_user_name(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len) {
    if(web_client_flag_check(w, WEB_CLIENT_FLAG_CONN_CLOUD) && w->acl & HTTP_ACL_ACLK) {
        strncpyz(w->auth.client_name, v, (len < sizeof(w->auth.client_name) - 1 ? len : sizeof(w->auth.client_name) - 1));

static void http_header_x_netdata_auth(struct web_client *w, const char *v, size_t len __maybe_unused) {
    if(web_client_flag_check(w, WEB_CLIENT_FLAG_CONN_CLOUD) && w->acl & HTTP_ACL_ACLK)
        // we don't need authorization bearer when the request comes from netdata cloud

    if(strncasecmp(v, "Bearer ", 7) == 0) {
        v = &v[7];
        while(*v && isspace((uint8_t)*v)) v++;
        web_client_bearer_token_auth(w, v);

struct {
    uint32_t hash;
    const char *key;
    void (*cb)(struct web_client *w, const char *value, size_t value_len);
} supported_headers[] = {
    { .hash = 0, .key = "Origin",                .cb = http_header_origin },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "Connection",            .cb = http_header_connection },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "DNT",                   .cb = http_header_dnt },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "User-Agent",            .cb = http_header_user_agent},
    { .hash = 0, .key = "X-Auth-Token",          .cb = http_header_x_auth_token },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "Host",                  .cb = http_header_host },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "Accept-Encoding",       .cb = http_header_accept_encoding },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "X-Forwarded-Host",      .cb = http_header_x_forwarded_host },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "X-Forwarded-For",       .cb = http_header_x_forwarded_for },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "X-Transaction-Id",      .cb = http_header_x_transaction_id },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "X-Netdata-Account-Id",  .cb = http_header_x_netdata_account_id },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "X-Netdata-Role",        .cb = http_header_x_netdata_role },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "X-Netdata-Permissions", .cb = http_header_x_netdata_permissions },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "X-Netdata-User-Name",   .cb = http_header_x_netdata_user_name },
    { .hash = 0, .key = "X-Netdata-Auth",        .cb = http_header_x_netdata_auth },

    // for historical reasons.
    // there are a few nightly versions of netdata UI that incorrectly use this instead of X-Netdata-Auth
    { .hash = 0, .key = "Authorization",        .cb = http_header_x_netdata_auth },

    // terminator
    { .hash = 0, .key = NULL, .cb = NULL }

char *http_header_parse_line(struct web_client *w, char *s) {
    if(unlikely(!supported_headers[0].hash)) {
        // initialize the hashes, the first time it runs

        for(size_t i = 0; supported_headers[i].key ;i++)
            supported_headers[i].hash = simple_uhash(supported_headers[i].key);

    char *e = s;

    // find the colon
    while(*e && *e != ':') e++;
    if(!*e) return e;

    // get the name
    *e = '\0';

    // find the value
    char *v = e + 1, *ve;

    // skip leading spaces from value
    while(*v == ' ') v++;
    ve = v;

    // find the \r
    while(*ve && *ve != '\r') ve++;
    if(!*ve || ve[1] != '\n') {
        *e = ':';
        return ve;

    // terminate the value
    *ve = '\0';

    uint32_t hash = simple_uhash(s);

    for(size_t i = 0; supported_headers[i].key ;i++) {
        if(likely(hash != supported_headers[i].hash || strcasecmp(s, supported_headers[i].key) != 0))

        supported_headers[i].cb(w, v, ve - v);

    *e = ':';
    *ve = '\r';
    return ve;