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import WebSocketTransport from "./web_socket_transport.js"
import LongPollTransport from "./long_poll_transport.js"

export default class Consumer {

  static get multiplexChannel () {
    return this._multiplexChannel || "channels@firehose"

  static set multiplexChannel (channel) {
    this._multiplexChannel = (channel ||  "channels@firehose")

  constructor(config) {
    // Empty handler for messages.
    this.connected = this.connected.bind(this);
    this.websocketTransport = this.websocketTransport.bind(this);
    this.longpollTransport = this.longpollTransport.bind(this);
    this.connect = this.connect.bind(this);
    this.stop = this.stop.bind(this);
    this._upgradeTransport = this._upgradeTransport.bind(this);
    this._connectPromise = this._connectPromise.bind(this);
    if (config == null) { config = {}; }
    this.config = config;
    if (!this.config.message) { this.config.message = function() {}; }
    // Empty handler for error handling.
    if (!this.config.error) { this.config.error = function() {}; }
    // Empty handler for when we establish a connection.
    if (!this.config.connected) { this.config.connected = function() {}; }
    // Empty handler for when we're disconnected.
    if (!this.config.disconnected) { this.config.disconnected = function() {}; }
    // The initial connection failed. This is probably triggered when a
    // transport, like WebSockets is supported by the browser, but for whatever
    // reason it can't connect (probably a firewall)
    if (!this.config.failed) { this.config.failed = function() {
      throw "Could not connect";
    }; }
    // gets thrown if a subscription request failed
    if (!this.config.subscriptionFailed) { this.config.subscriptionFailed = function() {}; }
    // Params that we'll tack on to the URL. May be either a function or object.
    // If it is the function, the result of the function will be used as the
    // parameters.
    if (!this.config.params) { this.config.params = {}; }
    // Do stuff before we send the message into config.message. The sensible
    // default on the webs is to parse JSON.
    if (!this.config.parse) { this.config.parse = JSON.parse; }

    this._isConnected = false;
    const origConnected = this.config.connected;
    this.config.connected = () => {
      this._isConnected = true;
      return origConnected();

  connected() {
    return this._isConnected;

  websocketTransport(config) {
    return new WebSocketTransport(config);

  longpollTransport(config) {
    return new LongPollTransport(config);

  connect(delay) {
    if (delay == null) { delay = 0; }
    const promise = this._connectPromise();

    this.config.connectionVerified = this._upgradeTransport;
    if (WebSocketTransport.supported()) {
      this.upgradeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
        const ws = this.websocketTransport(this.config);
        return ws.connect(delay);
      , 500);
    this.transport = this.longpollTransport(this.config);

    return promise;

  stop() {
    if (this.upgradeTimeout != null) {
      this.upgradeTimeout = null;

  _upgradeTransport(ws) {
    this.transport = ws;

  // Return a promise that will succeed/fail depending on whether or not the
  // initial connection succeeds.
  _connectPromise() {
    const deferred = $.Deferred();

    const origConnected = this.config.connected;
    this.config.connected = () => {
      if (origConnected) {
        this.config.connected = origConnected;
        return origConnected();

  //  origDisconnected = @config.disconnected
  //  @config.disconnected = =>
  //    deferred.reject()
  //    if origDisconnected
  //      @config.disconnected = origDisconnected
  //      origDisconnected()

    return deferred.promise();