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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: webtrees\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-19 13:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-14 15:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Oskar-Txoperena <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.2\n"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:161
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:189
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:281
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:308
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:333
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:358
msgid " but the details are unknown"
msgstr " baina xehetasunak ez dira ezagutzen"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:160
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:188
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:215
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:280
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:307
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:332
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:357
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:125
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:157
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:315
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:353
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:384
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:423
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:454
msgid " in "
msgstr " -ean "

#. I18N: %1$s=“fifth cousin”, etc., %2$s>=4
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2179
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s %2$s times removed ascending"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s maila ezabatuak gorantz"

#. I18N: %1$s=“fifth cousin”, etc., %2$s>=4
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2184
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s %2$s times removed descending"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s maila ezabatuak beherantz"

#. I18N: %s is a person's name
#: resources/views/emails/message-user-html.phtml:23
#: resources/views/emails/message-user-text.phtml:18
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-bullet-list.phtml:34
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-column-list.phtml:37
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-compact-list.phtml:34
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-tag-cloud.phtml:39
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:241
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s KB were downloaded in %2$s seconds."
msgstr "%1$s KB deskargatu dira %2$s segundutan."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:278
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s does not exist. Did you mean %2$s?"
msgstr "%1$s ez da existitzen. %2$s erran nahi zenuen?"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:260
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:265
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:270
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:275
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s does not have a link back to %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s-k ez du loturarik %2$s-ra itzultzeko."

#. I18N: …from the .ZIP file, %2$s is a (fractional) number of seconds
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:262
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s file was extracted in %2$s seconds."
msgid_plural "%1$s files were extracted in %2$s seconds."
msgstr[0] "%1$s artxiboa %2$s segundutan atera da ."
msgstr[1] "%1$s artxiboak %2$s segundutan atera dira ."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:392
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s is a %2$s but a %3$s is expected."
msgstr "%1$s %2$s da, baina %3$s beharrezkoa da."

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2437
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s × %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s × %2$s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2415
#, php-format
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "%1$s × %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s × %2$s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2392
#, php-format
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "%1$s × %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s × %2$s"

#. I18N: image dimensions, width × height
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaData.php:371 app/MediaFile.php:326
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s × %2$s pixels"
msgstr "%1$s × %2$s pixel"

#. I18N: e.g. "Occupation: farmer"
#. I18N: a label/value pair, such as “Occupation: Farmer”. Some languages may need to change the punctuation.
#. I18N: e.g. "Occupation: farmer"
#: app/Elements/AbstractElement.php:250 app/Elements/NoteStructure.php:130
#: app/Elements/NoteStructure.php:154 app/Elements/NoteStructure.php:166
#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:99 app/Fact.php:570
#: app/GedcomRecord.php:551 app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:418
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:420
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:444
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:103
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:107
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:111
#: resources/views/fact-gedcom-fields.phtml:68
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:142
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s: %2$s"

#. I18N: A range of numbers
#: app/Individual.php:490 app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:856
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s–%2$s"
msgstr "%1$s–%2$s"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2205
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s’s %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s’s %2$s"

#. I18N: This is the format string for the time-of-day. See for codes
#: app/I18N.php:604
msgid "%H:%i:%s"
msgstr "%H:%i:%s"

#. I18N: This is the format string for full dates. See for codes
#: app/I18N.php:242
msgid "%j %F %Y"
msgstr "%Y %m %j"

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:39
#, php-format
msgid "%s BCE"
msgstr "%s EKL"

#. I18N: size of file in KB
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaData.php:361 app/MediaFile.php:312
#: app/Services/MediaFileService.php:92
#, php-format
msgid "%s KB"
msgstr "%s KB"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:542
#, php-format
msgid "%s and her ancestors"
msgstr "%s eta bere arbasoak"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:551
#, php-format
msgid "%s and his ancestors"
msgstr "%s eta bere arbasoak"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:845
#, php-format
msgid "%s and the individuals that reference it."
msgstr "%s eta erreferentzia egiten dioten gizabanakoak."

#. I18N: %s is a family (husband + wife)
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:447
#, php-format
msgid "%s and their children"
msgstr "%s eta seme-alabak"

#. I18N: %s is a family (husband + wife)
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:449
#, php-format
msgid "%s and their descendants"
msgstr "%s eta ondorengoak"

#: app/Statistics/Repository/UserRepository.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "%s anonymous signed-in user"
msgid_plural "%s anonymous signed-in users"
msgstr[0] "%s erabiltzaile anonimoa saioa irekiarekin"
msgstr[1] "%s erabiltzaile anonimoak saioa irekiarekin"

#: resources/views/family-page-children.phtml:21
#: resources/views/modules/ancestors-chart/tree.phtml:44
#: resources/views/modules/descendancy_chart/tree.phtml:42
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-list.phtml:20
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-nolist.phtml:17
#, php-format
msgid "%s child"
msgid_plural "%s children"
msgstr[0] "%s seme-alaba"
msgstr[1] "%s seme-alabak"

#: app/Age.php:98 app/Elements/AgeAtEvent.php:103
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:351
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:976
#, php-format
msgid "%s day"
msgid_plural "%s days"
msgstr[0] "%s eguna"
msgstr[1] "%s egun"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:228
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditAction.php:92
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditPage.php:83
#: app/Module/FamilyTreeNewsModule.php:173 app/Module/UserJournalModule.php:175
#, php-format
msgid "%s does not exist."
msgstr "%s ez dago."

#: resources/views/calendar-list.phtml:25
#, php-format
msgid "%s family"
msgid_plural "%s families"
msgstr[0] "%s familia"
msgstr[1] "%s familiak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchReplaceAction.php:73
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchReplaceAction.php:105
#, php-format
msgid "%s family has been updated."
msgid_plural "%s families have been updated."
msgstr[0] "%s familia eguneratu egin da."
msgstr[1] "%s familiak eguneratu egin dira."

#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:111
#, php-format
msgid "%s family tree"
msgid_plural "%s family trees"
msgstr[0] "%s famili zuhaitza"
msgstr[1] "%s famili zuhaitzak"

#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-list-grand.phtml:20
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-nolist-grand.phtml:16
#, php-format
msgid "%s grandchild"
msgid_plural "%s grandchildren"
msgstr[0] "%s biloba"
msgstr[1] "%s biloba"

#: app/Module/LifespansChartModule.php:272
#: resources/views/admin/trees-unconnected.phtml:42
#: resources/views/calendar-list.phtml:20
#, php-format
msgid "%s individual"
msgid_plural "%s individuals"
msgstr[0] "%s pertsona"
msgstr[1] "%s pertsonak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchReplaceAction.php:69
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchReplaceAction.php:95
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchReplaceAction.php:101
#, php-format
msgid "%s individual has been updated."
msgid_plural "%s individuals have been updated."
msgstr[0] "%s gizabanakoa eguneratu da."
msgstr[1] "%s gizabanakoak eguneratu dira."

#: app/Module/UserMessagesModule.php:156
#, php-format
msgid "%s message"
msgid_plural "%s messages"
msgstr[0] "mezu %s"
msgstr[1] "%s mezu"

#: app/Age.php:94 app/Elements/AgeAtEvent.php:101
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:357
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:981
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:197
#, php-format
msgid "%s month"
msgid_plural "%s months"
msgstr[0] "hilabete %s"
msgstr[1] "%s hilabete"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchReplaceAction.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "%s note has been updated."
msgid_plural "%s notes have been updated."
msgstr[0] "%s oharra eguneratu da."
msgstr[1] "%s oharrak eguneratu dira."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:314
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:318
#, php-format
msgid "%s occurs too many times."
msgstr "%s askotan gertatzen da."

#. I18N: %s=“fifth cousin”, etc.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2152
#, php-format
msgid "%s once removed ascending"
msgstr "%s behin ezabatuta gorantza"

#. I18N: %s=“fifth cousin”, etc.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2157
#, php-format
msgid "%s once removed descending"
msgstr "%s behin ezabatuta beherantza"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchReplaceAction.php:77
#, php-format
msgid "%s repository has been updated."
msgid_plural "%s repositories have been updated."
msgstr[0] "%s gordailua eguneratu da."
msgstr[1] "%s gordailuak eguneratu dira."

#. I18N: %s is a person's name
#: resources/views/emails/message-user-html.phtml:23
#: resources/views/emails/message-user-text.phtml:18
#, php-format
msgid "%s sent you the following message."
msgstr "%sk mezu hau bidali dizu."

#: app/Statistics/Repository/UserRepository.php:96
#, php-format
msgid "%s signed-in user"
msgid_plural "%s signed-in users"
msgstr[0] "erabiltzaile %s"
msgstr[1] "%s erabiltzaile"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchReplaceAction.php:81
#, php-format
msgid "%s source has been updated."
msgid_plural "%s sources have been updated."
msgstr[0] "%s iturria eguneratu da."
msgstr[1] "%s iturriak eguneratu dira."

#. I18N: %s=“fifth cousin”, etc.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2170
#, php-format
msgid "%s three times removed ascending"
msgstr "%s hiru aldiz ezabatua gorantz"

#. I18N: %s=“fifth cousin”, etc.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2175
#, php-format
msgid "%s three times removed descending"
msgstr "%s hiru aldiz ezabatua beherantz"

#. I18N: %s=“fifth cousin”, etc.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2161
#, php-format
msgid "%s twice removed ascending"
msgstr "%s aldiz ezabatua gorantz"

#. I18N: %s=“fifth cousin”, etc.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2166
#, php-format
msgid "%s twice removed descending"
msgstr "%s aldiz ezabatua beherantz"

#: app/Elements/AgeAtEvent.php:102
#, php-format
msgid "%s week"
msgid_plural "%s weeks"
msgstr[0] "%s aste"
msgstr[1] "%s aste"

#: app/Age.php:90 app/Elements/AgeAtEvent.php:100
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:362
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:986
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:195
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:141
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:150
#, php-format
msgid "%s year"
msgid_plural "%s years"
msgstr[0] "%s urte"
msgstr[1] "%s urte"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CalendarEvents.php:157
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/list.phtml:47
#, php-format
msgid "%s year anniversary"
msgstr "%s. urteurrena"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2355
#, php-format
msgid "%s × cousin"
msgstr "%s. lehengusu/lehengusina"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2319
#, php-format
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "%s × cousin"
msgstr "%s. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2282
#, php-format
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "%s × cousin"
msgstr "%s. lehengusua"

#. I18N: BCE=Before the Common Era, for Julian years < 0. See
#: app/Date/JulianDate.php:98
#, php-format
msgid "%s&nbsp;BCE"
msgstr "%s&nbsp;AEC"

#. I18N: CE=Common Era, for Julian years > 0. See
#: app/Date/JulianDate.php:102 app/Date/JulianDate.php:106
#, php-format
msgid "%s&nbsp;CE"
msgstr "%s&nbsp;EC"

#. I18N: Label on a graph; 40+ means 40 or more
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:861
#, php-format
msgid "%s+"
msgstr "%s+"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:543
#, php-format
msgid "%s, her ancestors and their families"
msgstr "%s, bere arbasoak eta euren familiak"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:540
#, php-format
msgid "%s, her parents and siblings"
msgstr "%s, bere gurasoak eta anai-arrebak"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:541
#, php-format
msgid "%s, her spouses and children"
msgstr "%s, bere ezkontideak eta seme-alabak"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:544
#, php-format
msgid "%s, her spouses and descendants"
msgstr "%s, bere ezkontideak eta ondorengoak"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:552
#, php-format
msgid "%s, his ancestors and their families"
msgstr "%s, bere arbasoak eta euren familak"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:549
#, php-format
msgid "%s, his parents and siblings"
msgstr "%s, bere gurasoak eta anai-arrebak"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:550
#, php-format
msgid "%s, his spouses and children"
msgstr "%s, bere ezkontideak eta seme-alabak"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:553
#, php-format
msgid "%s, his spouses and descendants"
msgstr "%s, bere ezkontideak eta ondorengoak"

#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-select.phtml:33
#: resources/views/edit/add-fact-row.phtml:30
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:35
msgid "&lt;select&gt;"
msgstr "&lt;aukeratu&gt;"

#: resources/views/fact-date.phtml:123
#, php-format
msgid "(%s after death)"
msgstr "(%s hil ondotik)"

#. I18N: The current age of a living individual
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/IndividualPage.php:179
#, php-format
msgid "(age %s)"
msgstr "(Adina %s)"

#. I18N: The age of an individual at a given date
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/IndividualPage.php:166
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:70
#: resources/views/fact-date.phtml:103
#, php-format
msgid "(aged %s)"
msgstr "(%stan)"

#. I18N: The age of an individual at a given date
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/IndividualPage.php:163
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:67
#: resources/views/fact-date.phtml:99
#, php-format
msgctxt "Female"
msgid "(aged %s)"
msgstr "(%stan)"

#. I18N: The age of an individual at a given date
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/IndividualPage.php:160
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:64
#: resources/views/fact-date.phtml:95
#, php-format
msgctxt "Male"
msgid "(aged %s)"
msgstr "(%stan)"

#. I18N: %s is a number
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:29
#, php-format
msgid "(filtered from %s total entries)"
msgstr "%s sarreratan filtratua denetara"

#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:49
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:58
msgid "(includes media files)"
msgstr "(multimedia artxiboak barne)"

#: resources/views/fact-date.phtml:117
msgid "(on the date of death)"
msgstr "(bere heriotzaren eguna)"

#. I18N: This punctuation is used to separate lists of items
#: app/I18N.php:315
msgid ", "
msgstr ", "

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:67
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "10th"
msgstr "10."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:65
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "11th"
msgstr "11."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:63
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "12th"
msgstr "12."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:61
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "13th"
msgstr "13."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:59
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "14th"
msgstr "14."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:57
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "15th"
msgstr "15."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:55
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "16th"
msgstr "16."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:53
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "17th"
msgstr "17."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:51
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "18th"
msgstr "18."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:49
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "19th"
msgstr "19."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:85
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "1st"
msgstr "1."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:47
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "20th"
msgstr "20."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:45
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "21st"
msgstr "21."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:83
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "2nd"
msgstr "2."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:81
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "3rd"
msgstr "3."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:79
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "4th"
msgstr "4."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:77
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "5th"
msgstr "5."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:75
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "6th"
msgstr "6."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:73
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "7th"
msgstr "7."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:71
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "8th"
msgstr "8."

#: app/Statistics/Service/CenturyService.php:69
msgctxt "CENTURY"
msgid "9th"
msgstr "9."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:120
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditPage.php:109
msgid "<default theme>"
msgstr "<lehenetsitako itxura>"

#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:28
msgid "<p>Notice: By completing and submitting this form, you agree:</p><ul><li>to protect the privacy of living individuals listed on our site;</li><li>and in the text box below, to explain to whom you are related, or to provide us with information on someone who should be listed on our website.</li></ul>"
msgstr "<p>Oharra: Formularioa bete eta bidaltzen duzunean hauxe onartzen duzu:</p><ul><li>gure aplikazioan agertzen diren pertsona bizien pribatutasuna babestea;</li><li>azpiko testu-koadroan, zuhaitz honetako zein pertsonarekin zauden erlazionatua adieraztea, elkarren arteko lotura argituz.</li></ul>"

#. I18N: URL = web address
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:36
msgid "A URL"
msgstr "URL lotura"

#. I18N: Description of the “RelationshipsChart” module
#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:124
msgid "A chart displaying relationships between two individuals."
msgstr "Bi gizabanakoen artean dauden harremanak erakusten dituen grafikoa."

#. I18N: Description of the “FamilyBookChart” module
#: app/Module/FamilyBookChartModule.php:91
msgid "A chart of an individual’s ancestors and descendants, as a family book."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten arbasoak eta ondorengoak erakusten dituen grafikoa, famili-liburu itxurarekin."

#. I18N: Description of the “CompactTreeChart” module
#: app/Module/CompactTreeChartModule.php:86
msgid "A chart of an individual’s ancestors, as a compact tree."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten arbasoen grafikoa, zuhaitz trinkoaren itxurarekin."

#. I18N: Description of the “PedigreeChart” module
#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:113
msgid "A chart of an individual’s ancestors, formatted as a tree."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten arbasoen grafikoa, zuhaitz itxurarekin."

#. I18N: Description of the “AncestorsChart” module
#: app/Module/AncestorsChartModule.php:107
msgid "A chart of an individual’s ancestors."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten arbasoen grafikoa."

#. I18N: Description of the “DescendancyChart” module
#: app/Module/DescendancyChartModule.php:103
msgid "A chart of an individual’s descendants."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten ondorengoak."

#. I18N: Description of the “LifespansChart” module
#: app/Module/LifespansChartModule.php:115
msgid "A chart of individuals’ lifespans."
msgstr "Gizabanakoen bizi-itxaropena erakusteko grafikoa."

#: resources/views/edit/link-child-to-family.phtml:39
msgid "A child may have more than one set of parents. The relationship between the child and the parents can be biological, legal, or based on local culture and tradition. If no pedigree is specified, then a biological relationship will be assumed."
msgstr "Haur batek guraso-bikote bat baino gehiago izaten ahal du. Haur eta gurasoen arteko harremana biologikoa izaten ahal da, legala, edo leku bakoitzean dagoen kultura eta tradizioen araberakoa. Ez bada bertzerik zehazten, harreman biologikoak izanen du lehentasuna."

#. I18N: Description of a “Data fix” module
#: app/Module/FixDuplicateLinks.php:67
msgid "A common error is to have multiple links to the same record, for example listing the same child more than once in a family record."
msgstr "Akats arrunta da gedcom-en lotura bat baino gehiagoko erregistroak izatea, seme-alaba berak bere familian erregistro bat baino gehiago izatea, errate baterako."

#. I18N: Description of the “Fan Chart” module
#: app/Module/FanChartModule.php:146
msgid "A fan chart of an individual’s ancestors."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten arbasoak abaniko itxurarekin erakusten dituen grafikoa."

#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:37
#: resources/views/admin/trees-export.phtml:30
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:51
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:32
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:88
msgid "A file on the server"
msgstr "Artxibo bat zerbitzarian"

#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:27
#: resources/views/admin/trees-export.phtml:54
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:41
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:28
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:44
msgid "A file on your computer"
msgstr "Artxibo bat zure ordenagailuan"

#. I18N: Description of the “My page” module
#: app/Module/UserWelcomeModule.php:68
msgid "A greeting message and useful links for a user."
msgstr "Ongi-etorri mezua eta lotura erabilgarriak erabiltzailearentzat."

#. I18N: Description of the “Home page” module
#: app/Module/WelcomeBlockModule.php:66
msgid "A greeting message for site visitors."
msgstr "Ongi-etorri mezua webgunearen erabiltzaileentzat."

#. I18N: Description of the “Contact information” module
#: app/Module/ContactsFooterModule.php:66
msgid "A link to the site contacts."
msgstr "Lotura webgunearen kontaktuekin."

#. I18N: Description of the “webtrees” module
#: app/Module/PoweredByWebtreesModule.php:52
msgid "A link to the webtrees home page."
msgstr "Lotura webtrees-eko sarrerako orriarekin."

#. I18N: Description of the “Branches” module
#: app/Module/BranchesListModule.php:108
msgid "A list of branches of a family."
msgstr "Zerrenda familiako adar guztiekin."

#. I18N: Description of the “Pending changes” module
#: app/Module/ReviewChangesModule.php:91
msgid "A list of changes that need to be reviewed by a moderator, and email notifications."
msgstr "Moderatzaile batek gainbegiratu beharreko aldaketen zerrenda eta bere notifikazioak."

#. I18N: Description of the “Families” module
#: app/Module/FamilyListModule.php:60
msgid "A list of families."
msgstr "Famili guztien zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “FAQ” module
#: app/Module/FrequentlyAskedQuestionsModule.php:81
msgid "A list of frequently asked questions and answers."
msgstr "Ohiko galderen eta bere erantzunen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Individuals” module
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:103
msgid "A list of individuals."
msgstr "Gizabanakoen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Locations” module
#: app/Module/LocationListModule.php:76
msgid "A list of locations."
msgstr "Lekuen/ubikazioen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Media objects” module
#: app/Module/MediaListModule.php:98
msgid "A list of media objects."
msgstr "Multimedia objektuen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Recent changes” module
#: app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:96
msgid "A list of records that have been updated recently."
msgstr "Eguneratu berriak diren erregistroen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Repositories” module
#: app/Module/RepositoryListModule.php:76
msgid "A list of repositories."
msgstr "Gordailuen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Shared notes” module
#: app/Module/NoteListModule.php:73
msgid "A list of shared notes."
msgstr "Konpartitutako oharren zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Sources” module
#: app/Module/SourceListModule.php:75
msgid "A list of sources."
msgstr "Datuen iturrien zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Submitters” module
#: app/Module/SubmitterListModule.php:76
msgid "A list of submitters."
msgstr "Bidaltzaileen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of “Research tasks” module
#: app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:86
msgid "A list of tasks and activities that are linked to the family tree."
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogiarekin zerikusia duten eginbehar eta aktibitateen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Yahrzeiten” module. A “Hebrew death” is a death where the date is recorded in the Hebrew calendar.
#: app/Module/YahrzeitModule.php:78
msgid "A list of the Hebrew death anniversaries that will occur in the near future."
msgstr "Epe motzera gertatuko diren hebrearren heriotza-urteurrenen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “On this day” module
#: app/Module/OnThisDayModule.php:113
msgid "A list of the anniversaries that occur today."
msgstr "Gaurko urteurrenen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Upcoming events” module
#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:133
msgid "A list of the anniversaries that will occur in the near future."
msgstr "Hurrengo egunetan gertatuko diren urteurrenen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Top given names” module
#: app/Module/TopGivenNamesModule.php:60
msgid "A list of the most popular given names."
msgstr "Izen gogokoenen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Top surnames” module
#: app/Module/TopSurnamesModule.php:83
msgid "A list of the most popular surnames."
msgstr "Abizen erabilienen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Most viewed pages” module
#: app/Module/TopPageViewsModule.php:63
msgid "A list of the pages that have been viewed the most number of times."
msgstr "Gehien ikusi diren orrien zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Who is online” module
#: app/Module/LoggedInUsersModule.php:54
msgid "A list of users and visitors who are currently online."
msgstr "Orain linean dauden erabiltzaileen eta bisitarien zerrenda."

#: resources/views/help/media-object.phtml:10
msgid "A media object is a record in the family tree which contains information about a media file. This information may include a title, a copyright notice, a transcript, privacy restrictions, etc. The media file, such as the photo or video, can be stored locally (on this webserver) or remotely (on a different webserver)."
msgstr "Multimedia-objektu bat fitxategi multimedia bati buruzko informazioa duen zuhaitz genealogikoko erregistro bat da. Informazio horrek izenburu bat, egile-eskubideen ohar bat, transkripzio bat, pribatutasun-murrizketak, etabar... izaten ahal ditu. Multimedia-fitxategia, hala nola argazkia edo bideoa, lokalki (web zerbitzari honetan) edo urrunetik (beste web zerbitzari batean) gordetzen ahal da."

#. I18N: %1$s is a real-name, %2$s is a username, %3$s is an email address
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-html.phtml:22
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-text.phtml:17
#, php-format
msgid "A new user (%1$s) has requested an account (%2$s) and verified an email address (%3$s)."
msgstr "(%1$s) erabiltzaile berriak (%2$s) kontua eskatu du eta (%3$s) helbide elektronikoa egiaztatu du."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginAction.php:78
#: app/Module/CheckForNewVersion.php:104
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:203
#: resources/views/admin/upgrade/wizard.phtml:31
#: resources/views/emails/new-version-html.phtml:22
#: resources/views/emails/new-version-text.phtml:19
msgid "A new version of webtrees is available."
msgstr "Webtrees-en bertsio berri bat eskuragarri dago."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordRequestAction.php:119
#, php-format
msgid "A password reset link has been sent to “%s”."
msgstr "Pasahitza berrezartzeko esteka bat bidali da %s-ra."

#. I18N: Description of the “Journal” module
#: app/Module/UserJournalModule.php:64
msgid "A private area to record notes or keep a journal."
msgstr "Oharrak grabatzeko edo eguneko bat edukitzeko eremu pribatua."

#. I18N: %s is a server name/URL
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-html.phtml:24
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-text.phtml:20
#, php-format
msgid "A prospective user has registered with webtrees at %s."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile bat %s-an erregistratu da webtrees-ekin."

#. I18N: Description of the “Pedigree” module
#: app/Module/PedigreeReportModule.php:52
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of an individual’s ancestors, formatted as a tree."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten arbasoen txostena, zuhaitz gisa formateatua."

#. I18N: Description of the “Ancestors” module
#: app/Module/AhnentafelReportModule.php:52
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:5
msgid "A report of an individual’s ancestors, in a narrative style."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten arbasoen txostena, narrazio-estilo batean."

#. I18N: Description of the “Descendants” module
#: app/Module/DescendancyReportModule.php:52
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of an individual’s descendants, in a narrative style."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten ondorengoen txostena, narrazio-estilo batean."

#. I18N: Description of the “Individual” module
#: app/Module/IndividualReportModule.php:52
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of an individual’s details."
msgstr "Pertsona baten xehetasunen txostena."

#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:4
msgid "A report of facts which are supported by a given source."
msgstr "Iturri jakin batetik bildutako erregistroen txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Family” module
#: app/Module/FamilyGroupReportModule.php:56
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of family members and their details."
msgstr "Senideen eta haien xehetasunen txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Deaths” module
#: app/Module/DeathReportModule.php:52 resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of individuals who died in a given time or place."
msgstr "Une edo leku jakin batean hil ziren pertsonen txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Occupations” module
#: app/Module/OccupationReportModule.php:56
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of individuals who had a given occupation."
msgstr "Lan jakin bat zuten pertsonen txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Births” module
#: app/Module/BirthReportModule.php:52 resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of individuals who were born in a given time or place."
msgstr "Une edo toki jakin batean jaio diren gizabanakoen txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Cemeteries” module
#: app/Module/CemeteryReportModule.php:52
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of individuals who were buried in a given place."
msgstr "Leku jakin batean ehortzitako pertsonen txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Marriages” module
#: app/Module/MarriageReportModule.php:52
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of individuals who were married in a given time or place."
msgstr "Une edo toki jakin batean ezkondu diren pertsonen txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Changes” module
#: app/Module/ChangeReportModule.php:56
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of recent and pending changes."
msgstr "Egin berriak diren eta egiteke dauden aldaketen txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Related families”
#: app/Module/IndividualFamiliesReportModule.php:56
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of the families that are closely related to an individual."
msgstr "Gizabanako batekin harreman estua duten familietako kideen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Related individuals” module
#: app/Module/RelatedIndividualsReportModule.php:52
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of the individuals that are closely related to an individual."
msgstr "Gizabanako batekin harreman estua duten pertsonen zerrenda."

#. I18N: Description of the “Source” module
#: app/Module/FactSourcesReportModule.php:56
msgid "A report of the information provided by a source."
msgstr "Iturri batek emandako informazioari buruzko txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Missing data”
#: app/Module/MissingFactsReportModule.php:56
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of the information that is missing for an individual and their relatives."
msgstr "Pertsona bat eta bere senideez falta den informazioari buruzko txostena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Vital records” module. “Vital records” are life events - birth/marriage/death
#: app/Module/BirthDeathMarriageReportModule.php:52
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:4
msgid "A report of vital records for a given date or place."
msgstr "Denbora-tarte edo leku jakin baterako bizitza-erregistroen txostena (jaiotzak edo heriotzak)."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:234
msgid "A role is a set of access rights, which give permission to view data, change preferences, etc. Access rights are assigned to roles, and roles are granted to users. Each family tree can assign different access to each role, and users can have a different role in each family tree."
msgstr "Rola sarbide-eskubideen multzoa da, datuak, aldaketa-lehentasunak eta abar ikusteko baimena ematen duena. Sarbide-eskubideak rolei esleitzen zaizkie eta rolak erabiltzaileei. Familiako zuhaitz bakoitzak sarbide bat eslei diezaioke funtzio bakoitzari, eta erabiltzaileek rol bat izan dezakete familiako zuhaitz bakoitzean."

#. I18N: Description of the “Family navigator” module
#: app/Module/FamilyNavigatorModule.php:51
msgid "A sidebar showing an individual’s close families and relatives."
msgstr "Alboko barra bat, pertsona baten hurbileko familiak eta familiakoak erakusten dituena."

#. I18N: Description of the “Extra information” module
#: app/Module/IndividualMetadataModule.php:71
msgid "A sidebar showing non-genealogy information about an individual."
msgstr "Gizabanako bati buruzko informazio ez-genealogikoa erakusten duen alboko barra."

#. I18N: Description of the “Descendants” module
#: app/Module/DescendancyModule.php:70
msgid "A sidebar showing the descendants of an individual."
msgstr "Pertsona baten ondorengoak erakusten dituen alboko barra."

#. I18N: Description of the “Families” module
#: app/Module/RelativesTabModule.php:53
msgid "A tab showing the close relatives of an individual."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten hurbileko ahaideak erakusten dituen fitxa."

#. I18N: Description of the “Facts and events” module
#: app/Module/IndividualFactsTabModule.php:84
msgid "A tab showing the facts and events of an individual."
msgstr "Pertsona baten gertaerak erakusten dituen fitxa."

#. I18N: Description of the “Media” module
#: app/Module/MediaTabModule.php:68
msgid "A tab showing the media objects linked to an individual."
msgstr "Gizabanako bati lotutako objektu mediatikoak erakusten dituen fitxa."

#. I18N: Description of the “Notes” module
#: app/Module/NotesTabModule.php:69
msgid "A tab showing the notes attached to an individual."
msgstr "Pertsona bati erantsitako oharrak erakusten dituen fitxa."

#. I18N: Description of the “Sources” module
#: app/Module/SourcesTabModule.php:67
msgid "A tab showing the sources linked to an individual."
msgstr "Gizabanako bati lotutako iturriak erakusten dituen fitxa."

#. I18N: Description of the “TimelineChart” module
#: app/Module/TimelineChartModule.php:104
msgid "A timeline displaying individual events."
msgstr "Banakako gertaerak erakusten dituen denbora-lerroa."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:118
msgid "A user will not be able to sign in until both “email verified” and “approved by administrator” are selected."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile bat ezin izago da sartu harik eta “egiaztatutako posta elektronikoa” eta “administratzaileak onartutakoa” hautatu arte."

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:8
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A3"
msgstr "A3"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:8
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "A4"
msgstr "A4"

#: resources/views/modules/bing-maps/config.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/google-maps/config.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/here-maps/config.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/map-box/config.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/openrouteservice/config.phtml:23
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API giltza"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:53
msgid "Aba, Nigeria"
msgstr "Aba, Nigeria"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:280
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Aban"
msgid "Aban"
msgstr "Aban"

#. I18N: 8th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:153
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Aban"
msgstr "Aban"

#. I18N: 8th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:243
msgid "Aban"
msgstr "Aban"

#. I18N: 8th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:198
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Aban"
msgstr "Aban"

#. I18N: 8th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:108
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Aban"
msgstr "Aban"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:558
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:560
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:564
msgid "Abbreviate place names"
msgstr "Lekuen izen laburrak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:262 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:80
#: app/Gedcom.php:828 resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:97
#: resources/views/modals/source-fields.phtml:24
msgid "Abbreviation"
msgstr "Laburdura"

#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:49
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:61
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Onartu"

#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:103
msgid "Accept all changes"
msgstr "Aldaketak onartu"

#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:43
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:106
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:233
msgid "Access level"
msgstr "Sarbide maila"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:231
msgid "Access to family trees"
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogietarako sarbidea"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:96
msgid "Account approval and email verification"
msgstr "Kontuaren onarpena eta helbide elektronikoaren egiaztapena"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:54
msgid "Accra, Ghana"
msgstr "Accra, Ghana"

#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:45
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Ekintza"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:205
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Adar"
msgstr "Adar"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:309
msgid "Adar"
msgstr "Adar"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:257
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Adar"
msgstr "Adar"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:153
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Adar"
msgstr "Adar"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:203
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Adar I"
msgstr "Adar I"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:307
msgid "Adar I"
msgstr "Adar I"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:255
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Adar I"
msgstr "Adar I"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:151
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Adar I"
msgstr "Adar I"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:223
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Adar II"
msgstr "Adar II"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:327
msgid "Adar II"
msgstr "Adar II"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:275
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Adar II"
msgstr "Adar II"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:171
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Adar II"
msgstr "Adar II"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataAdd.php:80
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataAdd.php:83
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Gehitu"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:452
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:557
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:667
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:711
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:755
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:799
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:848
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:903
#, php-format
msgid "Add %s to the clippings cart"
msgstr "%s saskira gehitu"

#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:221
msgid "Add a brother"
msgstr "Anaia gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddChildToFamilyPage.php:77
#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:54
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:229
msgid "Add a child"
msgstr "Seme-alaba berri bat gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddChildToIndividualPage.php:85
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:155
msgid "Add a child to create a one-parent family"
msgstr "Seme-alaba bat gehitu, famili gurasobakarra sortuaz"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddChildToFamilyPage.php:76
#: resources/views/family-page-children.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:225
msgid "Add a daughter"
msgstr "Alaba gehitu"

#: resources/views/edit/add-fact-row.phtml:21
#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-record.phtml:60
#: resources/views/record-page-menu-facts.phtml:16
msgid "Add a fact"
msgstr "Gertakizuna gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddParentToIndividualPage.php:77
#: resources/views/family-page-grandparents.phtml:36
#: resources/views/family-page-grandparents.phtml:44
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:107
msgid "Add a father"
msgstr "Zuhaitzean ez dagoen aita sartu"

#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:56
msgid "Add a favorite"
msgstr "Gogokoa gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddSpouseToFamilyPage.php:85
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddSpouseToIndividualPage.php:86
#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:41
#: resources/views/family-page-parents.phtml:29
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:64
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:134
msgid "Add a husband"
msgstr "Senar berria gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LinkSpouseToIndividualPage.php:71
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:146
msgid "Add a husband using an existing individual"
msgstr "Lehendik orrian erregistratua dagoen gizabanakoa senar bezala gehitu"

#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/list.phtml:62
msgid "Add a journal entry"
msgstr "Sarrera berri bat sartu egunekoan"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddMediaFileModal.php:68
#: resources/views/media-page-menu.phtml:34
#: resources/views/modals/add-media-file.phtml:21
msgid "Add a media file"
msgstr "Multimedia artxiboa sartu"

#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:69
#: resources/views/individual-page-images.phtml:61
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:97
msgid "Add a media object"
msgstr "Multimedia artxibo berri bat sartu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddParentToIndividualPage.php:75
#: resources/views/family-page-grandparents.phtml:66
#: resources/views/family-page-grandparents.phtml:74
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:114
msgid "Add a mother"
msgstr "Zuhaitzean ez dagoen ama sartu"

#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:45
msgid "Add a name"
msgstr "Izen berri bat gehitu"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/list.phtml:63
msgid "Add a news article"
msgstr "Berri-artikulu bat gehitu"

#: resources/views/modules/notes/tab.phtml:98
msgid "Add a note"
msgstr "Ohar berria gehitu"

#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:229
msgid "Add a sibling"
msgstr "Anaia-arreba gehitu"

#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:225
msgid "Add a sister"
msgstr "Arreba/Ahizpa gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddChildToFamilyPage.php:75
#: resources/views/family-page-children.phtml:43
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:221
msgid "Add a son"
msgstr "Semea gehitu"

#: resources/views/modules/sources_tab/tab.phtml:77
msgid "Add a source citation"
msgstr "jatorrizko aipamen bat gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddSpouseToIndividualPage.php:87
msgid "Add a spouse"
msgstr "Ezkontide bat gehitu"

#: app/Module/StoriesModule.php:289
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/stories/tab.phtml:38
msgid "Add a story"
msgstr "Istorioa gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserAddPage.php:48
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:536
msgid "Add a user"
msgstr "Erabitzailea gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddSpouseToFamilyPage.php:83
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddSpouseToIndividualPage.php:85
#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:48
#: resources/views/family-page-parents.phtml:51
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:101
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:132
msgid "Add a wife"
msgstr "Emazte berri bat gehitu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LinkSpouseToIndividualPage.php:74
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:144
msgid "Add a wife using an existing individual"
msgstr "Lehendik orrian erregistratua dagoen gizabanakoa emazte bezala gehitu"

#. I18N: FAQ = “Frequently Asked Question”
#: app/Module/FrequentlyAskedQuestionsModule.php:299
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:47
msgid "Add an FAQ"
msgstr "Ohiko galdera bat gehitu"

#: resources/views/modules/custom-css-js/edit.phtml:35
msgid "Add content to the end of the <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> element."
msgstr "Edukia gehitu elementu honen bukaeran <code>&lt;body&gt;</code>."

#: resources/views/modules/custom-css-js/edit.phtml:23
msgid "Add content to the end of the <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> element."
msgstr "Edukia gehitu <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> elementuaren bukaeran."

#: resources/views/record-page-menu-clipboard.phtml:20
msgid "Add from clipboard"
msgstr "Arbeletik gehitu"

#: app/Module/ModuleHistoricEventsTrait.php:40
msgid "Add historic events to an individual’s page."
msgstr "Istorioak gehitu gizabanako baten orriari."

#: resources/views/modules/lifespans-chart/page.phtml:29
msgid "Add individuals"
msgstr "Pertsonak gehitu"

#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:150
msgid "Add marriage details"
msgstr "Ezkontzaren xehetasunak gehitu"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/FixMissingDeaths.php:55
msgid "Add missing death records"
msgstr "Gehitu falta diren heriotza-erregistroak"

#: resources/views/edit-blocks-page.phtml:51
msgid "Add more blocks from the following list."
msgstr "Gehitu bloke gehiago zerrenda honetatik."

#: resources/views/search-advanced-page.phtml:44
msgid "Add more fields"
msgstr "Gehitu eremu gehiago"

#. I18N: Description of the “Stories” module
#: app/Module/StoriesModule.php:74
msgid "Add narrative stories to individuals in the family tree."
msgstr "Gehitu istorioak gizabanakoen zuhaitz genealogikoetan."

#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:63
msgid "Add new, and update existing records"
msgstr "Gehitu erregistro berri bat eta lehengoak eguneratu"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:107
msgid "Add spaces where long lines were wrapped"
msgstr "Gehitu espazioak lerro luzeetan"

#. I18N: Description of the “CSS and JS” module.
#: app/Module/CustomCssJsModule.php:44
msgid "Add styling and scripts to every page."
msgstr "Gehitu estilio eta \"scripts\" orri bakoitzari."

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:197
msgid "Add to TITLE header tag"
msgstr "Gehitu TITULUA goiburuko etiketari"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:183
#: resources/views/modules/clippings/add-options.phtml:23
msgid "Add to the clippings cart"
msgstr "Gehitu errekorteen saskira"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:140
msgid "Add unique identifiers"
msgstr "Gehitu identifikatzaile esklusiboa"

#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:219
msgid "Add unlinked records"
msgstr "Gehitu loturarik gabeko erregistroak"

#. I18N: Description of the “HTML” module
#: app/Module/HtmlBlockModule.php:72
msgid "Add your own text and graphics."
msgstr "Gehitu zeure testoa eta grafikoak."

#: app/Module/FamilyTreeNewsModule.php:182 app/Module/UserJournalModule.php:181
msgid "Add/edit a journal/news entry"
msgstr "Gehitu/boletineko sarrerak editatu/berritasunak"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:66 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:226
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:66 app/Gedcom.php:402
#: app/Gedcom.php:515 app/Gedcom.php:535 app/Gedcom.php:806 app/Gedcom.php:853
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateRepositoryModal.php:50
#: app/Module/FixCemeteryTag.php:82
#: resources/views/modals/submitter-fields.phtml:35
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Helbidea"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:227 app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:67
#: app/Gedcom.php:403 app/Gedcom.php:516 app/Gedcom.php:536 app/Gedcom.php:807
#: app/Gedcom.php:854
msgid "Address line 1"
msgstr "Helbidea 1. lerroa"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:228 app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:68
#: app/Gedcom.php:404 app/Gedcom.php:517 app/Gedcom.php:537 app/Gedcom.php:808
#: app/Gedcom.php:855
msgid "Address line 2"
msgstr "Helbidea 2. lerroa"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:229 app/Gedcom.php:405 app/Gedcom.php:518
#: app/Gedcom.php:538 app/Gedcom.php:809 app/Gedcom.php:856
msgid "Address line 3"
msgstr "Helbidea 3. lerroa"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:264
msgid "Addresses"
msgstr "Helbideak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:55
msgid "Adelaide, Australia"
msgstr "Adelaide, Australia"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:284
msgid "Administrative ID"
msgstr "ID administratiboa"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:225
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:274
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Administratzailea"

#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:39
msgid "Administrator account"
msgstr "Administratzaile kontua"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:210
msgid "Administrator comments on user"
msgstr "Administratzailearen komentarioak erabiltzaileari buruz"

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:506
msgid "Administrators"
msgstr "Administatzaileak"

#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:81
msgctxt "Female pedigree"
msgid "Adopted"
msgstr "Adoptatua"

#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:71
msgctxt "Male pedigree"
msgid "Adopted"
msgstr "Adoptatua"

#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:91
msgctxt "Pedigree"
msgid "Adopted"
msgstr "Adoptatua"

#: app/Elements/AdoptedByWhichParent.php:57
msgid "Adopted by both parents"
msgstr "Bi gurasoek adoptatua"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:92
#: app/Elements/AdoptedByWhichParent.php:58
msgid "Adopted by father"
msgstr "Aitak adoptatua"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:93
#: app/Elements/AdoptedByWhichParent.php:59
msgid "Adopted by mother"
msgstr "Amak adoptatua"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:71
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:63
msgid "Adopted name"
msgstr "Adoptatutako izena"

#: app/Gedcom.php:576 app/Gedcom.php:579
#: app/Module/IndividualFactsTabModule.php:155
msgid "Adoption"
msgstr "Adopzioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:232
msgid "Adoption of a brother"
msgstr "Anaia baten adopzioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:211
msgid "Adoption of a child"
msgstr "Seme-alaba baten adopzioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:210
msgid "Adoption of a daughter"
msgstr "Alaba baten adopzioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:280
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:303
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:326
msgid "Adoption of a grandchild"
msgstr "Biloba baten adopzioa (gizonezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:279
msgid "Adoption of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Biloba baten adopzioa (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:302
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter"
msgid "Adoption of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Biloba baten adopzioa (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:325
msgctxt "son’s daughter"
msgid "Adoption of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Biloba baten adopzioa (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:278
msgid "Adoption of a grandson"
msgstr "Biloba baten adopzioa (gizonezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:301
msgctxt "daughter’s son"
msgid "Adoption of a grandson"
msgstr "Biloba baten adopzioa (gizonezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:324
msgctxt "son’s son"
msgid "Adoption of a grandson"
msgstr "Biloba baten adopzioa (gizonezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:255
msgid "Adoption of a half-brother"
msgstr "Anaiorde baten adopzioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:257
msgid "Adoption of a half-sibling"
msgstr "Anai-arrebaorde baten adopzioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:256
msgid "Adoption of a half-sister"
msgstr "Erdi arreba/ahizpa baten adopzioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:234
msgid "Adoption of a sibling"
msgstr "Anai-arreba baten adopzioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:233
msgid "Adoption of a sister"
msgstr "Arreba/Ahizpa baten adopzioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:209
msgid "Adoption of a son"
msgstr "Seme baten adopzioa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:578 app/Module/IndividualFactsTabModule.php:154
msgid "Adoptive parents"
msgstr "Guraso adoptiboak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:623
msgid "Adult christening"
msgstr "Bataioa adin helduan"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:170
#: app/Module/SearchMenuModule.php:125
msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr "Bilaketa berezia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:42
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Afghanistan"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:197
msgid "Africa"
msgstr "Afrika"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-create.phtml:60
msgid "After creating the family tree, you will be able to import data from a GEDCOM file."
msgstr "Behin zuhaitz genealogikoa sortuta, GEDCOM artxibo bateko datuak garraiatzeko aukera izanen duzu."

#: app/Gedcom.php:543 app/Statistics/Google/ChartAge.php:137
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriageAge.php:160
#: resources/views/fact-date.phtml:143
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:150
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:153
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:183
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:418
msgid "Age"
msgstr "Adina"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/birth-age.phtml:10
msgid "Age at birth of child"
msgstr "Adina seme-alaba jaiotzerakoan"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:71
msgid "Age at which to assume an individual is dead"
msgstr "Pertsona bat hila izan behar duela pentsarazten digun adina"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/age-difference.phtml:37
msgid "Age between husband and wife"
msgstr "Senar eta emaztearen arteko aldea adinean"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/age-difference.phtml:17
msgid "Age between siblings"
msgstr "Anai-arreben arteko aldea adinean"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/age-difference.phtml:46
msgid "Age between wife and husband"
msgstr "Emaztea eta senarraren adinen arteko aldea"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/age-difference.phtml:10
msgid "Age difference"
msgstr "Aldea adinean"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:640
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:40
msgid "Age in year of first marriage"
msgstr "Pertsonaren adina lehenbiziko ezkontzan"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:579
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:39
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/marriage-age.phtml:10
msgid "Age in year of marriage"
msgstr "Pertsonaren adina ezkontzerakoan"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:136
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:139
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:145
msgid "Age interval"
msgstr "Urte tartea"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:397
msgid "Age of parents next to child’s birthdate"
msgstr "Gurasoen adina ikusi jaiotze-dataren ondoan"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:234 app/Gedcom.php:410 app/Gedcom.php:544
#: app/Gedcom.php:835
msgid "Agency"
msgstr "Agentzia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:50
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Albania"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeBuilder.php:57 app/Module/AlbumModule.php:42
msgid "Album"
msgstr "Albuma"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:57
msgid "Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States"
msgstr "Albuquerque, New Mexico, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:169
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Aljeria"

#: app/Gedcom.php:582
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "Goitizena"

#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:115
msgid "Alive"
msgstr "Bizirik"

#: app/Module/FrequentlyAskedQuestionsModule.php:318
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:231
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:235
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:239
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:313
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:451
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:453
#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:183
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:12
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:76
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:22
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:67
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:94
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:46
msgid "All"
msgstr "Denak ikusi"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePrivacyPage.php:170
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:262
msgid "All facts and events"
msgstr "Gertaera guztiak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterAction.php:255
msgid "All fields must be completed."
msgstr "Eremu guztiak bete behar dira."

#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:124
#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:138
msgid "All individuals"
msgstr "Pertsona guztiak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesAllPage.php:58
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:30
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:583
msgid "All modules"
msgstr "Modulo guztiak"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:165
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:255
msgid "All records"
msgstr "Erregistro guztiak"

#. I18N: Description of the “CKEditor” module. WYSIWYG = “what you see is what you get”
#: app/Module/CkeditorModule.php:54
msgid "Allow other modules to edit text using a “WYSIWYG” editor, instead of using HTML codes."
msgstr "Testoa editatzeko HTML kodigoak erabili beharrean, “WYSIWYG” editorea erabiltzeko gaitu bertze moduloak."

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:601
msgid "Allow users to see raw GEDCOM records"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak baimendu GEDCOM erregistro primarioak ikusteko"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:51
msgid "Allow visitors to request a new user account"
msgstr "Bisitariak baimendu erabiltzaile-kontuak eskatzeko"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:72 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeBuilder.php:56
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:111 app/CustomTags/Geneatique.php:60
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:64
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:65
msgid "Also known as"
msgstr "Izen honekin ere ezagutua"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:79
msgid "Alternative spelling of surname"
msgstr "Abizenaren ortografia alternatiboa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:60
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "Samoa"

#. I18N: FAQ = “Frequently Asked Question”
#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:81
msgid "An FAQ can be displayed on just one of the family trees, or on all the family trees."
msgstr "FAQ - Ohiko galdera bat zuhaitz bakar batean erakuts daiteke, edo denetan."

#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:58
msgid "An administrator must approve the new user account and select an access level before the user can sign in."
msgstr "Administratzaileak erabiltzaile-kontua berri bat onartu beharko du eta sarbiderako bere maila aukeratu."

#. I18N: Description of the “Album” module
#: app/Module/AlbumModule.php:53
msgid "An alternative to the “media” tab, and an enhanced image viewer."
msgstr "\"Multimedia\" fitxarako alternatiba eta erakusle hobea irudientazko."

#. I18N: Description of the “Charts” module
#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:76
msgid "An alternative way to display charts."
msgstr "Diagramak edo frafikoak erakusteko alternatiba."

#. I18N: Description of the “Census assistant” module
#: app/Module/CensusAssistantModule.php:62
msgid "An alternative way to enter census transcripts and link them to individuals."
msgstr "Bertze modu bat transkripzioka sartzeko eta pertsonei lotzeko."

#. I18N: Description of the “Theme change” module
#: app/Module/ThemeSelectModule.php:56
msgid "An alternative way to select a new theme."
msgstr "Bertze modu bat gaia/itxura aukeratzeko."

#. I18N: Description of the “Sign in” module
#: app/Module/LoginBlockModule.php:54
msgid "An alternative way to sign in and sign out."
msgstr "Bertze modu bat saioa ireki eta ixteko."

#. I18N: Description of the “HourglassChart” module
#: app/Module/HourglassChartModule.php:90
msgid "An hourglass chart of an individual’s ancestors and descendants."
msgstr "Pertsona baten arbasoak eta ondorengoak erakusteko \"harea-erloju\" moduzko grafikoa."

#: resources/views/edit/reorder-families.phtml:75
msgid "An individual can have more than one set of parents. For example, birth and adopted."
msgstr "Pertsona batek modu ezberdinetako gurasoak izan ditzake (biologikoak, harrekoak, adopziokoak...)."

#. I18N: Description of the “Interactive tree” module
#: app/Module/InteractiveTreeModule.php:60
msgid "An interactive tree, showing all the ancestors and descendants of an individual."
msgstr "Zuhaitz interaktiboa, pertsona baten arbasoak eta ondorengoak ikusteko."

#: resources/views/errors/database-error.phtml:14
#: resources/views/setup/step-6-failed.phtml:14
msgid "An unexpected database error occurred."
msgstr "Datu-basearen ustekageko akatsa."

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:224
msgid "An upgrade is available."
msgstr "Programa eguneratzeko aukera daukazu."

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#: app/Module/AhnentafelReportModule.php:40
#: app/Module/AncestorsChartModule.php:96
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:4
msgid "Ancestors"
msgstr "Arbasoak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:583
msgid "Ancestors interest"
msgstr "Arbaso interesgarriak"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:55
msgid "Ancestors of "
msgstr "Pertsona honen arbasoak: "

#. I18N: %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Module/AncestorsChartModule.php:142
#, php-format
msgid "Ancestors of %s"
msgstr "%s-ren arbasoak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:581
msgid "Ancestral file number"
msgstr "ID zenbakia \"Ancestral File\"-n"

#. I18N: GEDCOM tag _APID
#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:64
msgid "Ancestry PID"
msgstr "Ancestry PID"

#. I18N: GEDCOM tag _APID
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:109
msgid " source identifier"
msgstr " iturriaren identifikatzailea"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:58
msgid "Anchorage, Alaska, United States"
msgstr "Anchorage, Alaska, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:52
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Andorra"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:44
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Angola"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:46
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Anguilla"

#: resources/views/lists/anniversaries-table.phtml:41
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:156
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:169
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:179
#: resources/views/modules/share-anniversary/share.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/table.phtml:31
msgid "Anniversary"
msgstr "Urteurrena"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CalendarPage.php:109
msgid "Anniversary calendar"
msgstr "Urteurrenen egutegia"

#: app/Gedcom.php:446
msgid "Annulment"
msgstr "Deuseztatzea"

#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:43
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Erantzuna"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:62
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Antartida"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:66
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr "Antigua eta Barbuda"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginPage.php:83
msgid "Anyone with a user account can access this website."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-kontua daukan edozeinek izanen du webgune honetan sartzeko aukera."

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:59
msgid "Apia, Samoa"
msgstr "Apia, Samoa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:513
msgid "Application ID"
msgstr "Aplikazioaren identifikatzailea"

#: app/Gedcom.php:530
msgid "Application name"
msgstr "Aplikazioaren izena"

#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:99
msgid "Apply privacy settings"
msgstr "Pribatutasun aukerak aplikatu"

#. I18N: Label for checkbox
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:732
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:298
msgid "Apply these preferences to all family trees"
msgstr "Lehentasun hauek zuhaitz guztiei aplikatu"

#. I18N: Label for checkbox
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:739
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:305
msgid "Apply these preferences to new family trees"
msgstr "Lehentasun hauek zuhaitz berriei aplikatu"

#: resources/views/admin/users.phtml:37
msgid "Approved"
msgstr "Onartua"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:106
msgid "Approved by administrator"
msgstr "Administratzaileak onartua"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:234
msgctxt "Abbreviation for April"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Api"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:131
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "April"
msgstr "Apirilaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:201
msgid "April"
msgstr "Apirila"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:166
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "April"
msgstr "Apirileko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:96
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:791
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:16
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "April"
msgstr "Apirila"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:150
msgid "Aqua Marine"
msgstr "Itsasoko ura"

#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-delete.phtml:21
#, php-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the link to “%s”?"
msgstr "Ziur zaude %s-rako lotura deuseztatu nahi duzula?"

#: resources/views/individual-page-name.phtml:90
#: resources/views/media-page-details.phtml:38
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this fact?"
msgstr "Ziur zaude gertaera hau deuseztatu nahi duzula?"

#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:53
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:135
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this message? It cannot be retrieved later."
msgstr "Ziur zaude mezu hau deuseztatu nahi duzula? Ez duzu berreskuratzeko modurik izanen."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaData.php:258
#: resources/views/admin/clean-data.phtml:42
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:118
#: resources/views/admin/users-table-options.phtml:46
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:174
#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-delete.phtml:16
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:121
#: resources/views/media-page-menu.phtml:84
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:104
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/list.phtml:46
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:88
#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/list.phtml:46
#: resources/views/record-page-menu.phtml:47
#, php-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete “%s”?"
msgstr "Ziur zaude %s deuseztatu nahi duzula?"

#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:106
msgid "Are you sure you want to reject all the changes to this family tree?"
msgstr "Ziur zaude zuhaitz honi egindako aldaketak alde batera utzi nahi dituzula?"

#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:36
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this item from your list of favorites?"
msgstr "Ziur zaude lotura hau lehenetsietatik deuseztatu nahi duzula?"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:56
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Argentina"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:15
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:14
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:14
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:15
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:10
msgctxt "font name"
msgid "Arial"
msgstr "Arial"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:58
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Armenia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:40
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Aruba"

#: resources/views/modules/html/config.phtml:45
msgid "As well as using the toolbar to apply HTML formatting, you can insert database fields which are updated automatically. These special fields are marked with <b>#</b> characters. For example <b>#totalFamilies#</b> will be replaced with the actual number of families in the database. Advanced users may wish to apply CSS classes to their text, so that the formatting matches the currently selected theme."
msgstr "HTML formatua aplikatzeko tresna-barra erabiltzeaz gain, automatikoki eguneratzen diren datu-baseko eremuak txerta ditzakezu. Eremu berezi horiek karaktere hauek dituzte: <b>#</b> . For example <b>#totalFamilies#</b> will be replaced with the actual number of families in the database. Advanced users may wish to apply CSS classes to their text, so that the formatting matches the currently selected theme."

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:152
msgid "Ash"
msgstr "Errauts kolorea"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:191
msgid "Asia"
msgstr "Asia"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:77 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:89
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:106 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:120
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:119 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:133
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:173 app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:63
#: app/Gedcom.php:584 app/Gedcom.php:901 app/Gedcom.php:915
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:105
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:109
msgid "Associate"
msgstr "Bazkideak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:263
msgid "Associate events with this source"
msgstr "Gertaerak iturri honekin lotu"

#: resources/views/modules/personal_facts/tab.phtml:34
msgid "Associated events"
msgstr "Elkartutako gertaerak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:61
msgid "Asunción, Paraguay"
msgstr "Asunción, Paraguai"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:433
msgid "At sea"
msgstr "At Ozeanoa"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:62
msgid "Atlanta, Georgia, United States"
msgstr "Atlanta, Georgia, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:94
msgid "Attendant"
msgstr "Zaindaria"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:73
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Attendant"
msgstr "Zaindaria"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:52
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Attendant"
msgstr "Zaindaria"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:95
msgid "Attending"
msgstr "Zaintzen"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:74
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Attending"
msgstr "Zaintzen"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:53
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Attending"
msgstr "Zaintzen"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:147 app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:79
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Audioa"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:238
msgctxt "Abbreviation for August"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Abu"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:135
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "August"
msgstr "Abuztuaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:205
msgid "August"
msgstr "Abuztua"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:170
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "August"
msgstr "Abuztuko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:100
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:795
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:20
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "August"
msgstr "Abuztua"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:68
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Australia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:70
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Austria"

#: app/Gedcom.php:829 resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:98
#: resources/views/modals/source-fields.phtml:32
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Egilea"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:61 app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:67
#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:72 app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:73
#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:75 app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:76
#: app/Gedcom.php:900 app/Gedcom.php:914 app/Gedcom.php:928 app/Gedcom.php:930
#: app/Gedcom.php:932 app/Gedcom.php:934 app/Gedcom.php:936 app/Gedcom.php:938
msgid "Author of last change"
msgstr "Azkeneko aldaketaren egilea"

#. I18N: Automatic suggestions when you type
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapAutocompletePage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:648
msgid "Autocomplete"
msgstr "Bere gisera bete"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:156
msgid "Automatically accept changes made by this user"
msgstr "Automatikoki onartzen ditu erabiltzaile honek egindako aldaketak"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:528
msgid "Automatically expand notes"
msgstr "Oharrak automatikoki zabaldu"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:542
msgid "Automatically expand sources"
msgstr "Iturriak automatikoki zabaldu"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:215
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Av"
msgstr "Av"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:319
msgid "Av"
msgstr "Av"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:267
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Av"
msgstr "Av"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:163
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Av"
msgstr "Av"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartAge.php:115
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriageAge.php:138
msgid "Average age"
msgstr "Batezbesteko adina"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:517
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartAge.php:135
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:60
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:222
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:91
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/lifespan.phtml:17
msgid "Average age at death"
msgstr "Heriotzeko batez besteko adina"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriageAge.php:158
msgid "Average age at marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontzeko batez besteko adina"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriageAge.php:155
msgid "Average age in century of marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontzeko batez besteko adina mendean"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartAge.php:132
msgid "Average age related to death century"
msgstr "Batezbesteko adina heriotza gertatu den mendearen arabera"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartChildren.php:88
msgid "Average number"
msgstr "Batezbesteko zenbakia"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartChildren.php:99
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:62
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:250
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:99
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/children.phtml:17
msgid "Average number of children per family"
msgstr "Familiko seme-alaba kopuruaren batezbestekoa"

#. I18N: help text for family tree / GEDCOM file names
#: resources/views/admin/trees-create.phtml:48
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:86
msgid "Avoid spaces and punctuation. A family name might be a good choice."
msgstr "Ahal bada ez utzi tarte eta puntuaziorik utzi. Familiaren izena paratzea aukera ona izaten ahal da."

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:281
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Azar"
msgid "Azar"
msgstr "Azar"

#. I18N: 9th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:155
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Azar"
msgstr "Azar"

#. I18N: 9th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:245
msgid "Azar"
msgstr "Azar"

#. I18N: 9th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:200
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Azar"
msgstr "Azar"

#. I18N: 9th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:110
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Azar"
msgstr "Azar"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:72
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Azerbaijan"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:74
msgid "Azores"
msgstr "Azoreak"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:283
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Bahman"
msgid "Bah"
msgstr "Bah"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:91
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Bahamak"

#. I18N: 11th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:159
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Bahman"
msgstr "Bahman"

#. I18N: 11th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:249
msgid "Bahman"
msgstr "Bahman"

#. I18N: 11th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:204
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Bahman"
msgstr "Bahman"

#. I18N: 11th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:114
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Bahman"
msgstr "Bahman"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:89
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Bahrain"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:85
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Bangladesh"

#: app/Gedcom.php:592 resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:189
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:16
msgid "Baptism"
msgstr "Bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:227
msgid "Baptism of a brother"
msgstr "Anaiaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:206
msgid "Baptism of a child"
msgstr "Semearen bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:205
msgid "Baptism of a daughter"
msgstr "Alabaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:275
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:298
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:321
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:398
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:416
msgid "Baptism of a grandchild"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:274
msgid "Baptism of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:297
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter"
msgid "Baptism of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:320
msgctxt "son’s daughter"
msgid "Baptism of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:273
msgid "Baptism of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:296
msgctxt "daughter’s son"
msgid "Baptism of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:319
msgctxt "son’s son"
msgid "Baptism of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:250
msgid "Baptism of a half-brother"
msgstr "Anaiordearen bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:252
msgid "Baptism of a half-sibling"
msgstr "Arreba/ahizpaordearen bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:251
msgid "Baptism of a half-sister"
msgstr "Ahizpaorde/arrebaordearen bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:229
msgid "Baptism of a sibling"
msgstr "Anaia baten bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:228
msgid "Baptism of a sister"
msgstr "Arreba/Ahizparen bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:204
msgid "Baptism of a son"
msgstr "Ume baten bataioa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:595 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:17
msgid "Bar mitzvah"
msgstr "Bar mitzvah"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:107
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Barbados"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:154
msgid "Base GEDCOM tag"
msgstr "GEDCOM oinarrizko etiketa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:598 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:18
msgid "Bat mitzvah"
msgstr "Bat mitzvah"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:73
msgid "Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States"
msgstr "Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:257
msgid "Begins with"
msgstr "Honela hasten da"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:97
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Belarus"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:154
msgid "Belgian Chocolate"
msgstr "Belgikako Txokolatea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:78
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "Belgika"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:99
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Belize"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:80
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Benin"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:101
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Bermuda"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:191
msgid "Bern, Switzerland"
msgstr "Bern, Suitza"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:96
msgid "Best man"
msgstr "Gizonik onena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:111
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Bhutan"

#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:79
msgid "Bibliography"
msgstr "Bibliografia"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:64
msgid "Billings, Montana, United States"
msgstr "Billings, Montana, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:782
msgid "Binary data object"
msgstr "Datu bitarren xedea"

#: app/Module/BingMaps.php:86 app/Module/MapLinkBing.php:42
msgid "Bing™ maps"
msgstr "Bing™ mapak"

#: app/Module/BingWebmasterToolsModule.php:41
msgid "Bing™ webmaster tools"
msgstr "Bing™ webmaster tresnak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:65
msgid "Birmingham, Alabama, United States"
msgstr "Birmingham, Alabama, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:601 app/Http/RequestHandlers/IndividualPage.php:195
#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:186
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:138
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:143
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:167
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:441
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:58
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:102
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:118
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:560
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:182
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:470
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:477
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:536
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:733
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:740
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:880
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1081
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1090
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:281
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:317
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:357
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:393
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:429
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:487
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:523
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:564
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:600
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:636
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:270
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:306
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:346
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:382
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:418
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:479
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:519
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:560
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:596
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:632
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:15
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:73
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:74
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:94
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:95
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:116
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:117
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:134
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:135
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:156
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:157
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:175
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:176
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:197
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:198
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:218
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:219
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:240
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:241
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:261
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:262
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:283
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:284
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:304
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:305
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:326
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:327
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:347
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:348
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:369
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:370
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:390
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:409
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:428
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:447
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:466
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:485
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:504
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:523
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:542
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:561
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:580
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:599
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:618
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:637
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:656
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:675
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:775
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:776
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:796
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:797
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:818
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:819
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:836
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:837
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:858
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:859
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:876
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:877
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:898
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:899
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:920
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:942
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:963
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:985
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1006
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1028
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1049
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1071
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1094
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1113
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1132
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1151
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1170
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1189
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1208
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1227
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1246
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1265
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1284
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1303
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1322
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1341
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1360
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1379
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:63
msgid "Birth"
msgstr "Jaiotza"

#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:80
msgctxt "Female pedigree"
msgid "Birth"
msgstr "Jaiotza"

#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:70
msgctxt "Male pedigree"
msgid "Birth"
msgstr "Jaiotza"

#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:90
msgctxt "Pedigree"
msgid "Birth"
msgstr "Jaiotza"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDistribution.php:301
msgid "Birth by country"
msgstr "Jaiotza herrialdeka"

#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:8
msgid "Birth date range end"
msgstr "Jaiotegun data-tartearen bukaera"

#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:7
msgid "Birth date range start"
msgstr "Jaiotegun data-tartearen hasiera"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:73
msgid "Birth name"
msgstr "Jaiotza-izena"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:217
msgid "Birth of a brother"
msgstr "Anaia baten jaiotza"

#: app/Module/PlacesModule.php:220 app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:196
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:436
msgid "Birth of a child"
msgstr "Seme-alaba baten jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:195
msgid "Birth of a daughter"
msgstr "Alaba baten jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:265
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:288
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:311
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:430
msgid "Birth of a grandchild"
msgstr "Bilobaren jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:264
msgid "Birth of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:287
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter"
msgid "Birth of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:310
msgctxt "son’s daughter"
msgid "Birth of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:263
msgid "Birth of a grandson"
msgstr "Biloba baten jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:286
msgctxt "daughter’s son"
msgid "Birth of a grandson"
msgstr "Biloba baten jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:309
msgctxt "son’s son"
msgid "Birth of a grandson"
msgstr "Biloba baten jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:240
msgid "Birth of a half-brother"
msgstr "Anaiordearen jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:242
msgid "Birth of a half-sibling"
msgstr "Anaia/arreba/ahizpaordearen jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:241
msgid "Birth of a half-sister"
msgstr "Erdi arreba/ahizparen jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:219
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:442
msgid "Birth of a sibling"
msgstr "Anaia/ahizpa/arrebaren jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:218
msgid "Birth of a sister"
msgstr "Arreba/Ahizparen jaiotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:194
msgid "Birth of a son"
msgstr "Semearen jaiotza"

#: app/Gedcom.php:603
msgid "Birth parents"
msgstr "Guraso biologikoak"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/places.phtml:18
msgid "Birth places"
msgstr "Jaiotzen lekuak"

#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:6
msgid "Birthplace contains"
msgstr "Jaiotza-lekuak zera dakar"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/Module/BirthReportModule.php:40
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:65
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:31
msgid "Births"
msgstr "Jaiotzak"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartBirth.php:111
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/individual-events.phtml:25
msgid "Births by century"
msgstr "Mendeko jaiotzak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:66
msgid "Bismarck, North Dakota, United States"
msgstr "Bismarck, North Dakota, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:605
msgid "Blessing"
msgstr "Bedeinkapena"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:80 resources/views/edit-blocks-block.phtml:24
msgid "Block"
msgstr "Blokea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesBlocksPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:634
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:94
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:96
msgid "Blocks"
msgstr "Blokeak"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:156
msgid "Blue Lagoon"
msgstr "Lagoon urdina"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:158
msgid "Blue Marine"
msgstr "Itsaso urdina"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:67
msgid "Bogotá, Colombia"
msgstr "Bogotá, Kolonbia"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:68
msgid "Boise, Idaho, United States"
msgstr "Boise, Idaho, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:103
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Bolivia"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:80
msgid "Book"
msgstr "Liburua"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsChildSealingDateStatus.php:60
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:61
msgid "Born in the covenant"
msgstr "Itunean jaioa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:93
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr "Bosnia eta Herzegovina"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:69
msgid "Boston, Massachusetts, United States"
msgstr "Boston, Massachusetts, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:87
msgid "Both alive"
msgstr "Biak bizirik"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:102
msgid "Both dead"
msgstr "Biak hilak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:115
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Botswana"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:70
msgid "Bountiful, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Bountiful, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:113
msgid "Bouvet Island"
msgstr "Bouvet Uhartea"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#. I18N: Branches of a family tree
#: app/Module/BranchesListModule.php:97 app/Module/BranchesListModule.php:236
msgid "Branches"
msgstr "Adarrak"

#. I18N: %s is a surname
#: app/Module/BranchesListModule.php:226
#, php-format
msgid "Branches of the %s family"
msgstr "%s familiaren adarrak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:105
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Brasil"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:97
msgid "Bridesmaid"
msgstr "Ohorezko dama"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:71
msgid "Brigham City, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Brigham City, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:72
msgid "Brisbane, Australia"
msgstr "Brisbane, Australia"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:94
msgid "Brit milah"
msgstr "Brit milah"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:255
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "Indian Ocean Territory Britaniarra"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:526
msgid "British Virgin Islands"
msgstr "Virgin Islands Britaniarra"

#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:327
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:316
msgid "Brother"
msgstr "Anaia"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:151
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Brumaire"
msgstr "Brumairearen"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:245
msgid "Brumaire"
msgstr "Brumaire"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:198
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Brumaire"
msgstr "Brumairean"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:103
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Brumaire"
msgstr "Brumaire"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:109
msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
msgstr "Brunei Darussalam"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:63
msgid "Buenos Aires, Argentina"
msgstr "Buenos Aires, Argentina"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:87
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Bulgaria"

#: app/Gedcom.php:608 resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:201
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:351
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:705
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1049
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:25
msgid "Burial"
msgstr "Ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:355
msgid "Burial of a brother"
msgstr "Anaiaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:339
msgid "Burial of a child"
msgstr "Seme-alaba baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:338
msgid "Burial of a daughter"
msgstr "Alaba baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:631
msgid "Burial of a father"
msgstr "Aitaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:393
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:411
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:429
msgid "Burial of a grandchild"
msgstr "Biloba baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:392
msgid "Burial of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Biloba baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:410
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter"
msgid "Burial of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Biloba baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:428
msgctxt "son’s daughter"
msgid "Burial of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Biloba baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:649
msgid "Burial of a grandfather"
msgstr "Atautxiaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:650
msgid "Burial of a grandmother"
msgstr "Amonaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:651
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:669
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:687
msgid "Burial of a grandparent"
msgstr "Atautxi/amautxi baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:391
msgid "Burial of a grandson"
msgstr "Biloba baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:409
msgctxt "daughter’s son"
msgid "Burial of a grandson"
msgstr "Biloba baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:427
msgctxt "son’s son"
msgid "Burial of a grandson"
msgstr "Biloba baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:373
msgid "Burial of a half-brother"
msgstr "Anaiordearen ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:375
msgid "Burial of a half-sibling"
msgstr "Erdi anai-arrebaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:374
msgid "Burial of a half-sister"
msgstr "Erdi arreba/ahizparen ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:801
msgid "Burial of a husband"
msgstr "Senarraren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:667
msgid "Burial of a maternal grandfather"
msgstr "Amaren aldeko atautxiaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:668
msgid "Burial of a maternal grandmother"
msgstr "Amaren aldeko amautxiaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:632
msgid "Burial of a mother"
msgstr "Amaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:633
msgid "Burial of a parent"
msgstr "Guraso baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:685
msgid "Burial of a paternal grandfather"
msgstr "Aitaren aldeko atautxiaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:686
msgid "Burial of a paternal grandmother"
msgstr "Aitaren aldeko amautxiaren ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:357
msgid "Burial of a sibling"
msgstr "Senide baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:356
msgid "Burial of a sister"
msgstr "Arreba/ahizpa baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:337
msgid "Burial of a son"
msgstr "Anaia baten ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:803
msgid "Burial of a spouse"
msgstr "Ezkontidearen ehorzketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:802
msgid "Burial of a wife"
msgstr "Emaztearen ehorzketa"

#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:5
msgid "Burial place contains"
msgstr "Ehorzketaren lekua"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/Module/CemeteryReportModule.php:40
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:34
msgid "Burials"
msgstr "Ehorzketak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:83
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Burkina Faso"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:76
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Burundi"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:98
msgid "Buyer"
msgstr "Eroslea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:75
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Buyer"
msgstr "Eroslea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:54
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Buyer"
msgstr "Eroslea"

#. I18N: Help text for the "Port number" site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:113
msgid "By default, SMTP works on port 25."
msgstr "Normalean, SMTP-ek 25. portuan egiten du lan."

#. I18N: Name of a module. CKEditor is a trademark. Do not translate it?
#: app/Module/CkeditorModule.php:43
msgid "CKEditor™"
msgstr "CKEditor™"

#. I18N: Name of a module.
#: app/Module/CustomCssJsModule.php:83
msgid "CSS and JS"
msgstr "CSS eta JS"

#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:74
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:33
msgid "Calculating…"
msgstr "Kalkulatzen…"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/CalendarMenuModule.php:42 app/Module/CalendarMenuModule.php:81
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/config.phtml:41
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Egutegia"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:108
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:110
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:113
msgid "Calendar conversion"
msgstr "Egutegiaren itzulketa"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:74
msgid "Calgary, Alberta, Canada"
msgstr "Calgary, Alberta, Kanada"

#: app/Gedcom.php:846 resources/views/modals/source-fields.phtml:52
msgid "Call number"
msgstr "Deiaren zenbakia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:282
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Kanbodia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:131
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Kamerun"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:75
msgid "Campinas, Brazil"
msgstr "Campinas, Brasil"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:119
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Kanada"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SitePreferencesAction.php:61
#, php-format
msgid "Cannot write to the folder “%s”."
msgstr ""

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:143
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Cabo Verde"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:76
msgid "Caracas, Venezuela"
msgstr "Caracas, Venezuela"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:81
msgid "Card"
msgstr "Txartela"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:56
msgid "Cardston, Alberta, Canada"
msgstr "Cardston, Alberta, Kanada"

#: app/Gedcom.php:611
msgid "Caste"
msgstr "Kasta"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:79
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategoriak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:144 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:200
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:138
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategoria"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:235 app/Gedcom.php:411 app/Gedcom.php:545
msgid "Cause"
msgstr "Arrazoia"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:114 app/Gedcom.php:638
msgid "Cause of death"
msgstr "Heriotzaren arrazoia"

#: resources/views/admin/synchronize-trees.phtml:30
#: resources/views/admin/trees-merge.phtml:66
#: resources/views/admin/trees-renumber.phtml:47
msgid "Caution! This may take a long time. Be patient."
msgstr "Kontuz! Lan honek luze iraunen dezake. Izan pazientzia pixka bat."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:153
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Cayman Uharteak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:77
msgid "Cebu City, Philippines"
msgstr "Cebu City, Filipinak"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:66
msgid "Cemetery"
msgstr "Kanposantua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:612
msgid "Census"
msgstr "Errolda"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/CensusAssistantModule.php:51
msgid "Census assistant"
msgstr "Errolda-laguntzailea"

#: app/Gedcom.php:613
#: resources/views/modules/GEDFact_assistant/select-census.phtml:16
msgid "Census date"
msgstr "Erroldaren data"

#: resources/views/modules/GEDFact_assistant/select-census.phtml:15
msgid "Census date and place"
msgstr "Erroldaren data eta lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:614
msgid "Census place"
msgstr "Erroldaren lekua"

#: resources/views/modules/census-assistant.phtml:112
msgid "Census transcript"
msgstr "Erroldaren transkripzioa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:117
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "Central African Errepublika"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:980
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartAge.php:112
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartAge.php:142
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartBirth.php:96
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartChildren.php:87
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartChildren.php:112
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDeath.php:96
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDivorce.php:96
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriage.php:96
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriageAge.php:135
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriageAge.php:165
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMortality.php:64
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartNoChildrenFamilies.php:96
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartNoChildrenFamilies.php:132
msgid "Century"
msgstr "Mendea"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/CustomTags/Geneatique.php:57 app/CustomTags/Geneatique.php:58
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:82
msgid "Certificate"
msgstr "Ziurtagiria"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:480
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Txad"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ChangeFamilyMembersPage.php:44
#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:35
msgid "Change family members"
msgstr "Familiko kideak aldatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePageEdit.php:64
msgid "Change the “Home page” blocks"
msgstr "Hasierako orriaren blokeak aldatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserPageEdit.php:62
msgid "Change the “My page” blocks"
msgstr "Aldatu \"Nire orria\"-ren blokeak"

#. I18N: [a record was] Changed on <date/time>
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-list.phtml:52
#, php-format
msgid "Changed by %1$s"
msgstr "%1$s-(a)k aldatua"

#. I18N: [a record was] Changed on <date/time>
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-list.phtml:50
#, php-format
msgid "Changed on %1$s"
msgstr "%1$s-(e)an aldatua"

#. I18N: [a record was] Changed on <date/time> by <user>
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-list.phtml:48
#, php-format
msgid "Changed on %1$s by %2$s"
msgstr "%2$s-(a)k aldatua %1$s-e(an)"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/Module/ChangeReportModule.php:44
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:150
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:51
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:50
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:44
msgid "Changes"
msgstr "Aldaketak"

#: app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:175
#, php-format
msgid "Changes in the last %s day"
msgid_plural "Changes in the last %s days"
msgstr[0] "Aldaketak azkeneko %s egunean"
msgstr[1] "Azkeneko %s egunetan egindako aldaketak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChangesLogPage.php:95
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:211
msgid "Changes log"
msgstr "Aldaketen erregistroa"

#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:79
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:82
msgid "Character encoding"
msgstr "Karaktereen kodifikazioa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:499
msgid "Character set"
msgstr "Karaktereen sorta"

#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:224
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:227
msgid "Chart"
msgstr "Grafikoa"

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:431
msgid "Chart preferences"
msgstr "Grafikoen hobespenak"

#: resources/views/modules/charts/config.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:155
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:157
msgid "Chart type"
msgstr "Grafiko mota"

#. I18N: Name of a module/block
#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesChartsPage.php:43
#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:65 app/Module/ChartsMenuModule.php:56
#: app/Module/ChartsMenuModule.php:104
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:692
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:102
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:104
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:392
msgid "Charts"
msgstr "Grafikoak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:324
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:185
msgid "Check for errors"
msgstr "Akatsak bilatu"

#: app/Module/CheckForNewVersion.php:66
msgid "Check for new version"
msgstr "Bertsio berririk ote dagoen begiratu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardPage.php:120
msgid "Check for pending changes…"
msgstr "Gorde gabeko aldaketarik ote den begiratzen…"

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:61
msgid "Checking server capacity"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren edukia baieztatzen"

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:44
msgid "Checking server configuration"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren konfigurazioa begiratzen"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:78
msgid "Chicago, Illinois, United States"
msgstr "Chicago, Illinois, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:452 resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:62
#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:73
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/previous.phtml:42
msgid "Child"
msgstr "Seme-alaba"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:388
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:480
msgid "Child of "
msgstr "Noren seme-alaba: "

#. I18N: e.g. “Child of [father name & mother name]”
#: app/Module/InteractiveTree/TreeView.php:371
#, php-format
msgid "Child of %s"
msgstr "%s-ren seme-alaba"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/FamilyPage.php:153
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/IndividualPage.php:225
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:422
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:714
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:161
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:175
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/previous.phtml:40
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:216
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:761
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:122
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Seme-alabak"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/children.phtml:10
msgid "Children in family"
msgstr "Seme-alabak familian"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:391
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:483
msgid "Children of "
msgstr "Noren seme-alabak: "

#. I18N: In the Icelandic surname tradition, ...
#: app/SurnameTradition/IcelandicSurnameTradition.php:52
msgid "Children take a patronym instead of a surname."
msgstr "Seme-alabek patrimonimikoa hartzen dute abizena hartu beharrean."

#. I18N: In the Spanish surname tradition, ...
#: app/SurnameTradition/SpanishSurnameTradition.php:53
msgid "Children take one surname from the father and one surname from the mother."
msgstr "Seme-alabek aitaren abizen bat hartzen dute eta amaren abizen bat ere."

#. I18N: In the Portuguese surname tradition, ...
#: app/SurnameTradition/PortugueseSurnameTradition.php:53
msgid "Children take one surname from the mother and one surname from the father."
msgstr "Seme-alabek amaren abizen bat hartzen dute eta aitaren abizen bat ere."

#. I18N: In the patrilineal surname tradition, ...
#: app/SurnameTradition/LithuanianSurnameTradition.php:76
#: app/SurnameTradition/PaternalSurnameTradition.php:50
#: app/SurnameTradition/PatrilinealSurnameTradition.php:50
#: app/SurnameTradition/PolishSurnameTradition.php:66
msgid "Children take their father’s surname."
msgstr "Seme-alabek aitaren abizena hartzen dute."

#. I18N: In the matrilineal surname tradition, ...
#: app/SurnameTradition/MatrilinealSurnameTradition.php:50
msgid "Children take their mother’s surname."
msgstr "Seme-alabek amaren abizena hartzen dute."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:125
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Txile"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:127
msgid "China"
msgstr "Txina"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ReportListPage.php:63
msgid "Choose a report to run"
msgstr "Landu beharreko zerrenda aukeratu"

#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:6
msgid "Choose relatives"
msgstr "Senideak aukeratu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteRegistrationPage.php:51
msgid "Choose user defined welcome text typed below"
msgstr "Harrera testoa aukeratu"

#: app/Gedcom.php:619 resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:206
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:560
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:904
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:16
msgid "Christening"
msgstr "Bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:222
msgid "Christening of a brother"
msgstr "Anaiaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:201
msgid "Christening of a child"
msgstr "Seme-alabaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:200
msgid "Christening of a daughter"
msgstr "Alabaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:270
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:293
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:316
msgid "Christening of a grandchild"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:269
msgid "Christening of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:292
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter"
msgid "Christening of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa (alabaren alaba)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:315
msgctxt "son’s daughter"
msgid "Christening of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa (semearen alaba)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:268
msgid "Christening of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa (gizonezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:291
msgctxt "daughter’s son"
msgid "Christening of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa (alabaren semea)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:314
msgctxt "son’s son"
msgid "Christening of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren bataioa (semearen semea)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:245
msgid "Christening of a half-brother"
msgstr "Anaiordearen bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:247
msgid "Christening of a half-sibling"
msgstr "Anaia/ahizpa/arrebaordearen bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:246
msgid "Christening of a half-sister"
msgstr "Erdi arreba/ahizpa-ren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:224
msgid "Christening of a sibling"
msgstr "Anai-arrebaren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:223
msgid "Christening of a sister"
msgstr "Arreba-ahizpa-ren bataioa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:199
msgid "Christening of a son"
msgstr "Semearen bataioa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:151
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "Christmas Uharteak"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:99
msgid "Circumciser"
msgstr "Zirkunzisioaren egilea"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:113
msgid "Circumcision"
msgstr "Zirkunzisioa"

#: resources/views/modules/census-assistant.phtml:37
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "Zitazioa"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:130 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:184
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:278 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:311
#: app/Gedcom.php:440 app/Gedcom.php:494 app/Gedcom.php:572 app/Gedcom.php:683
#: app/Gedcom.php:755 app/Gedcom.php:779 app/Gedcom.php:803 app/Gedcom.php:912
#: app/Gedcom.php:926 resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:74
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:161
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:277
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:323
msgid "Citation details"
msgstr "Aipamenaren xehetasunak"

#: app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:55
msgid "Citizenship"
msgstr "Herritartasuna"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:230 app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:69
#: app/Gedcom.php:406 app/Gedcom.php:519 app/Gedcom.php:539 app/Gedcom.php:810
#: app/Gedcom.php:857
msgid "City"
msgstr "Hiria/Herria"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:79
msgid "Ciudad Juárez, Mexico"
msgstr "Ciudad Juárez, Mexiko"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:61 app/Elements/MarriageType.php:63
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:202
msgid "Civil marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontza zibila"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:100
msgid "Civil registrar"
msgstr "Erregistratzaile zibila"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:76
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Civil registrar"
msgstr "Erregistratzaile zibila"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:55
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Civil registrar"
msgstr "Erregistratzaile zibila"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CleanDataFolder.php:100
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:268
msgid "Clean up data folder"
msgstr "Datuen karpeta garbitu"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:211
msgid "Clippings cart"
msgstr "Eskaeren saskia"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:83
msgid "Coat of arms"
msgstr "Armarria"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:80
msgid "Cochabamba, Bolivia"
msgstr "Cochabamba, Bolivia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:121
msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
msgstr "Cocos (Keeling) Uharteak"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:160
msgid "Coffee and Cream"
msgstr "Kafe krema"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:162
msgid "Cold Day"
msgstr "Egun hotza"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:139
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Kolonbia"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:81
msgid "Colonia Juárez, Mexico"
msgstr "Colonia Juárez, Mexiko"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:86
msgid "Columbia River, Washington, United States"
msgstr "Columbia River, Washington, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:82
msgid "Columbia, South Carolina, United States"
msgstr "Columbia, South Carolina, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:83
msgid "Columbus, Ohio, United States"
msgstr "Columbus, Ohio, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:62 app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:68
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentarioa"

#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-html.phtml:34
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-text.phtml:28
#: resources/views/modules/census-assistant.phtml:79
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:85
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Komentarioak"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:63
msgid "Common law marriage"
msgstr "Izatezko ezkontza"

#. I18N: Description of the “Messages” module
#: app/Module/UserMessagesModule.php:76
msgid "Communicate directly with other users, using private messages."
msgstr "Bertze erabiltzaileekin zuzenean komunikatu mezu pribatuak erabiliz."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:141
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Comoros"

#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#: app/Module/CompactTreeChartModule.php:75
msgid "Compact tree"
msgstr "Zuhaitz trinkoa"

#. I18N: %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Module/CompactTreeChartModule.php:121
#, php-format
msgid "Compact tree of %s"
msgstr "%s-ren zuhaitz trinkoa"

#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:44
msgid "Comparison"
msgstr "Aldaraketa"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsBaptismDateStatus.php:71
#: app/Elements/LdsChildSealingDateStatus.php:64
#: app/Elements/LdsEndowmentDateStatus.php:72
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:77
#: app/Elements/LdsSpouseSealingDateStatus.php:74
msgid "Completed before 1970; date not available"
msgstr "1970ean baino lehen osatua; ez dago ikusgai"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsBaptismDateStatus.php:67
#: app/Elements/LdsEndowmentDateStatus.php:68
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:67
#: app/Elements/LdsSpouseSealingDateStatus.php:66
msgid "Completed; date unknown"
msgstr "Osatua; data ez da ezagutzen"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:145 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:201
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:139
msgid "Completion date"
msgstr "Osaketaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:625 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:19
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Konfirmazioa"

#: resources/views/setup/step-3-database-type.phtml:37
msgid "Connection to database server"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren datu-basearekiko koneksioa"

#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:49
msgid "Connection type"
msgstr ""

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/ContactsFooterModule.php:55
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:150
msgid "Contact information"
msgstr "Kontakturako informazioa"

#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:135
msgid "Contact method"
msgstr "Harremanetan jartzeko modua"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:258
msgid "Contains"
msgstr "Edukiak"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/edit.phtml:37
#: resources/views/modules/html/config.phtml:41
#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/edit.phtml:37
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Edukia"

#: app/Gedcom.php:767
msgid "Continuation"
msgstr "Jarraipena"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ControlPanel.php:148
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataAdd.php:93
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataEdit.php:89
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataList.php:110
#: app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:231 app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:235
#: resources/views/admin/analytics-edit.phtml:19
#: resources/views/admin/broadcast.phtml:20
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:33
#: resources/views/admin/clean-data.phtml:17
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:30
#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-page.phtml:26
#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-select.phtml:22
#: resources/views/admin/email-page.phtml:22
#: resources/views/admin/fix-level-0-media.phtml:17
#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:19
#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:20
#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:23
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:43
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:25
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:37
#: resources/views/admin/server-information.phtml:15
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:31
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:31
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:18
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:18
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:27
#: resources/views/admin/trees-check.phtml:22
#: resources/views/admin/trees-create.phtml:17
#: resources/views/admin/trees-duplicates.phtml:20
#: resources/views/admin/trees-export.phtml:22
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:25
#: resources/views/admin/trees-merge.phtml:21
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:40
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:24
#: resources/views/admin/trees-renumber.phtml:19
#: resources/views/admin/trees-unconnected.phtml:24
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:43
#: resources/views/admin/upgrade/steps.phtml:16
#: resources/views/admin/upgrade/wizard.phtml:17
#: resources/views/admin/users-cleanup.phtml:23
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:21
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:30
#: resources/views/admin/users.phtml:17
#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/bing-maps/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/custom-css-js/edit.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:22
#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/geonames/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/google-maps/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/here-maps/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/map-box/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/openrouteservice/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/config.phtml:22
#: resources/views/modules/sitemap/config.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/stories/edit.phtml:24
msgid "Control panel"
msgstr "Kontrol-panela"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/FixCemeteryTag.php:58 app/Module/FixNameTags.php:82
#: app/Module/FixPrimaryTag.php:59 app/Module/FixWtObjeSortTag.php:59
#, php-format
msgid "Convert %s tags to GEDCOM 5.5.1"
msgstr "%s etiketak GEDCOM 5.5.1-era aldatu"

#. I18N: Label for option
#: resources/views/modules/fix-ceme-tag/options.phtml:16
msgid "Convert to"
msgstr "Honetara aldatu"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:137
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "Cook Uharteak"

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:32
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr "Cookie-ak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:246 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:258
#: app/Gedcom.php:424 app/Gedcom.php:556
msgid "Coordinates"
msgstr "Koordenadak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:84
msgid "Copenhagen, Denmark"
msgstr "Copenhagen, Danimarka"

#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-copy.phtml:15
#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-copy.phtml:17
#: resources/views/individual-page-name.phtml:84
#: resources/views/individual-page-name.phtml:86
#: resources/views/modules/share-url/share.phtml:18
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiatu"

#. I18N: Copy all the records from [family tree 1] into [family tree 2]
#: resources/views/admin/trees-merge.phtml:50
#, php-format
msgid "Copy all the records from %1$s into %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s familiaren datu guztiak %2$s-ra kopiatu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardPage.php:124
msgid "Copy files…"
msgstr "Artxiboak kopiatzen…"

#: app/Module/ShareUrlModule.php:51
msgid "Copy the URL of the record to the clipboard"
msgstr "Erregistroaren URL lotura arbelean kopiatu"

#: app/Gedcom.php:501 app/Gedcom.php:528
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "Egilearen eskubiak (Copyright)"

#: app/Gedcom.php:514
msgid "Corporation"
msgstr "Korporazioa"

#. I18N: Description of a “Data fix” module
#: app/Module/FixNameSlashesAndSpaces.php:67
msgid "Correct NAME records of the form “John/DOE/” or “John /DOE”, as produced by older genealogy programs."
msgstr "Genealogia programa zaharrek sortutako “John/DOE/” edo “John /DOE” moduko NAME erregistroak zuzendu."

#: app/Elements/ResearchTaskStatus.php:52 app/Elements/ResearchTaskType.php:51
msgid "Correspondence"
msgstr "Gutunak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:145
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Costa Rica"

#: resources/views/verify-failure-page.phtml:19
msgid "Could not verify the information you entered. Please try again or contact the site administrator for more information."
msgstr "Sartu duzun informazioa ezin izan da egiaztatu. Saia zaitez berriro edo jarri harremanetan administratzailearekin."

#. I18N: Description of the “Hit counters” module
#: app/Module/HitCountFooterModule.php:84
msgid "Count the visits to each page"
msgstr "Orri bakoitzak dituen bisitak kontatu"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:231 app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:70
#: app/Gedcom.php:407 app/Gedcom.php:520 app/Gedcom.php:540 app/Gedcom.php:811
#: app/Gedcom.php:858 app/Statistics/Google/ChartDistribution.php:108
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Herrialdea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaData.php:254
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Sortu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateTreePage.php:56
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:315
msgid "Create a family tree"
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogikoa sortu"

#: app/Elements/XrefLocation.php:60
#: resources/views/modals/create-location.phtml:16
msgid "Create a location"
msgstr "Kokapena sortu"

#: app/Elements/XrefMedia.php:62
#: resources/views/modals/create-media-from-file.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modals/create-media-object.phtml:19
msgid "Create a media object"
msgstr "Multimedia-objektu bat sortu"

#: app/Elements/XrefRepository.php:65
#: resources/views/modals/create-repository.phtml:18
msgid "Create a repository"
msgstr "Gordailua sortu"

#: app/Elements/XrefNote.php:60 app/Elements/XrefSharedNote.php:60
#: resources/views/modals/create-note-object.phtml:16
msgid "Create a shared note"
msgstr "Ohar partekatu bat sortu"

#: resources/views/modules/census-assistant.phtml:17
msgid "Create a shared note using the census assistant"
msgstr "Ohar partekatu bat sortu zentsuaren laguntzailea erabiliz"

#: app/Elements/XrefSource.php:74 resources/views/modals/create-source.phtml:16
msgid "Create a source"
msgstr "Iturria berria sortu"

#: app/Elements/XrefSubmission.php:60
#: resources/views/modals/create-submission.phtml:16
msgid "Create a submission"
msgstr "Aurkezpena sortu"

#: app/Elements/XrefSubmitter.php:60
#: resources/views/modals/create-submitter.phtml:16
msgid "Create a submitter"
msgstr "Bidaltzaile bat sortu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardPage.php:119
msgid "Create a temporary folder…"
msgstr "Behin behineko artxiboa sortu…"

#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:80
msgid "Create a unique filename"
msgstr "Berdingabeko artxibo-izen bat sortu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddUnlinkedPage.php:72
msgid "Create an individual"
msgstr "Gizabanako bat sortu"

#. I18N: %s is a link/URL
#: app/Module/BingMaps.php:51 app/Module/EsriMaps.php:51
#: app/Module/GoogleMaps.php:51 app/Module/HereMaps.php:51
#: app/Module/MapBox.php:51 app/Module/OpenStreetMap.php:41
#, php-format
msgid "Create maps using %s."
msgstr "Mapa sortu %s erabiliz."

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:20
msgid "Create your own chart"
msgstr "Sortu zeure grafikoa"

#: resources/views/admin/synchronize-trees.phtml:20
msgid "Create, update, and delete a family tree for every GEDCOM file in the data folder."
msgstr "Datuen karpetako GEDCOM fitxategi bakoitzerako zuhaitz genealogiko bat sortu, eguneratu eta ezabatu."

#. I18N: GEDCOM tag _CREA
#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:74 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:93
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:125 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:140
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:144 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:153
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:161 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:170
#: app/CustomTags/Heredis.php:53 app/CustomTags/Heredis.php:54
msgid "Created at"
msgstr "Non sortua"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:94 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:126
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:141 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:145
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:154 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:162
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:171 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:138
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:194
msgid "Creation date"
msgstr "Sortu zeneko data"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:95 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:127
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:142 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:146
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:155 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:163
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:172
msgid "Creation time"
msgstr "Sortzeko denbora"

#: app/Gedcom.php:634 resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:315
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:342
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:669
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:696
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1013
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1040
msgid "Cremation"
msgstr "Errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:360
msgid "Cremation of a brother"
msgstr "Anaiaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:344
msgid "Cremation of a child"
msgstr "Seme-alabaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:343
msgid "Cremation of a daughter"
msgstr "Alabaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:636
msgid "Cremation of a father"
msgstr "Aitaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:434
msgid "Cremation of a grandchild"
msgstr "Bilobaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:397
msgid "Cremation of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren errausketa (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:415
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter"
msgid "Cremation of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren errausketa (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:433
msgctxt "son’s daughter"
msgid "Cremation of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren errausketa (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:654
msgid "Cremation of a grandfather"
msgstr "Atautxiaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:655
msgid "Cremation of a grandmother"
msgstr "Amonaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:656
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:674
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:692
msgid "Cremation of a grandparent"
msgstr "Atautxi-amautxiaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:396
msgid "Cremation of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:414
msgctxt "daughter’s son"
msgid "Cremation of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren errausketa (alabaren semea)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:432
msgctxt "son’s son"
msgid "Cremation of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren errausketa (semearen semea)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:378
msgid "Cremation of a half-brother"
msgstr "Anaiordearen errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:380
msgid "Cremation of a half-sibling"
msgstr "Anaia/ahizpa/arrebaordearen errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:379
msgid "Cremation of a half-sister"
msgstr "Ahizpa/arrebaordearen errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:806
msgid "Cremation of a husband"
msgstr "Senarraren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:672
msgid "Cremation of a maternal grandfather"
msgstr "Amaren aldeko atautxiaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:673
msgid "Cremation of a maternal grandmother"
msgstr "Amaren aldeko amautxiaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:637
msgid "Cremation of a mother"
msgstr "Amaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:638
msgid "Cremation of a parent"
msgstr "Guraso baten errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:690
msgid "Cremation of a paternal grandfather"
msgstr "Aitaren aldeko atautxiaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:691
msgid "Cremation of a paternal grandmother"
msgstr "Aitaren aldeko amautxiaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:362
msgid "Cremation of a sibling"
msgstr "Anai-arrebaren errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:361
msgid "Cremation of a sister"
msgstr "Arreba/ahizparen errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:342
msgid "Cremation of a son"
msgstr "Semearen errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:808
msgid "Cremation of a spouse"
msgstr "Ezkontidearen errausketa"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:807
msgid "Cremation of a wife"
msgstr "Emaztearen errausketa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:243
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "Kroazia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:147
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Kuba"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:149
msgid "Curaçao"
msgstr "Curaçao"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:87
msgid "Curitiba, Brazil"
msgstr "Curitiba, Brasil"

#: app/Module/HtmlBlockModule.php:192 app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:159
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Pertsonalizatu"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:104 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1020
msgid "Custom GEDCOM tags"
msgstr "GEDCOM etiketak pertsonalizatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:215
msgid "Custom GEDCOM tags are discouraged. Try to use only standard GEDCOM tags."
msgstr "GEDCOM etiketa pertsonalizatuak ez dira gomendatzen. Saiatu GEDCOM etiketa estandarrak soilik erabiltzen."

#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:207
msgid "Custom event"
msgstr "Pertsonalizatutako gertakizuna"

#: resources/views/admin/custom-module-info.phtml:14
msgid "Custom module"
msgstr "Pertsonalizatutako moduloa"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:38
msgid "Custom welcome text"
msgstr "Ongietorri-mezua pertsonalizatua"

#: app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:211 app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:215
msgid "Customize this page"
msgstr "Orri hau pertsonalizatu"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:155
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Chipre"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:157
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Txekia"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:85
msgid "Córdoba, Argentina"
msgstr "Córdoba, Argentina"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:129
msgid "Côte d’Ivoire"
msgstr "Boli Kosta"

#. I18N:
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:196
msgid "DKIM digital signature"
msgstr "DKIM sinadura digitala"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:116 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:72
msgid "DNA markers"
msgstr "DNA markagailuak"

#. I18N:–Mokotoff_Soundex
#: app/Soundex.php:608 resources/views/branches-page.phtml:42
#: resources/views/search-phonetic-page.phtml:77
msgid "Daitch-Mokotoff"
msgstr "Daitch-Mokotoff"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:88
msgid "Dallas, Texas, United States"
msgstr "Dallas, Texas, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:123 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:177
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:271 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:304
#: app/Gedcom.php:433 app/Gedcom.php:487 app/Gedcom.php:527 app/Gedcom.php:565
#: app/Gedcom.php:676 app/Gedcom.php:748 app/Gedcom.php:772 app/Gedcom.php:796
#: app/Gedcom.php:834 app/Gedcom.php:905 app/Gedcom.php:919
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:139
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Datuak"

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:71
msgid "Data controller"
msgstr "Datuen arduraduna"

#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-page.phtml:72
#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-select.phtml:29
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:216
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:219
msgid "Data fix"
msgstr "Datuak moldatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DataFixChoose.php:63
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DataFixPage.php:85
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:258
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesDataFixesPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:713
#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-page.phtml:26
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:98
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:100
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:153
msgid "Data fixes"
msgstr "Datuen moldaketak"

#: resources/views/help/data-fixes.phtml:10
msgid "Data fixes can require lots of slow calculations, so it is not possible to create an exact list of records that need to be updated."
msgstr "Datuen moldaketak kalkulu aunitz behar dituenez, ez dago moldatu beharreko erregistroen zerrendarik egiterik."

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:27
msgid "Data folder"
msgstr "Datuen artxiboa"

#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:36
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:36
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlite.phtml:41
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:36
msgid "Database connection"
msgstr "Lotura datu-baseekin"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:81
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:125
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:91
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlite.phtml:54
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:91
msgid "Database name"
msgstr "Datu-basearen izena"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:82
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:115
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:82
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:82
msgid "Database password"
msgstr "Datu-basearen pasahitza"

#: resources/views/setup/step-3-database-type.phtml:54
msgid "Database type"
msgstr "Datu-basearen mota"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:84
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:105
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:73
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:73
msgid "Database user account"
msgstr "Datu-basearen erabiltzailearen izena"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:80 app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:72
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeBuilder.php:58 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:118
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:172 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:215
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:264 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:281
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:285 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:289
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:295 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:301
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:58 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:83
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:122 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:144
#: app/CustomTags/TheMasterGenealogist.php:53 app/Gedcom.php:412
#: app/Gedcom.php:502 app/Gedcom.php:529 app/Gedcom.php:546
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:206
#: app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:65 app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:69
#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:31 resources/views/help/date.phtml:145
#: resources/views/lists/anniversaries-table.phtml:37
#: resources/views/modules/todo/research-tasks.phtml:29
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:52
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:132
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:158
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:192
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:40
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:46
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:72
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:159
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:46
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:57
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"

#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:37
msgid "Date differences"
msgstr "Adinen diferentziak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:587
msgid "Date of LDS baptism"
msgstr "LDS bataioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:741
msgid "Date of LDS child sealing"
msgstr "Bataioaren LDS markaketaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:629
msgid "Date of LDS confirmation"
msgstr "LDS konfirmazioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:649
msgid "Date of LDS endowment"
msgstr "LDS inbestiduraren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:481
msgid "Date of LDS spouse sealing"
msgstr "LDS markaketaren data ezkontiarekin"

#: app/Gedcom.php:577
msgid "Date of adoption"
msgstr "Adopzioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:593 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:129
msgid "Date of baptism"
msgstr "Bataioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:596 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:212
msgid "Date of bar mitzvah"
msgstr "Bar mitzvah-aren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:599 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:253
msgid "Date of bat mitzvah"
msgstr "Bat mitzvah-aren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:602 resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:68
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:272
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:81
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:49
msgid "Date of birth"
msgstr "Jaiotzaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:606
msgid "Date of blessing"
msgstr "Bedeinkazioaren data"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:95
msgid "Date of brit milah"
msgstr "Brit milah-aren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:609 resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:52
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:546
msgid "Date of burial"
msgstr "Ehozketaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:620 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:170
msgid "Date of christening"
msgstr "Bataioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:626 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:294
msgid "Date of confirmation"
msgstr "Konfirmazioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:635
msgid "Date of cremation"
msgstr "Errausketaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:639 resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:46
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:274
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:505
msgid "Date of death"
msgstr "Heriotzaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:454
msgid "Date of divorce"
msgstr "Dibortzioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:646
msgid "Date of emigration"
msgstr "Emigrazioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:457 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:336
msgid "Date of engagement"
msgstr "Hitzematearen data"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:124 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:178
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:272 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:305
#: app/Gedcom.php:434 app/Gedcom.php:488 app/Gedcom.php:566 app/Gedcom.php:677
#: app/Gedcom.php:749 app/Gedcom.php:773 app/Gedcom.php:797 app/Gedcom.php:906
#: app/Gedcom.php:920
msgid "Date of entry in original source"
msgstr "Jatorri-iturriaren sarrera data"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:236 app/Gedcom.php:655
msgid "Date of event"
msgstr "Gertaeraren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:665 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:378
msgid "Date of first communion"
msgstr "Lehenbiziko komunioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:672
msgid "Date of immigration"
msgstr "Inmigrazioaren data"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:222 app/Gedcom.php:449 app/Gedcom.php:616
#: app/Gedcom.php:763 app/Gedcom.php:784 app/Gedcom.php:815 app/Gedcom.php:831
#: app/Gedcom.php:862 app/Gedcom.php:878
msgid "Date of last change"
msgstr "Azken aldaketaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:468 resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:319
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:463
msgid "Date of marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontzaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:463 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:420
msgid "Date of marriage banns"
msgstr "Amonestazioen data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:714
msgid "Date of naturalization"
msgstr "Naturalizazioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:724
msgid "Date of ordination"
msgstr "Ordenazioaren data"

#: app/Gedcom.php:732
msgid "Date of residence"
msgstr "Bizileku baimenaren data"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:133
msgid "Date of status change"
msgstr "Egoera-aldaketaren data"

#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:107
msgid "Date period"
msgstr "Daten arteko denbora-tartea"

#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:100
msgid "Date periods are used to indicate that a fact, such as an occupation, continued for a period of time."
msgstr "Denbora-tarteak gertaera batek jarraitzen duela baieztatzeko erabiltzen dira."

#: app/Gedcom.php:837 resources/views/help/date.phtml:69
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:96
msgid "Date range"
msgstr "Daten arteko data-rangoa"

#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:62
msgid "Date ranges are used to indicate that an event, such as a birth, happened on an unknown date within a possible range."
msgstr "Denbora-tarteak gertaera bat, bataio bat errate baterako, aurkitzeko balio dute, data zehatzik ezagutzen ez dugunean."

#: resources/views/admin/users.phtml:33
msgid "Date registered"
msgstr "Erregistroaren data"

#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:71
msgid "Date sent"
msgstr "Bidalketaren data"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Calendar conversion” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:129
#, php-format
msgid "Dates are only converted if they are valid for the calendar. For example, only dates between %1$s and %2$s will be converted to the French calendar and only dates after %3$s will be converted to the Gregorian calendar."
msgstr "Datak egutegi motarako balio dutenean bakarrik itzultzen dira. Errate baterako sistema frantziarrera %1$s eta %2$s-ren arteko datak itzuliko dira, eta %3$s-aren ondoko datak itzuliko dira sistema Gregoriarrera."

#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:24
msgid "Dates are stored using English abbreviations and keywords. Shortcuts are available as alternatives to these abbreviations and keywords."
msgstr "Datak laburdurak eta gako-hitzak ingelesa erabiliz gordetzen dira. Lasterbideak, laburdura eta gako-hitz horien ordezko gisa erabil daitezke."

#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:60
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:809
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:570
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:566
msgid "Daughter"
msgstr "Alaba"

#. I18N: e.g. “Daughter of [father name & mother name]”
#: app/Module/InteractiveTree/TreeView.php:367
#, php-format
msgid "Daughter of %s"
msgstr "%s-ren alaba"

#: app/Module/CalendarMenuModule.php:91 resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:43
msgid "Day"
msgstr "Eguna"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CalendarEvents.php:207
msgid "Day not set"
msgstr "Zehaztu gabeko eguna"

#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:143
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:145
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:147
msgid "Day:"
msgstr "Eguna:"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMortality.php:76
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:120
msgid "Dead"
msgstr "Hildakoak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:637 app/Http/RequestHandlers/IndividualPage.php:204
#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:198
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:125
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:130
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:177
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/table.phtml:29
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:457
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:87
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:102
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:118
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:594
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:289
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:470
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:477
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:643
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:733
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:740
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:987
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1081
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1090
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:281
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:317
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:357
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:393
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:429
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:487
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:523
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:564
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:600
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:636
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:270
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:306
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:346
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:382
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:418
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:479
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:519
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:560
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:596
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:632
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:24
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:80
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:81
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:101
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:102
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:119
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:120
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:141
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:142
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:159
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:160
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:182
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:183
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:200
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:201
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:225
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:226
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:243
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:244
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:268
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:269
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:286
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:287
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:311
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:312
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:329
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:330
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:354
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:355
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:372
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:373
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:395
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:411
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:433
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:449
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:471
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:487
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:509
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:525
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:547
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:563
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:585
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:601
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:623
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:639
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:661
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:677
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:782
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:783
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:803
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:804
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:821
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:822
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:843
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:844
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:861
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:862
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:883
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:884
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:901
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:902
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:927
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:945
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:970
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:988
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1013
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1031
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1056
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1074
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1096
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1115
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1134
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1153
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1172
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1191
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1210
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1229
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1248
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1267
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1286
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1305
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1324
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1343
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1362
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1381
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:69
msgid "Death"
msgstr "Heriotza"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDistribution.php:306
msgid "Death by country"
msgstr "Heriotzak herrialdeka"

#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:8
msgid "Death date range end"
msgstr "Heriotza-data tartearen bukaera"

#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:7
msgid "Death date range start"
msgstr "Heriotza-data tartearen hasiera"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:350
msgid "Death of a brother"
msgstr "Anaiaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:334
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:482
msgid "Death of a child"
msgstr "Seme-alaben heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:333
msgid "Death of a daughter"
msgstr "Alabaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:626
#: resources/views/fact-parent-age.phtml:28
msgid "Death of a father"
msgstr "Aitaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:388
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:406
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:424
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:476
msgid "Death of a grandchild"
msgstr "Biloben heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:387
msgid "Death of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren heriotza (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:405
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter"
msgid "Death of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren heriotza (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:423
msgctxt "son’s daughter"
msgid "Death of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren heriotza (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:644
msgid "Death of a grandfather"
msgstr "Atautxiaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:645
msgid "Death of a grandmother"
msgstr "Amonaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:646
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:664
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:682
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:506
msgid "Death of a grandparent"
msgstr "Aiton-amonen heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:386
msgid "Death of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:404
msgctxt "daughter’s son"
msgid "Death of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:422
msgctxt "son’s son"
msgid "Death of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:368
msgid "Death of a half-brother"
msgstr "Anaia/nebordearen heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:370
msgid "Death of a half-sibling"
msgstr "Anaia/ahizpa/arrebaordearen heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:369
msgid "Death of a half-sister"
msgstr "Erdi arreba/ahizpa-ren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:796
msgid "Death of a husband"
msgstr "Senarraren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:662
msgid "Death of a maternal grandfather"
msgstr "Amaren aldeko atautxiaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:663
msgid "Death of a maternal grandmother"
msgstr "Amaren aldeko amautxiaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:627
#: resources/views/fact-parent-age.phtml:18
msgid "Death of a mother"
msgstr "Amaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:628
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:494
#: resources/views/fact-parent-age.phtml:38
msgid "Death of a parent"
msgstr "Gurasoen heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:680
msgid "Death of a paternal grandfather"
msgstr "Aitaren aldeko atautxiaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:681
msgid "Death of a paternal grandmother"
msgstr "Aitaren aldeko amautxiaren heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:352
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:488
msgid "Death of a sibling"
msgstr "Anai-arreben heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:351
msgid "Death of a sister"
msgstr "Arreba/Ahizparen heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:332
msgid "Death of a son"
msgstr "Seme-alaben heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:798
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:500
msgid "Death of a spouse"
msgstr "Ezkontidearen heriotza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:797
msgid "Death of a wife"
msgstr "Emaztearen heriotza"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:55
msgid "Death of one spouse"
msgstr "Ezkontide baten heriotza"

#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:6
msgid "Death place contains"
msgstr "Heriotzaren lekuak dauka"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/places.phtml:27
msgid "Death places"
msgstr "Heriotzaren lekuak"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/Module/DeathReportModule.php:40
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:67
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:32
msgid "Deaths"
msgstr "Heriotzak"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDeath.php:111
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/individual-events.phtml:69
msgid "Deaths by century"
msgstr "Heriotzak mendeka"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:242
msgctxt "Abbreviation for December"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Abe"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:139
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "December"
msgstr "Abenduaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:209
msgid "December"
msgstr "Abendua"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:174
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "December"
msgstr "Abenduko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:104
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:799
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:24
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "December"
msgstr "Abendua"

#. I18N: The tenth day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:319
msgid "Decidi"
msgstr "Decidi"

#: app/Module/UserWelcomeModule.php:96 app/Module/WelcomeBlockModule.php:95
msgid "Default chart"
msgstr "Lehenetsitako grafikoa"

#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:129
msgid "Default family tree"
msgstr "Lehenetsitako famili zuhaitza"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: app/Module/WelcomeBlockModule.php:102
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:95
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:75
msgid "Default individual"
msgstr "Lehenetsitako pertsona"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:65
msgid "Default theme"
msgstr "Lehenetsitako itxura"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:160 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:161
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:162 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:163
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:164
msgid "Definition"
msgstr "Definizioa"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:115
msgid "Degree"
msgstr "Gradua"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:15
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:14
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:14
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:15
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:10
msgctxt "font name"
msgid "DejaVu"
msgstr "DejaVu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaData.php:260
#: app/Module/FixPrimaryTag.php:114 resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:52
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:274
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:119
#: resources/views/admin/users-table-options.phtml:47
#: resources/views/edit-blocks-block.phtml:30
#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-delete.phtml:16
#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-delete.phtml:18
#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:83
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:123
#: resources/views/media-page-details.phtml:38
#: resources/views/media-page-details.phtml:41
#: resources/views/media-page-menu.phtml:86
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:64
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:104
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/list.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:61
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:88
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:90
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:63
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:137
#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/list.phtml:47
#: resources/views/record-page-menu.phtml:49
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ezabatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UsersCleanupPage.php:65
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:542
msgid "Delete inactive users"
msgstr "Ezabatu aktiboak ez diren erabiltzaileak"

#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:146
msgid "Delete selected messages"
msgstr "Ezabatu aukeratutako mezuak"

#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:49
msgid "Delete the preferences for this module."
msgstr "Ezabatu modulu honetarako lehentasunak."

#: resources/views/individual-page-name.phtml:92
#: resources/views/individual-page-name.phtml:94
msgid "Delete this name"
msgstr "Ezabatu izen hau"

#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:174
msgid "Delete unused locations"
msgstr "Ezabatu erabili gabeko lekuak"

#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:176
msgid "Delete your account"
msgstr "Ezabatu zure kontua"

#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:81
msgid "Deleting the family will unlink all of the individuals from each other but will leave the individuals in place. Are you sure you want to delete this family?"
msgstr "Familia ezabatzeak banakoak elkarrengandik bereiziko ditu, baina gizabanakoak beren lekuan utziko ditu. Ziur zaude familia hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/GedcomLoad.php:132
msgid "Deleting…"
msgstr "Deuseztatzen…"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:133
msgid "Democratic Republic of the Congo"
msgstr "Kongo"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:288
msgid "Demographic data"
msgstr "Datu demografikoak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:165
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Danimarka"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:89
msgid "Denver, Colorado, United States"
msgstr "Denver, Colorado, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/admin/upgrade/wizard.phtml:35
msgid "Depending on your server configuration, you may be able to upgrade automatically."
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren arabera, baliteke automatikoki eguneratzeko aukera izatea."

#: resources/views/modules/family-book-chart/page.phtml:50
msgid "Descendant generations"
msgstr "Ondorengoen belaunaldiak"

#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#. I18N: Name of a module/sidebar
#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:141 app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:256
#: app/Module/DescendancyChartModule.php:92 app/Module/DescendancyModule.php:59
#: app/Module/DescendancyReportModule.php:40
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:93
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:45
msgid "Descendants"
msgstr "Ondorengoak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:641
msgid "Descendants interest"
msgstr "Ondorengo interesgarriak"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:42
msgid "Descendants of "
msgstr "Ondorengoak "

#. I18N: %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Module/DescendancyChartModule.php:138
#, php-format
msgid "Descendants of %s"
msgstr "%s-en ondorengoak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:139 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:195
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:84 app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:62
#: app/Gedcom.php:642 resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:76
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:53 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:183
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:275 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:337
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:412 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:451
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:735 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:789
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:893 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:951
#: resources/views/report-setup-page.phtml:24
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Deskribapena"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:217
msgid "Description META tag"
msgstr "META etiketaren deskripzioa"

#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:71 app/Gedcom.php:504
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "Helmuga"

#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:51
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:98
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:144
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:74
#: resources/views/record-page-links.phtml:35
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Xehetasunak"

#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:57
msgid "Details of the new user will be sent to the genealogy contact for the corresponding family tree."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile berriaren xehetasunak lehenetsitako kontaktoari bidaliko zaizkio, dagokion zuhaitzerako."

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:90
msgid "Detroit, Michigan, United States"
msgstr "Detroit, Michigan, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:282
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Dey"
msgid "Dey"
msgstr "Dey"

#. I18N: 10th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:157
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Dey"
msgstr "Dey"

#. I18N: 10th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:247
msgid "Dey"
msgstr "Dey"

#. I18N: 10th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:202
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Dey"
msgstr "Dey"

#. I18N: 10th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:112
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Dey"
msgstr "Dey"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:164
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Dhu al-Hijjah"
msgstr "Dhu al-Hijjah"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:254
msgid "Dhu al-Hijjah"
msgstr "Dhu al-Hijjah"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:209
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Dhu al-Hijjah"
msgstr "Dhu al-Hijjah"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:119
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Dhu al-Hijjah"
msgstr "Dhu al-Hijjah"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:162
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Dhu al-Qi’dah"
msgstr "Dhu al-Qi’dah"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:252
msgid "Dhu al-Qi’dah"
msgstr "Dhu al-Qi’dah"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:207
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Dhu al-Qi’dah"
msgstr "Dhu al-Qi’dah"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:117
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Dhu al-Qi’dah"
msgstr "Dhu al-Qi’dah"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsBaptismDateStatus.php:65
#: app/Elements/LdsEndowmentDateStatus.php:66
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:65
msgid "Died as a child: exempt"
msgstr "Txikitan hildakoa: salbuetsia"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:75
msgid "Died less than 1 year old, sealing not required."
msgstr "Urte bat bete baino lehenago hila, ez da sellatu beharrik."

#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:60
msgid "Differences"
msgstr "Aldeak"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Calendar conversion” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:126
msgid "Different calendar systems are used in different parts of the world, and many other calendar systems have been used in the past. Where possible, you should enter dates using the calendar in which the event was originally recorded. You can then specify a conversion, to show these dates in a more familiar calendar. If you regularly use two calendars, you can specify two conversions and dates will be converted to both the selected calendars."
msgstr "Badira egutegi mota asko, munduko zonaldearen arabera, eta gehiago ere erabili izan dira lehenago. Ahal bada, hasieratik erabili duzun egutegia erabiliz sartu beharko zenituzke datak. Ondotik itzulpen bat egiteko aukera izanen duzu, bertze egutegi bat erabiliz erakusteko. Normalean bi egutegi erabiltzen badituzu, bi itzulpenak aukeratu eta hala ikusiko dira egutegian."

#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:91
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:43
msgid "Direct line ancestors"
msgstr "Zuzeneko lerroko arbasoak"

#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:92
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:44
msgid "Direct line ancestors and their families"
msgstr "Zuzeneko lerroko arbasoak eta euren familiak"

#. I18N: %s is a number of records per page
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:31
#, php-format
msgid "Display %s"
msgstr "%s ikusi"

#. I18N: Description of the “Favorites” module
#: app/Module/FamilyTreeFavoritesModule.php:60
msgid "Display and manage a family tree’s favorite pages."
msgstr "Zuhaitz bateko gogoko orriak ikusi eta administratu."

#. I18N: Description of the “Favorites” module
#: app/Module/UserFavoritesModule.php:61
msgid "Display and manage a user’s favorite pages."
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen gogoko orriak ikusi eta administratu."

#: app/Gedcom.php:453 resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:195
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:136
msgid "Divorce"
msgstr "Dibortzioa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:455
msgid "Divorce filed"
msgstr "Dibortzio eskaera"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDivorce.php:111
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/family-totals.phtml:70
msgid "Divorces by century"
msgstr "Mende honetako dibortzioa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:161
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Djibuti"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:71
#: app/Elements/LdsSpouseSealingDateStatus.php:70
msgid "Do not seal, previous sealing canceled"
msgstr "Ez seilatu, aitzinetik egindakoa deuseztatu da"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:69
#: app/Elements/LdsSpouseSealingDateStatus.php:68
msgid "Do not seal: unauthorized"
msgstr "Ez seilatu: ez dago baimendua"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:84
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Dokumentua"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:201
msgid "Domain name"
msgstr "Domeinuaren izena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:163
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Dominika"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:167
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Dominikar Errepublika"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:193
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:237
#: resources/views/modules/share-anniversary/share.phtml:27
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Deskargatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardPage.php:122
#, php-format
msgid "Download %s…"
msgstr "%s deskargatu…"

#: app/Module/ShareAnniversaryModule.php:83
msgid "Download a .ICS file containing an anniversary"
msgstr "Urteurren bat daukan .ICS artxibo bat deskargatu ezazu"

#: resources/views/media-page-details.phtml:83
msgid "Download file"
msgstr "Artxiboa deskargatu"

#: resources/views/edit-blocks-page.phtml:25
msgid "Drag the blocks to change their position."
msgstr "Blokeak garraiatu euren posizioa aldatzeko."

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:91
msgid "Draper, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Draper, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: The second day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:303
msgid "Duodi"
msgstr "Duodi"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AccountUpdate.php:93
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterAction.php:265
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserAddAction.php:71
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditAction.php:148
msgid "Duplicate email address. A user with that email already exists."
msgstr "Bada dagoeneko erabiltzaile bat helbide elektroniko horrekin."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AccountUpdate.php:84
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterAction.php:260
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserAddAction.php:66
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditAction.php:154
msgid "Duplicate username. A user with that username already exists. Please choose another username."
msgstr "Bada erabiltzaile bat izen horrekin erregistratua, bertze bat aukeratu beharko duzu."

#: resources/views/help/source-events.phtml:10
msgid "Each source records specific events, generally for a given date range and for a place jurisdiction. For example a Census records census events and church records record birth, marriage, and death events.<br><br>Select the events that are recorded by this source from the list of events provided. The date should be specified in a range format such as <i>FROM 1900 TO 1910</i>. The place jurisdiction is the name of the lowest jurisdiction that encompasses all lower-level places named in this source. For example, “Oneida, Idaho, USA” would be used as a source jurisdiction place for events occurring in the various towns within Oneida County. “Idaho, USA” would be the source jurisdiction place if the events recorded took place not only in Oneida County but also in other counties in Idaho."
msgstr "Iturri bakoitzak gertaera espezifikoak erregistratzen ditu, normalean data-sorta jakin baterako eta leku-jurisdikzio baterako. Adibidez, errolda batek errolda-gertaerak eta elizako erregistroak erregistratzen ditu, jaiotza, ezkontza eta heriotza-gertaeren erregistroak.<br><br>Hautatu iturri honek erregistratutako gertaerak hornitutako gertaeren zerrendatik. Data GEDCOM-en denbora-tarte rangoko formatoan agertuko behar litzateke, errate baterako, <i>FROM 1900 TO 1910</i>. Tokiaren jurisdikzioa jurisdikziorik baxuenaren izena da, eta iturri horretan izendatutako behe-mailako leku guztiak hartzen ditu. Adibidez, “Oneida, Idaho, AEB” jurisdikzio-leku iturri gisa erabiliko litzateke Oneidako konderriko hirietan gertatzen diren ekitaldietarako. “Idaho, AEB” izango litzateke jatorrizko jurisdikzio-lekua, erregistratutako gertakariak Oneidako konderrian ez ezik, Idahoko beste konderri batzuetan ere gertatuko balira."

#: resources/views/help/pending-changes.phtml:27
msgid "Each user account has an option to “automatically accept changes”. When this is enabled, any changes made by that user are saved immediately. Many administrators enable this for their own user account."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile bakoitzak aukera dauka \"aldaketak automatikoki onartzeko\". Aukera hori aktibatua baldin badago, egindako aldaketak momentuan gordeko dira. Administratzaileek aukera hori euren kabuz bereizten dute."

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:55
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:167
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:71
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/individual-events.phtml:36
msgid "Earliest birth"
msgstr "Jaiotzarik goiztiarrena"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:57
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:189
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:79
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/individual-events.phtml:80
msgid "Earliest death"
msgstr "Heriotzarik goiztiarrena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/family-totals.phtml:81
msgid "Earliest divorce"
msgstr "Dibortziorik goiztiarrena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/family-totals.phtml:37
msgid "Earliest marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontzarik goiztiarrena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:171
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Ekuador"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataEdit.php:76
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataEdit.php:79
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:50
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:94
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:97
#: resources/views/admin/users-table-options.phtml:29
#: resources/views/admin/users.phtml:26
#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-edit.phtml:16
#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-edit.phtml:18
#: resources/views/media-page-details.phtml:30
#: resources/views/media-page-details.phtml:33
#: resources/views/media-page-menu.phtml:78
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:63
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:99
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/list.phtml:43
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:60
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:81
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:83
#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/list.phtml:43
#: resources/views/note-page-details.phtml:27
#: resources/views/note-page-details.phtml:30
#: resources/views/record-page-menu.phtml:29
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EditMediaFileModal.php:70
#: resources/views/modals/edit-media-file.phtml:22
msgid "Edit a media file"
msgstr "Multimedia artxiboa editatu"

#. I18N: Options for editing
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:637
msgid "Edit preferences"
msgstr "Lehentasunak editatu"

#: app/Module/FrequentlyAskedQuestionsModule.php:309
msgid "Edit the FAQ"
msgstr "Ohiko galdera editatu"

#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:65
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:73
#: resources/views/individual-page-sex.phtml:42
#: resources/views/individual-page-sex.phtml:44
msgid "Edit the gender"
msgstr "Generoa editatu"

#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-edit-name.phtml:14
#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-edit-name.phtml:17
#: resources/views/individual-page-name.phtml:79
#: resources/views/individual-page-name.phtml:81
msgid "Edit the name"
msgstr "Izena editatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EditRawFactPage.php:53
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EditRawRecordPage.php:55
#: resources/views/edit/edit-fact.phtml:58
#: resources/views/edit/edit-record.phtml:58
#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:89
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:129
msgid "Edit the raw GEDCOM"
msgstr "GEDCOM-a editatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EditNotePage.php:54
msgid "Edit the shared note"
msgstr "Partekatutako oharra editatu"

#: app/Module/StoriesModule.php:299
#: resources/views/modules/stories/tab.phtml:29
msgid "Edit the story"
msgstr "Istorioa editatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditPage.php:118
msgid "Edit the user"
msgstr "Erabitzailea editatu"

#: app/Services/TreeService.php:227
msgid "Edit this individual and replace their details with your own."
msgstr "Gizabanakoa editatu eta nahi dituzun xehetasunak gehitu."

#: resources/views/edit/edit-fact.phtml:52
#: resources/views/edit/edit-record.phtml:52
msgid "Edit with all GEDCOM tags"
msgstr "GEDCOM etiketa guziekin editatu"

#. I18N: Listbox entry; name of a role
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditPage.php:99
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:254
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:51
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:51
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editatzailea"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:92
msgid "Edmonton, Alberta, Canada"
msgstr "Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada"

#: app/Gedcom.php:643
msgid "Education"
msgstr "Hezkuntza"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:173
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Egipto"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:451
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "El Salvador"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:85
msgid "Electronic"
msgstr "Elektronikoa"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:217
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Elul"
msgstr "Elul"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:321
msgid "Elul"
msgstr "Elul"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:269
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Elul"
msgstr "Elul"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:165
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Elul"
msgstr "Elul"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:68 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:109
#: resources/views/modals/submitter-fields.phtml:19
#: resources/views/password-request-page.phtml:23
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Mezu elektronikoa"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:97 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:237
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:74 app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:56
#: app/Gedcom.php:413 app/Gedcom.php:523 app/Gedcom.php:547 app/Gedcom.php:818
#: app/Gedcom.php:865 resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:71
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:82
#: resources/views/admin/users.phtml:30 resources/views/contact-page.phtml:51
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:123
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-html.phtml:32
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-text.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:72
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:49
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:92
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Helbide elektronikoa"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:102
msgid "Email verified"
msgstr "Egiaztatutako helbide elektronikoa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:645 resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:204
msgid "Emigration"
msgstr "Emigrazioa"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:101
msgid "Employee"
msgstr "Langilea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:77
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Employee"
msgstr "Langilea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:56
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Employee"
msgstr "Langilea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:102 app/Gedcom.php:721
#: app/Gedcom.php:736
msgid "Employer"
msgstr "Enpresaburua"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:78
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Employer"
msgstr "Enpresaburua"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:57
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Employer"
msgstr "Enpresaburua"

#: resources/views/record-page-menu-clipboard.phtml:43
msgid "Empty the clipboard"
msgstr "Hustu zakarrontzia"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:187
msgid "Empty the clippings cart"
msgstr "Hustu karritoa"

#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:41
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:87
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:73
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Aktibatua"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Family tree” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:43
msgid "Enabling this option will force all visitors to sign in before they can view any data on the website."
msgstr "Aukera hau aktibatuz bisitari guztiak erregistratuta sartu beharko dute orriko edozein datu ikusteko."

#: resources/views/modules/lifespans-chart/page.phtml:63
msgid "End year"
msgstr "Azken urtea"

#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:6
msgid "Ending range of change dates"
msgstr "Aldaketen denbora-tartearen bukaera"

#. I18N: Location of an historic LDS church temple -
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:93
msgid "Endowment House"
msgstr "Endowment Etxea"

#: app/Gedcom.php:456 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:20
msgid "Engagement"
msgstr "Ezkongai-harremana"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:175
msgid "England"
msgstr "Ingalaterra"

#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:164
msgid "Enter an optional note about this favorite"
msgstr "Nahi izanez gero sar ezazu ohar bat lehenetsitako honentzat"

#: app/Services/LeafletJsService.php:73
#: resources/views/modules/interactive-tree/chart.phtml:26
msgid "Enter fullscreen"
msgstr "Pantalla osoan ikusteko"

#: resources/views/search-replace-page.phtml:47
msgid "Entire record"
msgstr "Erregistro osoa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:221
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Ekuatore Ginea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:177
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Eritrea"

#: app/Exceptions/InvalidGedcomEncodingException.php:37
#, php-format
msgid "Error: converting GEDCOM files from %s encoding to UTF-8 encoding not currently supported."
msgstr "Akatsa!: GEDCOM artxiboen aldaketa %s-tik UTF-8-ra ez dago oraingoz onartua."

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:284
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Esfand"
msgid "Esf"
msgstr "Esf."

#. I18N: 12th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:161
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Esfand"
msgstr "Esfand"

#. I18N: 12th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:251
msgid "Esfand"
msgstr "Esfand"

#. I18N: 12th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:206
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Esfand"
msgstr "Esfand"

#. I18N: 12th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:116
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Esfand"
msgstr "Esfand"

#. I18N: Name of a mapping organisation
#: app/Module/EsriMaps.php:38
msgid "Esri/ArcGIS"
msgstr "Esri/ArcGIS"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:77
msgid "Estate name"
msgstr "Izen komertziala"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:370
msgid "Estimated dates for birth and death"
msgstr "Jaiotza eta heriotzerako gutxi gora beherako datak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:183
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Estonia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:185
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Etiopia"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:182
msgid "Europe"
msgstr "Europa"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:126 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:180
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:225 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:274
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:307 app/Gedcom.php:436 app/Gedcom.php:459
#: app/Gedcom.php:490 app/Gedcom.php:568 app/Gedcom.php:654 app/Gedcom.php:679
#: app/Gedcom.php:751 app/Gedcom.php:775 app/Gedcom.php:799 app/Gedcom.php:908
#: app/Gedcom.php:922 resources/views/lists/anniversaries-table.phtml:44
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:70
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:157
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:55
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:75 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:76
msgid "Event did not occur"
msgstr "Ez da gertaerarik izan"

#: app/Gedcom.php:836 resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:178
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:135
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:58
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/individual-events.phtml:10
#: resources/views/modules/todays_events/config.phtml:30
#: resources/views/modules/upcoming_events/config.phtml:42
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Gertaerak"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/places.phtml:45
msgid "Events in countries"
msgstr "Gertaerak herrialdeka"

#: resources/views/modules/personal_facts/tab.phtml:41
msgid "Events of close relatives"
msgstr "Hurbileko senideen gertaerak"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:243
msgid "Everybody has this role, including visitors to the website and search engines."
msgstr "Denek dute zeregin hori, baita webguneko bisitariak eta bilaketa-motorrak ere."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:256
msgid "Exact"
msgstr "Zehatz"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:239
msgid "Exact date"
msgstr "Data zehatza"

#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:323
#, php-format
msgid "Exclude individuals with “%s” as a married name"
msgstr "%s ezkon-abizena daramaten emakumeak baztertu"

#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:73
msgid "Exclude subfolders"
msgstr "Azpikarpetak baztertu"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsBaptismDateStatus.php:69
#: app/Elements/LdsChildSealingDateStatus.php:62
#: app/Elements/LdsEndowmentDateStatus.php:70
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:73
#: app/Elements/LdsSpouseSealingDateStatus.php:72
msgid "Excluded from this submission"
msgstr "Aurkezpen honetatik baztertuak gelditzen dira"

#: app/Services/LeafletJsService.php:74
#: resources/views/modules/interactive-tree/chart.phtml:27
msgid "Exit fullscreen"
msgstr "Pantaila osoko modutik atera"

#. I18N: placeholder text for registration-comments field
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:89
msgid "Explain why you are requesting an account."
msgstr "Zehaztu faborez zertarako eskatzen duzun kontua."

#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:282
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Esportatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ExportGedcomPage.php:53
msgid "Export a GEDCOM file"
msgstr "GEDCOM artxibo bat esportatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardPage.php:114
msgid "Export all the family trees to GEDCOM files…"
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogiko guztiak GEDCOM artxibo batera esportatu…"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-export.phtml:60
#: resources/views/modules/clippings/download.phtml:23
msgid "Export preferences"
msgstr "Lehentasunak/hobespenak esportatu"

#. I18N: A configuration setting. …who were born in the last XX years or died in the last YY years
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:102
msgid "Extend privacy to dead individuals"
msgstr "Pribatutasuna hildako pertsonei zabaldu"

#. I18N: “External files” are stored on other computers
#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:45
msgid "External files"
msgstr "Kanpoko artxiboak"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:82 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:96
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:111 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:129
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:147 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:156
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:164 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:173
msgid "External identifier"
msgstr "Kanpoko identifikatzailea"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:110 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:74
msgid "External link"
msgstr "Kanpoko lotura"

#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:77
msgid "External media files have a URL instead of a filename."
msgstr "Kanpoko multimedia artxiboak URL lotura daukate izen bat izan beharrean."

#. I18N: Name of a module/sidebar
#: app/Module/IndividualMetadataModule.php:60
msgid "Extra information"
msgstr "Aparteko informazioa"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:98
msgid "Eye color"
msgstr "Begien kolorea"

#. I18N: Name of a theme.
#: app/Module/FabTheme.php:39
msgid "F.A.B."
msgstr "F.A.B."

#. I18N: Name of a module. Abbreviation for “Frequently Asked Questions”
#: app/Module/FrequentlyAskedQuestionsModule.php:70
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "Ohiko galderak"

#. I18N: FAQ = “Frequently Asked Question”
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:28
msgid "FAQs are lists of questions and answers, which allow you to explain the site’s rules, policies, and procedures to your visitors. Questions are typically concerned with privacy, copyright, user-accounts, unsuitable content, requirement for source-citations, etc."
msgstr "FAQ-ak galdera eta erantzunen zerrendak dira, bisitariei orriaren arauak zein diren jakinaratzen dizkietenak. Galderak pribatutasunarekin erlazionatuak daude gehienetan, eta egilearen eskubideekin, erabiltzaile-kontuekin, eduki desegokiekin, etabar..."

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:98 app/Gedcom.php:658
msgid "Fact"
msgstr "Gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:56 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:75
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:93 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:120
msgid "Fact 1"
msgstr "1. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:57 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:76
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:94 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:121
msgid "Fact 10"
msgstr "10. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:58 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:77
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:95 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:122
msgid "Fact 11"
msgstr "11. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:59 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:78
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:96 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:123
msgid "Fact 12"
msgstr "12. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:60 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:79
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:97 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:124
msgid "Fact 13"
msgstr "13. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:61 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:80
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:98 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:125
msgid "Fact 2"
msgstr "2. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:62 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:81
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:99 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:126
msgid "Fact 3"
msgstr "3. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:63 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:82
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:100
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:127
msgid "Fact 4"
msgstr "4. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:64 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:83
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:101
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:128
msgid "Fact 5"
msgstr "5. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:65 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:84
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:102
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:129
msgid "Fact 6"
msgstr "6. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:66 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:85
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:103
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:130
msgid "Fact 7"
msgstr "7. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:67 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:86
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:104
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:131
msgid "Fact 8"
msgstr "8. gertaera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:68 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:87
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:105
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:132
msgid "Fact 9"
msgstr "9. gertaera"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:515
msgid "Fact icons"
msgstr "Gertaeren ikonoak"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:230
msgid "Fact or event"
msgstr "Gertaeren ikonoak"

#. I18N: Name of a module/tab on the individual page.
#: app/Module/IndividualFactsTabModule.php:73
#: resources/views/admin/fix-level-0-media.phtml:40
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:51
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:440 resources/views/family-page.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:22
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:161
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:149
msgid "Facts and events"
msgstr "Gertaerak"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:664
msgid "Facts for family records"
msgstr "Gertaeren erregistroak familika"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:639
msgid "Facts for individual records"
msgstr "Gertaerak erregistro pertsonalentzat"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:669
msgid "Facts for new families"
msgstr "Gertaerak famili berrientzat"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:644
msgid "Facts for new individuals"
msgstr "Gertaerak pertsona berrientzat"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:193
msgid "Falkland Islands"
msgstr "Falkland Uharteak"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/AncestorsChartModule.php:256
#: app/Module/DescendancyChartModule.php:247 app/Module/FamilyListModule.php:49
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:107
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:290 app/Module/RelativesTabModule.php:42
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:149
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:380
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:471
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:719 app/Services/AdminService.php:197
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:344
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:55
#: resources/views/lists/locations-table.phtml:67
#: resources/views/lists/media-table.phtml:82
#: resources/views/lists/notes-table.phtml:93
#: resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:101
#: resources/views/lists/submitters-table.phtml:71
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:49
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:90
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:42
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/events.phtml:28
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/sidebar.phtml:52
#: resources/views/record-page-links.phtml:51
#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:76
#: resources/views/search-results.phtml:50
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:152
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:314
msgid "Families"
msgstr "Familiak"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartFamilyWithSources.php:84
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/chart-sources.phtml:29
msgid "Families with sources"
msgstr "Familiak datu-iturriekin"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:73 app/Gedcom.php:401
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:350
#: app/Module/FamilyGroupReportModule.php:44
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:167
#: resources/views/edit/link-child-to-family.phtml:25
#: resources/views/modals/link-media-to-family.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/family_nav/sidebar-family.phtml:92
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:81
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/slide-show.phtml:74
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:64
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:47
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:88
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:96
msgid "Family"
msgstr "Familia"

#: app/Gedcom.php:660
msgid "Family as a child"
msgstr "Familia seme-alaba bezala"

#: app/Gedcom.php:663
msgid "Family as a spouse"
msgstr "Familia senar-emazte bezala"

#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#: app/Module/FamilyBookChartModule.php:80
msgid "Family book"
msgstr "Familiko liburua"

#. I18N: %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Module/FamilyBookChartModule.php:126
#, php-format
msgid "Family book of %s"
msgstr "%s(r)en genealogia liburua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:447
msgid "Family census"
msgstr "Familiaren zentsua"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:976
msgid "Family fact"
msgstr "Familiko gertaera"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1042
msgid "Family facts and events"
msgstr "Familiko gertaerak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:882
msgid "Family file"
msgstr "Familiko artxiboa"

#. I18N: Name of a module/sidebar
#: app/Module/FamilyNavigatorModule.php:40
msgid "Family navigator"
msgstr "Familiko nabigatzailea"

#. I18N: Description of the “News” module
#: app/Module/FamilyTreeNewsModule.php:62
msgid "Family news and site announcements."
msgstr "Familiaren berriak eta orrien iragarkiak."

#: resources/views/modules/family-book-chart/chart.phtml:23
#, php-format
msgid "Family of %s"
msgstr "%sren familia"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:183 app/Gedcom.php:477
msgid "Family residence"
msgstr "Familiaren egoitza"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:135
msgid "Family status"
msgstr "Familiaren egoera"

#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:61 app/Module/TreesMenuModule.php:93
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:92
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:141
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:341
#: resources/views/admin/fix-level-0-media.phtml:36
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:83
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:129
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:87
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:286
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:59
#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:74
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:27
msgid "Family tree"
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogikoa"

#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:237
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:395
msgid "Family tree clippings cart"
msgstr "Familiaren saski genealogikoa"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-create.phtml:25
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:50
msgid "Family tree title"
msgstr "Familiako zuhaitzaren izena"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/TreesMenuModule.php:57 app/Module/TreesMenuModule.php:106
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:297
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:336
#: resources/views/search-trees.phtml:19
msgid "Family trees"
msgstr "Familiko zuhaitzak"

#. I18N: %s is the spouse name
#: app/Individual.php:931
#, php-format
msgid "Family with %s"
msgstr "%s(r)ekin familia"

#: app/Individual.php:860
msgid "Family with adoptive parents"
msgstr "Familia adopziozko gurasoekin"

#: app/Individual.php:861
msgid "Family with foster parents"
msgstr "Familia harrera gurasoekin"

#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:449
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:446
msgid "Family with husband"
msgstr "Senarrarekin familia"

#: app/Individual.php:859 app/Individual.php:913
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:245
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:234
msgid "Family with parents"
msgstr "Familia bere gurasoekin"

#. I18N: “rada” is an Arabic word, pronounced “ra DAH”. It is child-to-parent pedigree, established by wet-nursing.
#: app/Individual.php:865
msgid "Family with rada parents"
msgstr "Familia <i>radá>/i> gurasoekin"

#. I18N: “sealing” is a Mormon ceremony.
#: app/Individual.php:863
msgid "Family with sealing parents"
msgstr "Familia sealing gurasoekin"

#: app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:183 resources/views/chart-box.phtml:35
msgid "Family with spouse"
msgstr "Familia ezkontidearekin"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:61
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:237
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:95
msgid "Family with the most children"
msgstr "Seme-alaba gehien duen familia"

#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:443
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:486
msgid "Family with wife"
msgstr "Familia emaztearekin"

#. I18N:
#: app/CustomTags/FamilySearch.php:52 app/CustomTags/GenPlusWin.php:52
msgid "FamilySearch ID"
msgstr "FamilySearch Identifikatzailea"

#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#: app/Module/FanChartModule.php:135
msgid "Fan chart"
msgstr "Abaniko-grafikoa"

#. I18N: - %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Module/FanChartModule.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "Fan chart of %s"
msgstr "%sren abaniko-grafikoa"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:273
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Farvardin"
msgid "Far"
msgstr "Far"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:197
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Faroe Uharteak"

#. I18N: 1st month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:139
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Farvardin"
msgstr "Farvardin"

#. I18N: 1st month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:229
msgid "Farvardin"
msgstr "Farvardin"

#. I18N: 1st month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:184
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Farvardin"
msgstr "Farvardin"

#. I18N: 1st month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:94
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Farvardin"
msgstr "Farvardin"

#: resources/views/search-advanced-page.phtml:63
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:118
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:467
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:730
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:251
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:240
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:71
msgid "Father"
msgstr "Aita"

#: resources/views/lists/individual-table-parents.phtml:23
#, php-format
msgid "Father: %s"
msgstr "Aita: %s"

#: resources/views/fact-parent-age.phtml:32
msgid "Father’s age"
msgstr "Aitaren adina"

#. I18N: A step-family. %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Individual.php:891
#, php-format
msgid "Father’s family with %s"
msgstr "Aitaren familia %s-rekin"

#. I18N: A step-family.
#: app/Individual.php:895
msgid "Father’s family with an unknown individual"
msgstr "Aitaren familia pertsona ezezagun batekin"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/FamilyTreeFavoritesModule.php:49
#: app/Module/UserFavoritesModule.php:50
msgid "Favorites"
msgstr "Gustukoenak"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:69 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:238
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:75 app/Gedcom.php:414
#: app/Gedcom.php:524 app/Gedcom.php:548 app/Gedcom.php:819 app/Gedcom.php:866
msgid "Fax"
msgstr "Faxa"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:232
msgctxt "Abbreviation for February"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Ots"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:129
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "February"
msgstr "Otsailaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:199
msgid "February"
msgstr "Otsaila"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:164
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "February"
msgstr "Otsaileko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:94
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:789
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:14
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "February"
msgstr "Otsaila"

#: app/Elements/SexValue.php:86 app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:776
msgid "Female"
msgstr "Emakumezkoa"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartAge.php:114
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriageAge.php:137
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartSex.php:67
#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:160
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:66
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:229
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:34
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/greatest-age.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/lifespan.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/oldest-living.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/top10_givnnames/block.phtml:20
msgid "Females"
msgstr "Emakumezkoak"

#. I18N: Data entry field
#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:56
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Eremua"

#. I18N: Data entry field
#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:57 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:61
#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:66 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:70
msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Eremuaren izena"

#. I18N: Data entry field
#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:58 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:62
#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:67 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:71
msgid "Field value"
msgstr "Eremuaren balorea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:189
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Fiji"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeBuilder.php:59
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaData.php:362 app/MediaFile.php:314
msgid "File size"
msgstr "Artxiboaren tamaina"

#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:55
msgid "File successfully uploaded"
msgstr "Ongi igotako artxiboa"

#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:99 app/Gedcom.php:505
#: app/Gedcom.php:787 app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaData.php:344
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:66
#: resources/views/admin/trees-export.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:71
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Artxiboaren izena"

#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:45
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:57
msgid "Filename on server"
msgstr "Artxiboaren izena zerbitzarian"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UploadMediaAction.php:102
#, php-format
msgid "Filenames are not allowed to contain the character “%s”."
msgstr "Artxiboen izenek ezin dute eduki “%s” karakterea."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UploadMediaAction.php:108
#, php-format
msgid "Filenames are not allowed to have the extension “%s”."
msgstr "Artxiboen izenek ezin dute “%s” estensio izan."

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:865
msgid "Files have been found from a previous version of webtrees. Old files can sometimes be a security risk. You should delete them."
msgstr "Webtrees-en bertsio zahar baten artxiboak aurkitu dira eta arriskutsuak izan daitezke. Deuseztatu beharko zenituzke."

#: resources/views/admin/clean-data.phtml:22
#, php-format
msgid "Files marked with %s are required for proper operation and cannot be removed."
msgstr "%s-ekin markatutako artxiboak derrigorrezkoak dira funtzionamendurako eta ezin dira kendu."

#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:122
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:34
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtroa"

#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:5
msgid "Find a source"
msgstr "Datu-iturria bilatu"

#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-keyboard.phtml:14
#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-keyboard.phtml:17
#: resources/views/edit/shared-note.phtml:29
#: resources/views/edit/shared-note.phtml:31
msgid "Find a special character"
msgstr "Karaktere bereiza bilatu"

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:735
msgid "Find all possible relationships"
msgstr "Edozein harremanetan bilatu"

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:463
msgid "Find any relationship"
msgstr "Edozein harreman bilatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/FindDuplicateRecords.php:61
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:169
msgid "Find duplicates"
msgstr "Duplikatuak bilatu"

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:737
msgid "Find other relationships"
msgstr "Bertze harremanak bilatu"

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:464
#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/page.phtml:55
msgid "Find relationships via ancestors"
msgstr "Harremanak arbasoetan bilatu"

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:741
#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/page.phtml:67
msgid "Find the closest relationships"
msgstr "Harreman hurbilenekoak bilatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UnconnectedPage.php:112
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:193
msgid "Find unrelated individuals"
msgstr "Harremanik ez duten pertsonak bilatu"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:187
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Finlandia"

#: app/Gedcom.php:664 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:21
msgid "First communion"
msgstr "Lehenbiziko jaunartzea"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/other-events.phtml:18
msgid "First event"
msgstr "Lehenbiziko gertaera"

#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:68
msgid "First record"
msgstr "Lehenbiziko erregistroa"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/FixNameSlashesAndSpaces.php:56
msgid "Fix name slashes and spaces"
msgstr "Barrak « / » eta espazioak dituzten izenak moldatu"

#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:48
msgid "Flag"
msgstr "Bandera"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:191
msgid "Flanders"
msgstr "Flandria"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:163
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Floreal"
msgstr "Floreal"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:257
msgid "Floreal"
msgstr "Floreal"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:210
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Floreal"
msgstr "Floreal"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:116
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Floreal"
msgstr "Floreal"

#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:65
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:42
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Karpeta"

#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:58
msgid "Folder name on server"
msgstr "Karpetaren izena zerbitzarian"

#: resources/views/emails/register-user-html.phtml:26
#: resources/views/emails/register-user-text.phtml:20
msgid "Follow this link to verify your email address."
msgstr "Klikatu lotura honetan zure helbide elektronikoa egiaztatzeko."

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:15
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:14
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:14
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:15
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:10
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Letra mota"

#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:248
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:251
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Azpiko blokea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesFootersPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:599
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:114
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:116
msgid "Footers"
msgstr "Azpiko blokeak"

#. I18N: Help text for the “GEDCOM media path” configuration setting. %s are all folder names
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:129
#, php-format
msgid "For example, if the GEDCOM file contains %1$s and webtrees expects to find %2$s in the media folder, then you would need to remove %3$s."
msgstr "Errate baterako, GEDCOM artxiboak %1$s baldin badauka eta multimedia artxiboen karpetan webtrees-ek %2$s aurkitzea espero badu, %3$s deuseztatu beharko zenuke."

#: resources/views/help/relationship-privacy.phtml:14
msgid "For example, if you specify a path length of 2, the individual will be able to see their grandson (child, child), their aunt (parent, sibling), their step-daughter (spouse, child), but not their first cousin (parent, sibling, child)."
msgstr "Errate baterako, 2-ko luzaera aukeratzen baldin baduzu, zure biloba ikusiko duzu (semea, alaba), zure izeba (aita, anai-arreba), zure alabaordea (ezkontidea, semea), baina zure lehengusua ez."

#: resources/views/help/data-fixes.phtml:14
msgid "For example, we can quickly find individuals that do not have a death event, but it is much slower to calculate if the individual is dead."
msgstr "Errate baterako, segiduan aurkituko ditugu heriotz-gertaerarik ez duten pertsonak, baina zailagoa da kalkulatzea pertsona hori hila den edo ez."

#: app/Module/ContactsFooterModule.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "For help with genealogy questions contact %s."
msgstr "Genealogiari buruzko zalantzetan laguntzeko galdetu %s-ri."

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:229
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1058
#: resources/views/modules/bing-maps/config.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/geonames/config.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/google-maps/config.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/here-maps/config.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/map-box/config.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/openrouteservice/config.phtml:38
#, php-format
msgid "For more information, see %s."
msgstr "Informazio gehiagorako, begiratu %s."

#: app/Module/ContactsFooterModule.php:160
#, php-format
msgid "For technical support and information contact %s."
msgstr "Laguntza teknikoa behar baduzu, %srekin jarri harremanetan."

#: app/Module/ContactsFooterModule.php:134
#, php-format
msgid "For technical support or genealogy questions contact %s."
msgstr ""
"Laguntza teknikoa edo genealogikoa behar baduzu %srekin jarri harremanetan."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Show list of family trees” site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:105
msgid "For websites with more than one family tree, this option will show the list of family trees in the main menu, the search pages, etc."
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogiko bat baino gehiago dauzkaten orriek, aukera honekin zuhaitzen zerrenda erakutsiko dute menu nagusian, bilaketa orrietan, etabar."

#: resources/views/login-page.phtml:61
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-in.phtml:43
msgid "Forgot password?"
msgstr "Pasahitza atzendu zaizu?"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:245 app/CustomTags/Geneatique.php:62
#: app/Gedcom.php:423 app/Gedcom.php:507 app/Gedcom.php:512 app/Gedcom.php:555
#: app/Gedcom.php:788 resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:24
#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:34 resources/views/help/date.phtml:72
#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:110 resources/views/help/date.phtml:148
#: resources/views/report-setup-page.phtml:53
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formatoa"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:584
msgid "Format text and notes"
msgstr "Testo eta oharrei formatoa eman"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:94
msgid "Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States"
msgstr "Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:82
msgctxt "Female pedigree"
msgid "Foster"
msgstr "Adoptatua"

#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:72
msgctxt "Male pedigree"
msgid "Foster"
msgstr "Famili-harreran hartua"

#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:92
msgctxt "Pedigree"
msgid "Foster"
msgstr "Famili-harreran hartua"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:103
msgid "Foster child"
msgstr "Harrera umea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:104
msgid "Foster father"
msgstr "Harrera aita"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:105
msgid "Foster mother"
msgstr "Harrera ama"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:195
msgid "France"
msgstr "Frantzia"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:95
msgid "Frankfurt am Main, Germany"
msgstr "Frankfurt am Main, Alemania"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:96
msgid "Freiburg, Germany"
msgstr "Freiburg, Alemania"

#. I18N: The French calendar
#: app/Factories/CalendarDateFactory.php:150
#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:219
msgid "French"
msgstr "Frantziarra"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:231
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "Frantziar Guaiana"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:415
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "Frantziar Polinesia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:64
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "Hegoaldeko Frantziar lurraldeak"

#: app/Module/FrequentlyAskedQuestionsModule.php:158
#: app/Module/FrequentlyAskedQuestionsModule.php:399
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:53
#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:23
msgid "Frequently asked questions"
msgstr "Maiz egindako galderak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:97
msgid "Fresno, California, United States"
msgstr "Fresno, California, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: abbreviation for Friday
#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:281
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:30
msgid "Fri"
msgstr "Or."

#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:250
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Ostirala"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:106
msgid "Friend"
msgstr "Laguna"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:79
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Friend"
msgstr "Laguna"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:58
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Friend"
msgstr "Laguna"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:153
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Frimaire"
msgstr "Frimaire"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:247
msgid "Frimaire"
msgstr "Frimaire"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:200
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Frimaire"
msgstr "Frimaire"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:105
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Frimaire"
msgstr "Frimaire"

#: resources/views/admin/broadcast.phtml:27
#: resources/views/admin/email-page.phtml:32
#: resources/views/message-page.phtml:29
msgctxt "Email sender"
msgid "From"
msgstr "Nork bidalia"

#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:41
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:39
msgctxt "Start of date range"
msgid "From"
msgstr "Noiztik hasita"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:171
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Fructidor"
msgstr "Fructidor"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:265
msgid "Fructidor"
msgstr "Fructidor"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:218
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Fructidor"
msgstr "Fructidor"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:124
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Fructidor"
msgstr "Fructidor"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:98
msgid "Fukuoka, Japan"
msgstr "Fukuoka, Japon"

#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:67 app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:99
msgid "Funeral"
msgstr "Hileta"

#: app/Gedcom.php:506 resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:32
msgid "GEDCOM"
msgstr "GEDCOM"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:936
msgid "GEDCOM 7"
msgstr "GEDCOM 7"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-check.phtml:27
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:614
msgid "GEDCOM errors"
msgstr "GEDCOM akatsak"

#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:275
msgid "GEDCOM file"
msgstr "GEDCOM artxiboa"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:105 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:54
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:184 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:276
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:338 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:413
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:452 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:736
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:790 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:894
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:952
msgid "GEDCOM tag"
msgstr "GEDCOM etiketa"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteTagsPage.php:83
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:284
msgid "GEDCOM tags"
msgstr "GEDCOM etiketak"

#. I18N:
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:149 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1052
msgid "GEDCOM-L"
msgstr "GEDCOM-L"

#. I18N: GEDZIP = file format
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:57
msgid "GEDZIP"
msgstr "GEDZIP"

#. I18N:
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:113 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:167
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:216 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:293
msgid "GOV identifier"
msgstr "GOV identifikatzailea"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:283
msgid "GOV identifier type"
msgstr "GOV identifikatzaile mota"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:201
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Gabon"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:217
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Gambia"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:191 app/Gedcom.php:739
#: resources/views/individual-page-sex.phtml:30
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:844
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:399
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:606
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:388
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:602
msgid "Gender"
msgstr "Generoa"

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:678
msgid "Genealogy"
msgstr "Genealogia"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:155
msgid "Genealogy contact"
msgstr "Genealogiarako kontaktoa"

#. I18N: Individuals, sources, dates, places, etc.
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:162
msgid "Genealogy data"
msgstr "Datu genealogikoak"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:45
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:596
msgid "General"
msgstr "Aukera orokorrak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchGeneralPage.php:200
#: app/Module/SearchMenuModule.php:100
msgid "General search"
msgstr "Bilaketa orokorrak"

#. I18N: Description of the “Sitemaps” module
#: app/Module/SiteMapModule.php:108
msgid "Generate sitemap files for search engines."
msgstr "Orriaren mapa-artxiboak sortu bilatzaileentzat."

#. I18N: This is a report footer. %s is the name of the application.
#: app/Report/AbstractRenderer.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "Generated by %s"
msgstr "%s-k sortua"

#: app/Module/BranchesListModule.php:509
msgid "Generation"
msgstr "Belaunaldia"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:78
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:55
msgid "Generation "
msgstr "Belaunaldia "

#: resources/views/modules/ancestors-chart/page.phtml:39
#: resources/views/modules/descendancy_chart/page.phtml:39
#: resources/views/modules/family-book-chart/page.phtml:41
#: resources/views/modules/fanchart/page.phtml:51
#: resources/views/modules/hourglass-chart/page.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/page.phtml:39
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-map/page.phtml:34
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:7
msgid "Generations"
msgstr "Zenbat belaunaldi"

#: app/Gedcom.php:876
msgid "Generations of ancestors"
msgstr "Arbasoen belaunaldiak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:881
msgid "Generations of descendants"
msgstr "Ondorengoen belaunaldiak"

#. I18N:
#: app/Module/GeonamesAutocomplete.php:57
#: app/Module/MapGeoLocationGeonames.php:46
msgid "GeoNames"
msgstr "GeoNames"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:174
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:176
msgid "Geographic area"
msgstr "Eremu geografikoa"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataAdd.php:92
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataEdit.php:88
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataList.php:106
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:641
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:846
#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:19
msgid "Geographic data"
msgstr "Datu geografikoak"

#. I18N: find latitude/longitude for a place
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapGeoLocationsPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:655
msgid "Geolocation"
msgstr "Geolokalizazioa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:205
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Georgia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:159
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Alemania"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:161
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Germinal"
msgstr "Germinal"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:255
msgid "Germinal"
msgstr "Germinal"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:208
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Germinal"
msgstr "Germinal"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:114
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Germinal"
msgstr "Germinal"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:209
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Ghana"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:211
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Gibraltar"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:99
msgid "Gila Valley, Arizona, United States"
msgstr "Gila Valley, Arizona, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:100
msgid "Gilbert, Arizona, United States"
msgstr "Gilbert, Arizona, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/lists/given-names-table.phtml:28
#: resources/views/search-phonetic-page.phtml:32
msgid "Given name"
msgstr "Izena"

#: app/Gedcom.php:686 app/Gedcom.php:695 app/Gedcom.php:700
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:148
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:151
#: resources/views/lists/given-names-table.phtml:23
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:163
msgid "Given names"
msgstr "Izenak"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:112
msgid "Godchild"
msgstr "Besoetakoa"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:81
#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:111
msgid "Goddaughter"
msgstr "Alaba besoetakoa"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:59
#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:107
msgid "Godfather"
msgstr "Aitabitxia"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:80
#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:108
msgid "Godmother"
msgstr "Amabitxia"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:109
msgid "Godparent"
msgstr "Aitabitxi/Amabitxia"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:187 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:188
#: app/Gedcom.php:621
msgid "Godparents"
msgstr "Aitabitxi/Amabitxiak"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:60
#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:110
msgid "Godson"
msgstr "Besoetakoa (gizonezkoa)"

#: app/Module/GoogleAnalyticsModule.php:48
msgid "Google™ analytics"
msgstr "Google™ analytics"

#: app/Module/GoogleMaps.php:86 app/Module/MapLinkGoogle.php:41
msgid "Google™ maps"
msgstr "Google™ maps"

#: app/Module/GoogleWebmasterToolsModule.php:41
msgid "Google™ webmaster tools"
msgstr "Google™ webmaster tresnak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:667
msgid "Graduation"
msgstr "Graduazioa"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/greatest-age.phtml:10
msgid "Greatest age at death"
msgstr "Adina hiltzerakoan"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/age-difference.phtml:26
msgid "Greatest age between siblings"
msgstr "Anai-arreben arteko adin tarterik handiena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:223
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Grezia"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:164
msgid "Green Beam"
msgstr "Beam berdea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:227
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Groenlandia"

#. I18N: The gregorian calendar
#: app/Factories/CalendarDateFactory.php:146 app/Module/YahrzeitModule.php:267
msgid "Gregorian"
msgstr "Gregorianoa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:225
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Granada"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:101
msgid "Guadalajara, Mexico"
msgstr "Guadalajara, Mexiko"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:215
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Guadalupe"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:233
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Guam"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:113
msgid "Guardian"
msgstr "Tutorea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:82
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Guardian"
msgstr "Tutorea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:61
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Guardian"
msgstr "Tutorea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:229
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Guatemala"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:102
msgid "Guatemala City, Guatemala"
msgstr "Guatemala Hiria, Guatemala"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:103
msgid "Guayaquil, Ecuador"
msgstr "Guayaquil, Ekuador"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:207
msgid "Guernsey"
msgstr "Guernsey"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:213
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Ginea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:219
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Ginea Bissau"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:235
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Guyana"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/HtmlBlockModule.php:61
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:100
msgid "Hair color"
msgstr "Ile kolorea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:245
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Haiti"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:105
msgid "Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada"
msgstr "Halifax, Nova Scotia, Kanada"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:147
msgid "Hamilton, New Zealand"
msgstr "Hamilton, Zelanda Berria"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:106
msgid "Hartford, Connecticut, United States"
msgstr "Hartford, Connecticut, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:428
msgid "He "
msgstr "Berak "

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:288
msgid "He died"
msgstr "Hil zen"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:260
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:173
msgid "He married"
msgstr "Ezkondu zen"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:223
msgid "He resided at"
msgstr "Bere bizilekua"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:401
msgid "He was born"
msgstr "Jaio zen"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:338
msgid "He was buried"
msgstr "Lurperatu zuten"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:167
msgid "He was christened"
msgstr "Bataiatu zuten"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:313
msgid "He was cremated"
msgstr "Erraustu zuten"

#: app/Gedcom.php:498 app/Header.php:42 app/Header.php:43 app/Header.php:44
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:351
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Goiburua"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:239
msgid "Heard Island and McDonald Islands"
msgstr "Heard Uhartea eta McDonald Uharteak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:253
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "Hebrearra"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:81 app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:82
msgid "Hebrew name"
msgstr "Hebrear izena"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:101
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Altuera"

#: resources/views/emails/approve-user-html.phtml:18
#: resources/views/emails/approve-user-text.phtml:14
#: resources/views/emails/message-copy-html.phtml:18
#: resources/views/emails/message-copy-text.phtml:16
#: resources/views/emails/message-user-html.phtml:18
#: resources/views/emails/message-user-text.phtml:16
#: resources/views/emails/new-version-html.phtml:18
#: resources/views/emails/new-version-text.phtml:17
#: resources/views/emails/password-request-html.phtml:16
#: resources/views/emails/password-request-text.phtml:14
#: resources/views/emails/pending-changes-html.phtml:18
#: resources/views/emails/pending-changes-text.phtml:17
#: resources/views/emails/register-user-html.phtml:17
#: resources/views/emails/register-user-text.phtml:16
#, php-format
msgid "Hello %s…"
msgstr "Kaixo %s…"

#: resources/views/register-success-page.phtml:21
#, php-format
msgid "Hello %s…<br>Thank you for your registration."
msgstr "Kaixo %s…<br>Eskerrik asko erregistratzeagatik."

#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-html.phtml:19
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-text.phtml:17
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-html.phtml:16
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-text.phtml:14
msgid "Hello administrator…"
msgstr "Kaixo administratzailea…"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:280 resources/views/help/link.phtml:13
#: resources/views/help/link.phtml:15
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Lagundu"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:108
msgid "Helsinki, Finland"
msgstr "Helsinki, Finlandia"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:15
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:14
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:14
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:15
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:10
msgctxt "font name"
msgid "Helvetica"
msgstr "Helvetica"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:197
msgid "Her occupation was"
msgstr "Hauxe zen bere lanbidea"

#. I18N:
#: app/Module/HereMaps.php:96
msgid "Here maps"
msgstr "Here mapak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:109
msgid "Hermosillo, Mexico"
msgstr "Hermosillo, Mexiko"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:195
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Heshvan"
msgstr "Heshvan"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:299
msgid "Heshvan"
msgstr "Heshvan"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:247
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Heshvan"
msgstr "Heshvan"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:143
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Heshvan"
msgstr "Heshvan"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:55 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:185
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:277 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:339
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:414 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:453
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:737 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:791
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:895 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:953
msgid "Hide GEDCOM tags"
msgstr "GEDCOM etiketak ezkutatu"

#: app/Auth.php:594 app/Auth.php:607
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:125
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePrivacyPage.php:94
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:150
msgid "Hide from everyone"
msgstr "Ezkutatu guztiontzat"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:152
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:61
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:72
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:91
#: resources/views/login-page.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-in.phtml:34
#: resources/views/password-reset-page.phtml:37
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:76
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:119
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:85
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:85
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:83
msgid "Hide password"
msgstr "Pasahitza ezkutatu"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-check.phtml:39
#: resources/views/admin/trees-check.phtml:55
#: resources/views/admin/trees-check.phtml:71
msgid "Hide these errors"
msgstr "Ezkutatu akats hauek"

#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:37
msgid "Hide unused locations"
msgstr "Erabili gabeko lekuak ezkutatu"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:297
msgid "Hierarchical relationship"
msgstr "Harreman hierarkikoa"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeBuilder.php:63 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:190
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:206 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:145
#: app/CustomTags/TheNextGeneration.php:52
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:8
msgid "Highlighted image"
msgstr "Nabarmendutako irudia"

#. I18N: The Arabic/Hijri calendar
#: app/Factories/CalendarDateFactory.php:154
#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:187
msgid "Hijri"
msgstr "Hijri"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:196
msgid "His occupation was"
msgstr "Hauxe zen bere lanbidea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesHistoricEventsPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:741
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:122
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:124
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:264
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:267
#: resources/views/modules/personal_facts/tab.phtml:48
msgid "Historic events"
msgstr "Gertaera historikoak"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: app/Module/HitCountFooterModule.php:73
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:627
msgid "Hit counters"
msgstr "Bisiten kontagailua"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:70
msgid "Holocaust"
msgstr "Holokaustoa"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/WelcomeBlockModule.php:55
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:627
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:205
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:209 resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:93
msgid "Home page"
msgstr "Harrera orria"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:241
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Honduras"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:110
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:237
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr "Hong Kong"

#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:161 app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:257
#: app/Module/HourglassChartModule.php:79
msgid "Hourglass chart"
msgstr "Harea-erloju grafikoa"

#. I18N: %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Module/HourglassChartModule.php:125
#, php-format
msgid "Hourglass chart of %s"
msgstr "%sren harezko erloju grafikoa"

#: resources/views/modules/census-assistant.phtml:112
msgid "Household"
msgstr "Etxea"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:111
msgid "Houston, Texas, United States"
msgstr "Houston, Texas, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Configuration option
#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/config.phtml:45
msgid "How much recursion to use when searching for relationships"
msgstr "Zenbateko errekurtsioa erabili harremanen bilaketak egiterakoan"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:247
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Hungaria"

#: app/Gedcom.php:415 app/Gedcom.php:461
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LinkSpouseToIndividualPage.php:72
#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:27
#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:42
#: resources/views/fact-date.phtml:144
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:147
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1087
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:204
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:221
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:457
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:192
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:213
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:449
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:116
msgid "Husband"
msgstr "Senarra"

#: app/Gedcom.php:416 resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:357
msgid "Husband’s age"
msgstr "Senarraren adina"

#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:60
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:127
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP helbidea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:263
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Islandia"

#: app/SurnameTradition/IcelandicSurnameTradition.php:41
msgctxt "Surname tradition"
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "Islandiarra"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:112
msgid "Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States"
msgstr "Idaho Falls, Idaho, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:669
msgid "Identification number"
msgstr "Identifikazio zenbakia"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:778
msgid "Identifiers"
msgstr "Identifikatzaileak"

#: resources/views/admin/fix-level-0-media.phtml:22
msgid "If a media object is linked to an individual, when it should be linked to a fact or event, then you can move it to the correct location."
msgstr "Multimedia objektu bat pertsona bati binkulatua baldin badago eta gertaera bati binkulatua egon behar balu, behar den lekura mugitzen ahal duzu."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Language” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:90
msgid "If a visitor to the website has not selected a preferred language in their browser preferences, or they have selected an unsupported language, then this language will be used. Typically this applies to search engines."
msgstr "Orriaren bisitari batek ez badu nabigatzailean lehenetsitako hizkuntza aukeratu, edo zerrendan ez dagoen bat aukeratu baldin badu, hizkuntza hau erabiliko da. Hau da bilatzaileetan erabiltzen den hizkuntza."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:112
msgid "If an administrator creates a user account, the verification email is not sent, and the email must be verified manually."
msgstr "Administratzaile batek erabiltzaile-kontua sortzen badu, berifikazio mezua ez da ateratzen eta bere helbide elektronikoa eskuz onartzen da."

#: resources/views/help/name.phtml:24
#, php-format
msgid "If an individual does not have a surname, no slashes are needed: <%s>Jón Einarsson<%s>"
msgstr "Pertsona batek ez badu abizenik, barrak ez dira behar: <%s>Jón Einarsson<%s>"

#: resources/views/help/name.phtml:21
#, php-format
msgid "If an individual has two separate surnames, both should be enclosed by slashes: <%s>José Antonio /Gómez/ /Iglesias/<%s>"
msgstr "Bi abizen izanez gero, bakoitza barren artean joan beharko luke: <%s>José Antonio /Gómez/ /Iglesias/<%s>"

#: resources/views/help/name.phtml:30
#, php-format
msgid "If an individual was known by a nickname which is not part of their formal name, it should be enclosed by quotation marks. For example, <%s>John &quot;Nobby&quot; /Clark/<%s>."
msgstr "Pertsona bat bere izenaren barrenean ez dagoen goitizenez baldin bada ezaguna, komatxoen artean sartu beharko genuke: <%s>John &quot;Nobby&quot; /Clark/<%s>."

#: resources/views/help/name.phtml:27
#, php-format
msgid "If an individual was not known by their first given name, the preferred name should be indicated with an asterisk: <%s>John Paul* /Smith/<%s>"
msgstr "Pertsona bat ez bada bere lehenbiziko izenez ezagutzen, aukeratutako izena asterisko batez adierazi beharko da: <%s>Jon Ander* /Mitxelena/<%s>"

#: resources/views/help/name.phtml:18
#, php-format
msgid "If the surname is unknown, use empty slashes: <%s>Mary //<%s>"
msgstr "Abizena ezezaguna baldin bada, bi barratxo hutsez adieraziko dugu: <%s>Joanes//<%s>"

#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:26
msgid "If the thumbnail image is a custom image, you should add it to the media object."
msgstr "Miniatura pertsonalizatua baldin bago, multimedia objektuari gehitu beharko zaio."

#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:25
msgid "If the thumbnail image is the same as the original image, it is no longer needed and you should delete it."
msgstr "Miniatura irudi originala bezalakoa baldin bada, ez duzu gehiago beharko eta deusestatzen ahal duzu."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Age at which to assume an individual is dead” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:76
msgid "If this individual has any events other than death, burial, or cremation more recent than this number of years, they are considered to be “alive”. Children’s birth dates are considered to be such events for this purpose."
msgstr "Pertsona batek hemen aipatzen diren azken urte kopuruan gertaera hauetako bat izan badu (heriotza, ehorzketa edo errausketa), bizirik egonen balitz bezala tratatuko zaio. Helburu honekin seme-alaben jaiotzen datak ere erabiltzen dira."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Media folder” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:254
msgid "If two family trees use the same media folder, then they will be able to share media files. If they use different media folders, then their media files will be kept separate."
msgstr "Familiako bi zuhaitzek multimedia-karpeta bera erabiltzen badute, multimedia-fitxategiak partekatu ahal izango dituzte. Hainbat baliabide-karpeta erabiltzen badituzte, multimedia-fitxategiak bereizita gordeko dira."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Who can upload new media files” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:270
msgid "If you are concerned that users might upload inappropriate images, you can restrict media uploads to managers only."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileek irudi desegokiak kargatu ahal izateak kezkatzen bazaitu, bitartekoen kargak administratzaileei bakarrik murritz diezazkiekezu."

#: resources/views/errors/database-connection.phtml:22
msgid "If you are the website administrator, you should check that:"
msgstr "Web gunearen administratzailea bazara, hau egiaztatu behar duzu:"

#: resources/views/errors/database-connection.phtml:37
msgid "If you cannot resolve the problem yourself, you can ask for help on the forums at <a href=\"\"></a>."
msgstr "Arazoa ezin baduzu zuk zeuk konpondu, laguntza eska dezakezu foro hauetan: <a href=\"\"></a>."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:114
msgid "If you created this GEDCOM file using genealogy software that omits spaces when splitting long lines, then select this option to reinsert the missing spaces."
msgstr "GEDCOM fitxategi hau sortu baduzu lerro luzeak zatitzean hutsuneak beteko dituen software genealogikoa erabiliz, hautatu aukera hau falta diren espazioak berriro txertatzeko."

#: resources/views/emails/password-request-html.phtml:28
#: resources/views/emails/password-request-text.phtml:20
msgid "If you did not request a new password, please ignore this message."
msgstr "Pasahitz berririk ez baduzu eskatu, mesedez, ez izan kontuan mezu hau."

#: resources/views/emails/register-user-html.phtml:36
#: resources/views/emails/register-user-text.phtml:24
msgid "If you didn’t request an account, you can just delete this message."
msgstr "Konturik eskatu ez baduzu, mezu hau bakarrik ezaba dezakezu."

#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:75
msgid "If you have a large number of media files, you can organize them into folders and subfolders."
msgstr "Multimedia-fitxategi asko badituzu, karpetetan eta azpikarpetetan antola ditzakezu."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:99
msgid "If you have created media objects in webtrees, and have subsequently edited this GEDCOM file using genealogy software that deletes media objects, then select this option to merge the current media objects with the new GEDCOM file."
msgstr "Multimedia-objektuak webtree-n sortu badituzu eta gero GEDCOM fitxategi hau editatu baduzu multimedia-objektuak ezabatzen dituen genealogia softwarea erabiliz, hautatu aukera hau uneko multimedia-objektuak GEDCOM fitxategi berriarekin bateratzeko."

#: app/Elements/MultimediaFileReference.php:76
#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-record.phtml:50
msgid "If you modify the filename, you should also rename the file."
msgstr "Fitxategiaren izena aldatzen baduzu, fitxategiaren izena ere aldatu behar duzu."

#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:40
msgid "If you select a different folder, you must also move all files (except config.ini.php, index.php, and .htaccess) from the existing folder to the new folder."
msgstr "Bertze karpeta bat aukeratzen baduzu, karpeta berrira mugitu behar dituzu fitxategi guztiak (\"config.index.php\", \"index.php\" eta \".htaccess\"a izan ezik)."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Media folder” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:253
msgid "If you select a different folder, you must also move any media files from the existing folder to the new one."
msgstr "Bertze karpeta bat aukeratzen baduzu, oraingo karpetan daukazun edozein multimedia-fitxategi aukeratutakora mugitu behar duzu."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Show living individuals” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:94
msgid "If you show living individuals to visitors, all other privacy restrictions are ignored. Do this only if all the data in your tree is public."
msgstr "Bisitariei gizabanako biziak erakusten badizkiezu, gainerako pribatutasun-murrizketak ez dira kontuan hartuko. Zure zuhaitzaren datu guztiak publikoak badira bakarrik egin hori."

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:82
msgid "If you try to exceed these limits, you may experience server time-outs and blank pages."
msgstr "Muga horiek gainditzen saiatzen bazara, zerbitzari-geldialdiak eta orri zuriak izan ditzakezu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesAnalyticsPage.php:44
msgid "If you use one of the following tracking and analytics services, webtrees can add the tracking codes automatically."
msgstr "Segimendu eta analisi-zerbitzu hauetako bat erabiltzen baduzu, webtrees-ek automatikoki erants ditzake segimendu-kodeak."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaData.php:369 app/MediaFile.php:328
msgid "Image dimensions"
msgstr "Irudiaren neurriak"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:321
msgid "Images without watermarks"
msgstr "Ur-markarik gabeko irudiak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:671
msgid "Immigration"
msgstr "Inmigrazioa"

#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:60
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:290
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Garraiatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ImportGedcomPage.php:68
msgid "Import a GEDCOM file"
msgstr "GEDCOM artxiboa garraiatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ImportThumbnailsPage.php:47
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:825
msgid "Import custom thumbnails from webtrees version 1"
msgstr "1. bertsioko webtree-ko miniatura pertsonalizatuak inportatzea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataImportPage.php:75
msgid "Import geographic data"
msgstr "Datu geografikoak garraiatu"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:78
msgid "Import preferences"
msgstr "Aukerak garraiatu"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-merge.phtml:27
#: resources/views/admin/trees-renumber.phtml:24
msgid "In a family tree, each record has an internal reference number (called an “XREF”) such as “F123” or “R14”."
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogiko batean, erregistro bakoitzak barneko erreferentzia-zenbaki bat du (“XREF” izenekoa), hala nola “1x23” edo “R14”."

#: resources/views/help/romanized.phtml:10
msgid "In many cultures it is customary to have a traditional name spelled in the traditional characters and also a romanized version of the name as it would be spelled or pronounced in languages based on the Latin alphabet, such as English.<br><br>If you prefer to use a non-Latin alphabet such as Hebrew, Greek, Russian, Chinese, or Arabic to enter the name in the standard name fields, then you can use this field to enter the same name using the Latin alphabet. Both versions of the name will appear in lists and charts.<br><br>Although this field is labeled “Romanized”, it is not restricted to containing only characters based on the Latin alphabet. This might be of use with Japanese names, where three different alphabets may occur."
msgstr "Kultura askotan, ohikoa da izen tradizional bat izatea, karaktere tradizionaletan letraz letratua, baita izenaren bertsio errumaniar bat ere, alfabeto latinoan oinarritutako hizkuntzetan, hala nola ingelesez, deletreatua edo ahoskatua. Nahiago baduzu alfabeto latindarra erabili, hala nola hebrearra, grekoa, errusiarra, txinera edo arabiera, orduan, izen estandarra erabil dezakezu.zenaren bi bertsioak zerrendetan eta grafikoetan agertuko dira."

#: resources/views/help/hebrew.phtml:10
msgid "In many cultures it is customary to have a traditional name spelled in the traditional characters and also a romanized version of the name as it would be spelled or pronounced in languages based on the Latin alphabet, such as English.<br><br>If you prefer to use the Latin alphabet to enter the name in the standard name fields, then you can use this field to enter the same name in the non-Latin alphabet such as Greek, Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, or Chinese. Both versions of the name will appear in lists and charts.<br><br>Although this field is labeled “Hebrew”, it is not restricted to containing only Hebrew characters."
msgstr "Kultura askotan, ohikoa da izen tradizional bat izatea, eta, era berean, izen horren bertsio erromanizatua, latinezko alfabetoan oinarritutako hizkuntzetan hala nola ingelesez deletreatua edo ahoskatua. Latinezko alfabetoa erabiltzea nahiago baduzu izen estandarren eremuetan izena sartzeko, eremu hori erabil dezakezu alfabeto ez-latinoan edo grekoan izen bera sartzeko."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Calendar conversion” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:132
msgid "In some calendars, days start at midnight. In other calendars, days start at sunset. The conversion process does not take account of the time, so for any event that occurs between sunset and midnight, the conversion between these types of calendar will be one day out."
msgstr "Egutegi batzuetan, gauerdian hasten dira egunak. Beste egutegi batzuetan, ilunabarrean hasten dira egunak. Bihurtze-prozesuak ez du denbora kontuan hartzen; beraz, eguzkia sartu eta gauerditik gauerdira bitartean gertatzen den edozein gertaeratarako, egutegi mota horien arteko bihurketa egun batekoa izango da."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Extend privacy to dead individuals” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:113
msgid "In some countries, privacy laws apply not only to living individuals, but also to those who have died recently. This option will allow you to extend the privacy rules for living individuals to those who were born or died within a specified number of years. Leave these values empty to disable this feature."
msgstr "Herrialde batzuetan, pribatutasun-legeak ez zaizkie soilik hilak diren pertsonei aplikatzen, baizik eta hil berriak direnei ere. Aukera honi esker, pertsona bizien pribatutasun-arauak, urte kopuru jakin batean, jaio edo hil direnei ere zabaldu ahal izango dizkiezu. Utzi balio horiek hutsik funtzio hau desaktibatzeko."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CalendarPage.php:116
msgid "In this month…"
msgstr "Hilabete honetan…"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CalendarPage.php:119
msgid "In this year…"
msgstr "Aurten…"

#. I18N: "thumbs" is fixed text. Do not change it.
#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:21
msgid "In webtrees version 1, you could add custom thumbnails to media objects by creating files in the “thumbs” folders."
msgstr "Webtrees-en 1. bertsioan, miniatura pertsonalizatuak gehitzen ahal dizkiezu multimedia-objektuei, “erpuru”-en karpetetan fitxategiak sortuz."

#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:23
msgid "In webtrees version 2, custom thumbnails are stored as a second media file in the same media object."
msgstr "2. bertsioan, miniatura pertsonalizatuak bigarren multimedia-fitxategi gisa gordetzen dira objektu mediatiko berean."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-unconnected.phtml:30
msgid "Include aliases"
msgstr "Goitizenak barne"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-unconnected.phtml:29
msgid "Include associates"
msgstr "Bazkideak barne"

#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:329
#, php-format
msgid "Include individuals with “%s” as a married name"
msgstr "%s duten pertsonak ezkon-izena hartzen dute"

#. I18N: Label for check-box
#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:68
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:46
msgid "Include subfolders"
msgstr "Azpikarpetak barne"

#: resources/views/modules/custom-css-js/edit.phtml:40
msgid "Include the <code>&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</code> tags."
msgstr "<code>&lt;, &gt;&lt;, &gt;</code> etiketak barne."

#: resources/views/modules/custom-css-js/edit.phtml:28
msgid "Include the <code>&lt;style&gt;&lt;/style&gt;</code> tags."
msgstr "<code>&lt;, &gt;&lt;, &gt;</code> etiketak barne."

#. I18N: Label for a configuration option
#: resources/views/modules/lifespans-chart/page.phtml:33
msgid "Include the individual’s immediate family"
msgstr "Gizabanakoaren hurbileko familia barne"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:251
msgid "India"
msgstr "India"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:113
msgid "Indianapolis, Indiana, United States"
msgstr "Indianapolis, Indiana, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:91 app/Gedcom.php:534
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:352
#: app/Module/IndividualReportModule.php:40
#: resources/views/admin/fix-level-0-media.phtml:39
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:166
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:226
#: resources/views/modals/link-media-to-individual.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/ancestors-chart/page.phtml:30
#: resources/views/modules/charts/config.phtml:30
#: resources/views/modules/compact-chart/page.phtml:25
#: resources/views/modules/descendancy_chart/page.phtml:30
#: resources/views/modules/family-book-chart/page.phtml:32
#: resources/views/modules/fanchart/page.phtml:33
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:67
#: resources/views/modules/hourglass-chart/page.phtml:29
#: resources/views/modules/interactive-tree/page.phtml:25
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/page.phtml:30
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-map/page.phtml:25
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/slide-show.phtml:65
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:61
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:31
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:58
#: resources/views/modules/stories/edit.phtml:33
#: resources/views/modules/stories/list.phtml:21
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/page.phtml:30
#: resources/views/search-advanced-page.phtml:32
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:88
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:5
msgid "Individual"
msgstr "Gizabanakoa"

#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/page.phtml:33
msgid "Individual 1"
msgstr "1 gizabanakoa"

#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/page.phtml:42
msgid "Individual 2"
msgstr "2 gizabanakoa"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDistribution.php:317
msgid "Individual distribution chart"
msgstr "Gizabanakoen banaketa taula"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1032
msgid "Individual facts and events"
msgstr "Banakakoen gertaera eta ebentoak"

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:720
msgid "Individual page"
msgstr "Banakako orria"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:419
msgid "Individual pages"
msgstr "Banakako orriak"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:292
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:57
msgid "Individual record"
msgstr "Banakako erregistroa"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:59
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:211
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:87
msgid "Individual who lived the longest"
msgstr "Gehien bizi izan den pertsona"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#: app/Module/AncestorsChartModule.php:255
#: app/Module/DescendancyChartModule.php:246
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:108
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:92
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:292
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:144
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:282
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:331
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:524
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:586
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:647 app/Services/AdminService.php:196
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:343
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:54
#: resources/views/lists/given-names-table.phtml:31
#: resources/views/lists/locations-table.phtml:66
#: resources/views/lists/media-table.phtml:81
#: resources/views/lists/notes-table.phtml:92
#: resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:100
#: resources/views/lists/submitters-table.phtml:70
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-table.phtml:41
#: resources/views/modules/census-assistant.phtml:58
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:46
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/events.phtml:22
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/sidebar.phtml:46
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:22
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:64
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:160
#: resources/views/record-page-links.phtml:42
#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:68
#: resources/views/search-results.phtml:39
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:54
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:258
msgid "Individuals"
msgstr "Gizabanakoak"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartIndividualWithSources.php:84
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/chart-sources.phtml:17
msgid "Individuals with sources"
msgstr "Gizabanakoak iturriekin"

#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:429
#, php-format
msgid "Individuals with surname %s"
msgstr "%s abizena duten banakakoak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:249
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Indonesia"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:114
msgid "Informant"
msgstr "Informatzailea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:83
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Informant"
msgstr "Informatzailea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:62
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Informant"
msgstr "Informatzailea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:282
msgid "Inline-source records are discouraged."
msgstr "Iturburu barneko erregistroak gomendatzen dira."

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:175 app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:258
#: app/Module/InteractiveTreeModule.php:49
msgid "Interactive tree"
msgstr "Zuhaitz interaktiboa"

#. I18N: %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:170
#: app/Module/InteractiveTree/TreeView.php:162
#: app/Module/InteractiveTreeModule.php:159
#, php-format
msgid "Interactive tree of %s"
msgstr "%s-ren zuhaitz interaktiboa"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:102
msgid "Interment"
msgstr "Arrotza"

#: app/Services/MessageService.php:229
msgid "Internal messaging"
msgstr "Barne-mezularitza"

#: app/Services/MessageService.php:230
msgid "Internal messaging with emails"
msgstr "Barne-mezularitza mezu elektronikoekin"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/GedcomLoad.php:184
msgid "Invalid GEDCOM file - no header record found."
msgstr "GEDCOM fitxategia ez da baliozkoa - ez da goiburuko erregistrorik aurkitu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/GedcomLoad.php:92
msgid "Invalid GEDCOM file - no trailer record found."
msgstr "GEDCOM fitxategia ez da baliozkoa - ez da atoiaren erregistrorik aurkitu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:198
msgid "Invalid GEDCOM level number."
msgstr "Ez du balio GEDCOM mota horrek."

#: app/Exceptions/GedcomErrorException.php:37
msgid "Invalid GEDCOM record"
msgstr "GEDCOM erregistroa ez da baliozkoa"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:192
msgid "Invalid GEDCOM record."
msgstr "GEDCOM erregistroa ez da baliozkoa."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:218
msgid "Invalid GEDCOM tag."
msgstr "GEDCOM etiketak ez du balio."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:285
msgid "Invalid GEDCOM value."
msgstr "GEDCOM balorea ez da baliozkoa."

#: app/Date.php:224
msgid "Invalid date"
msgstr "Datak ez du balio"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:259
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "Iran"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:261
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Iraq"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:257
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Irlanda"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:253
msgid "Isle of Man"
msgstr "Man Uhartea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:265
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Israel"

#: resources/views/admin/upgrade/steps.phtml:21
msgid "It can take several minutes to download and install the upgrade. Be patient."
msgstr "Zenbait minutu joan daitezke eguneratzea deskargatzeko eta instalatzeko. Izan pazientzia."

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1025
msgid "It is not recommended to use custom GEDCOM tags. This data can be lost when you transfer it to other applications."
msgstr "Ez da gomendatzen GEDCOM etiketa pertsonalizatuak erabiltzea. Datu horiek galdu egiten ahal dira bertze aplikazio batzuetara transferitzen direnean."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:267
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Italia"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:209
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Iyar"
msgstr "Iyar"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:313
msgid "Iyar"
msgstr "Iyar"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:261
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Iyar"
msgstr "Iyar"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:157
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Iyar"
msgstr "Iyar"

#. I18N: The Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Factories/CalendarDateFactory.php:156
#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:203
msgid "Jalali"
msgstr "Jalali"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:269
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Jamaika"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:231
msgctxt "Abbreviation for January"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Urt"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:128
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "January"
msgstr "Urtarrilean"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:198
msgid "January"
msgstr "Urtarrila"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:163
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "January"
msgstr "Urtarrileko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:93
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:788
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:13
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "January"
msgstr "Urtarrila"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:274
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japon"

#. I18N: The Hebrew/Jewish calendar
#: app/Factories/CalendarDateFactory.php:152 app/Module/YahrzeitModule.php:266
#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:171
msgid "Jewish"
msgstr "Jewish"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:114
msgid "Johannesburg, South Africa"
msgstr "Johannesburg, Hego Africa"

#. I18N: This should be a common/default/placeholder name of an individual. Put slashes around the surname.
#: app/Services/TreeService.php:226
msgid "John /DOE/"
msgstr "John /DOE/"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:272
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Jordan"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:115
msgid "Jordan River, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Jordan River, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/UserJournalModule.php:117
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Aldizkaria"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:237
msgctxt "Abbreviation for July"
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Uzt"

#. I18N: The julian calendar
#: app/Factories/CalendarDateFactory.php:148
#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:155
msgid "Julian"
msgstr "Julian"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:134
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Uztailaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:204
msgid "July"
msgstr "Uztaila"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:169
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Uztaileko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:99
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:794
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:19
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Uztaila"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:150
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Jumada al-awwal"
msgstr "Jumada al-awwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:240
msgid "Jumada al-awwal"
msgstr "Jumada al-awwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:195
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Jumada al-awwal"
msgstr "Jumada al-awwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:105
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Jumada al-awwal"
msgstr "Jumada al-awwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:152
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Jumada al-thani"
msgstr "Jumada al-thani"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:242
msgid "Jumada al-thani"
msgstr "Jumada al-thani"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:197
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Jumada al-thani"
msgstr "Jumada al-thani"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:107
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Jumada al-thani"
msgstr "Jumada al-thani"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:236
msgctxt "Abbreviation for June"
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Eka"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:133
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Ekainaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:203
msgid "June"
msgstr "Ekaina"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:168
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Ekaineko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:98
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:793
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:18
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Ekaina"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:116
msgid "Kansas City, Missouri, United States"
msgstr "Kansas City, Missouri, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:276
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Kazakhstan"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:92
msgid "Keep media objects"
msgstr "Media objektuak gorde"

#: resources/views/modals/on-screen-keyboard.phtml:46
msgid "Keep open"
msgstr "Irekia mantendu"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:707
#: resources/views/edit/edit-fact.phtml:35
#: resources/views/edit/edit-record.phtml:34
msgid "Keep the existing “last change” information"
msgstr "Dagoen \"azken aldaketa\" informazioa mantendu"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:278
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Kenya"

#: app/Module/HtmlBlockModule.php:193
msgid "Keyword examples"
msgstr "Hitz klabeen adibideak"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:275
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Khordad"
msgid "Khor"
msgstr "Khor"

#. I18N: 3rd month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:143
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Khordad"
msgstr "Khordad"

#. I18N: 3rd month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:233
msgid "Khordad"
msgstr "Khordad"

#. I18N: 3rd month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:188
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Khordad"
msgstr "Khordad"

#. I18N: 3rd month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:98
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Khordad"
msgstr "Khordad"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:284
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Kiribati"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:197
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Kislev"
msgstr "Kislev"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:301
msgid "Kislev"
msgstr "Kislev"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:249
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Kislev"
msgstr "Kislev"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:145
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Kislev"
msgstr "Kislev"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:117
msgid "Kona, Hawaii, United States"
msgstr "Kona, Hawaii, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:288
msgid "Korea"
msgstr "Korea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:290
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Kuwait"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:118
msgid "Kyiv, Ukraine"
msgstr "Kyiv, Ukraina"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:280
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Kirgizistan"

#: app/Gedcom.php:586
msgid "LDS baptism"
msgstr "LDS bataioa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:740
msgid "LDS child sealing"
msgstr "Semearen zigilatze mormoia"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:724
msgid "LDS church"
msgstr "Eliza Mormoia"

#: app/Gedcom.php:628
msgid "LDS confirmation"
msgstr "Konfirmazio mormoia"

#: app/Gedcom.php:648
msgid "LDS endowment"
msgstr "Mormoi inbestidura"

#. I18N: GEDCOM tag INIL - an LDS ceremony
#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:68 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:131
msgid "LDS initiatory"
msgstr "Mormoi iniziazioa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:480
msgid "LDS spouse sealing"
msgstr "Mormoi zigilatzea ezkontidearekin"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:74 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:88
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:92 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:107
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Etiketa"

#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:65
msgid "Label for husband"
msgstr "Etiketa senarrarentzat"

#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:69
msgid "Label for wife"
msgstr "Etiketa emaztearentzat"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:107
msgid "Laie, Hawaii, United States"
msgstr "Laie, Hawaii, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: GEDCOM tag _PURC
#: app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:59
msgid "Land purchase"
msgstr "Lursail erosketa"

#. I18N: GEDCOM tag _SALE
#: app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:60
msgid "Land sale"
msgstr "Lursail salmenta"

#. I18N: page orientation
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:101
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:7
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr "Etzana"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:265 app/Gedcom.php:509 app/Gedcom.php:867
#: app/Module/ModuleLanguageTrait.php:242 app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:248
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:280
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:283
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:79
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:127
#: resources/views/admin/users.phtml:31
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:102
#: resources/views/layouts/administration.phtml:59
#: resources/views/setup/step-1-language.phtml:44
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Hizkuntza"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesLanguagesPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:620
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:130
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:132
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Hizkuntzak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:292
msgid "Laos"
msgstr "Laos"

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:74
msgid "Large systems (50,000 individuals): 64–128 MB, 40–80 seconds"
msgstr "Sistema handiak (50.000 pertsona): 64-128 MB, 40-80 segundo"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartFamilyLargest.php:109
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/children.phtml:41
msgid "Largest families"
msgstr "Familia ugarienak"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/children.phtml:50
msgid "Largest number of grandchildren"
msgstr "Biloba gehien duena"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:125
msgid "Las Vegas, Nevada, United States"
msgstr "Las Vegas, Nevada, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:221 app/Gedcom.php:448 app/Gedcom.php:615
#: app/Gedcom.php:762 app/Gedcom.php:783 app/Gedcom.php:814 app/Gedcom.php:830
#: app/Gedcom.php:861 app/Gedcom.php:877
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:162
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:185
#: resources/views/lists/locations-table.phtml:68
#: resources/views/lists/media-table.phtml:84
#: resources/views/lists/notes-table.phtml:96
#: resources/views/lists/repositories-table.phtml:54
#: resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:104
#: resources/views/lists/submitters-table.phtml:72
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:33
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:48
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:66
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:108
msgid "Last change"
msgstr "Azken aldaketa"

#. I18N: Last checked X hours ago.
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:192
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:212
#, php-format
msgid "Last checked %s."
msgstr "Azken egiaztapena %s."

#: app/Module/ReviewChangesModule.php:161
msgid "Last email reminder was sent "
msgstr "Korreoz bidalitako azken oroigarria bidali zen "

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/other-events.phtml:29
msgid "Last event"
msgstr "Azken gertaera"

#: resources/views/admin/users.phtml:35
msgid "Last signed in"
msgstr "Azken sarrera"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:56
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:178
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:75
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/individual-events.phtml:47
msgid "Latest birth"
msgstr "Jaiotza berantiarrena"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:58
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:200
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:83
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/individual-events.phtml:91
msgid "Latest death"
msgstr "Heriotza berantiarrena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/family-totals.phtml:92
msgid "Latest divorce"
msgstr "Dibortzio berantiarrena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/family-totals.phtml:48
msgid "Latest marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontza berantiarrena"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:247 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:259
#: app/Gedcom.php:425 app/Gedcom.php:557
#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:44
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:45
#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-coordinates.phtml:14
#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-coordinates.phtml:17
#: resources/views/fact-place.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/popup.phtml:31
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Latitudea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:312
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Letonia"

#: resources/views/modules/ancestors-chart/page.phtml:48
#: resources/views/modules/descendancy_chart/page.phtml:48
#: resources/views/modules/fanchart/page.phtml:42
#: resources/views/modules/hourglass-chart/page.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/page.phtml:48
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:33
#: resources/views/modules/todays_events/config.phtml:39
#: resources/views/modules/top10_givnnames/config.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/top10_surnames/config.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/upcoming_events/config.phtml:51
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/config.phtml:32
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Aurkezpena"

#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:95
msgid "Leave the password blank if you want to keep the current password."
msgstr "Utzi pasahitza bete gabe lehengoa erabili nahi baduzu."

#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:51
msgid "Leave this entry blank to keep the original filename"
msgstr "Sarrera hau bete gabe utzi lehendik artxiboak duen izena ez baduzu aldatu nahi"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:114
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:156
msgid "Leaves"
msgstr "Orriak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:294
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Lebanon"

#. I18N: Name of a module - historic/obsolete URLs.
#: app/Module/RedirectLegacyUrlsModule.php:121
msgid "Legacy URLs"
msgstr "Heredatutako URL-ak"

#: app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:57
msgid "Legatee"
msgstr "Herentzia"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:72
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Luzaera"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/marriage-length.phtml:10
msgid "Length of marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontzaren iraupena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:306
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Leshoto"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:8
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Gutuna"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:296
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Liberia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:298
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "Libia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:302
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Liechtenstein"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/lifespan.phtml:10
msgid "Lifespan"
msgstr "Bizi-itxaropena"

#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#: app/Module/LifespansChartModule.php:104
msgid "Lifespans"
msgstr "Bizi-itxaropenak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:120
msgid "Lima, Peru"
msgstr "Lima, Peru"

#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:89
msgid "Line endings"
msgstr "Lerroen bukaerak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:420
msgid "Line number"
msgstr "Lerroaren zenbakia"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/FixLevel0MediaPage.php:48
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:819
msgid "Link media objects to facts and events"
msgstr "Multimedia objektuak gertaerei binkulatu"

#. I18N: You need to:
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-html.phtml:43
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-text.phtml:29
msgid "Link the user account to an individual."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-kontua pertsona bati binkulatu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LinkChildToFamilyPage.php:49
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:123
msgid "Link this individual to an existing family as a child"
msgstr "Pertsona bat orrian dagoen familia bati binkulatu, seme edo alaba bezala"

#: resources/views/media-page-menu.phtml:65
#: resources/views/modals/link-media-to-family.phtml:18
msgid "Link this media object to a family"
msgstr "Multimedia objektua familia bati binkulatu"

#: resources/views/media-page-menu.phtml:70
#: resources/views/modals/link-media-to-source.phtml:18
msgid "Link this media object to a source"
msgstr "Multimedia objektua informazio-iturri bati binkulatu"

#: resources/views/media-page-menu.phtml:60
#: resources/views/modals/link-media-to-individual.phtml:18
msgid "Link this media object to an individual"
msgstr "Multimedia objektua pertsona bati binkulatu"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:306
msgid "Link this user to an individual in the family tree."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile hau zuhaitzean dagoen pertsona bati binkulatu."

#: resources/views/chart-box.phtml:113 resources/views/chart-box.phtml:125
#: resources/views/chart-box.phtml:126
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Loturak"

#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:232
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:235
msgid "List"
msgstr "Zerrenda"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesListsPage.php:43
#: app/Module/ListsMenuModule.php:53 app/Module/ListsMenuModule.php:99
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:699
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:106
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:108
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:331
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Zerrendak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:308
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Lituania"

#: app/SurnameTradition/LithuanianSurnameTradition.php:64
msgctxt "Surname tradition"
msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "Lituano"

#: app/CustomTags/TheNextGeneration.php:53
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMortality.php:71
msgid "Living"
msgstr "Bizirik"

#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:127
msgid "Living individuals"
msgstr "Bizirik dauden pertsonak"

#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:32
msgid "Loading…"
msgstr "Kargatzen…"

#. I18N: “Local files” are stored on this computer
#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:40
msgid "Local files"
msgstr "Bertako artxiboak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:114 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:168
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:211 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:220
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:252 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:140
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:353
#: resources/views/lists/locations-table.phtml:65
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ubikazioa"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:109 app/Module/LocationListModule.php:65
#: app/Module/LocationListModule.php:144
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:61
#: resources/views/lists/locations-table.phtml:60
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/sidebar.phtml:59
#: resources/views/record-page-links.phtml:105
#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:115
#: resources/views/search-results.phtml:94
msgid "Locations"
msgstr "Ubikazioak"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:115
msgid "Lodger"
msgstr "Maizterra"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:84
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Lodger"
msgstr "Maizterra"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:63
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Lodger"
msgstr "Maizterra"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:121
msgid "Logan, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Logan, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:122
msgid "London, England"
msgstr "London, Ingalaterra"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Maximum number of surnames on individual list” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:362
msgid "Long lists of individuals with the same surname can be broken into smaller sub-lists according to the first letter of the individual’s given name.<br><br>This option determines when sub-listing of surnames will occur. To disable sub-listing completely, set this option to zero."
msgstr "Abizen bera duten pertsonen zerrenda luzeak azpizerrenda txikiagoetan zatitzen ahal dira, pertsonen izenaren arabera. <br><br>Aukera honek ahalbidetuko du azpizerrenda horien sorrera. Azpizerrendak alde batera uzteko \"0\" paratu aukera honetan."

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/marriage-length.phtml:17
msgid "Longest marriage"
msgstr "Gehien iraun duen ezkontza"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:248 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:260
#: app/Gedcom.php:426 app/Gedcom.php:558
#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:51
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:46
#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-coordinates.phtml:14
#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-coordinates.phtml:17
#: resources/views/fact-place.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/popup.phtml:35
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Longitudea"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:119
msgid "Los Angeles, California, United States"
msgstr "Los Angeles, California, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:123
msgid "Louisville, Kentucky, United States"
msgstr "Louisville, Kentucky, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:124
msgid "Lubbock, Texas, United States"
msgstr "Lubbock, Texas, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:310
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Luxenburgo"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:314
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "Macau"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:331
msgid "Macedonia"
msgstr "Mazedonia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:323
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Madagaskar"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:126
msgid "Madrid, Spain"
msgstr "Madrid, Espainia"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:88
msgid "Magazine"
msgstr "Aldizkaria"

#. I18N:
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:116 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:170
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:213 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:299
msgid "Maidenhead location code"
msgstr "Maidenhead-en ubikazio kodea"

#: app/Services/MessageService.php:232
msgid "Mailto link"
msgstr "Mezu elektronikorako lotura"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:355
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Malawi"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:357
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Malaysia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:325
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Maldivak"

#: app/Elements/SexValue.php:85 app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:775
msgid "Male"
msgstr "Gizonezkoa"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartAge.php:113
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriageAge.php:136
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartSex.php:62
#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:150
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:55
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:227
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:30
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/greatest-age.phtml:17
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/lifespan.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/oldest-living.phtml:17
#: resources/views/modules/top10_givnnames/block.phtml:16
msgid "Males"
msgstr "Gizonezkoak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:333
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Mali"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:335
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Malta"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageTrees.php:87
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:33
#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-page.phtml:26
#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-select.phtml:22
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:43
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:25
#: resources/views/admin/trees-check.phtml:22
#: resources/views/admin/trees-duplicates.phtml:20
#: resources/views/admin/trees-export.phtml:22
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:25
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:40
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:24
#: resources/views/admin/trees-renumber.phtml:19
#: resources/views/admin/trees-unconnected.phtml:24
msgid "Manage family trees"
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogikoak administratu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaPage.php:66
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:807
#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:20
msgid "Manage media"
msgstr "Multimedia administratu"

#. I18N: Listbox entry; name of a role
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditPage.php:103
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:104
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:106
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:268
msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Gainbegiralea"

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:506
msgid "Managers"
msgstr "Gainbegiraleak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:127
msgid "Manaus, Brazil"
msgstr "Manaus, Brasil"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:128
msgid "Manhattan, New York, United States"
msgstr "Manhattan, New York, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:129
msgid "Manila, Philippines"
msgstr "Manila, Filipinak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:130
msgid "Manti, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Manti, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:89
msgid "Manuscript"
msgstr "Eskuizkribua"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1023
msgid "Many genealogy applications define their own custom GEDCOM tags and webtrees will be able to display most of them."
msgstr "Genealogiarako aplikazio anitzek euren GEDCOM etiketak sortzen dituzte eta Webtrees gehienak erakusteko gai da."

#. I18N: Help text for the “GEDCOM errors” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:619
msgid "Many genealogy programs create GEDCOM files with custom tags, and webtrees understands most of them. When unrecognized tags are found, this option lets you choose whether to ignore them or display a warning message."
msgstr "Genealogiarako aplikazio anitzek euren GEDCOM etiketak sortzen dituzte eta Webtrees gehienak erakusteko gai da. Halere, etiketa ezezagunak agertzen badira, aukera hau baliatzen ahal duzu kasurik ez egiteko edo ohartarazpen bat irekitzeko."

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:90
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:836
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:60
msgid "Map"
msgstr "Mapa"

#: app/Module/ModuleMapLinkTrait.php:39
msgid "Map link"
msgstr "Maparen lotura"

#. I18N: Links to maps
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapLinksPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:662
msgid "Map links"
msgstr "Maparen loturak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapProvidersPage.php:43
#: app/Services/LeafletJsService.php:67
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:669
msgid "Map providers"
msgstr "Mapa hornitzaileak"

#. I18N:
#: app/Module/MapBox.php:96
msgid "Mapbox"
msgstr "Mapbox"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:233
msgctxt "Abbreviation for March"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:130
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "March"
msgstr "Martxoaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:200
msgid "March"
msgstr "Martxoa"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:165
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "March"
msgstr "Martxoko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:95
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:790
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:15
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "March"
msgstr "Martxoa"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Format text and notes” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:591
msgid "Markdown is a simple system of formatting, used on websites such as Wikipedia. It uses unobtrusive punctuation characters to create headings and sub-headings, bold and italic text, lists, tables, etc."
msgstr "Formato sistema xinplea da Markdown, Wikipedian erabilitakoa errate baterako. Puntuazio-karaktere diskretoak erabiltzen ditu titulu eta azpitituluak sortzeko, letra lodia edo kurtsiboa, zerrendak, taulak, etabar."

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:64 app/Gedcom.php:467
#: app/Module/BranchesListModule.php:453
#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:192
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:126
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:131
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:154
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:145
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:449
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:78
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:575
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:377
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:23
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:76
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:77
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:97
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:98
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:137
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:138
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:178
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:179
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:221
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:222
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:264
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:265
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:307
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:308
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:350
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:351
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:392
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:430
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:468
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:506
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:544
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:582
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:620
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:658
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:778
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:779
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:799
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:800
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:839
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:840
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:879
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:880
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:923
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:966
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1009
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1052
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1099
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1137
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1175
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1213
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1251
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1289
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1327
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:1365
msgid "Marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontza"

#: app/Gedcom.php:462 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:22
msgid "Marriage banns"
msgstr "Amonestazioak"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:70 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:90
msgid "Marriage beginning status"
msgstr "Matrimonioaren hasierako egoera"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:65
msgid "Marriage bond"
msgstr "Ezkontza konpromisoa"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDistribution.php:311
msgid "Marriage by country"
msgstr "Ezkontzak herrialdeka"

#: app/Gedcom.php:465
msgid "Marriage contract"
msgstr "Ezkontza kontratua"

#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:8
msgid "Marriage date range end"
msgstr "Ezkontza-dataren tartearen bukaera"

#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:7
msgid "Marriage date range start"
msgstr "Ezkontza-dataren tartearen hasiera"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:69 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:89
msgid "Marriage ending status"
msgstr "Matrimonioaren bukaerako egoera"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:64
msgid "Marriage intention"
msgstr "Ezkontza proposamena"

#: app/Gedcom.php:466
msgid "Marriage license"
msgstr "Ezkontzarako baimena"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:463
msgid "Marriage of a brother"
msgstr "Anaiaren ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:441
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:456
msgid "Marriage of a child"
msgstr "Seme-alaben ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:440
msgid "Marriage of a daughter"
msgstr "Alabaren ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:697
msgid "Marriage of a father"
msgstr "Aitaren ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:447
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:453
#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:459
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:450
msgid "Marriage of a grandchild"
msgstr "Bilobaren ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:446
msgid "Marriage of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren ezkontza (emakumezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:452
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter"
msgid "Marriage of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren ezkontza (alabaren alaba)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:458
msgctxt "son’s daughter"
msgid "Marriage of a granddaughter"
msgstr "Bilobaren ezkontza (semearen alaba)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:445
msgid "Marriage of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren ezkontza (gizonezkoa)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:451
msgctxt "daughter’s son"
msgid "Marriage of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren ezkontza (alabaren semea)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:457
msgctxt "son’s son"
msgid "Marriage of a grandson"
msgstr "Bilobaren ezkontza (semearen semea)"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:469
msgid "Marriage of a half-brother"
msgstr "Anaiordearen ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:471
msgid "Marriage of a half-sibling"
msgstr "Anaia/ahizpa/arrebaordearen ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:470
msgid "Marriage of a half-sister"
msgstr "Erdi arreba/ahizpa-ren ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:698
msgid "Marriage of a mother"
msgstr "Amaren ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:699
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:468
msgid "Marriage of a parent"
msgstr "Gurasoetako baten ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:465
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:462
msgid "Marriage of a sibling"
msgstr "Anai-arreben ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:464
msgid "Marriage of a sister"
msgstr "Arreba-ahizpa-ren ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:439
msgid "Marriage of a son"
msgstr "Semearen ezkontza"

#: app/Services/IndividualFactsService.php:732
msgid "Marriage of parents"
msgstr "Gurasoen ezkontza"

#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:6
msgid "Marriage place contains"
msgstr "Ezkontzaren lekuak dauka"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/places.phtml:36
msgid "Marriage places"
msgstr "Ezkontzen lekuak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:471
msgid "Marriage settlement"
msgstr "Ezkontzaren zigilatzea"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/Module/MarriageReportModule.php:40
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:66
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:30
msgid "Marriages"
msgstr "Ezkontzak"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriage.php:111
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/family-totals.phtml:26
msgid "Marriages by century"
msgstr "Ezkontzak mendeka"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:112 app/CustomTags/Geneatique.php:61
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:180
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:205
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:199
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:10
msgid "Married name"
msgstr "Ezkondutako izena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:329
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Marshall Uharteak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:351
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Martinika"

#: resources/views/admin/users-table-options.phtml:39
msgid "Masquerade as this user"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile honen lekua hartu nahirik"

#: resources/views/modules/fix-search-and-replace/options.phtml:52
msgid "Match both upper and lower case letters."
msgstr "Maiuskulak eta minuskulak dauden bezala paratu behar dira."

#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:99
msgid "Match the exact text, even if it occurs in the middle of a word."
msgstr "Testoa zehatz-mehatz berdina izan behar du, hitzen erdian ere."

#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:100
msgid "Match the exact text, unless it occurs in the middle of a word."
msgstr "Testoa zehatz-mehatz berdina izan behar du, hitzen erdian ez bada."

#: app/Module/MatomoAnalyticsModule.php:44
msgid "Matomo™ / Piwik™ analytics"
msgstr "Matomo™ / Piwik™ analytics"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:347
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Mauritania"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:353
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Maurizio"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:348
msgid "Maximum number of surnames on individual list"
msgstr "Abizenen gehienezko kopurua perstsonen zerrendetan"

#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:49
msgid "Maximum upload size: "
msgstr "Kargatzeko gehienezko tamaina "

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:235
msgctxt "Abbreviation for May"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:132
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maiatzaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:202
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maiatza"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:167
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maiatzeko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:97
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:792
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:17
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maiatza"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:359
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "Mayotte"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:131
msgid "Medford, Oregon, United States"
msgstr "Medford, Oregon, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:268 app/Media.php:155
#: app/Module/MediaListModule.php:209 app/Module/MediaTabModule.php:57
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:347
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:799
#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:104
#: resources/views/lists/media-table.phtml:79
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:67
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Multimedia"

#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:31
#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:100
#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:42
#: resources/views/media-page-details.phtml:27
#: resources/views/modals/create-media-from-file.phtml:27
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:23
msgid "Media file"
msgstr "Multimedia artxiboa"

#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:35
msgid "Media file to upload"
msgstr "Kargatu beharreko multimedia artxiboa"

#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:31
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:260
msgid "Media files"
msgstr "Multimedia artxiboak"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:61
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:240
msgid "Media folder"
msgstr "Multimedia karpeta"

#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:32
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:235
msgid "Media folders"
msgstr "Multimedia karpetak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:129 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:183
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:240 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:277
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:310 app/Gedcom.php:418 app/Gedcom.php:439
#: app/Gedcom.php:474 app/Gedcom.php:493 app/Gedcom.php:550 app/Gedcom.php:571
#: app/Gedcom.php:682 app/Gedcom.php:719 app/Gedcom.php:754 app/Gedcom.php:778
#: app/Gedcom.php:781 app/Gedcom.php:802 app/Gedcom.php:841 app/Gedcom.php:870
#: app/Gedcom.php:911 app/Gedcom.php:925
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:354
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:233
#: resources/views/admin/fix-level-0-media.phtml:37
#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:108
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:171
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:251
#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:43
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:95
msgid "Media object"
msgstr "Multimedia objektua"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:110 app/Module/MediaListModule.php:87
#: app/Services/AdminService.php:198
#: resources/views/admin/fix-level-0-media.phtml:32
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:59
#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:37
#: resources/views/lists/media-table.phtml:74
#: resources/views/lists/notes-table.phtml:94
#: resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:102
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:51
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:113
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:50
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/chart-objects.phtml:10
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/other-records.phtml:18
#: resources/views/record-page-links.phtml:60
msgid "Media objects"
msgstr "Multimedia objektuak"

#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:96
msgid "Media objects found"
msgstr "Multimedia objektuak"

#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:50
msgid "Media objects per page"
msgstr "Multimedia objektuak orriko"

#: app/Gedcom.php:789 app/Gedcom.php:847
#: resources/views/modals/create-media-from-file.phtml:43
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:117
msgid "Media type"
msgstr "Multimedia mota"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:103 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:133
#: app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:58
msgid "Medical"
msgstr "Medikua"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:166
msgid "Mediterranio"
msgstr "Mediterraneo"

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:72
msgid "Medium systems (5,000 individuals): 32–64 MB, 20–40 seconds"
msgstr "Sistema ertainak (5.000 pertsona): 32-64 MB, 20-40 segundo"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:279
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Mehr"
msgid "Mehr"
msgstr "Mehr"

#. I18N: 7th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:151
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Mehr"
msgstr "Mehr"

#. I18N: 7th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:241
msgid "Mehr"
msgstr "Mehr"

#. I18N: 7th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:196
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Mehr"
msgstr "Mehr"

#. I18N: 7th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:106
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Mehr"
msgstr "Mehr"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:132
msgid "Melbourne, Australia"
msgstr "Melbourne, Australia"

#. I18N: Listbox entry; name of a role
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditPage.php:97
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:104
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:106
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:108
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:246
msgid "Member"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:133
msgid "Memphis, Tennessee, United States"
msgstr "Memphis, Tennessee, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:169
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:172
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menua"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMenusPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:685
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:82
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:84
msgid "Menus"
msgstr "Menuak"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:168
msgid "Mercury"
msgstr "Merkurio"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-duplicates.phtml:41
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Elkartu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MergeTreesPage.php:73
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:328
msgid "Merge family trees"
msgstr "Famili zuhaitzak elkartu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MergeFactsPage.php:53
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MergeRecordsPage.php:65
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:177
msgid "Merge records"
msgstr "Erregistroak elkartu"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:134
msgid "Merida, Mexico"
msgstr "Merida, Mexiko"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:60
msgid "Mesa, Arizona, United States"
msgstr "Mesa, Arizona, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/admin/broadcast.phtml:54
#: resources/views/admin/email-page.phtml:59
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:69
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:126
#: resources/views/contact-page.phtml:69 resources/views/message-page.phtml:57
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mezua"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: app/Module/UserMessagesModule.php:65
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:43
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Mezuak"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:167
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Messidor"
msgstr "Messidor"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:261
msgid "Messidor"
msgstr "Messidor"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:214
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Messidor"
msgstr "Messidor"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:120
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Messidor"
msgstr "Messidor"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:327
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Mexiko"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:135
msgid "Mexico City, Mexico"
msgstr "Mexico Hiria, Mexiko"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:86
msgid "Microfiche"
msgstr "Mikrofitxa"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:87
msgid "Microfilm"
msgstr "Mikrofilma"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:199
msgid "Micronesia"
msgstr "Mikronesia"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:194
msgid "Middle East"
msgstr "Ekialde Hurbila"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:104
msgid "Military"
msgstr "Militarra"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:105 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:134
msgid "Military service"
msgstr "Soldaduxka"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/Module/MissingFactsReportModule.php:44
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:52
msgid "Missing data"
msgstr "Falta diren datuak"

#. I18N: Listbox entry; name of a role
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditPage.php:101
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:260
msgid "Moderator"
msgstr "Moderatzailea"

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:506
msgid "Moderators"
msgstr "Moderatzaileak"

#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:40
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:70
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Moduloa"

#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:65
msgid "Module administration"
msgstr "Moduluaren administratzailea"

#: resources/views/admin/analytics-edit.phtml:19
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:573
#: resources/views/modules/bing-maps/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:22
#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/geonames/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/google-maps/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/here-maps/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/map-box/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/openrouteservice/config.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/config.phtml:22
#: resources/views/modules/sitemap/config.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/stories/edit.phtml:24
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Moduluak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:321
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr "Moldavia"

#. I18N: abbreviation for Monday
#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:273
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:26
msgid "Mon"
msgstr "Al."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:319
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Monako"

#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:246
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Astelehena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:339
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Mongolia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:343
msgid "Montenegro"
msgstr "Montenegro"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:137
msgid "Monterrey, Mexico"
msgstr "Monterrey, Mexiko"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:136
msgid "Montevideo, Uruguay"
msgstr "Montevideo, Uruguai"

#: app/Module/CalendarMenuModule.php:104
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:277
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:326
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:375
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:417
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:466
#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:59
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Hilabetea"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:276
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:35
msgid "Month of birth"
msgstr "Jaiotzaren hiabetea"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:416
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:37
msgid "Month of birth of first child in a relation"
msgstr "Erlazioaren lehenbiziko semearen jaiotzaren hilabetea"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:325
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:36
msgid "Month of death"
msgstr "Heriotzaren hilabetea"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:465
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:52
msgid "Month of first marriage"
msgstr "Lehenbiziko ezkontzaren hilabetea"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:374
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:51
msgid "Month of marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontzaren hilabetea"

#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:143
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:145
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:147
msgid "Month:"
msgstr "Hilabetea:"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:138
msgid "Monticello, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Monticello, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:139
msgid "Montreal, Quebec, Canada"
msgstr "Montreal, Quebec, Kanada"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:349
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Montserrat"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:277
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Mordad"
msgid "Mor"
msgstr "Mor"

#. I18N: 5th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:147
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Mordad"
msgstr "Mordad"

#. I18N: 5th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:237
msgid "Mordad"
msgstr "Mordad"

#. I18N: 5th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:192
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Mordad"
msgstr "Mordad"

#. I18N: 5th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:102
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Mordad"
msgstr "Mordad"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:317
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Maroko"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Use password” site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:127
msgid "Most SMTP servers require a password."
msgstr "SMTP zerbitzari gehienek pasahitza eskatzen dute."

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:75
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:266
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:107
msgid "Most common surnames"
msgstr "Gehien erabilitako abizenak"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:188
msgid "Most mail servers require a valid domain name."
msgstr "Korreo-zerbitzari anitzek baliozko domeinu baten izena eskatzen dute."

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:82
msgid "Most mail servers require a valid email address."
msgstr "Korreo-zerbitzari anitzek indarrean dauden helbide elektronikoak eskatzen dituzte."

#. I18N: Help text for the "Sending server name" site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:183
msgid "Most mail servers require that the sending server identifies itself correctly, using a valid domain name."
msgstr "Korreo-zerbitzu anitzek zerbitzari-bidaltzailearen identifikazio egokia eskatzen dute, domeinu zuzena erabiliz."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Secure connection” site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:169
msgid "Most servers do not use secure connections."
msgstr "Zerbitzari gehienek ez dituzte konexio seguruak erabiltzen."

#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:54
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:54
msgid "Most sites are configured to use localhost. This means that your database runs on the same computer as your web server."
msgstr "Orri gehienak localhost erabiltzeko konfiguratuak daude, eta horrek erran nahi du ordenagailuan bertan edo web-zerbitzarian exekutatu daitezkeela."

#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:66
msgid "Most sites are configured to use the default value of 1433."
msgstr "Orri gehienak aurrez zehaztutako 1433 balorea erabiltzeko konfiguratuak daude."

#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:66
msgid "Most sites are configured to use the default value of 5432."
msgstr "Orri gehienak aurrez zehaztutako 5432 balorea erabiltzeko konfiguratuak daude."

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/TopPageViewsModule.php:52
msgid "Most viewed pages"
msgstr "Gehien ikusitako orriak"

#: resources/views/search-advanced-page.phtml:77
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:120
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:474
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:737
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:287
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:276
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:72
msgid "Mother"
msgstr "Ama"

#: resources/views/lists/individual-table-parents.phtml:21
#, php-format
msgid "Mother: %s"
msgstr "Ama: %s"

#: resources/views/fact-parent-age.phtml:22
msgid "Mother’s age"
msgstr "Amaren adina"

#. I18N: A step-family. %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Individual.php:901
#, php-format
msgid "Mother’s family with %s"
msgstr "Amaren familia %s-rekin"

#. I18N: A step-family.
#: app/Individual.php:905
msgid "Mother’s family with an unknown individual"
msgstr "Amaren familia, pertsona ezezagun batekin"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:140
msgid "Mount Timpanogos, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Mount Timpanogos, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:47
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:154
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:62
msgid "Move down"
msgstr "Beherantz mugitu"

#: resources/views/admin/fix-level-0-media-action.phtml:19
msgid "Move the media object?"
msgstr "Multimedia objektua mugitu?"

#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:46
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:148
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:61
msgid "Move up"
msgstr "Gorantz mugitu"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:345
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Mozambike"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:142
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Muharram"
msgstr "Muharram"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:232
msgid "Muharram"
msgstr "Muharram"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:187
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Muharram"
msgstr "Muharram"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:97
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Muharram"
msgstr "Muharram"

#. I18N: twin, triplet, etc.
#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:116
msgid "Multiple birth"
msgstr "Jaiotza anitza"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:141
msgid "Multiple marriages"
msgstr "Ezkontza anitza"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AccountEdit.php:88
#: app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:324 app/Module/UserWelcomeModule.php:110
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Nere kontua"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateTreePage.php:58
msgid "My family tree"
msgstr "Nere zuhaitz genealokikoa"

#: app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:339 app/Module/UserWelcomeModule.php:103
msgid "My individual record"
msgstr "Nere erregistro pertsonala"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserPage.php:83 app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:354
#: app/Module/UserWelcomeModule.php:57 resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:196
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:200
#: resources/views/layouts/administration.phtml:55
msgid "My page"
msgstr "zuhaitz genealogikoa"

#: app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:368
msgid "My pages"
msgstr "Zuhaitz guztiak"

#: app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:405
msgid "My pedigree"
msgstr "Nere arbasoen haria"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:337
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Myanmar/Birmania"

#: app/Gedcom.php:674 app/Gedcom.php:868
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:223
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartCommonGiven.php:69
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartCommonSurname.php:127
#: resources/views/individual-page-name.phtml:42
#: resources/views/individual-page-name.phtml:56
#: resources/views/modals/location-fields.phtml:11
#: resources/views/modals/submitter-fields.phtml:11
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/table.phtml:28
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:49
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:36
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:40
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:56
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:96
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:38
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:62
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:155
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:266
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:317
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:38
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:54
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:43
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:57
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Izena"

#: app/Gedcom.php:820 app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateRepositoryModal.php:49
msgctxt "Repository"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Izena"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:69
msgid "Name in Hebrew"
msgstr "Izena hebreeraz"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:111 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:152
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:165 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:208
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:217 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:116
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:73
msgid "Name of addressee"
msgstr "Jasotazilearen izena"

#: app/Gedcom.php:689 app/Gedcom.php:697 app/Gedcom.php:703
msgid "Name prefix"
msgstr "Izenaren aurrizkia"

#: app/Gedcom.php:690 app/Gedcom.php:698 app/Gedcom.php:704
msgid "Name suffix"
msgstr "Izenaren atzizkia"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:42
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/names.phtml:10
#: resources/views/search-replace-page.phtml:47
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:10
msgid "Names"
msgstr "Izenak"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:137
msgid "Namesake"
msgstr "Homonimoa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:361
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Namibia"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:117
msgid "Nanny"
msgstr "Umezaina"

#: app/Module/HtmlBlockModule.php:194
msgid "Narrative description"
msgstr "Deskribapen narratiboa"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:141
msgid "Nashville, Tennessee, United States"
msgstr "Nashville, Tennessee, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:712
msgid "Nationality"
msgstr "Nazionalitatea"

#: app/Gedcom.php:713
msgid "Naturalization"
msgstr "Naturalizazioa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:383
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Nauru"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:142
msgid "Nauvoo (new), Illinois, United States"
msgstr "Nauvoo (new), Illinois, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:143
msgid "Nauvoo (original), Illinois, United States"
msgstr "Nauvoo (original), Illinois, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:381
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Nepal"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:377
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Herbehereak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserListData.php:137
#: resources/views/components/datetime.phtml:15
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Inoiz"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:107 app/Elements/FamilyStatusText.php:72
msgid "Never married"
msgstr "Inoiz ezkondu gabea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:363
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "Caledonia Berria"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:155 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:156
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:157 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:158
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:159
msgid "New GEDCOM tag"
msgstr "GEDCOM etiketa berria"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:146
msgid "New York, New York, United States"
msgstr "New York, New York, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:385
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Zelanda Berria"

#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:78
msgid "New data"
msgstr "Datu berriak"

#. I18N: %s is a server name/URL
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterAction.php:167
#, php-format
msgid "New registration at %s"
msgstr "%s-en erregistro berria"

#. I18N: %s is a server name/URL
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditAction.php:106
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/VerifyEmail.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "New user at %s"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile berria %s-n"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:144
msgid "Newport Beach, California, United States"
msgstr "Newport Beach, California, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/FamilyTreeNewsModule.php:115
msgid "News"
msgstr "Berriak"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:91
msgid "Newspaper"
msgstr "Egunkaria"

#: app/Module/ReviewChangesModule.php:162
msgid "Next email reminder will be sent after "
msgstr "Hurrengo gogorarazlea korreoz bidaliko da honen ondotik "

#: resources/views/modules/random_media/slide-show.phtml:40
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/slide-show.phtml:42
msgid "Next image"
msgstr "Hurrengo irudia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:371
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Nikaragua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:687 app/Gedcom.php:696 app/Gedcom.php:701
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Goitizena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:365
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Niger"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:369
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Nigeria"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:207
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Nissan"
msgstr "Nissan"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:311
msgid "Nissan"
msgstr "Nissan"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:259
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Nissan"
msgstr "Nissan"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:155
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Nissan"
msgstr "Nissan"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:375
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Niue"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:155
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Nivose"
msgstr "Nivose"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:249
msgid "Nivose"
msgstr "Nivose"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:202
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Nivose"
msgstr "Nivose"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:107
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Nivose"
msgstr "Nivose"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:336
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ez"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ImportGedcomAction.php:87
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ImportGedcomAction.php:103
msgid "No GEDCOM file was received."
msgstr "Ez da GEDCOM artxiborik hartu."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:68
msgid "No GEDCOM files found."
msgstr "Ez da GEDCOM artxiborik aurkitu."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:119
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:122
msgid "No calendar conversion"
msgstr "Egutegia ez da konbertitu"

#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:70 app/Module/DescendancyModule.php:266
#: resources/views/family-page-children.phtml:19
msgid "No children"
msgstr "Seme-alabarik ez"

#: app/Services/MessageService.php:233
msgid "No contact"
msgstr "Ez dago kontaktatzerik"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-duplicates.phtml:48
msgid "No duplicates have been found."
msgstr "Ez da duplikaturik aurkitu."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-check.phtml:80
msgid "No errors have been found."
msgstr "Ez da akatsik aurkitu."

#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:183
#, php-format
msgid "No events exist for the next %s day."
msgid_plural "No events exist for the next %s days."
msgstr[0] "Ez da gertaerarik hurrengo %s egunerako."
msgstr[1] "Ez da gertaerarik hurrengo %s egunetarako."

#: app/Module/OnThisDayModule.php:157
msgid "No events exist for today."
msgstr "Ez da gertaerarik gaurko."

#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:177
msgid "No events exist for tomorrow."
msgstr "Ez da gertaerarik biharko."

#: app/Module/OnThisDayModule.php:155
msgid "No events for living individuals exist for today."
msgstr "Ez da gertaerarik bizirik dauden pertsonentzat."

#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:175
msgid "No events for living individuals exist for tomorrow."
msgstr "Ez da gertaerarik bizirik dauden pertsonentzat biharko."

#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "No events for living people exist for the next %s day."
msgid_plural "No events for living people exist for the next %s days."
msgstr[0] "Ez da gertaerarik bizirik dauden pertsonentzat %s egunerako."
msgstr[1] "Ez da gertaerarik bizirik dauden pertsonentzat %s egunetarako."

#: resources/views/family-page.phtml:41
msgid "No facts exist for this family."
msgstr "Ez da gertaerarik famili honentzat."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataImportAction.php:94
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataImportAction.php:110
msgid "No file was received."
msgstr "Ez da artxiborik hartu."

#. I18N: PHP internal error message -
#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:48
#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:71
msgid "No file was received. Please try again."
msgstr "Artxiboa ez da hartu. Bidali berriz mesedez."

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:408
msgid "No link between the two individuals could be found."
msgstr "Ez da bi pertsona hauen arteko harremanik aurkitu."

#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:75
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:122
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:168
msgid "No matching facts found"
msgstr "Ez da gertaera berdinik aurkitu"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/list.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/list.phtml:20
msgid "No news articles have been submitted."
msgstr "Ez da artikulurik bidali \"Berriak\" sailera."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteRegistrationPage.php:47
msgid "No predefined text"
msgstr "Ez dago aitzinetik aukeratutako testurik"

#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:24
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:35
msgid "No records to display"
msgstr "Ez dago erregistrorik erakusteko"

#: resources/views/components/select-family.phtml:27
#: resources/views/components/select-individual.phtml:27
#: resources/views/components/select-location.phtml:27
#: resources/views/components/select-media.phtml:27
#: resources/views/components/select-note.phtml:27
#: resources/views/components/select-place.phtml:24
#: resources/views/components/select-repository.phtml:27
#: resources/views/components/select-shared-note.phtml:27
#: resources/views/components/select-source.phtml:27
#: resources/views/components/select-submission.phtml:27
#: resources/views/components/select-submitter.phtml:27
msgid "No results found"
msgstr "Ez da emaitzik aurkitu"

#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/events.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/events.phtml:48
#: resources/views/search-advanced-page.phtml:102
#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:138
#: resources/views/search-phonetic-page.phtml:98
msgid "No results found."
msgstr "Ez da emaitzik aurkitu."

#: app/Statistics/Repository/UserRepository.php:81
msgid "No signed-in and no anonymous users"
msgstr "Ez da identifikatutako adminitratzailerik ezta anonimorik ere"

#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:251
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:274
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:536
msgid "No surname"
msgstr "Abizenik gabe"

#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:211
msgid "No temple - living ordinance"
msgstr "Ez bortxatu bizitakoen ordenantza"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:153
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:199
#: resources/views/admin/upgrade/wizard.phtml:23
msgid "No upgrade information is available."
msgstr "Ez dago eguneratzeko informaziorik eskura."

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:170
msgid "Nocturnal"
msgstr "Gauekoa"

#. I18N:
#: app/Module/MapGeoLocationNominatim.php:39
msgid "Nominatim"
msgstr "Nominatim"

#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:104
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:8
msgid "None"
msgstr "Bakar bat ere"

#. I18N: The ninth day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:317
msgid "Nonidi"
msgstr "Nonidi"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:367
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "Norfolk Uhartea"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:159
msgid "Normally, any changes made to a family tree need to be reviewed by a moderator. This option allows a user to make changes without needing a moderator."
msgstr "Normalki moderatzaile batek onartu behar izaten ditu zuhaitzean egindako aldaketak. Aukera honekin erabiltzaileek aldaketak egin ahal izanen ditu moderatzailerik gabe."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:407
msgid "North Korea"
msgstr "Ipar Korea"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:185
msgid "Northern America"
msgstr "Ipar Amerika"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:373
msgid "Northern Ireland"
msgstr "Ipar Irlanda"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:341
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Iparraldeko Mariana Uharteak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:379
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Norvegia"

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:506
msgid "Not approved by an administrator"
msgstr "Administradoreak begiaztatu gabekoak"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:106
msgid "Not living"
msgstr "Hila"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:66 app/Elements/FamilyStatusText.php:71
#: app/Module/BranchesListModule.php:455
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:121
msgid "Not married"
msgstr "Ezkondu gabeak"

#. I18N: The record was not recorded in this GEDCOM file.
#: app/Elements/AbstractXrefElement.php:71
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:106
msgid "Not recorded"
msgstr "Erregistratu gabea"

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:506
msgid "Not verified by the user"
msgstr "Egiaztatu gabeko erabiltzaileak"

#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:62 app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:65
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:140 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:196
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:239 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:267
#: app/Elements/NoteStructure.php:146 app/Gedcom.php:417 app/Gedcom.php:473
#: app/Gedcom.php:510 app/Gedcom.php:549 app/Gedcom.php:718 app/Gedcom.php:766
#: app/Gedcom.php:791 app/Gedcom.php:821 app/Gedcom.php:869 app/Gedcom.php:883
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:355
#: app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:66 app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:70
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:170
#: resources/views/modals/create-media-from-file.phtml:51
#: resources/views/modals/media-object-fields.phtml:21
#: resources/views/modals/note-object-fields.phtml:11
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:160
#: resources/views/modules/notes/tab.phtml:94
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:70
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:62
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:485
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:749
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1101
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:64
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Oharra"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:120 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:174
#: app/Gedcom.php:902 app/Gedcom.php:916
msgid "Note on association"
msgstr "Asoziazioari buruzko oharra"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:224 app/Gedcom.php:451 app/Gedcom.php:618
#: app/Gedcom.php:765 app/Gedcom.php:786 app/Gedcom.php:817 app/Gedcom.php:833
#: app/Gedcom.php:864 app/Gedcom.php:880
msgid "Note on last change"
msgstr "Azkeneko aldaketari buruzko oharra"

#: app/Gedcom.php:688
msgid "Note on phonetic name"
msgstr "Izen fonetikoari buruzko oharra"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:249 app/Gedcom.php:427 app/Gedcom.php:559
msgid "Note on place"
msgstr "Oharra lekuaz"

#: app/Gedcom.php:848
msgid "Note on repository reference"
msgstr "Gordailuari buruzko erreferentziaren oharra"

#: app/Gedcom.php:702
msgid "Note on romanized name"
msgstr "Erromanizatutako izenari buruzko oharra"

#: app/Gedcom.php:840
msgid "Note on source"
msgstr "Iturriari buruzko oharra"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:128 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:182
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:276 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:309
#: app/Gedcom.php:438 app/Gedcom.php:492 app/Gedcom.php:570 app/Gedcom.php:681
#: app/Gedcom.php:753 app/Gedcom.php:777 app/Gedcom.php:801 app/Gedcom.php:910
#: app/Gedcom.php:924
msgid "Note on source citation"
msgstr "Iturriaren aipamenari buruzko oharra"

#: app/Gedcom.php:839
msgid "Note on source data"
msgstr "Datuen iturriari buruzko oharra"

#: resources/views/help/restriction.phtml:13
msgid "Note that if a user account is linked to a record, then that user will always be able to view that record."
msgstr "Kontuan izan erabiltzaile bat erregistro bati elkartua baldin badago, erregistro hori ikusi ahal izanen duela."

#: resources/views/help/relationship-privacy.phtml:18
msgid "Note: longer path lengths require a lot of calculation, which can make your website run slowly for these users."
msgstr "Oharra: Kalkulu luzeak denbora anitz behar dute egiteko. Ondorioz orria mantsotu eginen da erabiltzaile hauentzako."

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:111 app/Module/NoteListModule.php:141
#: app/Module/NotesTabModule.php:58
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:348
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:58
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/other-records.phtml:36
#: resources/views/record-page-links.phtml:78
#: resources/views/search-results.phtml:83
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:237
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:226
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Oharrak"

#: resources/views/admin/users-cleanup.phtml:75
msgid "Nothing found to cleanup"
msgstr "Ez da garbitzeko beharrik izan"

#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:119
msgid "Nothing found."
msgstr "Ez da deus aurkitu."

#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-map/chart.phtml:68
#: resources/views/modules/places/tab.phtml:69
msgid "Nothing to show"
msgstr "Ez da deus erakustekorik"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:241
msgctxt "Abbreviation for November"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Aza"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:138
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "November"
msgstr "Azaroaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:208
msgid "November"
msgstr "Azaroa"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:173
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "November"
msgstr "Azaroko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:103
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:798
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:23
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "November"
msgstr "Azaroa"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:145
msgid "Nuku’Alofa, Tonga"
msgstr "Nuku’Alofa, Tonga"

#: app/Gedcom.php:472 app/Gedcom.php:716
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:713
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartChildren.php:107
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:990
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:53
msgid "Number of children"
msgstr "Seme-alaben kopurua"

#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/upcoming_events/config.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/config.phtml:20
msgid "Number of days to show"
msgstr "Egun kopurua erakusteko"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartNoChildrenFamilies.php:119
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/children.phtml:29
msgid "Number of families without children"
msgstr "Zenbat familia seme-alabarik gabe"

#. I18N: ... to show in a list
#: resources/views/modules/top10_givnnames/config.phtml:17
msgid "Number of given names"
msgstr "Izen kopurua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:717
msgid "Number of marriages"
msgstr "Ezkontzen kopurua"

#. I18N: ... to show in a list
#: resources/views/modules/top10_pageviews/config.phtml:15
msgid "Number of pages"
msgstr "Orri kopurua"

#. I18N: ... to show in a list
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:82
#: resources/views/modules/top10_surnames/config.phtml:17
msgid "Number of surnames"
msgstr "Abizenen kopurua"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:118
msgid "Nurse"
msgstr "Erizaina"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:85
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Nurse"
msgstr "Erizaina"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:64
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Nurse"
msgstr "Erizaina"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:148
msgid "Oakland, California, United States"
msgstr "Oakland, California, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:149
msgid "Oaxaca, Mexico"
msgstr "Oaxaca, Mexiko"

#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:66 app/Gedcom.php:720
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:5
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:54
msgid "Occupation"
msgstr "Lanbidea"

#. I18N: Name of a report
#: app/Module/OccupationReportModule.php:44
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:37
msgid "Occupations"
msgstr "Lanbideak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:413
msgid "Occupied Palestinian Territory"
msgstr "Okupatutako Palestina Lurraldea"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:240
msgctxt "Abbreviation for October"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Urr"

#. I18N: The eighth day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:315
msgid "Octidi"
msgstr "Octidi"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:137
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "October"
msgstr "Urriaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:207
msgid "October"
msgstr "Urria"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:172
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "October"
msgstr "Urriko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:102
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:797
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:22
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "October"
msgstr "Urria"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:150
msgid "Ogden, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Ogden, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:151
msgid "Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States"
msgstr "Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:71
msgid "Old data"
msgstr "Datu zaharrak"

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:860
msgid "Old files found"
msgstr "Artxibo zaharrak aurkitu dira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/birth-age.phtml:39
msgid "Oldest father"
msgstr "Aitarik adinduena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/marriage-age.phtml:50
msgid "Oldest female"
msgstr "Emekumerik adindunena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/oldest-living.phtml:10
msgid "Oldest living individuals"
msgstr "Gehien bizi izan diren pertsonak"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/marriage-age.phtml:39
msgid "Oldest male"
msgstr "Gizonik adindunena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/birth-age.phtml:50
msgid "Oldest mother"
msgstr "Amarik adindunena"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:172
msgid "Olivia"
msgstr "Olibia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:387
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Oman"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/OnThisDayModule.php:102
msgid "On this day"
msgstr "Gaurko urteurrenak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CalendarPage.php:113
msgid "On this day…"
msgstr "Gaurko egunez…"

#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:63
msgid "Only add new records"
msgstr "Erregistro berriak gehitu bakarrik"

#: app/Elements/RestrictionNotice.php:97
#: resources/views/modals/restriction-fields.phtml:26
msgid "Only managers can edit"
msgstr "Gainbegiratzaileek editatzen ahal dituzte bakarrik"

#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:63
msgid "Only update existing records"
msgstr "Dauden erregistroak eguneratu bakarrik"

#: resources/views/errors/database-connection.phtml:15
msgid "Oops! The webserver is unable to connect to the database server. It could be busy, undergoing maintenance, or simply broken. You should <a href=\"index.php\">try again</a> in a few minutes or contact the website administrator."
msgstr "Orriaren zerbitzariak ezin izan du konektatu datu basearen zerbitzariarekin. Baliteke okupatua egotea, mantenimendu lanetan edo ez duela funtzionatzen, bertzerik gabe. Gomendatzen dizugu <a href=\"index.php\">-ean berriz saiatzea </a> minutu batzuk pasatuta edo administratzailearekin kontaktatzea."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SetupWizard.php:172
msgid "Oops! webtrees was unable to create files in this folder."
msgstr "Webtrees-ek ezin izan du artxiborik sortu."

#. I18N:
#: app/Module/MapGeoLocationOpenRouteService.php:45
#: app/Module/OpenRouteServiceAutocomplete.php:82
msgid "OpenRouteService"
msgstr "OpenRouteService"

#: app/Module/MapLinkOpenStreetMap.php:41 app/Module/OpenStreetMap.php:51
msgid "OpenStreetMap™"
msgstr "OpenStreetMap™"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:152
msgid "Oquirrh Mountain, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Oquirrh Mountain, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:274
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Ordibehesht"
msgid "Ord"
msgstr "Ord"

#. I18N: 2nd month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:141
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Ordibehesht"
msgstr "Ordibehesht"

#. I18N: 2nd month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:231
msgid "Ordibehesht"
msgstr "Ordibehesht"

#. I18N: 2nd month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:186
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Ordibehesht"
msgstr "Ordibehesht"

#. I18N: 2nd month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:96
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Ordibehesht"
msgstr "Ordibehesht"

#: app/Gedcom.php:884
msgid "Ordinance"
msgstr "Ordenantza"

#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:69 app/Gedcom.php:722
msgid "Ordination"
msgstr "Ordenazioa"

#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:7
msgid "Orientation"
msgstr "Etzana/Zutikakoa"

#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:70
msgid "Origin"
msgstr "Jatorria"

#. I18N: GEDCOM tag _ORIG
#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:75
msgid "Original text"
msgstr "Jatorrizko testoa"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:153
msgid "Orlando, Florida, United States"
msgstr "Orlando, Florida, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/ResearchTaskStatus.php:53 app/Elements/ResearchTaskType.php:52
#: app/Elements/SexXValue.php:39 app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:92
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:154
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartCommonGiven.php:79
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartCommonSurname.php:137
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:758
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Bertzerik"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:410
msgid "Other facts to show in charts"
msgstr "Bertze gertaerak ikusi grafikoetan"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:689
msgid "Other preferences"
msgstr "Bertze aukerak"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:119
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Jabea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:86
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Jabea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:65
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Jabea"

#. I18N: PHP internal error message -
#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:86
msgid "PHP blocked the file because of its extension."
msgstr "PHP-k artxiboa blokeatu du bere estentsioarengatik."

#. I18N: PHP internal error message -
#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:81
msgid "PHP failed to write to disk."
msgstr "PHP-k ezin izan du diskoan idatzi."

#: resources/views/admin/server-information.phtml:20
msgid "PHP information"
msgstr "PHP informazioa"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:56
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:42
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:32
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:35
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:45
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:33
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:43
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:44
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:89
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:100
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:89
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:31
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:53
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:38
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:51
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Orria"

#: resources/views/modules/media-list/pagination.phtml:41
#, php-format
msgid "Page %s of %s"
msgstr "%s. orria %stik"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:8
msgid "Page size"
msgstr "Orriaren tamaina"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:93
msgid "Painting"
msgstr "Pintura"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:389
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Pakistan"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:399
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Palau"

#. I18N: A colour scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:121
msgid "Palette"
msgstr "Kolore xorta"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:155
msgid "Palmyra, New York, United States"
msgstr "Palmyra, New York, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:391
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Panama"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:156
msgid "Panama City, Panama"
msgstr "Panama Hiria, Panama"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:157
msgid "Papeete, Tahiti"
msgstr "Papeete, Tahiti"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:401
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Papua Ginea Berria"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:411
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Paraguai"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:294
msgid "Parent location"
msgstr "Gurasoen ubikazioa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:742 app/Http/RequestHandlers/IndividualPage.php:210
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-families.phtml:72
#: resources/views/modules/ancestors-chart/tree.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modules/family_nav/sidebar-family.phtml:44
msgid "Parents"
msgstr "Gurasoak"

#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:89
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:41
msgid "Parents and siblings"
msgstr "Gurasoak eta anai-arrebak"

#: resources/views/fact-parent-age.phtml:42
msgid "Parent’s age"
msgstr "Gurasoaren adina"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:149
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:58
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:69
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:88
#: resources/views/login-page.phtml:44
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-in.phtml:32
#: resources/views/password-reset-page.phtml:34
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:73
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:80
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasahitza"

#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:63
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:74
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:93
#: resources/views/password-reset-page.phtml:39
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:78
msgid "Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and are case-sensitive, so that “secret” is different from “SECRET”."
msgstr "Pasahitzak 8 karaktere baino gehiago izan behar ditu eta maiuskula eta minuskulak bereizten dira. Beraz, ez da gauza bera \"Izena\" edo \"izena\"."

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:158
msgid "Payson, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Payson, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#. I18N: Name of a report
#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:121 app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:255
#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:102
#: app/Module/PedigreeReportModule.php:40
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:48
msgid "Pedigree"
msgstr "Arbasoak belaunaldika"

#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:750
msgid "Pedigree chart"
msgstr "Arbasoen grafikoa"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/PedigreeMapModule.php:109
msgid "Pedigree map"
msgstr "Arbasoen mapa"

#. I18N: %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Module/PedigreeMapModule.php:155 app/Module/PedigreeMapModule.php:208
#, php-format
msgid "Pedigree map of %s"
msgstr "%s-ren arbasoen mapa"

#. I18N: %s is an individual’s name
#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:148
#, php-format
msgid "Pedigree tree of %s"
msgstr "%s-ren jatorriaren zuhaitza"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:268
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChanges.php:65
#: app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:432 app/Module/ReviewChangesModule.php:80
#: app/Module/ReviewChangesModule.php:134
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:342
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:368
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:80
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:52
msgid "Pending changes"
msgstr "Onartzeke dauden aldaketak"

#: resources/views/help/pending-changes.phtml:22
msgid "Pending changes are only shown when your account has permission to edit. When you sign out, you will no longer be able to see them. Also, pending changes are only shown on certain pages. For example, they are not shown in lists, reports, or search results."
msgstr "Onartzeke dauden aldaketak editatzeko baimena duzunean ikusiko dituzu bakarrik. Behin ekitaldia itxita ez dituzu gehiago ikusiko. Gainera, aldaketak zenbait oritan ikusten ahal dira bakarrik. Errate baterako, ez dira ikusten zerrendetan, erregistroetan edo bilaketen emaitzetan."

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:67 app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:108
msgid "Permanent number"
msgstr "Behin-betiko zenbakia"

#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:113
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:105
msgid "Permanently delete these records?"
msgstr "Erregistro hauek betirako ezabatu?"

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:21
msgid "Personal data"
msgstr "Datu pertsonalak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:159
msgid "Perth, Australia"
msgstr "Perth, Australia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:395
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Peru"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:397
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Filipinak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:160
msgid "Phoenix, Arizona, United States"
msgstr "Phoenix, Arizona, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:67 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:241
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:76 app/Gedcom.php:419
#: app/Gedcom.php:525 app/Gedcom.php:551 app/Gedcom.php:822 app/Gedcom.php:871
#: resources/views/modals/submitter-fields.phtml:27
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telefonoa"

#: resources/views/search-phonetic-page.phtml:65
msgid "Phonetic algorithm"
msgstr "Algoritmo fonetikoa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:685
msgid "Phonetic name"
msgstr "Izen fonetikoa"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:243 app/Gedcom.php:421 app/Gedcom.php:553
msgid "Phonetic place"
msgstr "Leku fonetikoa"

#. I18N: search using “sounds like”, rather than exact spelling
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchPhoneticPage.php:103
#: app/Module/SearchMenuModule.php:113 resources/views/branches-page.phtml:37
msgid "Phonetic search"
msgstr "Bilaketa fonetikoa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:694
msgid "Phonetic type"
msgstr "Mota fonetikoa"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeBuilder.php:62 app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:94
msgid "Photo"
msgstr "Argazkia"

#: app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:63
msgid "Photograph"
msgstr "Argazkilaria"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:78 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:80
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:85 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:90
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:92 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:107
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:109 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:114
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:118 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:119
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:121 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:123
msgid "Phrase"
msgstr "Esaldia"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:174
msgid "Pink Plastic"
msgstr "Arroxa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:393
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "Pitcairn"

#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:73 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeBuilder.php:61
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:261 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:85
#: app/Gedcom.php:420 app/Gedcom.php:552 app/Gedcom.php:838
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:238 app/Module/FixCemeteryTag.php:83
#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:39
#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:118
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:44
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:160
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:173
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:184
#: resources/views/modules/census-assistant.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/lifespans-chart/page.phtml:45
#: resources/views/search-phonetic-page.phtml:56
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:134
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:160
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:194
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:42
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:50
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:50
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:60
msgid "Place"
msgstr "Lekua"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#: app/Gedcom.php:511 app/Module/PlaceHierarchyListModule.php:101
#: app/Module/PlaceHierarchyListModule.php:230
#: resources/views/place-hierarchy.phtml:18
msgid "Place hierarchy"
msgstr "Lekuen izen-zerrenda"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:65
msgid "Place in Hebrew"
msgstr "Lekua hebreeraz"

#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/list.phtml:16
msgid "Place list"
msgstr "Lekuen zerrenda"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Abbreviate place names” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:574
msgid "Place names are frequently too long to fit on charts, lists, etc. They can be abbreviated by showing just the first few parts of the name, such as <i>village, county</i>, or the last few part of it, such as <i>region, country</i>."
msgstr "Batzutan lekuen izenak luzeegiak dira gutunetan, zerrendetan, etabar... sartzeko. Moztu egiten ahal dira, izenaren lehenbiziko zatia erakutsiz bakarrik. Errate baterako, <i>herria, eskualdea</i>, edo bukaera <i>lurraldea, herrialdea</i>."

#: resources/views/help/place.phtml:14
msgid "Place names can change over time. In genealogy, it is customary to use the current name for a town or country. The historic name can be shown in sources, notes, etc."
msgstr "Lekuen izenak aldatzen ahal dira denborarekin. Genelogia garaiko izena erabili ohi da. Izen historikoa oharretan, iturrietan... erakusten ahal da."

#: resources/views/help/place.phtml:10
msgid "Place names should be entered as a comma-separated list, starting with the smallest place and ending with the country. For example, “Westminster, London, England”."
msgstr "Lekuen izenak komen artean bereizitako tarteetan sartu behar dira, entitate txikienetik hasi eta herrialdearekin bukatuz. Errate baterako, \"Igantzi, Nafarroa, Euskal Herria\"."

#: app/Gedcom.php:588
msgid "Place of LDS baptism"
msgstr "LDS bataioaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:743
msgid "Place of LDS child sealing"
msgstr "Seme-alaben LDS zigilatzearen lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:630
msgid "Place of LDS confirmation"
msgstr "LDS konfirmazioaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:650
msgid "Place of LDS endowment"
msgstr "LDS inbestiduraren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:482
msgid "Place of LDS spouse sealing"
msgstr "LDS senar-emaztearen zigilatzearen lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:580
msgid "Place of adoption"
msgstr "Adopzio lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:594 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:140
msgid "Place of baptism"
msgstr "Bataioaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:597 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:223
msgid "Place of bar mitzvah"
msgstr "Bar mitzvah-aren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:600 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:264
msgid "Place of bat mitzvah"
msgstr "Bat mitzvah-aren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:604 resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:273
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:93
msgid "Place of birth"
msgstr "Jaiotzaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:607
msgid "Place of blessing"
msgstr "Bedeinkazioaren lekua"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:96
msgid "Place of brit milah"
msgstr "Brit milah-aren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:610 resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:58
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:557
msgid "Place of burial"
msgstr "Ehorzketaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:622 app/Gedcom.php:624
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:181
msgid "Place of christening"
msgstr "Bataioaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:627 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:305
msgid "Place of confirmation"
msgstr "Konfirmazioaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:636
msgid "Place of cremation"
msgstr "Errausketaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:640 resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:275
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:516
msgid "Place of death"
msgstr "Heriotzaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:647
msgid "Place of emigration"
msgstr "Emigrazioaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:458 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:347
msgid "Place of engagement"
msgstr "Konpromezuaren lekua"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:242 app/Gedcom.php:656
msgid "Place of event"
msgstr "Gertaeraren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:666 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:389
msgid "Place of first communion"
msgstr "Lehenbiziko jaunartzearen lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:673
msgid "Place of immigration"
msgstr "Inmigrazioaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:469 resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:321
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:474
msgid "Place of marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontzaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:464 resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:431
msgid "Place of marriage banns"
msgstr "Amonestazioen lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:715
msgid "Place of naturalization"
msgstr "Bertakotzearen lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:725
msgid "Place of ordination"
msgstr "Ordenazioaren lekua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:733
msgid "Place of residence"
msgstr "Bizitza lekua"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/PlacesModule.php:83 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:172
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:553
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/places.phtml:10
#: resources/views/search-replace-page.phtml:47
msgid "Places"
msgstr "Lekuak"

#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:160
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/slide-show.phtml:32
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/slide-show.phtml:34
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Martxan paratu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ContactAction.php:117
msgid "Please enter a valid email address."
msgstr "Baliozko email helbidea sartu faborez."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ContactAction.php:112
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordResetAction.php:80
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordResetPage.php:75
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterAction.php:102
msgid "Please try again."
msgstr "Saiatu berriz faborez."

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:157
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Pluviose"
msgstr "Pluviose"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:251
msgid "Pluviose"
msgstr "Pluviose"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:204
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Pluviose"
msgstr "Pluviose"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:109
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Pluviose"
msgstr "Pluviose"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:403
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Polonia"

#: app/SurnameTradition/PolishSurnameTradition.php:54
msgctxt "Surname tradition"
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Poloniarra"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:107
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:87
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:61
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:61
msgid "Port number"
msgstr "Portuaren zenbakia"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:162
msgid "Portland, Oregon, United States"
msgstr "Portland, Oregon, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:154
msgid "Porto Alegre, Brazil"
msgstr "Porto Alegre, Brasil"

#. I18N: page orientation
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:99
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:7
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr "Zutikakoa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:409
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Portugal"

#: app/SurnameTradition/PortugueseSurnameTradition.php:42
msgctxt "Surname tradition"
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portugaldarra"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:117 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:171
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:214 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:232
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:300 app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:71
#: app/Gedcom.php:408 app/Gedcom.php:521 app/Gedcom.php:541 app/Gedcom.php:812
#: app/Gedcom.php:859
msgid "Postal code"
msgstr "Posta kodea"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/PoweredByWebtreesModule.php:41
msgid "Powered by webtrees™"
msgstr "Webtrees™-ek garatua"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:165
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Prairial"
msgstr "Prairial"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:259
msgid "Prairial"
msgstr "Prairial"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:212
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Prairial"
msgstr "Prairial"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:118
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Prairial"
msgstr "Prairial"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteRegistrationPage.php:49
msgid "Predefined text that states admin will decide on each request for a user account"
msgstr "Aitzinetik definitutako testua, erabitzaleek egindako eskari bakoitza administratzaileak gainbegiratuko duela erraten duena"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteRegistrationPage.php:48
msgid "Predefined text that states all users can request a user account"
msgstr "Aitzinetik definitutako testua, edozeinek eskatzen ahal duela erabitzaile kontua"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteRegistrationPage.php:50
msgid "Predefined text that states only family members can request a user account"
msgstr "Aitzinetik definitutako testua, erabiltzaile-kontua familiakoek bakarrik eskatzen ahal izanen dutela errateko"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePageBlockEdit.php:60
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:162
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserPageBlockEdit.php:61
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:62
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:65
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:78
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:80
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:155
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:158
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:161
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:102
#: resources/views/modules/block-template.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/block-template.phtml:22
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Lehentasunak"

#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:46
#, php-format
msgid "Preferences exist for the module “%s”, but this module no longer exists."
msgstr "Badira lehentasunak \"%s\" moduluarentzat, baina dagoeneko modulu hori ezabatua dago."

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:186
msgid "Preferred contact method"
msgstr "Modu lehenetsia harremanetarako"

#. I18N: Location of an historic LDS church temple -
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:161
msgid "President’s Office"
msgstr "Presidentearen Bulegoa"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:163
msgid "Preston, England"
msgstr "Preston, Ingalaterra"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DataFixData.php:101
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DataFixPreview.php:79
#: resources/views/admin/analytics-edit.phtml:28
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Aurrebista"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:121
msgid "Priest"
msgstr "Apaiza"

#. I18N: The first day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:301
msgid "Primidi"
msgstr "Primidi"

#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:10
msgid "Print basic events when blank"
msgstr "Inprimatu oinarrizko gertaerak hutsik daudenean ere"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:146 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:202
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:137
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Lehentasuna"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePrivacyPage.php:68
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:110
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Pribatutasuna"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/PrivacyPolicy.php:65 app/Module/PrivacyPolicy.php:121
#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/footer.phtml:18
msgid "Privacy policy"
msgstr "Pribatutasun politika"

#. I18N: Privacy restrictions are set by RESN tags in GEDCOM.
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:156
msgid "Privacy restrictions"
msgstr "Pribatutasun murrizketak"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:222
msgid "Privacy restrictions - these apply to records and facts that do not contain a GEDCOM RESN tag"
msgstr "Pribatutasun murrizketak - GEDCOM RESN etiketa ez duten gertaera eta erregistroei aplikatzen zaikienak"

#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:56 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:60
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:82 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:117
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:124 app/CustomTags/TheNextGeneration.php:54
#: app/GedcomRecord.php:356 app/GedcomRecord.php:462
#: app/Report/ReportParserGenerate.php:981
#: app/Statistics/Repository/EventRepository.php:428
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Pribatua"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:219
msgid "Private key"
msgstr "Giltza pribatua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:726
msgid "Probate"
msgstr "Testamentaria"

#: app/Gedcom.php:727
msgid "Property"
msgstr "Jabetza"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:164
msgid "Provo City Center, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Provo City Center, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:165
msgid "Provo, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Provo, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: An individual that represents another
#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:120
msgid "Proxy"
msgstr "Apoderatua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:842 resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:99
#: resources/views/modals/source-fields.phtml:38
msgid "Publication"
msgstr "Publikazioa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:405
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Puerto Rico"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:417
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Qatar"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:131 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:185
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:279 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:312
#: app/Gedcom.php:441 app/Gedcom.php:495 app/Gedcom.php:573 app/Gedcom.php:684
#: app/Gedcom.php:756 app/Gedcom.php:780 app/Gedcom.php:804 app/Gedcom.php:913
#: app/Gedcom.php:927
msgid "Quality of data"
msgstr "Datuen kalitatea"

#. I18N: The fourth day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:307
msgid "Quartidi"
msgstr "Quartidi"

#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:60
#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:32
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Galdera"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:166
msgid "Quetzaltenango, Guatemala"
msgstr "Quetzaltenango, Guatemala"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:679
msgid "Quick family facts"
msgstr "Laster datozen familiako gertaerak"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:654
msgid "Quick individual facts"
msgstr "Laster datozen gertaera pertsonalak"

#. I18N: The fifth day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:309
msgid "Quintidi"
msgstr "Quintidi"

#. I18N: When replying to an email, the subject becomes “RE: subject”
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:115
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:116
msgid "RE: "
msgstr "RE: "

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:122
msgid "Rabbi"
msgstr "Rabinoa"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:146
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Rabi’ al-awwal"
msgstr "Rabi’ al-awwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:236
msgid "Rabi’ al-awwal"
msgstr "Rabi’ al-awwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:191
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Rabi’ al-awwal"
msgstr "Rabi’ al-awwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:101
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Rabi’ al-awwal"
msgstr "Rabi’ al-awwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:148
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Rabi’ al-thani"
msgstr "Rabi’ al-thani"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:238
msgid "Rabi’ al-thani"
msgstr "Rabi’ al-thani"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:193
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Rabi’ al-thani"
msgstr "Rabi’ al-thani"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:103
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Rabi’ al-thani"
msgstr "Rabi’ al-thani"

#. I18N: “rada” is an Arabic word, pronounced “ra DAH”. It is child-to-parent pedigree, established by wet-nursing.
#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:86
msgctxt "Female pedigree"
msgid "Rada"
msgstr "Rada"

#. I18N: “rada” is an Arabic word, pronounced “ra DAH”. It is child-to-parent pedigree, established by wet-nursing.
#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:76
msgctxt "Male pedigree"
msgid "Rada"
msgstr "Rada"

#. I18N: “rada” is an Arabic word, pronounced “ra DAH”. It is child-to-parent pedigree, established by wet-nursing.
#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:96
msgctxt "Pedigree"
msgid "Rada"
msgstr "Rada"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:154
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Rajab"
msgstr "Rajab"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:244
msgid "Rajab"
msgstr "Rajab"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:199
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Rajab"
msgstr "Rajab"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:109
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Rajab"
msgstr "Rajab"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:167
msgid "Raleigh, North Carolina, United States"
msgstr "Raleigh, North Carolina, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:158
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Ramadan"
msgstr "Ramadan"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:248
msgid "Ramadan"
msgstr "Ramadan"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:203
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Ramadan"
msgstr "Ramadan"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:113
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Ramadan"
msgstr "Ramadan"

#. I18N: Description of the “Slide show” module
#: app/Module/SlideShowModule.php:75
msgid "Random images from the current family tree."
msgstr "Ausaz erakutsitako zuhaitz genelogikoko irudiak."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ReorderChildrenPage.php:51
#: resources/views/family-page-children.phtml:52
#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:60
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/family.phtml:235
msgid "Re-order children"
msgstr "Seme-alabak berrantolatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ReorderFamiliesPage.php:49
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:83
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:88
#: resources/views/modules/relatives/tab.phtml:97
msgid "Re-order families"
msgstr "Familiak berrantolatu"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:71
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ReorderMediaFilesPage.php:49
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ReorderMediaPage.php:49
#: app/Module/FixPrimaryTag.php:119
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:104
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:109
msgid "Re-order media"
msgstr "Multimedia berrantolatu"

#: resources/views/media-page-menu.phtml:40
msgid "Re-order media files"
msgstr "Multimedia artxiboak berrantolatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ReorderNamesPage.php:49
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:51
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:56
msgid "Re-order names"
msgstr "Izenak berrantolatu"

#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:32
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:43
#: resources/views/admin/users.phtml:29
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:44
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-html.phtml:30
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-text.phtml:24
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:37
msgid "Real name"
msgstr "Egitazko izena"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:85
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:92
msgid "Recent changes"
msgstr "Aldaketa egin berriak"

#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:130
msgid "Recent years (&lt; 100 yrs)"
msgstr "Azken urtean (&lt; 100 urte)"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:168
msgid "Recife, Brazil"
msgstr "Recife, Brasil"

#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:62
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:138
#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-page.phtml:68
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:227
#: resources/views/lists/anniversaries-table.phtml:34
#: resources/views/modules/clippings/show.phtml:32
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:45
#: resources/views/modules/todo/research-tasks.phtml:32
msgid "Record"
msgstr "Erregistroa"

#: app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:63 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeBuilder.php:60
#: app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:55 app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:58
#: app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:65 app/Gedcom.php:479 app/Gedcom.php:738
#: app/Gedcom.php:770 app/Gedcom.php:794 app/Gedcom.php:825 app/Gedcom.php:849
#: app/Gedcom.php:873 app/Gedcom.php:885
msgid "Record ID number"
msgstr "Erregistroaren ID zenbakia"

#: app/Gedcom.php:737 app/Gedcom.php:872
msgid "Record file number"
msgstr "Erregistroaren artxibo zenbakia"

#: resources/views/modules/fix-search-and-replace/options.phtml:62
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/other-records.phtml:10
#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:61
msgid "Records"
msgstr "Erregistroak"

#. I18N: Description of the “Legacy URLs” module
#: app/Module/RedirectLegacyUrlsModule.php:110
msgid "Redirect old URLs from webtrees version 1."
msgstr "Berbideratu webtrees 1-eko URL lotura zaharrak."

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:169
msgid "Redlands, California, United States"
msgstr "Redlands, California, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:100 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:136
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:149 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:158
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:166 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:175
#: app/CustomTags/ProGen.php:53 app/CustomTags/ProGen.php:54
#: app/CustomTags/ProGen.php:55 app/Gedcom.php:475 app/Gedcom.php:728
#: app/Gedcom.php:768 app/Gedcom.php:792 app/Gedcom.php:823 app/Gedcom.php:843
msgid "Reference number"
msgstr "Erreferentzia zenbakia"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:170
msgid "Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada"
msgstr "Regina, Saskatchewan, Kanada"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:62 app/Elements/MarriageType.php:64
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:205
msgid "Registered partnership"
msgstr "Izatezko bikote erregistratua"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:123
msgid "Registry officer"
msgstr "Erregistroko funtzionaria"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:87
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Registry officer"
msgstr "Erregistroko funtzionaria"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:66
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Registry officer"
msgstr "Erregistroko funtzionaria"

#. I18N:
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:103
msgid "Regular expression"
msgstr "Adierazpen erregularra"

#: resources/views/modules/fix-search-and-replace/options.phtml:44
msgid "Regular expressions are an advanced pattern matching technique."
msgstr "Adierazpen erregularrak bat-etortze patroi aurreratuak dituen teknika da."

#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:53
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:91
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Ez onartu"

#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:107
msgid "Reject all changes"
msgstr "Aldaketak ez onartu"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/Module/IndividualFamiliesReportModule.php:44
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:3
msgid "Related families"
msgstr "Erlazionatutako familiak"

#. I18N: Name of a report
#: app/Module/RelatedIndividualsReportModule.php:40
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:3
msgid "Related individuals"
msgstr "Erlazionatutako pertsonak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:121 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:134
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:175 app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:64
#: app/Gedcom.php:585 app/Gedcom.php:903 app/Gedcom.php:917
#: app/Module/BranchesListModule.php:406 app/Module/BranchesListModule.php:444
#: resources/views/fact-association-structure.phtml:89
msgid "Relationship"
msgstr "Ahaidetasuna"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:61 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:53
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:106 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:61
#: app/CustomTags/TheNextGeneration.php:50
msgid "Relationship to father"
msgstr "Ahaidetasuna aitarekin"

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:155
msgid "Relationship to me"
msgstr "Ahaidetasuna nirekin"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:62 app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:54
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:108 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:62
#: app/CustomTags/TheNextGeneration.php:51
msgid "Relationship to mother"
msgstr "Ahaidetasuna amarekin"

#: app/Gedcom.php:661
msgid "Relationship to parents"
msgstr "Ahaidetasuna gurasoekin"

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "Relationship: %s"
msgstr "Ahaidetasuna: %s"

#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#. I18N: Configuration option
#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:189
#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:266
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:215
#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/config.phtml:35
msgid "Relationships"
msgstr "Bi gizabanakoen arteko harremana"

#. I18N: %s are individual’s names
#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:258
#, php-format
msgid "Relationships between %1$s and %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s eta %2$s(r)en arteko ahaidetasuna"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:253 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:269
#: app/Gedcom.php:430 app/Gedcom.php:562 app/Gedcom.php:730
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:26
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:587
msgid "Religion"
msgstr "Erlijioa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:723
msgid "Religious institution"
msgstr "Erlijio-erakundea"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:63 app/Elements/MarriageType.php:65
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:199
msgid "Religious marriage"
msgstr "Erlijio-ezkontza"

#: app/Services/LeafletJsService.php:78
msgid "Reload map"
msgstr "Mapa berrireki"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:147 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:203
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:141
msgid "Reminder date"
msgstr "Dataren gogorarazlea"

#: resources/views/modules/review_changes/config.phtml:29
msgid "Reminder email frequency (days)"
msgstr "Mezu gogorarazleen maiztasuna (egunak)"

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:77
msgid "Remote server"
msgstr "Zerbitzari remotoa"

#: app/Module/CensusAssistantModule.php:241
#: app/Module/CensusAssistantModule.php:265
#: resources/views/modules/clippings/show.phtml:33
#: resources/views/modules/clippings/show.phtml:48
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:37
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Ezabatu"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/FixDuplicateLinks.php:56
msgid "Remove duplicate links"
msgstr "Bikoiztutako binkuluak ezabatu"

#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/page.phtml:76
msgid "Remove individual"
msgstr "Pertsona ezabatu"

#. I18N: A media path (e.g. c:\aaa\bbb\ccc\ddd.jpeg) in a GEDCOM file
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:122
msgid "Remove the GEDCOM media path from filenames"
msgstr "GEDCOM multimedia artxiboen ibilbidea ezabatu"

#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:129
msgid "Remove this location?"
msgstr "Leku hau ezabatu?"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:171
msgid "Reno, Nevada, United States"
msgstr "Reno, Nevada, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Renumber the records in a family tree
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RenumberTreePage.php:62
#: resources/views/admin/trees-merge.phtml:37
#: resources/views/admin/trees-merge.phtml:42
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:201
msgid "Renumber XREFs"
msgstr "XREFak birzenbakitu"

#: resources/views/modules/fix-place-names/options.phtml:21
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Ordeztu"

#. I18N: Description of a “Data fix” module
#: app/Module/FixCemeteryTag.php:69
msgid "Replace cemetery tags with burial places."
msgstr "Kanposantuaren etiketa ehorzketa lekuaz ordeztu."

#: resources/views/search-replace-page.phtml:35
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr "Honetaz ordeztu"

#: resources/views/modules/fix-search-and-replace/options.phtml:28
msgid "Replacement text"
msgstr "Ordezkapenaren testua"

#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:130
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:131
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Erantzun"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ReportGenerate.php:106
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:240
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:243
#: resources/views/report-select-page.phtml:23
msgid "Report"
msgstr "Txostena"

#. I18N: ''GEDCOM tag _RPT_PHRS
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:66 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:67
msgid "Report phrase"
msgstr "Txostenaren esaldia"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesReportsPage.php:43
#: app/Module/ReportsMenuModule.php:56 app/Module/ReportsMenuModule.php:104
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:706
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:110
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:112
msgid "Reports"
msgstr "Txostenak"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:112
#: app/Module/RepositoryListModule.php:65
#: app/Module/RepositoryListModule.php:144 app/Services/AdminService.php:194
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:346
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:57
#: resources/views/lists/repositories-table.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:52
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:124
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:54
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/other-records.phtml:45
#: resources/views/record-page-links.phtml:87
#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:95
#: resources/views/search-results.phtml:72
msgid "Repositories"
msgstr "Gordailuak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:141 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:197
#: app/Gedcom.php:805 app/Gedcom.php:845
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:356
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:169
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:242
#: resources/views/modals/source-fields.phtml:46
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:123
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:79
msgid "Repository"
msgstr "Gordailua"

#: resources/views/lists/repositories-table.phtml:52
msgid "Repository name"
msgstr "Gordailuaren izena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:135
msgid "Republic of the Congo"
msgstr "Kongo"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordRequestAction.php:106
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordRequestPage.php:56
msgid "Request a new password"
msgstr "Pasahitza berri bat eskatu"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterAction.php:210
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterPage.php:77
#: app/Module/WelcomeBlockModule.php:109 resources/views/login-page.phtml:66
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-in.phtml:48
msgid "Request a new user account"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-kontua eskatu nahi"

#: app/Elements/ResearchTaskStatus.php:51 app/Elements/ResearchTaskType.php:50
msgid "Research"
msgstr "Ikerketa"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:69 app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:109
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:136 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:192
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:136 app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:64
#: app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:68
#: resources/views/modules/todo/research-tasks.phtml:38
msgid "Research task"
msgstr "Ikerketa lana"

#. I18N: Name of a module. Tasks that need further research.
#: app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:211
msgid "Research tasks"
msgstr "Ikerketa lanak"

#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:16
msgid "Research tasks are special events, added to individuals in your family tree, which identify the need for further research. You can use them as a reminder to check facts against more reliable sources, to obtain documents or photographs, to resolve conflicting information, etc."
msgstr "\"Ikerketa lanak\" eginkizun bereziak dira, zuhaitz genealogikoko pertsonei dagokienak, ikertzen jarraitzeko beharraz ohartarazten dutenak. Gogorarazle gisa erabiltzen ahal dituzu gertaerak errebisatzeko, dokumentuak edo argazkiak lortzeko, kontrajarriak diren informazioak moldatzeko, etabar."

#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:18
msgid "Research tasks are stored using the custom GEDCOM tag “_TODO”. Other genealogy applications may not recognize this tag."
msgstr "\"Ikerketa lanak\" GEDCOM “_TODO” etiketa bereziekin gordetzen dira. Bertze genealogia aplikazio batzuk ez dute etiketa hau ezagutzen."

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:186 app/Gedcom.php:731
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1004
msgid "Residence"
msgstr "Egoitza"

#: resources/views/edit-blocks-page.phtml:74
#: resources/views/edit-blocks-page.phtml:75
msgid "Restore the default block layout"
msgstr "Programan blokeentzako lehenetsita dagoen diseinura itzuli"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:275
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:295
msgid "Restrict to immediate family"
msgstr "Hurbileko familiakoei sarrera mugatu"

#. I18N: a restriction on viewing data
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:254 app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:83
#: app/Gedcom.php:431 app/Gedcom.php:478 app/Gedcom.php:563 app/Gedcom.php:734
#: app/Gedcom.php:929 app/Gedcom.php:931 app/Gedcom.php:933 app/Gedcom.php:935
#: app/Gedcom.php:937 app/Gedcom.php:939
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:243
#: resources/views/modals/restriction-fields.phtml:11
msgid "Restriction"
msgstr "Murrizketa"

#: resources/views/help/restriction.phtml:10
msgid "Restrictions can be added to records and/or facts. They restrict who can view the data and who can edit it."
msgstr "Erregistro eta gertaerei murrizketak gehitzen ahal zaizkio, datuak zeinek ikusi edo aldatzen ahal dituen mugatzeko."

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:122
msgid "Results"
msgstr "Emaitzak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:735
msgid "Retirement"
msgstr "Jubilazioa"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:172
msgid "Rexburg, Idaho, United States"
msgstr "Rexburg, Idaho, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:79 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:91
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:108 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:122
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:127 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:181
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:275 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:308
#: app/Gedcom.php:437 app/Gedcom.php:491 app/Gedcom.php:569 app/Gedcom.php:680
#: app/Gedcom.php:752 app/Gedcom.php:776 app/Gedcom.php:800 app/Gedcom.php:909
#: app/Gedcom.php:923 resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:289
msgid "Role"
msgstr "Rola"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:421
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Errumania"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:248
msgid "Romanized"
msgstr "Erromanizatua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:699
msgid "Romanized name"
msgstr "Izen erromanizatua"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:250 app/Gedcom.php:428 app/Gedcom.php:560
msgid "Romanized place"
msgstr "Leku erromanizatua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:708
msgid "Romanized type"
msgstr "Modu erromanizatua"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:109
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:151
msgid "Roots"
msgstr "Sustraiak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:189
msgid "Rufname"
msgstr "Deien izenak"

#. I18N:
#: app/Soundex.php:606 resources/views/branches-page.phtml:41
#: resources/views/search-phonetic-page.phtml:71
msgid "Russell"
msgstr "Russell"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:423
msgid "Russia"
msgstr "Errusia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:425
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Ruanda"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:419
msgid "Réunion"
msgstr "Réunion"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:88
msgid "SMTP mail server"
msgstr "SMTP korreo zerbitzaria"

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:320
msgid "SQLite is only suitable for small sites, testing and evaluation."
msgstr "SQLite leku txikietarako, frogetarako eta ebaluazioetarako bakarrik erabili behar da."

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:210
#, php-format
msgid "SQLite version %s is installed. SQLite version %s or later is required."
msgstr "SQLite-ren %s bertsioa dago instalatua. SQLite-ren %s bertsioa edo berriagoa behar da."

#. I18N: Use SMTP over SSL/TLS, or Implicit TLS - a secure communications protocol
#: app/Services/EmailService.php:207
msgid "SSL/TLS"
msgstr "SSL/TLS"

#. I18N: Use SMTP with STARTTLS, or Explicit TLS - a secure communications protocol
#: app/Services/EmailService.php:209
msgid "STARTTLS"
msgstr "STARTTLS"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:173
msgid "Sacramento, California, United States"
msgstr "Sacramento, California, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:144
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Safar"
msgstr "Safar"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:234
msgid "Safar"
msgstr "Safar"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:189
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Safar"
msgstr "Safar"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:99
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Safar"
msgstr "Safar"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:176
msgid "Sage"
msgstr "Sage"

#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:95
msgid "Saint Barthélemy"
msgstr "Saint Barthélemy"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:443
msgid "Saint Helena"
msgstr "Saint Helena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:286
msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr "Saint Kitts eta Nevis"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:300
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "Santa Lucia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:457
msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
msgstr "Saint Pierre eta Miquelon"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:522
msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
msgstr "Saint Vincent eta Grenadines"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:183
msgid "Salt Lake City, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Salt Lake City, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:71
msgid "Same as uploaded file"
msgstr "Kargatutako artxiboa bezalakoa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:538
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "Samoa"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:176
msgid "San Antonio, Texas, United States"
msgstr "San Antonio, Texas, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:177
msgid "San Diego, California, United States"
msgstr "San Diego, California, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:182
msgid "San José, Costa Rica"
msgstr "San José, Costa Rica"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:453
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "San Marino"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:174
msgid "San Salvador, El Salvador"
msgstr "San Salvador, El Salvador"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:175
msgid "Santiago, Chile"
msgstr "Santiago, Txile"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:178
msgid "Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Santo Domingo, Dominikar Errepublika"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:461
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
msgstr "San Tome eta Principe"

#. I18N: abbreviation for Saturday
#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:283
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:31
msgid "Sat"
msgstr "Lr."

#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:251
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Larunbata"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:427
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Saudiar Arabia"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:72 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:153
msgid "Schema"
msgstr "Eskema"

#: app/Gedcom.php:644 app/Gedcom.php:668
msgid "School or college"
msgstr "Ikastetxe edo Unibertsitatea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:429
msgid "Scotland"
msgstr "Eskozia"

#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:146
msgid "Scrapbook"
msgstr "Ohar koadernoa"

#. I18N: “sealing” is a Mormon ceremony.
#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:84
msgctxt "Female pedigree"
msgid "Sealing"
msgstr "Zigilatzea"

#. I18N: “sealing” is a Mormon ceremony.
#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:74
msgctxt "Male pedigree"
msgid "Sealing"
msgstr "Zigilatzea"

#. I18N: “sealing” is a Mormon ceremony.
#: app/Elements/PedigreeLinkageType.php:94
msgctxt "Pedigree"
msgid "Sealing"
msgstr "Zigilatzea"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:63
#: app/Elements/LdsSpouseSealingDateStatus.php:64
msgid "Sealing canceled (divorce)"
msgstr "Zigilatzea ezabatua (dibortzioa)"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#. I18N: A button label.
#: app/Module/SearchMenuModule.php:48 app/Module/SearchMenuModule.php:90
#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-page.phtml:44
#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:120
#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:155
#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:88
#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:90
#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:92
#: resources/views/modules/descendancy/sidebar.phtml:17
#: resources/views/modules/descendancy/sidebar.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/fix-place-names/options.phtml:11
#: resources/views/search-replace-page.phtml:44
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Bilatu"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchReplacePage.php:49
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:75 app/Module/SearchMenuModule.php:138
msgid "Search and replace"
msgstr "Bilatu eta ordezkatu"

#. I18N: Description of a “Data fix” module
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:86
msgid "Search and replace text, using simple searches or advanced pattern matching."
msgstr "Testua bilatu eta ordezkatu, bilketa xinpleak edo patroi aurreratuak erabiliz."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Description META tag” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:229
msgid "Search engines may use this description of your site in their search results."
msgstr "Nabigatzaileen bilaketa motoreek zure orriaren deskribapen hau erabili dezakete emaitzetarako."

#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:73
msgid "Search filters"
msgstr "Bilaketa filtroak"

#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:49
#: resources/views/search-replace-page.phtml:26
msgid "Search for"
msgstr "Bilatu honetaz"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapGeoLocationsPage.php:44
msgid "Search for locations in an external database."
msgstr "Ubikazioak bilatu kanpoko datu-baseetan."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapAutocompletePage.php:44
msgid "Search for place names in an external database."
msgstr "Lekuen izenak bilatu kanpoko datu-base batean."

#: app/Module/GeonamesAutocomplete.php:69
#: app/Module/OpenRouteServiceAutocomplete.php:57
#, php-format
msgid "Search for place names using %s."
msgstr "Lekuen izenak bilatu %s erabiliz."

#: resources/views/modules/fix-search-and-replace/options.phtml:38
msgid "Search method"
msgstr "Bilaketa modua"

#: resources/views/modules/fix-search-and-replace/options.phtml:18
msgid "Search text/pattern"
msgstr "Testua/patroia bilatu"

#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/config.phtml:26
msgid "Searching for all possible relationships can take a lot of time in complex trees."
msgstr "Denbora anitz behar da harreman guztiak bilatzeko zuhaitz konplexuetan."

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:179
msgid "Seattle, Washington, United States"
msgstr "Seattle, Washington, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:106
msgid "Second record"
msgstr "Bigarren erregistroa"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:163
msgid "Secure connection"
msgstr "Konexio segurua"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/modules/statcounter/form.phtml:20
msgid "Security code"
msgstr "Seguritate kodea"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:36
#: resources/views/emails/new-version-html.phtml:26
#: resources/views/emails/new-version-text.phtml:21
#: resources/views/modules/fix-search-and-replace/options.phtml:45
#, php-format
msgid "See %s for more information."
msgstr "%s begiratu informazio gehiagorako."

#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:48
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:95
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:141
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Aukeratu"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:36
msgid "Select a GEDCOM file to import"
msgstr "Aukeratu GEDCOM artxiboa kargatzeko"

#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-calendar.phtml:14
#: resources/views/edit/input-addon-calendar.phtml:17
msgid "Select a date"
msgstr "Data aukeratu"

#: resources/views/modules/lifespans-chart/page.phtml:39
msgid "Select individuals by place or date"
msgstr "Lekuz edo dataz aukeratu pertsonak"

#. I18N: Description of the “Clippings cart” module
#: app/Module/ClippingsCartModule.php:134
msgid "Select records from your family tree and save them as a GEDCOM file."
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogiko erregistraok aukeratu eta GEDCOM artxibo baten bitartez deskargatu."

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:148
msgid "Select the desired age interval"
msgstr "Aukeratu nahi duzun denbora tartea"

#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:34
msgid "Select the facts and events to keep from both records."
msgstr "Bi erregistroetan mantendu nahi dituzun gertaerak aukeratu."

#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:50
msgid "Select two records to merge."
msgstr "Aukeratu konbinatu nahi dituzun bi erregistroak."

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:210
msgid "Selector"
msgstr "Aukeratzaile"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:124
msgid "Seller"
msgstr "Saltzailea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:88
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Seller"
msgstr "Saltzailea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:67
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Seller"
msgstr "Saltzailea"

#: resources/views/admin/broadcast.phtml:65
#: resources/views/admin/email-page.phtml:70
#: resources/views/contact-page.phtml:80 resources/views/message-page.phtml:68
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:43
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Bidali"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ContactPage.php:87
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MessagePage.php:71
#: app/Statistics/Repository/UserRepository.php:121
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:31
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:80
msgid "Send a message"
msgstr "Mezua bidali"

#: app/Services/MessageService.php:215
msgid "Send a message to all users"
msgstr "Mezua erabiltzaile guztiei bidali"

#: app/Services/MessageService.php:216
msgid "Send a message to users who have never signed in"
msgstr "Mezua bidali inoiz konektatu ez diren erabiltzaileei"

#: app/Services/MessageService.php:217
msgid "Send a message to users who have not signed in for 6 months"
msgstr "Mezua bidali azken sei hilabeteetan konektatu ez diren erabiltzaileei"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:233
msgid "Send a test email using these settings"
msgstr "Mezu elektronikoa bidali aukera hauek erabiliz"

#: app/Module/CheckForNewVersion.php:76
msgid "Send an email to all administrators when an upgrade is available."
msgstr "Mezu elektronikoa bidali administratzaile guztiei eguneratutako bertsioa eskuragai dagoenean."

#. I18N: Label for a configuration option
#: resources/views/modules/review_changes/config.phtml:20
msgid "Send out reminder emails"
msgstr "Bidali mezu gogorarazleak"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:71
msgid "Sender email"
msgstr "Mezu elektronikoa bidaltzaileari"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:57
msgid "Sender name"
msgstr "Bidaltzailearen izena"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EmailPreferencesPage.php:65
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:246
msgid "Sending email"
msgstr "Mezu bidalketa"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:177
msgid "Sending server name"
msgstr "Bidaltzen duen zerbitzariaren izena"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:435
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Senegal"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:180
msgid "Seoul, Korea"
msgstr "Seul, Korea"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:239
msgctxt "Abbreviation for September"
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Ir."

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:68
msgid "Separated"
msgstr "Banandua"

#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:71
msgid "Separation"
msgstr "Banaketa"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:136
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "September"
msgstr "Irailaren"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:206
msgid "September"
msgstr "Iraila"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:171
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "September"
msgstr "Iraileko"

#: app/Date/AbstractGregorianJulianDate.php:101
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:796
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:21
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "September"
msgstr "Iraila"

#. I18N: The seventh day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:313
msgid "Septidi"
msgstr "Septidi"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:437
msgid "Serbia"
msgstr "Serbia"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:125
msgid "Servant"
msgstr "Morroia"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:89
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Servant"
msgstr "Neskamea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:68
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Servant"
msgstr "Morroia"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PhpInformation.php:60
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:274
msgid "Server information"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren izena"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:93
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:82
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:49
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:49
msgid "Server name"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren izena"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordResetPage.php:62
msgid "Set a new password"
msgstr "Bertze pasahitza sartu"

#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:132 resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:138
msgid "Set as default"
msgstr "Lehenetsi"

#. I18N: You need to:
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-html.phtml:41
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-text.phtml:28
msgid "Set the access level for each tree."
msgstr "Erabiltze maila markatu zuhaitz bakoitzerako."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePageDefaultEdit.php:69
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:321
msgid "Set the default blocks for new family trees"
msgstr "Lehenetsitako blokeak zuhaitz genealogiko berrientzat"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserPageDefaultEdit.php:68
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:548
msgid "Set the default blocks for new users"
msgstr "Lehenetsitako blokeak erabiltzaile berrientzat"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Show dead individuals” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:62
msgid "Set the privacy access level for all dead individuals."
msgstr "Pribatutasun maila ezarri hildako pertsona guztientzat."

#. I18N: You need to:
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-html.phtml:39
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-text.phtml:27
msgid "Set the status to “approved”."
msgstr "\"Onartua\" aldaera sartu."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Allow users to see raw GEDCOM records” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:606
msgid "Setting this to <b>Yes</b> will place links on individuals, sources, and families to let users bring up another window containing the raw data taken right out of the GEDCOM file."
msgstr "<b>Bai</b> aukera ezartzen baldin bada pertsonen, iturrien eta familien arteko harremanak agertuko dira. Ondorioz, erabiltzaileek bertze leiho bat ireki ahal izanen dute, GEDCOMetik zuzenean garraiatutako datuekin."

#: resources/views/layouts/setup.phtml:18
#: resources/views/layouts/setup.phtml:26
msgid "Setup wizard for webtrees"
msgstr "Webtrees instalatzeko laguntzailea"

#. I18N: The sixth day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:311
msgid "Sextidi"
msgstr "Sextidi"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:474
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Seychelleak"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:278
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Shahrivar"
msgid "Shah"
msgstr "Shah"

#. I18N: 6th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:149
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Shahrivar"
msgstr "Shahrivar"

#. I18N: 6th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:239
msgid "Shahrivar"
msgstr "Shahrivar"

#. I18N: 6th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:194
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Shahrivar"
msgstr "Shahrivar"

#. I18N: 6th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:104
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Shahrivar"
msgstr "Shahrivar"

#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:37
#: resources/views/individual-page.phtml:68
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Konpartitu"

#: app/Module/ShareUrlModule.php:41
msgid "Share the URL"
msgstr "URL lotura konpartitu"

#: app/Module/ShareAnniversaryModule.php:73
msgid "Share the anniversary of an event"
msgstr "Konpartitu gertaeraren urteurrena"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:87 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:102
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:116 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:138
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:143 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:151
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:168 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:177
#: app/Elements/NoteStructure.php:121 app/Fact.php:451 app/Gedcom.php:761
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:259
#: resources/views/edit/shared-note.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/notes/tab.phtml:65
#: resources/views/note-page-details.phtml:24
msgid "Shared note"
msgstr "Oharra konpartitu"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#: app/Module/NoteListModule.php:62
#: resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:103
#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:105
msgid "Shared notes"
msgstr "Oharrak konpartitu"

#. I18N: plural noun - things that can be shared
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesSharesPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:748
msgid "Shares"
msgstr "Konpartituak"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:160
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Shawwal"
msgstr "Shawwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:250
msgid "Shawwal"
msgstr "Shawwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:205
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Shawwal"
msgstr "Shawwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:115
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Shawwal"
msgstr "Shawwal"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:156
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Sha’aban"
msgstr "Sha’aban"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:246
msgid "Sha’aban"
msgstr "Sha’aban"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:201
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Sha’aban"
msgstr "Sha’aban"

#. I18N:
#: app/Date/HijriDate.php:111
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Sha’aban"
msgstr "Sha’aban"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:358
msgid "She "
msgstr "Bera "

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:289
msgid "She died"
msgstr "Hila dago"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:261
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:242
msgid "She married"
msgstr "Ezkondu zen"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:224
msgid "She resided at"
msgstr "Bizitu zen"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:331
msgid "She was born"
msgstr "Jaio zen"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:339
msgid "She was buried"
msgstr "Ehortzi zuten"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:168
msgid "She was christened"
msgstr "Bataiatu zuten"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:314
msgid "She was cremated"
msgstr "Erraustu zuten"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:201
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Shevat"
msgstr "Shevat"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:305
msgid "Shevat"
msgstr "Shevat"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:253
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Shevat"
msgstr "Shevat"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:149
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Shevat"
msgstr "Shevat"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:178
msgid "Shiny Tomato"
msgstr "Tomate kolorea"

#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:37 resources/views/help/date.phtml:75
#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:113
msgid "Shortcut"
msgstr "Lasterbidea"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/marriage-length.phtml:28
msgid "Shortest marriage"
msgstr "Gutien iraun duen ezkontza"

#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:109
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Ikusi"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:278
msgid "Show a download link in the media viewer"
msgstr "Deskargatzeko lotura ikusi multimedia objektuen bisorean"

#. I18N: Description of the “Cookie warning” module
#: app/Module/PrivacyPolicy.php:76
msgid "Show a privacy policy."
msgstr "Pribatutasun politika ikusi."

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:66
msgid "Show acceptable use agreement on “Request a new user account” page"
msgstr "Erabileraren arauak ikusi \"Erabiltzaile-kontu berria eskatu\" orrian"

#: resources/views/modules/media/tab.phtml:24
msgid "Show all media"
msgstr "Multimedia guztiak ikusi"

#: resources/views/modules/notes/tab.phtml:30
msgid "Show all notes"
msgstr "Ohar guztiak ikusi"

#: app/Module/PlaceHierarchyListModule.php:201
msgid "Show all places in a list"
msgstr "Leku guztien zerrenda ikusi"

#: resources/views/modules/sources_tab/tab.phtml:26
msgid "Show all sources"
msgstr "Datuen iturri guztiak ikusi"

#. I18N: an age indicator, which can be dragged around the screen
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/page.phtml:83
msgid "Show an age cursor"
msgstr "Adin-kurtsorea ikusi"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:12
msgid "Show children of ancestors"
msgstr "Arbasoen seme-alabak ikusi"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:140
msgid "Show couples where either partner married more than once."
msgstr "Behin baino gehiagotan ezkondu diren pertsonak dituzten bikoteak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:91
msgid "Show couples where only the female partner is dead."
msgstr "Emaztea hilik eta senarra bizirik daukaten bikoteak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:96
msgid "Show couples where only the male partner is dead."
msgstr "Emaztea bizirik eta senarra hilik daukaten bikoteak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:125
msgid "Show couples who married more than 100 years ago."
msgstr "Orain dela 100 urte baino gehiago ezkondutako bikoteak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:130
msgid "Show couples who married within the last 100 years."
msgstr "Azken 100 urtetan ezkondutako bikoteak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:120
msgid "Show couples with an unknown marriage date."
msgstr "Ezkontza-datarik gabeko bikoteak ikusi."

#. I18N: label for yes/no option
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:37
msgid "Show date of last update"
msgstr "Azken eguneratzearen data erakusti"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:52
msgid "Show dead individuals"
msgstr "Hildako pertsonak ikusi"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:135
msgid "Show divorced couples."
msgstr "Dibortziatutako bikoteak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:137
msgid "Show individuals born more than 100 years ago."
msgstr "Orain dela 100 urte baino gehiago jaiotako pertsonak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:142
msgid "Show individuals born within the last 100 years."
msgstr "Azken 100 urteetan jaiotako pertsonak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:114
msgid "Show individuals who are alive or couples where both partners are alive."
msgstr "Bizirik dauden pertsonak edo bi ezkontideak bizirik dauden bikoteak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:101
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:119
msgid "Show individuals who are dead or couples where both partners are dead."
msgstr "Hildako pertsonak edo bi ezkontideak hilik dauden bikoteak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:124
msgid "Show individuals who died more than 100 years ago."
msgstr "Orain dela 100 urte baino gehiago hildako pertsonak ikusi."

#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:129
msgid "Show individuals who died within the last 100 years."
msgstr "Azken 100 urteetan hildako pertsonak ikusi."

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:99
msgid "Show list of family trees"
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogikoen zerrenda ikusi"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:84
msgid "Show living individuals"
msgstr "Bizirik dauden pertsonak ikusi"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:122
msgid "Show names of private individuals"
msgstr "Pertsona pribatuen izenak ikusi"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:7
msgid "Show notes"
msgstr "Oharrak ikusi"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:10
msgid "Show occupations"
msgstr "Lanbideak ikusi"

#: resources/views/modules/todays_events/config.phtml:21
#: resources/views/modules/upcoming_events/config.phtml:33
msgid "Show only events of living individuals"
msgstr "Bizirik dauden pertsonen gertaerak ikusi bakarrik"

#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:102
msgid "Show only females."
msgstr "Emakumezkoak ikusi bakarrik."

#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:107
msgid "Show only individuals for whom the gender is not known."
msgstr "Genero ezezaguna duten pertsonak ikusi bakarrik."

#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:19
msgid "Show only individuals, events, or all"
msgstr "Pertsonak, gertaerak edo dena ikusi"

#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:97
msgid "Show only males."
msgstr "Gizonezkoak ikusi bakarrik."

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:322
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:334
msgid "Show parents"
msgstr "Gurasoak ikusi"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:152
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:61
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:72
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:91
#: resources/views/login-page.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-in.phtml:34
#: resources/views/password-reset-page.phtml:37
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:76
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:119
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:85
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:85
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:83
msgid "Show password"
msgstr "Pasahitza ikusi"

#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:8
msgid "Show pending changes"
msgstr "Egiteke dauden aldaketak ikusi"

#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:8
msgid "Show photos"
msgstr "Argazkiak ikusi"

#: app/Module/PlaceHierarchyListModule.php:195
msgid "Show place hierarchy"
msgstr "Lekuen ierarkia ikusi"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:142
msgid "Show private relationships"
msgstr "Harreman pribatuak ikusi"

#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:23
msgid "Show research tasks that are assigned to other users"
msgstr "Bertze erabitzaileei esleitutako ikerketa lanak ikusi"

#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:33
msgid "Show research tasks that are not assigned to any user"
msgstr "Inori esleitu ez zaizkion ikerketa lanak ikusi"

#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:42
msgid "Show research tasks that have a date in the future"
msgstr "Etorkizuneko data daukaten ikerketa lanak ikusi"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:11
msgid "Show residences"
msgstr "Egoitzak ikusi"

#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:39
msgid "Show slide show controls"
msgstr "Aurkezpenaren kontrolak ikusi"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:6
msgid "Show sources"
msgstr "Datuen iturriak ikusi"

#: resources/views/modules/family-book-chart/page.phtml:62
#: resources/views/modules/hourglass-chart/page.phtml:50
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:6
msgid "Show spouses"
msgstr "Ezkontideak ikusi"

#. I18N: The placeholders are edit controls. Show the [first/last] [1/2/3/4/5] parts of a place name
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:569
#, php-format
msgid "Show the %1$s %2$s parts of a place name."
msgstr "Ikusi %1$s %2$sen lekuaren zatiak."

#. I18N: Description of the “Pedigree map” module
#: app/Module/PedigreeMapModule.php:120
msgid "Show the birthplace of ancestors on a map."
msgstr "Arbasoen jaiotzaren lekua mapa batean ikusi."

#. I18N: label for a yes/no option
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:69
msgid "Show the date and time"
msgstr "Data eta ordua erakutsi"

#: resources/views/modules/html/config.phtml:53
msgid "Show the date and time of update"
msgstr "Eguneratzearen data eta ordua ikusi"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:424
msgid "Show the events of close relatives on the individual page"
msgstr "Hurbileko ahaideen gertaerak ikusi pertsonen orrietan"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:33
msgid "Show the family tree"
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogikoa ikusi"

#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:338
msgid "Show the list of individuals"
msgstr "Perstonen zerrendak ikusi"

#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:344
msgid "Show the list of surnames"
msgstr "Abizenen zerrenda ikusi"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapLinksPage.php:44
#: app/Module/ModuleMapLinkTrait.php:49
msgid "Show the location of an event on an external map."
msgstr "Kanpoko mapa batean ikusi gertaera baten lekua."

#. I18N: Description of the “Places” module
#: app/Module/PlacesModule.php:94
msgid "Show the location of events on a map."
msgstr "Gertaeren ubikazioa ikusi mapa batean."

#. I18N: label for a yes/no option
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:60
msgid "Show the user who made the change"
msgstr "Aldaketa egin duen erabiltzailea ikusi"

#. I18N: Label for a configuration option
#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:54
#: resources/views/modules/html/config.phtml:62
#: resources/views/modules/stories/edit.phtml:60
msgid "Show this block for which languages"
msgstr "Zein hizkuntzentzat ikusi bloke hau"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:298
msgid "Show thumbnail images in charts and family groups."
msgstr "Miniaturak ikusi grafikoetan eta famili-taldeetan."

#: app/Auth.php:593 app/Auth.php:606 app/Elements/RestrictionNotice.php:96
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:124
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePrivacyPage.php:93
#: resources/views/modals/restriction-fields.phtml:23
msgid "Show to managers"
msgstr "Gainbegiratzaileak ikusi"

#: app/Auth.php:592 app/Auth.php:605 app/Elements/RestrictionNotice.php:99
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:123
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePrivacyPage.php:92
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:41
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:92
#: resources/views/modals/restriction-fields.phtml:20
msgid "Show to members"
msgstr "Partaideak ikusi"

#: app/Auth.php:591 app/Auth.php:604 app/Elements/RestrictionNotice.php:98
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePrivacyPage.php:91
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:41
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:92
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:150
#: resources/views/modals/restriction-fields.phtml:17
msgid "Show to visitors"
msgstr "Bisitatzaileak ikusi"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:113
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:155
msgid "Show “leaves” couples or individuals. These are individuals who are alive but have no children recorded in the database."
msgstr "Bikote edo pertsona \"leaves\" ikusi. Bizirik izanik ez daukate seme-alabarik datu-basean."

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:108
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:150
msgid "Show “roots” couples or individuals. These individuals may also be called “patriarchs”. They are individuals who have no parents recorded in the database."
msgstr "\"Oinarrizko\" pertsonak edo bikoteak ikusi. \"Patriarka\" ere deitzen zaie. Datu-basean gurasorik ez duten pertsonak dira."

#. I18N: %s are placeholders for numbers
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:26
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:27
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:26
#, php-format
msgid "Showing %1$s to %2$s of %3$s"
msgstr "%1$stik %2$sera erakusten (%3$stik)"

#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/previous.phtml:24
msgid "Sibling"
msgstr "Anai-arreba"

#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/previous.phtml:22
msgid "Siblings"
msgstr "Anai-arrebak"

#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:185
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:188
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "Bazterreko barra"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesSidebarsPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:734
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:90
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:92
msgid "Sidebars"
msgstr "Bazterreko barrak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:449
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Sierra Leona"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginPage.php:78 app/Module/LoginBlockModule.php:43
#: app/Module/LoginBlockModule.php:75 app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:291
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Saioa abiatu"

#: app/Module/LoginBlockModule.php:70 app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:307
#: resources/views/layouts/administration.phtml:68
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr "Saioa itxi"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteRegistrationPage.php:44
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:252
msgid "Sign-in and registration"
msgstr "Sarrera eta erregistroa"

#: app/CustomTags/Heredis.php:55
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Sinadura"

#: resources/views/help/date.phtml:138
msgid "Simple dates are assumed to be in the gregorian calendar. To specify a date in another calendar, add a keyword before the date. This keyword is optional if the month or year format make the date unambiguous."
msgstr "Data gregoriar egutegia erabilita dago normalean. Bertze egutegi bateko data sartzeko hitz-klabe bat paratu aitzinetik. Hitz-klabea ez da beharrezkoa dataren formatoa zehatza baldin bada."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:439
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapur"

#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:363
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:352
msgid "Sister"
msgstr "Arreba/ahizpa"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:61
#: resources/views/modules/google-analytics/form.phtml:11
#: resources/views/modules/matomo-analytics/form.phtml:11
#: resources/views/modules/statcounter/form.phtml:11
msgid "Site identification code"
msgstr "Orriaren identifikazio kodea"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Preferred contact method” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:192
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:140
msgid "Site members can send each other messages. You can choose to how these messages are sent to you, or choose not receive them at all."
msgstr "Orriaren erabiltzaileek mezuak bidaltzen ahal dizkiete elkarri. Zuk aukeratzen ahal duzu nola bidaltzen dizkizuten mezuak, edo ez dituzun hartu nahi."

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/modules/bing-webmaster-tools/form.phtml:11
#: resources/views/modules/google-webmaster-tools/form.phtml:11
msgid "Site verification code"
msgstr "Orriaren berifikazio kodea"

#: resources/views/modules/bing-webmaster-tools/form.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/google-webmaster-tools/form.phtml:20
msgid "Site verification codes do not work when webtrees is installed in a subfolder."
msgstr "Orriaren berifikazio kodeak ez du funtzionatzen webtrees azpikarpeta batean instalatua baldin badago."

#. I18N: Name of a module - see
#: app/Module/SiteMapModule.php:154
msgid "Sitemaps"
msgstr "Orriaren mapak"

#. I18N: The site is translated into many languages (e.g. - choose an appropriate URL.
#: resources/views/modules/sitemap/config.phtml:25
msgid "Sitemaps are a way for webmasters to tell search engines about the pages on a website that are available for crawling. All major search engines support sitemaps. For more information, see <a href=\"\"></a>."
msgstr "Orriaren mapen zereginetako bat hauxe litzateke: Orriko administratzaileei aukera ematea erabakitzeko lekuaren zein orri erabiltzen ahal dituzten nabigatzaileen bilaketa motoreak. Bilaketa motore gehienek orrien mapak erabiltzen dituzte. Informazio gehiago nahi baduzu, ikusi <a href=\"\"></a>."

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:211
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Sivan"
msgstr "Sivan"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:315
msgid "Sivan"
msgstr "Sivan"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:263
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Sivan"
msgstr "Sivan"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:159
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Sivan"
msgstr "Sivan"

#. I18N: Skip over the headers and menus, to the main content of the page
#: resources/views/layouts/administration.phtml:49
#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:77
msgid "Skip to content"
msgstr "Edukira sartu"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:126
msgid "Slave"
msgstr "Esklaboa"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:90
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Slave"
msgstr "Esklaboa"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:69
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Slave"
msgstr "Esklaboa"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/SlideShowModule.php:204
msgid "Slide show"
msgstr "Diapositibak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:465
msgid "Slovakia"
msgstr "Eslovakia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:467
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Eslovenia"

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:70
msgid "Small systems (500 individuals): 16–32 MB, 10–20 seconds"
msgstr "Sistema txikiak (500 pertsona): 16-32 MB, 10-20 segundo"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:185
msgid "Snowflake, Arizona, United States"
msgstr "Snowflake, Arizona, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:757
msgid "Social security number"
msgstr "Gizarte Segurantzako zenbakia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:447
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Solomon Uharteak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:455
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Somalia"

#. I18N: Help text for the “GEDCOM media path” configuration setting. A “path” is something like “C:\Documents\Genealogy\Photos\John_Smith.jpeg”
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:128
msgid "Some genealogy software creates GEDCOM files that contain media filenames with full paths. These paths will not exist on the web-server. To allow webtrees to find the file, the first part of the path must be removed."
msgstr "Zebait genealogia aplikaziok GEDCOM artxiboak sortzen dituzte eta barruan dauzkate multimedia artxiboak URL osoaren izenarekin. Zerbitzariek ez dituzte izen horiek hartuko. Webtrees-ek artxibo horiek aurkitzeko, URL-aren lehenbiziko zatia deuseztatu beharko da."

#. I18N: Description of a “Data fix” module
#: app/Module/FixNameTags.php:93
msgid "Some genealogy software stores all names in a single name record, using custom tags such as _MARNM and _AKA. An alternative is to create a new name record for each name."
msgstr "Zenbait aplikazio genealogikok izen guztiak izen-erregistro bakar batean sartzen ditu, _MARNM and _AKA etiketa pertsonalizatuak erabiliz. Bertze aukera da izen bakoitzarentzat erregistro berria sortzea."

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:37
msgid "Some of these GEDCOM tags are used infrequently or never used."
msgstr "GEDCOM etiketa zenbait gutxitan erabiltzen dira edo inoiz ez."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Hit counters” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:632
msgid "Some pages can display the number of times that they have been visited."
msgstr "Zenbait orrik zenbat aldiz izan diren bisitatuak erakutsiko dute."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Fact icons” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:520
msgid "Some themes can display icons on the “Facts and events” tab."
msgstr "Zenbait gai/itxurak ikonoak erakutsiko dituzte \"Gertaerak\" blokean."

#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:58
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:774
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:534
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:530
msgid "Son"
msgstr "Semea"

#. I18N: e.g. “Son of [father name & mother name]”
#: app/Module/InteractiveTree/TreeView.php:363
#, php-format
msgid "Son of %s"
msgstr "%srem semea"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:84 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:113
#: app/CustomTags/TheMasterGenealogist.php:52
msgid "Sort date"
msgstr "Datak sailkatu"

#. I18N: Label for a configuration option
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:58
#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:64
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:42
#: resources/views/modules/todays_events/config.phtml:48
#: resources/views/modules/upcoming_events/config.phtml:60
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:7
msgid "Sort order"
msgstr "Honen arabera sailkatu"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:86 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:115
msgid "Sort time"
msgstr "Denbora ordenatu"

#. I18N: Abbreviation for “Sosa-Stradonitz number”. This is an individual’s surname, so may need transliterating into non-latin alphabets.
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:166
msgid "Sosa"
msgstr "Sosa"

#: resources/views/modules/ancestors-chart/tree.phtml:20
msgid "Sosa-Stradonitz number"
msgstr "Sosa-Stradonitz zenbakia"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:259
msgid "Sounds like"
msgstr "Honela entzuten da"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:266 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:270
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:282 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:286
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:290 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:296
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:302 app/Gedcom.php:827
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:357
#: app/Module/FactSourcesReportModule.php:44
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:168
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:234
#: resources/views/fact-gedcom-fields.phtml:66
#: resources/views/modals/link-media-to-source.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:109
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/slide-show.phtml:83
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:73
#: resources/views/modules/sources_tab/tab.phtml:73
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:136
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:162
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:196
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:43
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:54
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:43
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:54
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:108
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:153
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:194
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:236
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:277
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:318
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:360
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:402
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:444
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:487
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:529
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:570
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Iturria"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:122 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:176
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:255 app/Gedcom.php:432 app/Gedcom.php:486
#: app/Gedcom.php:564 app/Gedcom.php:675 app/Gedcom.php:691 app/Gedcom.php:705
#: app/Gedcom.php:747 app/Gedcom.php:771 app/Gedcom.php:795 app/Gedcom.php:904
#: app/Gedcom.php:918
msgid "Source citation"
msgstr "Jatorrizko iturria"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:326
msgid "Source citations"
msgstr "Jatorrizko iturriak"

#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:6
msgid "Source type"
msgstr "Iturri mota"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:113 app/Module/SourceListModule.php:64
#: app/Module/SourceListModule.php:141 app/Module/SourcesTabModule.php:56
#: app/Services/AdminService.php:195
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:345
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:56
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:401
#: resources/views/lists/media-table.phtml:83
#: resources/views/lists/notes-table.phtml:86
#: resources/views/lists/notes-table.phtml:95
#: resources/views/lists/repositories-table.phtml:53
#: resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:91
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:50
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:102
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:46
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/chart-sources.phtml:10
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/other-records.phtml:27
#: resources/views/record-page-links.phtml:69
#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:85
#: resources/views/search-results.phtml:61
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:475
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:611
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1118
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:651
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:647
msgid "Sources"
msgstr "Iturriak"

#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:14
msgid "Sources to the events"
msgstr "Gertaeren iturriak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:542
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "Hego Afrika"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:188
msgid "South America"
msgstr "Hego Amerika"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:441
msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
msgstr "Hego Georgia eta South Sandwich Uharteak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:459
msgid "South Sudan"
msgstr "Hego Sudan"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:181
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Espainia"

#: app/SurnameTradition/SpanishSurnameTradition.php:42
msgctxt "Surname tradition"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Espainiarra"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:188
msgid "Spokane, Washington, United States"
msgstr "Spokane, Washington, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/IndividualPage.php:216
#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:31
#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:46
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/previous.phtml:33
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:169
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:210
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:227
msgid "Spouse"
msgstr "Ezkontidea"

#: resources/views/edit/reorder-families.phtml:33
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-table.phtml:39
#: resources/views/modules/family-book-chart/page.phtml:59
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/previous.phtml:31
msgid "Spouses"
msgstr "Ezkontideak"

#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:90
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:42
msgid "Spouses and children"
msgstr "Ezkontideak eta seme-alabak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:304
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Sri Lanka"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:181
msgid "St. George, Utah, United States"
msgstr "St. George, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:184
msgid "St. Louis, Missouri, United States"
msgstr "St. Louis, Missouri, Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:187
msgid "St. Paul, Minnesota, United States"
msgstr "St. Paul, Minnesota, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:32
msgid "Standard GEDCOM tags"
msgstr "Ohiko GEDCOM etiketak"

#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:48
msgid "Start slide show on page load"
msgstr "Orria kargatzerakoan aurkezpena hasi"

#: resources/views/modules/lifespans-chart/page.phtml:54
msgid "Start year"
msgstr "Urtea hasterakoan"

#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:5
msgid "Starting range of change dates"
msgstr "Aldaketen denbora-tartearen hasiera"

#: app/Module/StatcounterModule.php:41
msgid "Statcounter™"
msgstr "Statcounter™"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:233 app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:72
#: app/Gedcom.php:409 app/Gedcom.php:522 app/Gedcom.php:542 app/Gedcom.php:813
#: app/Gedcom.php:860
msgid "State"
msgstr "Estatua/Elkarte autonomoa"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#: app/Module/FamilyTreeStatisticsModule.php:69
#: app/Module/HtmlBlockModule.php:195 app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:88
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:43
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:40
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:160
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Estadistikak"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:132 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:142
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:198 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:63
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:68 app/Gedcom.php:483 app/Gedcom.php:589
#: app/Gedcom.php:631 app/Gedcom.php:651 app/Gedcom.php:662 app/Gedcom.php:744
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:55
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:137
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Egoera"

#: app/Gedcom.php:484 app/Gedcom.php:590 app/Gedcom.php:632 app/Gedcom.php:652
#: app/Gedcom.php:745
msgid "Status change date"
msgstr "Egoera-aldaketaren data"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsBaptismDateStatus.php:73
#: app/Elements/LdsChildSealingDateStatus.php:66
#: app/Elements/LdsEndowmentDateStatus.php:74
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:79
msgid "Stillborn: exempt"
msgstr "Hilda jaioa: salbuetsia"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:189
msgid "Stockholm, Sweden"
msgstr "Stockholm, Suedia"

#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:161
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/slide-show.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/slide-show.phtml:38
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Gelditu"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/StoriesModule.php:204
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:53
#: resources/views/modules/stories/edit.phtml:24
msgid "Stories"
msgstr "Istorioak"

#: resources/views/modules/stories/edit.phtml:51
msgid "Story"
msgstr "Istorioa"

#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:59
#: resources/views/modules/stories/edit.phtml:42
#: resources/views/modules/stories/list.phtml:20
msgid "Story title"
msgstr "Istorioaren titulua"

#: resources/views/admin/broadcast.phtml:45
#: resources/views/admin/email-page.phtml:50
#: resources/views/contact-page.phtml:60 resources/views/message-page.phtml:48
#: resources/views/modules/user-messages/user-messages.phtml:70
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Gaia"

#: app/Gedcom.php:533 app/Gedcom.php:875
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:358 app/Submission.php:44
#: app/Submission.php:45 app/Submission.php:46
msgid "Submission"
msgstr "Aurkezpena"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsBaptismDateStatus.php:75
#: app/Elements/LdsChildSealingDateStatus.php:68
#: app/Elements/LdsEndowmentDateStatus.php:76
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:81
#: app/Elements/LdsSpouseSealingDateStatus.php:76
msgid "Submitted but not yet cleared"
msgstr "Aurkeztua baina ez onartua"

#: app/Gedcom.php:496 app/Gedcom.php:532 app/Gedcom.php:758 app/Gedcom.php:852
#: app/Gedcom.php:886 app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:359
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:267
#: resources/views/modals/submission-fields.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:76
msgid "Submitter"
msgstr "Bidaltzailea"

#: resources/views/lists/submitters-table.phtml:69
msgid "Submitter name"
msgstr "Bidaltzailearen izena"

#. I18N: Name of a module/list
#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:114 app/Module/SubmitterListModule.php:65
#: app/Module/SubmitterListModule.php:154
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:349
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:60
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:882
#: resources/views/lists/submitters-table.phtml:64
#: resources/views/record-page-links.phtml:96
msgid "Submitters"
msgstr "Bidaltzaileak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:431
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Sudan"

#. I18N: abbreviation for Sunday
#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:285
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:25
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Ig."

#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:252
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Igandea"

#. I18N: %s is a URL/link to the project website
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:183
#, php-format
msgid "Support and documentation can be found at %s."
msgstr "%s-en aurkitzen ahal da laguntza eta dokumentazioa."

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:325
msgid "Support for PostgreSQL is experimental."
msgstr "PostgreSQL-erako laguntza behin-behinekoa da."

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:330
msgid "Support for SQL Server is experimental."
msgstr "SQL zerbitzarirako laguntza behin-behinekoa da."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:463
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Surinam"

#: app/Gedcom.php:693 app/Gedcom.php:707 app/Gedcom.php:710
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:228
#: resources/views/branches-page.phtml:27
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:149
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:152
#: resources/views/lists/individuals-table.phtml:164
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-table.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:168
#: resources/views/search-phonetic-page.phtml:44
msgid "Surname"
msgstr "Abizena"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDistribution.php:295
msgid "Surname distribution chart"
msgstr "Abizenen banaketaren grafikoa"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:336
msgid "Surname list style"
msgstr "Abizenen zerrenden estiloa"

#: resources/views/modules/fix-add-marr-names/options.phtml:16
msgid "Surname option"
msgstr "Abizenen aukerak"

#: app/Gedcom.php:692 app/Gedcom.php:706 app/Gedcom.php:709
msgid "Surname prefix"
msgstr "Abizenaren aurrizkia"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:694
msgid "Surname tradition"
msgstr "Abizenen tradizioa"

#: resources/views/lists/surnames-table.phtml:30
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:70
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:79
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:163
msgid "Surnames"
msgstr "Abizenak"

#: app/SurnameTradition/LithuanianSurnameTradition.php:78
msgid "Surnames are inflected to indicate an individual’s gender and marital status."
msgstr "Abizenak deklinatu egiten dira generoa eta egoera zibila zehazteko."

#: app/SurnameTradition/PolishSurnameTradition.php:68
msgid "Surnames are inflected to indicate an individual’s gender."
msgstr "Abizenak deklinatu egiten dira pertsonaren generoa zehazteko."

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:190
msgid "Suva, Fiji"
msgstr "Suva, Fiji"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:445
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen"
msgstr "Svalbard eta Jan Mayen"

#. I18N: Reverse the order of two individuals
#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/page.phtml:84
msgid "Swap individuals"
msgstr "Bi gizabanakoen lekua trukatu"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:471
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Suitza"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:469
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Suedia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:123
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Suitza"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:192
msgid "Sydney, Australia"
msgstr "Sydney, Australia"

#: resources/views/admin/synchronize-trees.phtml:14
msgid "Synchronize family trees with GEDCOM files"
msgstr "Familiko zuhaitzak GEDCOM artxiboekin sinkronizatu"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:476
msgid "Syria"
msgstr "Siria"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:186
msgid "São Paulo, Brazil"
msgstr "São Paulo, Brasil"

#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:177
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:180
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Fitxa"

#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:135
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:100
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlite.phtml:74
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:100
msgid "Table prefix"
msgstr "Taularen aurrizkia"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/pedigree_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:8
msgctxt "paper size"
msgid "Tabloid"
msgstr "Tabloidea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesTabsPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:727
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:86
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:88
msgid "Tabs"
msgstr "Fitxak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:193
msgid "Taipei, Taiwan"
msgstr "Taipei, Taiwan"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:504
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Taiwan"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:486
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Tajikistan"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:194
msgid "Tampico, Mexico"
msgstr "Tampico, Mexiko"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:213
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Tamuz"
msgstr "Tamuz"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:317
msgid "Tamuz"
msgstr "Tamuz"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:265
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Tamuz"
msgstr "Tamuz"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:161
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Tamuz"
msgstr "Tamuz"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:506
msgid "Tanzania"
msgstr "Tanzania"

#. I18N: The name of a colour-scheme
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:180
msgid "Teal Top"
msgstr "Urdin berdexka"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:175
msgid "Technical help contact"
msgstr "Jarri harremanetan laguntza teknikorako"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:195
msgid "Tegucigalpa, Honduras"
msgstr "Tegucigalpa, Honduras"

#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:55
msgid "Template"
msgstr "Plantilla"

#: resources/views/modules/html/config.phtml:29
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Plantillak"

#. I18N:
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:135 app/Gedcom.php:485 app/Gedcom.php:591
#: app/Gedcom.php:633 app/Gedcom.php:653 app/Gedcom.php:746 app/Gedcom.php:887
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:208
msgid "Temple"
msgstr "Eliza"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:199
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Tevet"
msgstr "Tevet"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:303
msgid "Tevet"
msgstr "Tevet"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:251
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Tevet"
msgstr "Tevet"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:147
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Tevet"
msgstr "Tevet"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:125 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:179
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:273 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:306
#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:75 app/Gedcom.php:435 app/Gedcom.php:489
#: app/Gedcom.php:567 app/Gedcom.php:678 app/Gedcom.php:750 app/Gedcom.php:774
#: app/Gedcom.php:798 app/Gedcom.php:850 app/Gedcom.php:907 app/Gedcom.php:921
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:579
#: resources/views/modals/source-fields.phtml:60
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testua"

#: app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:57
msgid "Text direction"
msgstr "Testuaren helbidea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:484
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Thailandia"

#: resources/views/help/name.phtml:10
msgid "The <b>name</b> field contains the individual’s full name, as they would have spelled it or as it was recorded. This is how it will be displayed on screen. It uses standard genealogy annotations to identify different parts of the name."
msgstr "<b>izena</b> eremuak pertsonaren izen osoa dauka, idatzi edo erregistratu zuten bezala. Hori ikusiko da pantailan. Izenen zati ezberdinak erakusteko ohiko ohar genealogikoak erabiltzen dira."

#: resources/views/help/surname.phtml:10
msgid "The <b>surname</b> field contains a name that is used for sorting and grouping. It can be different to the individual’s actual surname which is always taken from the <b>name</b> field. This field can be used to sort surnames with or without a prefix (Gogh / van Gogh) and to group spelling variations or inflections (Kowalski / Kowalska). If an individual needs to be listed under more than one surname, each name should be separated by a comma."
msgstr "<b>abizena</b> eremuak sailkatzeko erabiltzen den izen bat dauka barrenean. Benetako abizenetik ezberdina izan daiteke, Benetakoa beti <b>izena</b> eremuan izaten baita. \"Abizena\" eremua abizenak sailkatzeko erabil daiteke, aurrizkiarekin edo gabe (Gogh / van Gogh), edo aldaera ortografikoak moldatzeko (Kowalski / Kowalska). Pertsona bat abizen bat baino gehiagotan agertzekotan, abizenak koma artean paratu beharko dira."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SynchronizeTrees.php:96
#, php-format
msgid "The GEDCOM file “%s” has been imported."
msgstr "%s GEDCOM artxiboa inportatua izan da."

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:35
msgid "The GEDCOM standard provides a large number of data-entry fields, called tags."
msgstr "GEDCOM estandarrak datuak sartzeko eremu anitz eskaintzen ditu, etikekak deiturikoak."

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:104
msgid "The Hague, Netherlands"
msgstr "The Hague, Herbereak"

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:121
#, php-format
msgid "The PHP extension “%s” is not installed."
msgstr "\"%s\" PHP estensioa ez dago instalatua."

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:177
#, php-format
msgid "The PHP function “%1$s” is disabled."
msgstr "“%1$s” PHP funtzioa ez dago martxan."

#. I18N: PHP internal error message -
#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:76
msgid "The PHP temporary folder is missing."
msgstr "PHP-ren behin behineko artxiborik ez dago."

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:140
#, php-format
msgid "The PHP.INI setting “%1$s” is disabled."
msgstr "PHP.INI-ren \"%1$s\" parametroa ez dago martxan."

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:144
#, php-format
msgid "The PHP.INI setting “%1$s” is enabled."
msgstr "PHP.INI-ren \"%1$s\" parametroa ez martxan dago."

#: resources/views/modules/share-url/share.phtml:31
msgid "The URL was copied to the clipboard"
msgstr "URL lotura arbelean kopiatu da"

#: resources/views/emails/approve-user-html.phtml:22
#: resources/views/emails/approve-user-text.phtml:16
#, php-format
msgid "The administrator at the webtrees site %s has approved your application for an account. You may now sign in by accessing the following link: %s"
msgstr "Webtrees-eko %s adiministratzaileak zure kontu eskaera onartu du. Dagoeneko sartzen ahal zara %s lotura erabilita"

#: resources/views/verify-success-page.phtml:22
msgid "The administrator has been informed. As soon as they give you permission to sign in, you can sign in with your username and password."
msgstr "Administratzaileari informatu zaio. Onartu bezain abudo sartzeko modua izanen duzu, zure identifikatzaile eta pasahitzarekin."

#. I18N: Description of the “Calendar” module
#: app/Module/CalendarMenuModule.php:53
msgid "The calendar menu."
msgstr "Egutegiaren menua."

#. I18N: %s is the name of a genealogy record
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChangesAcceptRecord.php:66
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChangesAcceptTree.php:60
#, php-format
msgid "The changes to “%s” have been accepted."
msgstr "\"%s\"ren aldaketak onartu dira."

#. I18N: %s is the name of a genealogy record
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChangesRejectRecord.php:64
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChangesRejectTree.php:59
#, php-format
msgid "The changes to “%s” have been rejected."
msgstr "\"%s\"ren aldaketak ez dira onartu."

#. I18N: Description of the “Charts” module
#: app/Module/ChartsMenuModule.php:67
msgid "The charts menu."
msgstr "Grafikoen menua."

#: resources/views/modules/clippings/show.phtml:21
msgid "The clippings cart allows you to take extracts from this family tree and download them as a GEDCOM file."
msgstr "Errekorteen saskiak zuhaitzaren zatiak ateratzeko balio du, GEDCOM artxibo batean deskargatzeko."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:383
msgid "The date and time of the last update"
msgstr "Azken eguneratzearen data eta ordua"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AccountUpdate.php:111
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataSave.php:101
#, php-format
msgid "The details for “%s” have been updated."
msgstr "“%s”rentzako xehetasunak eguneratu dira."

#. I18N: %s is a filename
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ExportGedcomServer.php:84
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:217
#, php-format
msgid "The family tree has been exported to %s."
msgstr "%sra esportatutako zuhaitz genealogikoa."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateTreeAction.php:61
#, php-format
msgid "The family tree “%s” already exists."
msgstr "\"%s\" zuhaitza bada dagoeneko."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateTreeAction.php:68
#, php-format
msgid "The family tree “%s” has been created."
msgstr "“%s” zuhaitza sortu da."

#. I18N: %s is the name of a family tree
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DeleteTreeAction.php:60
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SynchronizeTrees.php:110
#, php-format
msgid "The family tree “%s” has been deleted."
msgstr "“%s” zuhaitza deuseztatua izan da."

#. I18N: %s is the name of a family tree
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SelectDefaultTree.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "The family tree “%s” will be shown to visitors when they first arrive at this website."
msgstr "“%s” zuhaitza bisitatzaileei erakustiko zaie lehenbiziko aldiz sartzen direnean orri honetan."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MergeTreesAction.php:247
msgid "The family trees have been merged successfully."
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogikoak ongi konbinatu dira."

#. I18N: Description of the “Family trees” module
#: app/Module/TreesMenuModule.php:68
msgid "The family trees menu."
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogikoen menua."

#. I18N: %s is the name of a family group, e.g. “Husband name + Wife name”
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DeleteRecord.php:84
#, php-format
msgid "The family “%s” has been deleted because it only has one member."
msgstr "“%s” familia ezabatua izan da, pertsona bakarra duelako orain."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UploadMediaAction.php:121
#, php-format
msgid "The file %s already exists. Use another filename."
msgstr "%s atxiboa badago dagoeneko. Bertze izen bat erabili beharko duzu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ExportGedcomServer.php:87
#, php-format
msgid "The file %s could not be created."
msgstr "%s artxiboa ezin izan da sortu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DeletePath.php:74
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DeletePath.php:91
#, php-format
msgid "The file %s could not be deleted."
msgstr "%s artxiboa ezin da ezabatu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DeletePath.php:89
#, php-format
msgid "The file %s has been deleted."
msgstr "%s artxiboa ezabatu da."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UploadMediaAction.php:128
#, php-format
msgid "The file %s has been uploaded."
msgstr "%s artxiboa igo da."

#. I18N: PHP internal error message -
#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:66
msgid "The file was only partially uploaded. Please try again."
msgstr "Artxiboaren zati bat igo da bakarrik, saiatu berriz faborez."

#. I18N: %s is a filename
#: resources/views/media-page-details.phtml:56
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:146
#, php-format
msgid "The file “%s” does not exist."
msgstr "“%s” artxiborik ez dago."

#: resources/views/edit/reorder-families.phtml:77
msgid "The first family in the list will be used in charts, lists, reports, etc."
msgstr "Zerrendaren lehenbiziko familia erabiliko da grafikoetarako, zerrendetarako, etabar."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DeletePath.php:84
#, php-format
msgid "The folder %s could not be deleted."
msgstr "%s karpeta ezin izan da ezabatu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:181
#, php-format
msgid "The folder %s has been created."
msgstr "%s karpeta sortu da."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DeletePath.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "The folder %s has been deleted."
msgstr "%s karpeta ezabatu da."

#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:43
msgid "The folder can be specified in full (e.g. /home/user_name/webtrees_data/) or relative to the installation folder (e.g. ../../webtrees_data/)."
msgstr "Karpetaren bidea osorik agertzen ahal da (errate baterako: /home/user_name/webtrees_data/) edo instalazioaren datuekin bakarrik (errate baterako: ../../webtrees_data/)."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SitePreferencesAction.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "The folder “%s” does not exist."
msgstr "“%s” karpetarik ez dago."

#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:39
msgid "The following facts and events were found in both records."
msgstr "Gertaera hauek bi erregistroetan aurkitu dira."

#. I18N: the name of an individual, source, etc.
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:86
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:132
#, php-format
msgid "The following facts and events were only found in the record of %s."
msgstr "Gertaera hauek %s erregistroan bakarrik aurkitu dira."

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:67
msgid "The following list shows typical requirements."
msgstr "Ondotik agertzen den zerrendak ohiko baldintzak erakusten ditu."

#: app/Http/Middleware/CheckCsrf.php:70
msgid "The form data is incomplete. Perhaps you need to increase max_input_vars on your server?"
msgstr "Formularioaren datuak osatuak gabeak daude. Akaso zerbitzarian \"max_input_vars\"-a handitzeko beharra duzu?"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/HelpText.php:281
msgid "The help text has not been written for this item."
msgstr "Elementu honentzako laguntza-testoa ez da idatzi."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Technical help contact” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:187
msgid "The individual to be contacted about technical questions or errors encountered on your website."
msgstr "Norekin jarri harremanetan web orriaren akats teknikoak bideratzeko."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Genealogy contact” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:167
msgid "The individual to contact about the genealogy data on this website."
msgstr ""
"Norekin jarri harremanetan zuhaitz genealogikoari buruzko gaiak bideratzeko."

#. I18N: %s are names of records, such as sources, repositories or individuals
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DeleteRecord.php:92
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DeleteRecord.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "The link from “%1$s” to “%2$s” has been deleted."
msgstr "%1$stik %2$sera bitarteko lotura ezabatua izan da."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MergeFactsAction.php:103
#, php-format
msgid "The link from “%1$s” to “%2$s” has been updated."
msgstr "%1$stik %2$sera bitarteko lotura eguneratua izan da."

#. I18N: Description of the “Lists” module
#: app/Module/ListsMenuModule.php:64
msgid "The lists menu."
msgstr "Zerrenden menua."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateLocationAction.php:56
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataSave.php:89
msgid "The location has been created"
msgstr "Ubikazioa sortu da"

#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/sidebar.phtml:36
msgid "The location of this place is not known."
msgstr "Leku honen ubikazioa ez da ezagutzen."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EditMediaFileAction.php:132
#, php-format
msgid "The media file %1$s could not be renamed to %2$s."
msgstr "%1$stik %2$sra bitarteko multimedia artxiboaren izena ezin izan da aldatu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EditMediaFileAction.php:129
#, php-format
msgid "The media file %1$s has been renamed to %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s multimedia artxiboaren izena %2$sra aldatu da."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateMediaObjectAction.php:96
msgid "The media object has been created"
msgstr "Multimedia objektua sortu da"

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:64
msgid "The memory and CPU time requirements depend on the number of individuals in your family tree."
msgstr "Memoriak eta CPUak bete beharreko baldintzak zuhaitzean dauden pertsonen araberakoak izan beharko dute."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/BroadcastAction.php:83
#, php-format
msgid "The message was not sent to %s."
msgstr "Mezua ez zaio bidali %sri."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ContactAction.php:149
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EmailPreferencesAction.php:100
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MessageAction.php:96
msgid "The message was not sent."
msgstr "Mezua ez da bidali."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/BroadcastAction.php:78
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ContactAction.php:144
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EmailPreferencesAction.php:98
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MessageAction.php:91
#, php-format
msgid "The message was successfully sent to %s."
msgstr "%sri bidali beharreko mezua ongi atera da."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AbstractModuleComponentAction.php:78
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesAllAction.php:70
#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:122 app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:142
#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:162 app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:176
#, php-format
msgid "The module “%s” has been disabled."
msgstr "“%s” modulua desgaitu da."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AbstractModuleComponentAction.php:76
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesAllAction.php:68
#, php-format
msgid "The module “%s” has been enabled."
msgstr "“%s” modulua berriz ere martxan dago."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Quick family facts” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:684
msgid "The most common family facts and events are listed separately, so that they can be added more easily."
msgstr "Familien gertaera ohikoenak alde batetik zerrendatzen dira, modu errazagoan sartu ahal izateko."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Quick individual facts” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:659
msgid "The most common individual facts and events are listed separately, so that they can be added more easily."
msgstr "Pertsonen gertaera ohikoenak alde batetik zerrendatzen dira, modu errazagoan sartu ahal izateko."

#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:56
msgid "The new user will be asked to confirm their email address before the account is created."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile berriari bere helbide elektronikoa konfirmatzeko eskatuko zaio kontua sortu baino lehen."

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:939
msgid "The next version of the GEDCOM standard will add new tags and remove old ones. You can use some of the new tags now."
msgstr "GEDCOMeko bertsio berriak etiketa berriak gehituko ditu eta zaharrak ezabatu. Zenbait etiketa berri erabiltzen ahal dituzu dagoeneko."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateNoteAction.php:62
msgid "The note has been created"
msgstr "Oharra sortu da"

#: app/Validator.php:263 app/Validator.php:279 app/Validator.php:308
#: app/Validator.php:341 app/Validator.php:360 app/Validator.php:382
#: app/Validator.php:401 app/Validator.php:417 app/Validator.php:433
#, php-format
msgid "The parameter “%s” is missing."
msgstr "“%s” parametroa ez da aurkitzen."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AdminMediaFileDownload.php:66
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AdminMediaFileThumbnail.php:66
msgid "The parameter “path” is invalid."
msgstr ""

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SetupWizard.php:378
msgid "The password needs to be at least six characters long."
msgstr "Pasahitzak sei karaktere izan beharko ditu gutienez."

#. I18N: Help text for the "Password" site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:155
msgid "The password required for authentication with the SMTP server."
msgstr "SMTP zerbitzarirako identifikatzeko pasahitza."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordResetAction.php:79
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordResetPage.php:74
msgid "The password reset link has expired."
msgstr "Pasahitza berreskuratzeko lotura kadukatu da."

#. I18N: Description of the “Place hierarchy” module
#: app/Module/PlaceHierarchyListModule.php:112
msgid "The place hierarchy."
msgstr "Lekuen izen-zerrenda."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesAction.php:171
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePrivacyAction.php:133
msgid "The preferences for all family trees have been updated."
msgstr "Zuhaitz guztiendako lehentasunak eguneratu dira."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesAction.php:175
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePrivacyAction.php:136
msgid "The preferences for new family trees have been updated."
msgstr "Zuhaitz berriendako lehentasunak eguneratu dira."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesAction.php:164
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePrivacyAction.php:126
#, php-format
msgid "The preferences for the family tree “%s” have been updated."
msgstr "“%s” familiaren zuhaitzarendako lehentasunak eguneratu dira."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModuleDeleteSettings.php:72
#, php-format
msgid "The preferences for the module “%s” have been deleted."
msgstr "“%s” moduluarendako lehetasunak ezabatu dira."

#: app/Module/BingMaps.php:100 app/Module/CustomCssJsModule.php:101
#: app/Module/GeonamesAutocomplete.php:110 app/Module/GoogleMaps.php:100
#: app/Module/HereMaps.php:110 app/Module/MapBox.php:110
#: app/Module/MapGeoLocationGeonames.php:87
#: app/Module/MapGeoLocationOpenRouteService.php:82
#: app/Module/OpenRouteServiceAutocomplete.php:106
#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:450 app/Module/SiteMapModule.php:169
#, php-format
msgid "The preferences for the module “%s” have been updated."
msgstr "“%s” moduluarendako lehetasunak eguneratu dira."

#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:140
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:105
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlite.phtml:81
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:105
msgid "The prefix is optional, but recommended. By giving the table names a unique prefix you can let several different applications share the same database."
msgstr "Aurrizkia aukerakoa da, baina gomendagarria. Tablei aurrizki bakarra paratzeak suposatsen du aplikazio ezberdinek datu-baseak erabili ahal izatea."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MergeFactsAction.php:174
#, php-format
msgid "The records “%1$s” and “%2$s” have been merged."
msgstr "%1$s eta %2$s erregistroak konbinatu dira."

#. I18N: Description of the “Reports” module
#: app/Module/ReportsMenuModule.php:67
msgid "The reports menu."
msgstr "Txostenen menua."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateRepositoryAction.php:77
msgid "The repository has been created"
msgstr "Gordailua sortu da"

#. I18N: Description of the “Search” module
#: app/Module/SearchMenuModule.php:59
msgid "The search menu."
msgstr "Bilaketa menua."

#: app/Services/SearchService.php:1178
msgid "The search returned too many results."
msgstr "Bilaketak emaitza gehiegi eman ditu."

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:57
msgid "The server configuration is OK."
msgstr "Zerbitzarieran konfigurazioa zuena da."

#: app/Http/Exceptions/HttpBadRequestException.php:35
msgid "The server could not understand this request."
msgstr "Zerbitzariak ez du eskaria ulertu."

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:242
msgid "The server’s temporary folder cannot be accessed."
msgstr "Ezin izan sartu zerbitzariaren behin behineko karpetara."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RenumberTreeAction.php:551
#: app/Services/UpgradeService.php:174 app/Services/UpgradeService.php:206
#: resources/views/admin/trees-check.phtml:86
msgid "The server’s time limit has been reached."
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren denbora mugara iritsi da."

#. I18N: Description of “Statistics” module
#: app/Module/FamilyTreeStatisticsModule.php:80
msgid "The size of the family tree, earliest and latest events, common names, etc."
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogikoaren tamaina, lehenengo eta azkeneko gertaerak, gehien erabilitako izenak, etabar."

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:137 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:193
msgid "The solution"
msgstr "Irtenbidea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateSourceAction.php:98
msgid "The source has been created"
msgstr "Iturria sortu da"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateSubmissionAction.php:56
msgid "The submission has been created"
msgstr "Datuen bidalketa sortu da"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateSubmitterAction.php:80
msgid "The submitter has been created"
msgstr "Bidaltzailea sortu da"

#: resources/views/help/name.phtml:15
#, php-format
msgid "The surname is enclosed by slashes: <%s>John Paul /Smith/<%s>"
msgstr "Abizenak barren bitartez sortzen dira: <%s>Maialen/Txoperena/<%s>"

#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:56
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:142
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:116
msgid "The time zone is required for date calculations, such as knowing today’s date."
msgstr "Ordu-eremua nahitaezkoa da datak kalkulatzeko, gaurko data jakiteko errate baterako."

#. I18N: An XREF is the identification number used in GEDCOM files.
#: resources/views/admin/trees-merge.phtml:30
#, php-format
msgid "The two family trees have %1$s record which uses the same “XREF”."
msgid_plural "The two family trees have %1$s records which use the same “XREF”."
msgstr[0] "Bi familien zuhaitzek erregistro %1$s dute \"XREF\" erreferentzia bera erabiltzen dutena."
msgstr[1] "Bi familien zuhaitzek %1$s erregistro dituzte \"XREF\" erreferentzia bera erabiltzen dutenak."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:290
msgid "The upgrade is complete."
msgstr "Eguneratzea osorik egin da."

#. I18N: PHP internal error message -
#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:61
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the allowed size."
msgstr "Igo beharreko artxiboak gehienezko tamaina gainditzen du."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UsersCleanupAction.php:67
#, php-format
msgid "The user %s has been deleted."
msgstr "%s erabiltzailea ezabatu da."

#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-html.phtml:41
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-text.phtml:32
msgid "The user has been sent an email with the information necessary to confirm the access request."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaileak mezu elektronikoa bidali du, sarrera eskaera konfirmatzeko "
"beharrezko den informazioarekin."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginAction.php:115
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginAction.php:120
msgid "The username or password is incorrect."
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen izena edo pasahitza ez da zuzena."

#. I18N: Help text for the "Username" site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:141
msgid "The username required for authentication with the SMTP server."
msgstr "SMTP zerbitzarian identifikatzeko beharrezkoa den erabiltzaile-izena."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/EmailPreferencesAction.php:92
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesAnalyticsAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesBlocksAction.php:46
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesChartsAction.php:46
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesDataFixesAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesFootersAction.php:46
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesHistoricEventsAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesLanguagesAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesListsAction.php:46
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapAutocompleteAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapGeoLocationsAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapLinksAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapProvidersAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMenusAction.php:47
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesReportsAction.php:46
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesSharesAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesSidebarsAction.php:47
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesTabsAction.php:47
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesThemesAction.php:45
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SitePreferencesAction.php:72
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteRegistrationAction.php:55
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteTagsAction.php:69
msgid "The website preferences have been updated."
msgstr "Web-orriko lehentasunak eguneratu dira."

#: resources/views/errors/database-error.phtml:22
#: resources/views/setup/step-6-failed.phtml:22
msgid "The webtrees developers would be very interested to learn about this error. If you contact them, they will help you resolve the problem."
msgstr "Webtrees-en garatzaileek akats honi buruzko informazioa ezagutu nahiko lukete. Eurekin harremanetan jarriz gero, arazoa moldatzen lagunduko lizukete."

#: app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:72 app/Module/ModuleThemeTrait.php:459
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:272
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:275
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:200
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Itxura/Gaia"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/ThemeSelectModule.php:45
msgid "Theme change"
msgstr "Itxura aldaketa"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesThemesPage.php:43
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:613
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:126
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:128
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Itxurak/Gaiak"

#: resources/views/modules/personal_facts/tab.phtml:61
msgid "There are no facts for this individual."
msgstr "Ez dago gertaerarik pertsona honentzat."

#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:220
#, php-format
msgid "There are no individuals with the surname “%s”"
msgstr ""

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ManageMediaData.php:327
msgid "There are no links to this media object."
msgstr "Ez dago loturarik multimedia objektu honentzat."

#: resources/views/modules/media/tab.phtml:63
msgid "There are no media objects for this individual."
msgstr "Ez dago multimedia objekturik pertsona honentzat."

#: resources/views/modules/notes/tab.phtml:86
msgid "There are no notes for this individual."
msgstr "Ez dago oharrik pertsona honentzat."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:199
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:32
msgid "There are no pending changes."
msgstr "Ez dago gorde gabeko aldaketarik."

#: app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:133
msgid "There are no research tasks in this family tree."
msgstr "Ez dago ikerketa lanik zuhaitz honentzat."

#: resources/views/modules/sources_tab/tab.phtml:65
msgid "There are no source citations for this individual."
msgstr "Ez dago iturri-oharrik pertsona honentzat."

#: app/Module/ReviewChangesModule.php:155
#: resources/views/emails/pending-changes-html.phtml:22
#: resources/views/emails/pending-changes-text.phtml:19
msgid "There are pending changes for you to moderate."
msgstr "Ez dago moderatu gabeko behin behineko aldaketarik."

#: app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:149
#, php-format
msgid "There have been no changes within the last %s day."
msgid_plural "There have been no changes within the last %s days."
msgstr[0] "Azken %s egunean ez da aldaketarik egin."
msgstr[1] "Azken %s egunetan ez da aldaketarik egin."

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:188
msgid "There was an error checking for a new version."
msgstr "Akatsa izan da azkeneko bertsioa bilatzerakoan."

#: app/Exceptions/FileUploadException.php:97
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/AddMediaFileAction.php:76
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateMediaObjectAction.php:76
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UploadMediaAction.php:131
#: app/Services/MediaFileService.php:221
msgid "There was an error uploading your file."
msgstr "Akatsa izan da artxiboa igotzerakoan."

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:169
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Thermidor"
msgstr "Termidor"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:263
msgid "Thermidor"
msgstr "Termidor"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:216
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Thermidor"
msgstr "Termidor"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:122
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Thermidor"
msgstr "Termidor"

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:39
msgid "These cookies are “essential”, and do not require consent."
msgstr "Cookie hauek nahitaezkoak dira eta ez dute baimenik behar."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-unconnected.phtml:39
#, php-format
msgid "These groups of individuals are not related to %s."
msgstr "Pertsona talde hau ez dago %srekin erlazionatua."

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:62
msgid "These services may use cookies or other tracking technology."
msgstr "Zerbitzu hauek cookie-ak erabil ditzakete edo segimendurako bertze teknologia batzuk."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginAction.php:130
msgid "This account has not been approved. Please wait for an administrator to approve it."
msgstr "Kontu hau ez da oraindik onartu. Itxoin faborez administratzaile batek onartu bitartean."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginAction.php:125
msgid "This account has not been verified. Please check your email for a verification message."
msgstr "Kontu hau ez da egiaztatu. Begiratu faborez zure mezu elektronikoak, berifikazio mezurik ote duzun jakiteko."

#: resources/views/modules/review_changes/config.phtml:15
msgid "This block will show editors a list of records with pending changes that need to be reviewed by a moderator. It also generates daily emails to moderators whenever pending changes exist."
msgstr "Bloke honek erakusten dio editatzaileei onartu gabe dauden aldaketak dituzten erregistroen zerrenda, moderatzaileren batek onartu beharrak dituenak. Aldi berean, mezu bat bidaltzen die egunero moderatzaileei, behin behineko aldaketak oraindik onartzeke daudenean."

#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:76
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:87
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:128
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:54
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:97
msgid "This email address will be used to send password reminders, website notifications, and messages from other family members who are registered on the website."
msgstr "Email helbide hau erabiliko da pasahitzen, notifikazioen eta erregistratutako bertze erabiltzaileen oroigarrriak bidaltzeko."

#: app/Elements/AbstractEventElement.php:67
msgid "This event occurred, but the details are unknown."
msgstr "Gertaera hau benetazkoa da, baina ez dira xetehasunak ezagutzen."

#: app/Auth.php:228
msgid "This family does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."
msgstr "Familia hau ez dago zuhaitzean edo ez duzu ikusteko baimenik."

#: resources/views/family-page-pending.phtml:21
msgid "This family has been deleted. The deletion will need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Familia hau ezabatu da. Deuseztapena moderatzaile batek onartu beharko du."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/family-page-pending.phtml:19
#, php-format
msgid "This family has been deleted. You should review the deletion and then %1$s or %2$s it."
msgstr "Familia hau ezabatu da. Deuseztapena errebisatu beharko duzu eta gero %1$s edo %2$s."

#: resources/views/family-page-pending.phtml:27
msgid "This family has been edited. The changes need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Familia hau editatu da. Aldaketak moderatzaileren batek onartu beharko ditu."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/family-page-pending.phtml:25
#, php-format
msgid "This family has been edited. You should review the changes and then %1$s or %2$s them."
msgstr "Familia hau editatu da. Aldaketak errebisatu beharko dituzu eta gero %1$s edo %2$s."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-renumber.phtml:32
#, php-format
msgid "This family tree has %s record which uses the same “XREF” as another family tree."
msgid_plural "This family tree has %s records which use the same “XREF” as another family tree."
msgstr[0] "Familia honek erregistro %s dauka bertze zuhaitz batek erabiltzen duen \"XREF\" berarekin."
msgstr[1] "Familia honek %s erregistro dauzka bertze zuhaitz batek erabiltzen duen \"XREF\" berarekin."

#: app/Module/SlideShowModule.php:180
msgid "This family tree has no images to display."
msgstr "Zuhaitz honek ez dauka irudirik erakutesko."

#. I18N: do not translate the #keywords#
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-narrative.phtml:9
msgid "This family tree was last updated on #gedcomUpdated#. There are #totalSurnames# surnames in this family tree. The earliest recorded event is the #firstEventType# of #firstEventName# in #firstEventYear#. The most recent event is the #lastEventType# of #lastEventName# in #lastEventYear#.<br><br>If you have any comments or feedback please contact #contactWebmaster#."
msgstr "Familia hau #gedcomUpdated#-ean eguneratu da azkenezkoz. Denetara #totalSurnames# abizen dauzka zuhaitzak. Lehenbiziko gertaera #firstEventName#-en #firstEventType# da, #firstEventYear#-(e)an. Gertaerarik berantiarrena, berriz, #firstEventName#-en #firstEventType# da, #firstEventYear#-(e)an. <br><br>Komentario edo iradokizunik baldin baduzu, jar zaitez faborez harremanetan #contactWebmaster#-(r)ekin."

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:32
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:20
#, php-format
msgid "This family tree was last updated on %s."
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogiko hau %s-ean eguneratu zen azkenekoz."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:307
msgid "This filename is not compatible with the GEDZIP file format."
msgstr "Artxibo honen izena ez da GEDZIP formatoarekin bateragarria."

#. I18N: Help text for the "Data folder" site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:33
msgid "This folder will be used by webtrees to store media files, GEDCOM files, temporary files, etc. These files may contain private data, and should not be made available over the internet."
msgstr "Artxibo hau erabiliko du webtrees-ek multimedia artxiboak, GEDCOM artxiboak eta behin behineko artxiboak gordetzeko. Artxibo hauetan datu pribatuak izaten ahal dira eta ezin dira interneten eskuratzeko moduan paratu."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Media folder” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:252
msgid "This folder will be used to store the media files for this family tree."
msgstr "Karpeta hau zuhaitz honetako multimedia artxiboak gordetzeko erabitzen da."

#: app/Http/Middleware/CheckCsrf.php:72
msgid "This form has expired. Try again."
msgstr "Formulario hau iraungirik dago. Saiatu berriz."

#: app/Auth.php:287
msgid "This individual does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."
msgstr "Pertsona hau ez dago zuhaitzean, edo ezin zaizu erakutsi pribatutasun arauak direla medio."

#: resources/views/individual-page-pending.phtml:23
msgid "This individual has been deleted. The deletion will need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Pertsona hau ezabatu da. Deusestatzea moderatzaile batek errebisatu beharko du."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/individual-page-pending.phtml:20
#, php-format
msgid "This individual has been deleted. You should review the deletion and then %1$s or %2$s it."
msgstr "Pertsona hau ezabatu da. Deuseztatzea errebisatu behar da eta %1$s edo %2$s."

#: resources/views/individual-page-pending.phtml:32
msgid "This individual has been edited. The changes need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Pertsona honen informazioa editatu da. Aldaketak moderatzaile batek errebisatu beharrak dira."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/individual-page-pending.phtml:29
#, php-format
msgid "This individual has been edited. You should review the changes and then %1$s or %2$s them."
msgstr "Pertsona honen informazioa editatu da. Aldaketak errebisatu beharrak dira eta %1$s edo %2$s."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Default individual” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:100
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:80
msgid "This individual will be selected by default when viewing charts and reports."
msgstr "Bertzerik ez bada aukeratzen, pertsona hau agertuko da grafikoak eta txostenak erakusterakoan."

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:947
#: app/Statistics/Repository/EventRepository.php:254
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyDatesRepository.php:107
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:528
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:849
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:1504
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:1828
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:1853
#: app/Statistics/Repository/PlaceRepository.php:210
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-list-age.phtml:31
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-list-grand.phtml:27
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-list-spouses.phtml:25
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-list.phtml:27
#: resources/views/statistics/individuals/top10-list.phtml:26
#: resources/views/statistics/other/charts/column.phtml:19
#: resources/views/statistics/other/charts/combo.phtml:18
#: resources/views/statistics/other/charts/custom.phtml:17
#: resources/views/statistics/other/charts/geo.phtml:21
#: resources/views/statistics/other/charts/pie.phtml:19
#: resources/views/statistics/other/top10-list.phtml:25
msgid "This information is not available."
msgstr "Informazio hori ez dago eskuragarri."

#: app/Statistics/Repository/EventRepository.php:262
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyDatesRepository.php:115
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyDatesRepository.php:386
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:96
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:483
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:860
#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:1516
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:860
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:1173
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:1193
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:1213
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:1233
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:1253
#: app/Statistics/Repository/IndividualRepository.php:1273
msgid "This information is private and cannot be shown."
msgstr "Informazio hau pribatua da eta ezin da ikusi."

#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:68
msgid "This is a link to your own record in the family tree. If this is the wrong individual, contact an administrator."
msgstr "Datu-basean dauden zure datuei lotzen zaituen identifikazio zenbakia da. Zenbakia ez bada zuzena, administratzailearekin jar zaitez harremanetan."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:157
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:211
#: resources/views/admin/upgrade/wizard.phtml:27
msgid "This is the latest version of webtrees. No upgrade is available."
msgstr "Webtrees-en azken bertsioa erabiltzen ari zara. Ez dago bertsio berririk eskura."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Server name” site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:99
msgid "This is the name of the SMTP server. “localhost” means that the mail service is running on the same computer as your web server."
msgstr "Hau da SMTP zerbitzariaren izena. “localhost” hitzak erran nahi du mezu elektronikoen zerbitzaria eta web zerbitzaria ordenagailuan bertan ari direla lanean."

#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:37
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:48
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:49
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:42
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:61
msgid "This is your real name, as you would like it displayed on screen."
msgstr "Hau zure egiazko izena da, pantailan erakustea nahi duzuna."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordRequestAction.php:120
msgid "This link is valid for one hour."
msgstr "Lotura honek ordu baterako balio du."

#: resources/views/help/data-fixes.phtml:18
msgid "This list is created using a simple (but fast) search, and therefore includes records that will not be updated."
msgstr "Zerrenda hau bilaketa xinple eta azkar baten bitartez sortzen da. Beraz, eguneratuko ez diren erregistroak daramatza."

#: app/Auth.php:349
msgid "This media object does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."
msgstr "Multimedia objektu hau ez dago zuhaitzean edo ez ikusteko baimenik."

#: resources/views/media-page-pending.phtml:20
msgid "This media object has been deleted. The deletion will need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Multimedia objektu hau ezabatu da. Deuseztapena moderatzaile batek errebisatu beharko du."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/media-page-pending.phtml:18
#, php-format
msgid "This media object has been deleted. You should review the deletion and then %1$s or %2$s it."
msgstr "Multimedia objektu hau ezabatu da. Deuseztapena errebisatu beharko duzu eta %1$s edo %2$s."

#: resources/views/media-page-pending.phtml:26
msgid "This media object has been edited. The changes need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Multimedia objektu hau editatu da. Aldaketak moderatzaile batek errebisatu beharko ditu."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/media-page-pending.phtml:24
#, php-format
msgid "This media object has been edited. You should review the changes and then %1$s or %2$s them."
msgstr "Multimedia objektu hau aldatu da. Aldaketak errebisatu beharko dituzu eta %1$s edo %2$s."

#: resources/views/emails/message-copy-html.phtml:35
#: resources/views/emails/message-copy-text.phtml:25
#: resources/views/emails/message-user-html.phtml:36
#: resources/views/emails/message-user-text.phtml:26
msgid "This message was sent while viewing the following URL: "
msgstr "Mezu hau URL hau ikusterakoan bidali zen: "

#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:85
msgid "This must be at least six characters long. It is case-sensitive."
msgstr "Sei karaktere izan beharko ditu gutienez. Maiuskulak eta minuskulak bereizten dituela kontuan hartu."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Sender name” site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:63
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:77
msgid "This name is used in the “From” field, when sending automatic emails from this server."
msgstr "Izen hau erabiltzen da \"Nork\" eremuan, zerbitzari honen mezu elektroniko automatikoak bidaltzerakoan."

#: app/Auth.php:378 app/Auth.php:407
msgid "This note does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."
msgstr "Ohar hau ez dago zuhaitzean edo ez duzu baimenik ikusteko."

#: resources/views/note-page-pending.phtml:21
msgid "This note has been deleted. The deletion will need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Ohar hau ezabatu da. Bere deuseztatzea moderatzaileak errebisatu beharko du."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/note-page-pending.phtml:19
#, php-format
msgid "This note has been deleted. You should review the deletion and then %1$s or %2$s it."
msgstr "Ohar hau ezabatu da. Bere deuseztatzea errebisatu beharko duzu eta %1$s edo %2$s."

#: resources/views/note-page-pending.phtml:27
msgid "This note has been edited. The changes need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Ohar hau editatu da. Aldaketak moderatzaileak errebisatu beharko ditu."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/note-page-pending.phtml:25
#, php-format
msgid "This note has been edited. You should review the changes and then %1$s or %2$s them."
msgstr "Ohar hau editatu da. Aldaketak errebisatu beharko dituzu eta zer egin aukeratu: %1$s edo %2$s."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Automatically expand notes” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:534
msgid "This option controls whether or not to automatically display content of a <i>Note</i> record on the Individual page."
msgstr "Pertsona baten orriko <i>ohar</i> baten edukia automatikoki erakusten den edo ez aukeratzen duzu hemen."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Automatically expand sources” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:548
msgid "This option controls whether or not to automatically display content of a <i>Source</i> record on the Individual page."
msgstr "Pertsona baten orriko <i>iturri</i> baten edukia automatikoki erakusten den edo ez aukeratzen duzu hemen."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Age of parents next to child’s birthdate” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:402
msgid "This option controls whether or not to show age of father and mother next to child’s birthdate on charts."
msgstr "Hemen aukeratzen ahal duzu grafikoen pertsonaren jaiotze-dataren ondoan gurasoen adina erakusten den edo ez."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Estimated dates for birth and death” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:375
msgid "This option controls whether or not to show estimated dates for birth and death instead of leaving blanks on individual lists and charts for individuals whose dates are not known."
msgstr "Hemen aukeratzen ahal duzu pertsonen zerrendetan eta grafikoetan guti gora beherako jaiotza eta heriotzaren datak ikusi nahi dituzun, ez badituzu ezagutzen eta hutsik ez uzteko."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Show a download link in the media viewer” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:283
msgid "This option will make it easier for users to download images."
msgstr "Aukera honek irudien deskarga erraztuko die erabiltzaileei."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Show private relationships” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:152
msgid "This option will retain family links in private records. This means that you will see empty “private” boxes on the pedigree chart and on other charts with private individuals."
msgstr "Aukera honek familiako loturak/harremanak erregistro pribatuetan gordetzen ditu. Horrek erran nahi du \"kutxa pribatuak\" ikusiko dituzula arbasoen grafikoetan eta bertze batzuk pertsona pribatuak direnean."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Show names of private individuals” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:133
msgid "This option will show the names (but no other details) of private individuals. Individuals are private if they are still alive or if a privacy restriction has been added to their individual record. To hide a specific name, add a privacy restriction to that name record."
msgstr "Aukera honek pertsona pribatuen izenak soilik erakutsiko ditu, bertze daturik gabe. Biririk daudenak pertsona pribatuak dira eta pribatutasun murrizketaren bat daukaten pertsona hilak ere bai. Izena gordetzeko, pribatutasun murrizketa gehitzen ahal diozu edozein pertsonaren erregistroari."

#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-fact.phtml:26
#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-record.phtml:26
msgid "This page allows you to bypass the usual forms, and edit the underlying data directly. It is an advanced option, and you should not use it unless you understand the GEDCOM format. If you make a mistake here, it can be difficult to fix."
msgstr "Orri honek, betiko prozedurak saiestu eta datuak zuzenean editatzea ahalbidetuko dizu. GEDCOM formatoa ez baduzu ezagutzen ez zenuke erabili beharko aukera hau, jakin behar baita nola egin. Akatsen bat egiten baduzu, baliteke zaila izatea zuzenketa."

#: app/Http/Exceptions/HttpGoneException.php:35
msgid "This page has been deleted."
msgstr ""

#: app/Module/HitCountFooterModule.php:113
#, php-format
msgid "This page has been viewed %s time."
msgid_plural "This page has been viewed %s times."
msgstr[0] "Orri hau %s aldiz ikusia izan da."
msgstr[1] "Orri hau %s aldiz ikusia izan da."

#: resources/views/help/pending-changes.phtml:18
msgid "This process allows the site’s owner to ensure that the new information follows the site’s standards and conventions, has proper source attributions, etc."
msgstr "Prozedura honek hauxe bermatzen dio jabeari: Informazio berriak orriaren kalitatea eta arauak jarraitzen dituela, iturrien jarraipen zihurrak dituela, etabar."

#: app/Auth.php:257 app/Auth.php:320 app/Auth.php:436 app/Auth.php:523
#: app/Auth.php:552
msgid "This record does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."
msgstr "Erregistro hau ez dago zuhaitzean edo ez duzu baimenik ikusteko."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:251
msgid "This record does not exist."
msgstr "Erregistro hau ez dago orrian."

#: resources/views/record-page-pending.phtml:21
msgid "This record has been deleted. The deletion will need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Erregistro hori ezabatu da. Deuseztatzea moderatzaile batek errebisatu beharko du."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/record-page-pending.phtml:19
#, php-format
msgid "This record has been deleted. You should review the deletion and then %1$s or %2$s it."
msgstr "Erregistro hori ezabatu da. Deuseztatzea errebisatu beharko duzu eta gero %1$s edo %2$s."

#: resources/views/record-page-pending.phtml:27
msgid "This record has been edited. The changes need to be reviewed by a moderator."
msgstr "Erregistro hori editatu da. Aldaketak moderatzaile batek errebisatu beharko ditu."

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/record-page-pending.phtml:25
#, php-format
msgid "This record has been edited. You should review the changes and then %1$s or %2$s them."
msgstr "Erregistro hori editatu da. Aldaketak moderatzaile batek errebisatu beharko ditu eta gero %1$s edo %2$s."

#: app/Auth.php:465
msgid "This repository does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."
msgstr "Gordailua ez dago zuhaitzean edo ez duzu ikusteko baimenik."

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:28
msgid "This research is a “legitimate interest” under article 6(f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulations."
msgstr "Ikerketa hau \"bidezko interesa\" da, Europar Batasuneko Datuen Babeserako Erreglamentu Orokorraren 6(f) artikuluak dioenaren arabera."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:263
msgid "This role has all the permissions of the editor role, plus permission to accept/reject changes made by other users."
msgstr "Rol honek editatzeko baimen guztiak ditu, eta bertze erabiltzaileek egindako aldaketak onartzeko edo ez onartzeko ere bai."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:277
msgid "This role has all the permissions of the manager role in all family trees, plus permission to change the settings/configuration of the website, users, and modules."
msgstr "Rol honek gainbegiralearen baimen guztiak izanen ditu zuhaitz guztietan, eta orriaren konfigurazioak, erabiltzaileak eta moduluak aldatzeko ere bai."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:257
msgid "This role has all the permissions of the member role, plus permission to add/change/delete data. Any changes will need to be reviewed by a moderator, unless the user has the “automatically accept changes” option enabled."
msgstr "Rol honek partaidearen baimen guztiak ditu, eta datuak gehitu, aldatu edo ezabatzeko ere bai. Aldaketa bakoitza moderatzaile batek onartu beharko du, \"aldaketak automatikoki onartu\" aukera gaitua ez badu behinipein."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:271
msgid "This role has all the permissions of the moderator role, plus any additional access granted by the family tree configuration, plus permission to change the settings/configuration of a family tree."
msgstr "Administratzailearen rolak moderatzeko baimen guztiak ditu, eta bertze edozein baimen zuhaitzaren konfigurazioa eta parametroak aldatzeko."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:249
msgid "This role has all the permissions of the visitor role, plus any additional access granted by the family tree configuration."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile batek bisitariaren baimen guztiak ditu, eta horretaz gain zuhaitzaren konfigurazioak ematen dizkion baimen gehigarriak ere."

#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:78
#, php-format
msgid "This server’s memory limit is %s MB and its CPU time limit is %s seconds."
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren memoriaren muga %s MBetan dago eta CPUren denbora-muga %s segundutan."

#: app/Module/BingMaps.php:115 app/Module/GoogleMaps.php:115
#: app/Module/HereMaps.php:74 app/Module/MapBox.php:74
msgid "This service requires an API key."
msgstr "Zerbitzu honek API klabearen beharra dauka."

#: app/Auth.php:494
msgid "This source does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."
msgstr "Iturri hori ez dago zuhaitzean edo ez duzu ikusteko baimenik."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Add to TITLE header tag” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:209
msgid "This text will be appended to each page title. It will be shown in the browser’s title bar, bookmarks, etc."
msgstr "Testu hau orriaren titulu bakoitzari gehituko zaio. Nabigatzailearen tituluaren barran ikusiko da, \"gogoko lekuetan\", etabar."

#: resources/views/errors/no-tree-access.phtml:10
msgid "This user account does not have access to any tree."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile kontu honek ez du sarrerarik zuhaitz bakar batean."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SetupWizard.php:173
msgid "This usually means that you need to change the folder permissions to 777."
msgstr "Normalean erran nahi du karpetaren baimenak 777-ra aldatu behar direla."

#: app/Services/UpgradeService.php:312
msgid "This website is being upgraded. Try again in a few minutes."
msgstr "Orria eguneratzen ari da. Saia zaitez geroxeago faborez."

#: resources/views/layouts/offline.phtml:72
msgid "This website is down for maintenance. You should <a href=\"index.php\">try again</a> in a few minutes."
msgstr "Orria mantenimendu lanetan ari da. <a href=\"index.php\"> saia zaitez berriz </a> minutu gutxitara."

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:75
msgid "This website is operated by the following individuals."
msgstr "Pertsona hauek lantzen dute orri hau."

#: resources/views/layouts/error.phtml:19
#: resources/views/layouts/error.phtml:36
#: resources/views/layouts/offline.phtml:69
msgid "This website is temporarily unavailable"
msgstr "Orri hau ez dago erabilgarria momentu honetan"

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:25
msgid "This website processes personal data for the purpose of historical and genealogical research."
msgstr "Orri honek datu pertsonalak lantzen ditu ikerketa historiko eta genealogikoak gauzatzeko."

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:36
msgid "This website uses cookies to enable login sessions, and to remember preferences such as your chosen language."
msgstr "Orri honek cookie-ak erabiltzen ditu saioa-hasierak errazteko eta erabiltzaile bakoitzaren aukeraketak gogoratzeko, hizkuntzaren aukeraketa, errate baterako."

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/footer.phtml:23
msgid "This website uses cookies to learn about visitor behavior."
msgstr "Orri honek cookie-ak erabiltzen ditu bisitarien ohituretatik ikasita programazioa hobetzeko."

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:48
msgid "This website uses third-party services to learn about visitor behavior."
msgstr "Orri honek hirugarrenen zerbitzuak erabiltzen ditu bisitarien ohituretatik ikasteko."

#. I18N: %s is the name of a family tree
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:30
#, php-format
msgid "This will delete all the genealogy data from “%s” and replace it with data from a GEDCOM file."
msgstr "“%s”-ren datu genealogiko guztiak ezabatuko dira eta bertze GEDCOM artxibo baten datuekin ordeztu."

#. I18N: abbreviation for Thursday
#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:279
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:29
msgid "Thu"
msgstr "Or."

#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:74
#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails.phtml:41
msgid "Thumbnail image"
msgstr "Irudi txikia"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:288
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:293
msgid "Thumbnail images"
msgstr "Irudien miniaturak"

#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:249
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Ortzeguna"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:197
msgid "Tijuana, Mexico"
msgstr "Tijuana, Mexiko"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:81 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:110
#: app/Gedcom.php:503
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Ordua"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:71 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:124
#: app/CustomTags/ProGen.php:56
msgid "Time of birth"
msgstr "Jaiotzaren ordua"

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:960
msgid "Time of birth and time of death"
msgstr "Jaiotzaren eta heriotzaren ordua"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:74 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:128
#: app/CustomTags/Geneatique.php:59
msgid "Time of death"
msgstr "Heriotzaren ordua"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:223 app/Gedcom.php:450 app/Gedcom.php:617
#: app/Gedcom.php:764 app/Gedcom.php:785 app/Gedcom.php:816 app/Gedcom.php:832
#: app/Gedcom.php:863 app/Gedcom.php:879
msgid "Time of last change"
msgstr "Azken aldaketaren ordua"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:134
msgid "Time of status change"
msgstr "Egoeraren aldaketaren ordua"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:56
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:51
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:137
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:111
msgid "Time zone"
msgstr "Ordu-eremua"

#. I18N: Name of a module/chart
#: app/Module/TimelineChartModule.php:93
msgid "Timeline"
msgstr "Denboraren haria"

#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:136
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:124
msgid "Timestamp"
msgstr "Data eta ordua"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:492
msgid "Timor-Leste"
msgstr "Ekialdeko Timor"

#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:276
msgctxt "Abbreviation for Persian month: Tir"
msgid "Tir"
msgstr "Tir"

#. I18N: 4th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:145
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Tir"
msgstr "Tir"

#. I18N: 4th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:235
msgid "Tir"
msgstr "Tir"

#. I18N: 4th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:190
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Tir"
msgstr "Tir"

#. I18N: 4th month in the Persian/Jalali calendar
#: app/Date/JalaliDate.php:100
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Tir"
msgstr "Tir"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:193
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Tishrei"
msgstr "Tishrei"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:297
msgid "Tishrei"
msgstr "Tishrei"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:245
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Tishrei"
msgstr "Tishrei"

#. I18N: a month in the Jewish calendar
#: app/Date/JewishDate.php:141
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Tishrei"
msgstr "Tishrei"

#: app/CustomTags/Geneatique.php:63 app/Gedcom.php:759 app/Gedcom.php:790
#: app/Gedcom.php:851 resources/views/admin/fix-level-0-media.phtml:38
#: resources/views/lists/media-table.phtml:80
#: resources/views/lists/notes-table.phtml:91
#: resources/views/lists/sources-table.phtml:96
#: resources/views/modals/create-media-from-file.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:108
#: resources/views/modals/source-fields.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/census-assistant.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:150
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:152
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/edit.phtml:25
#: resources/views/modules/html/config.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/edit.phtml:25
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Izenburua"

#: resources/views/admin/broadcast.phtml:36
#: resources/views/admin/email-page.phtml:41
#: resources/views/contact-page.phtml:33 resources/views/message-page.phtml:38
msgctxt "Email recipient"
msgid "To"
msgstr "Nori"

#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:48
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:46
msgctxt "End of date range"
msgid "To"
msgstr "bitarte"

#: resources/views/modules/html/config.phtml:34
msgid "To assist you in getting started with this block, we have created several standard templates. When you select one of these templates, the text area will contain a copy that you can then alter to suit your site’s requirements."
msgstr "Bloke honetan hasten laguntzeko, zenbait platilla sortu ditugu. Horietako bat aukeratzen baduzu, testuaren zatiaren kopia bat izanen gordeko dugu, zure orrriaren beharretara egokitzeko aldatzen ahal izanen duzuna."

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1027
msgid "To create new data using custom tags, you need to enable them."
msgstr "Datu berriak sortzeko etiketa pertsonalizatuak erabiliz, gaitu egin beharko dituzu aitzinetik."

#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:17
msgid "To create new research tasks, you must first add “research task” to the list of facts and events in the family tree’s preferences."
msgstr "Ikerketa lan berriak sortzeko, lehenbiziko \"ikerketa lana\" gehitu beharko diozu gertaera zerrendari, zuhaitz genealogikoen lehentasunetan."

#: app/Services/LeafletJsService.php:63
msgid "To display a map, you need to enable a map-provider in the control panel."
msgstr "Mapa bat ikusi ahal izateko, mapa hornitzaile bat gaitu beharko duzu aitzinetik kontrol-panelean."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Format text and notes” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:589
msgid "To ensure compatibility with other genealogy applications, notes, text, and transcripts should be recorded in simple, unformatted text. However, formatting is often desirable to aid presentation, comprehension, etc."
msgstr "Bertze genealogia-aplikazio batzuekin bateragarriak izateko, oharrak, testuak eta transkripzioak formaturik gabeko testuarekin sartu beharko dituzu. Halere, maiz aski formatua ona izaten da aurkezpen egoki baterako, ulermenerako, etabar."

#. I18N: “Apache” is a software program.
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:37
msgid "To protect this private data, webtrees uses an Apache configuration file (.htaccess) which blocks all access to this folder. If your web-server does not support .htaccess files, and you cannot restrict access to this folder, then you can select another folder, away from your web documents."
msgstr "Datu pribatuak babesteko, Webtrees-ek Apache-ren (.htaccess) konfigurazio artxiboa erabiltzen du, karpeta horretarako sarrera guztiak blokeatzen dituena. Zure zerbitzaria ez bada bateragarria karpeta horrekin eta ezin baduzu sarrera baldintzatu, bertze karpeta bat aukeratzen ahal duzu, orriko zure karpetetatik kanpo."

#: resources/views/emails/password-request-html.phtml:20
#: resources/views/emails/password-request-text.phtml:16
msgid "To set a new password, follow this link."
msgstr "Pasahitza berria sortzeko, jarrai ezazu ondoko lotura."

#. I18N: Help text for the "Custom welcome text" site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:43
msgid "To set this text for other languages, you must switch to that language, and visit this page again."
msgstr "Testu hau bertze hizkuntzetara egokitu nahi baduzu, lehenbiziko aldatu hizkuntz horretara eta ondotik orri hau bera bisitatu."

#: resources/views/modules/sitemap/config.phtml:51
msgid "To tell search engines that sitemaps are available, you can use the following links."
msgstr "Nabigatzaileen bilaketa motoreei orriaren mapa eskuragarri dagoela komunikatzeko, ondoko lotura hauek erabiltzen ahal dituzu."

#: resources/views/modules/bing-maps/config.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/google-maps/config.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/here-maps/config.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/map-box/config.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/openrouteservice/config.phtml:36
msgid "To use this service, you need an API key."
msgstr "Zerbitzu hau erabiltzeko, API klabea behar duzu."

#: resources/views/modules/geonames/config.phtml:36
msgid "To use this service, you need an account."
msgstr "Zerbitzu hau erabiltzeko, kontua ireki behar duzu aitzinetik."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:482
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Togo"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:488
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "Tokelau"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:198
msgid "Tokyo, Japan"
msgstr "Tokyo, Japonia"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:95
msgid "Tombstone"
msgstr "Hilarria"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:494
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Tonga"

#: app/Http/Exceptions/HttpTooManyRequestsException.php:35
msgid "Too many requests. Try again later."
msgstr "Eskaera gehiegi. Saia zaitez beranduago."

#. I18N: Title for a list of the most common given names, %s is a number. Note that a separate translation exists when %s is 1
#: app/Module/TopGivenNamesModule.php:105
#, php-format
msgid "Top %s given name"
msgid_plural "Top %s given names"
msgstr[0] "%s izenik erabiliena"
msgstr[1] "%s izenik erabilienak"

#. I18N: Title for a list of the most common surnames, %s is a number. Note that a separate translation exists when %s is 1
#: app/Module/TopSurnamesModule.php:196
#, php-format
msgid "Top %s surname"
msgid_plural "Top %s surnames"
msgstr[0] "%s abizen erabiliena"
msgstr[1] "%s abizen erabilienak"

#. I18N: i.e. most popular given name.
#: app/Module/TopGivenNamesModule.php:102
msgid "Top given name"
msgstr "Izenik erabiliena"

#. I18N: Name of a module. Top=Most common
#: app/Module/TopGivenNamesModule.php:49
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/names.phtml:45
msgid "Top given names"
msgstr "Izenik erabilienak"

#. I18N: i.e. most popular surname.
#: app/Module/TopSurnamesModule.php:193
msgid "Top surname"
msgstr "Abizenik erabiliena"

#. I18N: Name of a module. Top=Most common
#: app/Module/TopSurnamesModule.php:72
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/names.phtml:25
msgid "Top surnames"
msgstr "Abizenik erabilienak"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:199
msgid "Toronto, Ontario, Canada"
msgstr "Toronto, Ontario, Kanada"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:765
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartBirth.php:97
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartCommonGiven.php:70
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartCommonSurname.php:128
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDeath.php:97
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDistribution.php:109
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartDivorce.php:97
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartFamilyLargest.php:91
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartFamilyWithSources.php:65
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartIndividualWithSources.php:65
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMarriage.php:97
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMedia.php:64
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMortality.php:65
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartNoChildrenFamilies.php:97
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartSex.php:56
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:458
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Guztira"

#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:127
msgid "Total accepted changes: "
msgstr "Onartutako aldaketan kopurua: "

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/individual-events.phtml:18
msgid "Total births"
msgstr "Jaiotzak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/total-individuals.phtml:59
msgid "Total dead"
msgstr "Heriotzak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/individual-events.phtml:62
msgid "Total deaths"
msgstr "Heriotzak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/family-totals.phtml:63
msgid "Total divorces"
msgstr "Dibortzioak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:53
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/other-events.phtml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:602
msgid "Total events"
msgstr "Gertaerak guztira"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartNoChildrenFamilies.php:127
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/family-totals.phtml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:248
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:252
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:350
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:354
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:111
msgid "Total families"
msgstr "Familiak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/total-individuals.phtml:30
msgid "Total females"
msgstr "Emakumezkoak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/names.phtml:38
msgid "Total given names"
msgstr "Izenak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/total-individuals.phtml:10
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:210
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:66
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:98
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:105
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:142
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:146
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:305
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:309
#: resources/xml/reports/missing_facts_report.xml:601
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:94
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:147
msgid "Total individuals"
msgstr "Pertsonak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/total-individuals.phtml:50
msgid "Total living"
msgstr "Bizirik guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/total-individuals.phtml:21
msgid "Total males"
msgstr "Gizonezkoak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/family-totals.phtml:19
msgid "Total marriages"
msgstr "Ezkontzak guztira"

#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:87
msgid "Total pending changes: "
msgstr "Onartzeke dauden aldaketak guztira: "

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:48
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/names.phtml:18
msgid "Total surnames"
msgstr "Abizenak guztira"

#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/config.phtml:54
msgid "Total users"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak guztira"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesAnalyticsPage.php:43
#: app/Module/ModuleAnalyticsTrait.php:104
#: resources/views/admin/analytics-edit.phtml:19
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:606
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:118
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:120
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:256
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:259
#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:44
msgid "Tracking and analytics"
msgstr "Jarraipena eta azterketa"

#: app/Gedcom.php:888
msgid "Trailer"
msgstr "Esperuan"

#: app/Module/AncestorsChartModule.php:254
#: app/Module/DescendancyChartModule.php:245
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-html.phtml:36
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-text.phtml:30
msgid "Tree"
msgstr "Zuhaitza"

#. I18N: The third day in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:305
msgid "Tridi"
msgstr "Tridi"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:496
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr "Trinidad eta Tobago"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:200
msgid "Trujillo, Peru"
msgstr "Trujillo, Peru"

#. I18N: abbreviation for Tuesday
#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:275
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:27
msgid "Tue"
msgstr "As."

#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:247
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Asteartea"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:498
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Tunisia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:500
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Turkia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:490
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Turkmenistan"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:478
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Turks eta Caicos Uharteak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:502
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Tuvalu"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:196
msgid "Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico"
msgstr "Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexiko"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:201
msgid "Twin Falls, Idaho, United States"
msgstr "Twin Falls, Idaho, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:83 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:97
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:101 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:112
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:130 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:137
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:148 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:150
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:157 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:159
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:165 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:167
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:174 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:176
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:244 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:251
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:148 app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:79
#: app/Gedcom.php:422 app/Gedcom.php:429 app/Gedcom.php:442 app/Gedcom.php:554
#: app/Gedcom.php:561 app/Gedcom.php:574
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartFamilyLargest.php:90
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartFamilyWithSources.php:64
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartIndividualWithSources.php:64
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartMedia.php:63
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartSex.php:55
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:53
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:125
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:59
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:28
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-table.phtml:41
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Mota"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:263
msgid "Type of abbreviation"
msgstr "Laburdura mota"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:287
msgid "Type of administrative ID"
msgstr "Identifikazioa administratiboaren mota"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:291
msgid "Type of demographic data"
msgstr "Datu demografikoen mota"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:256 app/Gedcom.php:460 app/Gedcom.php:657
msgid "Type of event"
msgstr "Gertaera mota"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:99 app/Gedcom.php:659
msgid "Type of fact"
msgstr "Gertaera mota"

#: app/Gedcom.php:670
msgid "Type of identification number"
msgstr "Identifikazio zenbakiaren mota"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:280
msgid "Type of location"
msgstr "Ubikazio mota"

#: app/Gedcom.php:470
msgid "Type of marriage"
msgstr "Ezkontza mota"

#: app/Gedcom.php:711
msgid "Type of name"
msgstr "Izen mota"

#: app/Gedcom.php:476 app/Gedcom.php:729 app/Gedcom.php:769 app/Gedcom.php:793
#: app/Gedcom.php:824 app/Gedcom.php:844
msgid "Type of reference number"
msgstr "Erreferentzia zenbakiaren mota"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:143 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:199
msgid "Type of research task"
msgstr "Ikerketa lanaren mota"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:70 app/CustomTags/Ancestry.php:76
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:151 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:257
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:143 app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:77
#: app/CustomTags/PhpGedView.php:78 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:76
#: app/Gedcom.php:445 app/Gedcom.php:526 app/Gedcom.php:575 app/Gedcom.php:826
#: app/Gedcom.php:874 app/Http/RequestHandlers/CreateRepositoryModal.php:51
#: resources/views/admin/trees-create.phtml:33
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:70
#: resources/views/modals/media-file-fields.phtml:99
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:137
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:144
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:146
#: resources/views/modules/matomo-analytics/form.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/share-url/share.phtml:12
#: resources/views/modules/sitemap/config.phtml:47
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL lotura"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:512
msgid "US Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr "US Minor Outlying Uharteak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:528
msgid "US Virgin Islands"
msgstr "US Virgin Uharteak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:508
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Uganda"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:510
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Ukraina"

#. I18N: LDS sealing status; see
#: app/Elements/LdsBaptismDateStatus.php:77
#: app/Elements/LdsChildSealingDateStatus.php:70
#: app/Elements/LdsEndowmentDateStatus.php:78
#: app/Elements/LdsOrdinanceStatus.php:83
#: app/Elements/LdsSpouseSealingDateStatus.php:78
msgid "Uncleared: insufficient data"
msgstr "Ez da onartu: ez dago nahiko daturik"

#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:88 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:103
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:117 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:139
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:152 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:160
#: app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:169 app/CustomTags/Gedcom7.php:178
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:148 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:204
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:205 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:207
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:209 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:210
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:218 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:219
#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:303 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:80
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:142 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:149
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:150 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:158
#: app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:54 app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:59
#: app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:60 app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:64
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:62
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:78
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:79
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:80
#: app/CustomTags/PersonalAncestralFile.php:81 app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:54
#: app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:61 app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:62
#: app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:63 app/CustomTags/Reunion.php:64
#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:63 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:73
#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:77 app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:78
#: app/CustomTags/RootsMagic.php:81
msgid "Unique identifier"
msgstr "Identifikatzaile bakarra"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Add unique identifiers” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:145
msgid "Unique identifiers allow the same record to be found in different family trees and in different systems. They will be added whenever records are created or updated. If you do not want unique identifiers to be displayed, you can hide them using the privacy rules."
msgstr "Identifikatzaile bakarrek ahalbidetzen dute erregistro bat zuhaitz ezberdinetan erabiltzea. Erregistro bat sortu edo eguneratzen denean gehitzen dira. Ez baduzu nahi identifikatzailea ikustea, pribatutasun arauekin gordetzen ahal duzu."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:54
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Arabiar Emirerri Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:203
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Erresuma Batua"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:516
msgid "United States"
msgstr "Estatu Batuak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeMaker.php:138 app/Elements/FamilyStatusText.php:73
#: app/GedcomRecord.php:736 app/GedcomRecord.php:741
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartSex.php:72
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:38
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ezezaguna"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartNoChildrenFamilies.php:114
msgctxt "unknown century"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ezezaguna"

#: app/Elements/SexValue.php:87
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:844
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:399
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:606
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:388
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:602
msgctxt "unknown gender"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ezezaguna"

#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:64
msgctxt "unknown people"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ezezaguna"

#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-delete.phtml:21
#: resources/views/edit/icon-fact-delete.phtml:23
msgid "Unlink"
msgstr "Lotura ezabatu"

#: app/Elements/UnknownElement.php:36
msgid "Unrecognized GEDCOM code"
msgstr "GEDCOM kodigo ezezaguna"

#: resources/views/admin/media.phtml:50
msgid "Unused files"
msgstr "Erabili gabeko artxiboak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardPage.php:123
#, php-format
msgid "Unzip %s to a temporary folder…"
msgstr "%s behin behineko karpeta batera deskonprimitzen…"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:122
msgid "Upcoming events"
msgstr "Datozen gertaerak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/DataFixData.php:102
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Eguneratu"

#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-page.phtml:49
msgid "Update all"
msgstr "Dena eguneratu"

#. I18N: Name of a module
#: app/Module/FixPlaceNames.php:59
msgid "Update place names"
msgstr "Lekuen izenak eguneratu"

#. I18N: Description of a “Data fix” module
#: app/Module/FixPlaceNames.php:70
msgid "Update the higher-level parts of place names, while keeping the lower-level parts."
msgstr "Lekuen izenen goi mailako zatiak eguneratu, behe mailakoak aldatu gabe."

#. I18N: GEDCOM tag _UPD
#: app/CustomTags/FamilyTreeBuilder.php:55 app/CustomTags/MyHeritage.php:66
msgid "Updated at"
msgstr "Eguneratua"

#. I18N: %s is a version number, such as 1.2.3
#. I18N: %s is a version number
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginAction.php:78
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:162
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:206
#, php-format
msgid "Upgrade to webtrees %s."
msgstr "Webtrees %s-era eguneratu."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardPage.php:78
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardPage.php:118
msgid "Upgrade wizard"
msgstr "Eguneratzeko laguntzailea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UploadMediaPage.php:67
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:813
msgid "Upload media files"
msgstr "Multimedia artxiboak igo"

#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:25
msgid "Upload one or more media files from your local computer. Media files can be pictures, video, audio, or other formats."
msgstr "Zure ordenagailutik multimedia artxiboak kargatzea ahalbidetzen dizu. Irudiak, bideoak, audioak eta bertze formatu batzuk izaten ahal dira multimedia artxiboak."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:514
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Uruguai"

#: app/Services/EmailService.php:223
msgid "Use SMTP to send messages"
msgstr "SMTP zerbitzaria erabili mezuak bidaltzeko"

#: app/Module/FixSearchAndReplace.php:101
msgid "Use a “?” to match a single character, use “*” to match zero or more characters."
msgstr "“?” erabili karaktere bakar batean bat etortzeko, “*” erabili bat etortzeko zero edo karaktere gehiagotan."

#: app/Module/ModuleMapGeoLocationTrait.php:56
msgid "Use an external service to find locations."
msgstr "Kanpoko zerbitzu bat erabili ubikazioak bilatzeko."

#. I18N: placeholder text for new-password field
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:61
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:72
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:76
#, php-format
msgid "Use at least %s character."
msgid_plural "Use at least %s characters."
msgstr[0] "Erabili gutienez %s karaktere."
msgstr[1] "Erabili gutienez %s karaktere."

#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:12
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:13
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:10
msgid "Use colors"
msgstr "Koloreak erabili"

#: resources/views/modules/interactive-tree/chart.phtml:22
msgid "Use compact layout"
msgstr "Diseinu trinkoa erabili"

#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:141
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:106
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlite.phtml:67
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlite.phtml:82
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:106
msgid "Use letters A-Z, a-z, digits 0-9, or underscores"
msgstr "A-Z letrak erabili, a-z, 0-9 digitoak, edo gidoi baxuak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModulesMapProvidersPage.php:44
msgid "Use maps in webtrees."
msgstr "Erabili mapak Webtrees-en."

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:121
msgid "Use password"
msgstr "Pasahitza erabili"

#. I18N: "sendmail" is the name of some mail software
#: app/Services/EmailService.php:222
msgid "Use sendmail to send messages"
msgstr "Sendmail erabili mezuak bidaltzeko"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Use silhouettes” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:311
msgid "Use silhouette images when no highlighted image for that individual has been specified. The images used are specific to the gender of the individual in question."
msgstr "Silueta bat erabiliko da erlazionatutako irudirik ez duen pertsonentzat. Erabilitako siluetak pertsonen generoari egokituak daude."

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:306
msgid "Use silhouettes"
msgstr "Siluetak erabili"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CopyFact.php:71
msgid "Use the “edit“ menu to paste this into another record."
msgstr "“edit“ menua erabili hau bertze erregistro bati eransteko."

#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:91
msgid "Use this field to tell the site administrator why you are requesting an account and how you are related to the genealogy displayed on this site. You can also use this to enter any other comments you may have for the site administrator."
msgstr "Eremu hau erabil ezazu kontua zertarako nahi duzun errateko administratzaileari eta zein den hemen agertzen diren datu genealogikoekin daukazun harremana. Zuhaitzari buruzko bertze edozein komentario ere aipatzen ahal duzu hemen."

#: app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:67 app/Module/ResearchTaskModule.php:71
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:85
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:140
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:76
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:128
msgid "User"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserListPage.php:50
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:530
#: resources/views/admin/email-page.phtml:23
#: resources/views/admin/users-cleanup.phtml:24
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:22
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:31
msgid "User administration"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileen administrazioa"

#: resources/views/admin/users-cleanup.phtml:64
msgid "User didn’t verify within 7 days."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak ez du bere helbidea 7 egunetan egiaztatu."

#: resources/views/admin/users-cleanup.phtml:66
msgid "User not verified by administrator."
msgstr "Administrariak egiaztatu gabeko erabiltzailea."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/VerifyEmail.php:72
msgid "User verification"
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen egiaztapena"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:135
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:45
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:56
#: resources/views/admin/users.phtml:28
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:32
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-html.phtml:28
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-text.phtml:22
#: resources/views/login-page.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modules/geonames/config.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-in.phtml:25
#: resources/views/modules/todo/research-tasks.phtml:35
#: resources/views/password-reset-page.phtml:25
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:61
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:68
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen izena"

#: resources/views/forgot-password-page.phtml:23
msgid "Username or email address"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea edo helbide elektronikoa"

#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:50
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:61
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:37
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:66
msgid "Usernames are case-insensitive and ignore accented letters, so that “chloe”, “chloë”, and “Chloe” are considered to be the same."
msgstr "Erabiltzaileen izenak ez ditu maiuskula eta minuskulak bereizten, ezta diatrikoak irakurri ere. Errate baterako, «matxinena», «matxiñena» eta «Matxiñena» berdinak dira izena osatzerakoan."

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:498
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_stats/statistics.phtml:146
#: resources/views/modules/html/template-statistics.phtml:62
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak"

#: resources/views/admin/users-cleanup.phtml:45
msgid "User’s account has been inactive too long: "
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen kontuak denbora gehiegi pasatu du erabili gabe: "

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:518
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Uzbekistan"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:202
msgid "Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada"
msgstr "Vancouver, British Columbia, Kanada"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:532
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Vanuatu"

#. I18N: Description of the “StatisticsChart” module
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:99
msgid "Various statistics charts."
msgstr "Grafiko estadistiko zenbait."

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:520
msgid "Vatican City"
msgstr "Vatikanoa"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:149
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Vendemiaire"
msgstr "Vendemiaire"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:243
msgid "Vendemiaire"
msgstr "Vendemiaire"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:196
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Vendemiaire"
msgstr "Vendemiaire"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:101
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Vendemiaire"
msgstr "Vendemiaire"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:524
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Venezuela"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:159
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "Ventose"
msgstr "Ventose"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:253
msgid "Ventose"
msgstr "Ventose"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:206
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "Ventose"
msgstr "Ventose"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:111
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "Ventose"
msgstr "Ventose"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:203
msgid "Veracruz, Mexico"
msgstr "Veracruz, Mexiko"

#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:57 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:59
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:121 app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:123
#: app/CustomTags/Legacy.php:126 resources/views/admin/users.phtml:36
msgid "Verified"
msgstr "Egiaztatua"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:204
msgid "Vernal, Utah, United States"
msgstr "Vernal, Utah, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:150 app/Gedcom.php:500 app/Gedcom.php:508
#: app/Gedcom.php:531
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Bertsioa"

#. I18N: Type of media object
#: app/Elements/SourceMediaType.php:96
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Bideoa"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:530
msgid "Vietnam"
msgstr "Vietnam"

#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/page.phtml:51
#, php-format
msgid "View table of events occurring in %s"
msgstr "%s(e)an dauden gertakizunen taula ikusi"

#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:221
msgid "View this day"
msgstr "Egun hau ikusi"

#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:481
#: resources/views/fact.phtml:110
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-list-age.phtml:23
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-nolist-age.phtml:25
msgid "View this family"
msgstr "bere familia ikusi nahi?"

#: app/Module/ModuleMapLinkTrait.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "View this location using %s"
msgstr "Ikusi leku hau %s erabiliz"

#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:225
msgid "View this month"
msgstr "Hilabete hau ikusi"

#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:229
msgid "View this year"
msgstr "Urte hau ikusi"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:205
msgid "Villa Hermosa, Mexico"
msgstr "Villa Hermosa, Mexiko"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:168
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:147
msgid "Visible online"
msgstr "Ikusgai online"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:174
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:150
msgid "Visible to other users when online"
msgstr "Ikusgai konektatuak dauden bertze erabiltzaileentzat"

#. I18N: Listbox entry; name of a role
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserEditPage.php:95
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:104
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:106
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:108
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:240
msgid "Visitor"
msgstr "Bisitaria"

#. I18N: Name of a module/report. “Vital records” are life events - birth/marriage/death
#: app/Module/BirthDeathMarriageReportModule.php:40
#: resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:180
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:3
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:34
msgid "Vital records"
msgstr "Bizitzaren erregistroak"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:536
msgid "Wales"
msgstr "Gales"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:534
msgid "Wallis and Futuna"
msgstr "Wallis eta Futuna"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:127
msgid "Ward"
msgstr "Ikaslea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:91
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "Ward"
msgstr "Ikaslea"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:70
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "Ward"
msgstr "Ikaslea"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:206
msgid "Washington, District of Columbia, United States"
msgstr "Washington, District of Columbia, Estatu Batuak"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:316
msgid "Watermarks"
msgstr "Ur-marka"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Images without watermarks” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:326
msgid "Watermarks are optional and normally shown just to visitors."
msgstr "Ur-markak aukerakoak dira eta bisitariei bakarrik erakusten zaizkie normalean."

#: resources/views/register-success-page.phtml:25
#, php-format
msgid "We will now send a confirmation email to the address <b>%s</b>. You must verify your account request by following instructions in the confirmation email. If you do not confirm your account request within seven days, your application will be rejected automatically. You will have to apply again.<br><br>After you have followed the instructions in the confirmation email, the administrator still has to approve your request before your account can be used.<br><br>To sign in to this website, you will need to know your username and password."
msgstr "Orain konfirmazio mezu bat bidaliko dugu helbide honetara <b>%s</b>. Kontuaren eskaera egiaztatu beharko duzu mezu honetan dauden argibideak jarraituz. Zure eskaera ez baduzu 7 egunez bideratzen, automatikoki errefusatuko da. Eskaera berria egin beharko duzu. <br><br>Egiaztapen mezuan bidalitako argibideak jarraitu ondotik, zure eskaria erabiltzen hasi baino lehen, administratzaileak onartu egin beharko du. <br><br>Orrian sartu ahal izateko, erabiltzaile-izena eta pasahitza beharko dituzu."

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:166
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:592
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:192
msgid "Website"
msgstr "Webgunea"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SiteLogsPage.php:107
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:262
msgid "Website logs"
msgstr "Webguneko erregistroak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SitePreferencesPage.php:65
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:240
msgid "Website preferences"
msgstr "Webguneko lehenespenak"

#. I18N: abbreviation for Wednesday
#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:277
#: resources/views/edit/initialize-calendar-popup.phtml:28
msgid "Wed"
msgstr "Az."

#: app/Date/AbstractCalendarDate.php:248
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Asteazkena"

#: app/CustomTags/Aldfaer.php:73 app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:110
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Pisua"

#. I18N: A %s is the user’s name
#: app/Module/UserWelcomeModule.php:118
#, php-format
msgid "Welcome %s"
msgstr "Ongi etorria %s"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:26
msgid "Welcome text on sign-in page"
msgstr "Ongietorri mezua sarrerako orrian"

#: resources/views/login-page.phtml:23
msgid "Welcome to this genealogy website"
msgstr "Ongietorria genealogia webgune honetara"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:179
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "Mendebaldeko Sahara"

#. I18N: Help text for the “Keep the existing ‘last change’ information” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:712
msgid "When a record is edited, the user and timestamp are recorded. Sometimes it is desirable to keep the existing “last change” information, for example when making minor corrections to someone else’s data. This option controls whether this feature is selected by default."
msgstr "Erregistro bat editatzen denean, erabiltzailea, data eta ordua gordetzen dira. Batzutan \"azken aldaketa\"ren informazioa gordetzea garrantzitsua da, pertsona baten datuei aldaketa txiki batzuk egiten dizkiogunean, errate baterako. Aukera honek funtzio lehenetsita ote dagoen kontrolatzen du."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:109
msgid "When a user registers for an account, an email is sent to their email address with a verification link. When they follow this link, we know the email address is correct, and the “email verified” option is selected automatically."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile batek kontu berria erregistratzen badu, mezu elektronikoa bidaliko zaio egiaztapenaren loturarekin. Lotura hori erabili bezain abudo, helbide elektronikoa zuzena dela baieztatuko du sistemak eta automatikoki egiaztatutzat emanen du."

#: resources/views/edit/reorder-families.phtml:36
msgid "When an individual has more than one spouse, you should sort the families in date order."
msgstr "Pertsona batek ezkontide bat baino gehiago izan duenean, dataz sailkatu beharko ditu familiak."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Surname tradition” configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:699
msgid "When you add a new family member, a default surname can be provided. This surname will depend on the local tradition."
msgstr "Kide berri bat sartzen duzunean famili batean, automatikoki abizen bat ematea lehenesten ahal duzu. Abizena leku bakoitzeko ohituren arabera emanen zaio."

#: resources/views/help/pending-changes.phtml:14
msgid "When you add, edit, or delete information, the changes are not saved immediately. Instead, they are kept in a “pending” area. These pending changes need to be reviewed by a moderator before they are accepted."
msgstr "Informazioa gehitzen, editatzen edo ezabatzen duzunean, aldaketak ez dira automatikoki gordetzen. \"Behin behineko\" aldaketen lekuan gelditzen dira. Behin betiko onartuak izateko moderatzaile batek berraztertu eta onartu beharko ditu."

#: resources/views/help/relationship-privacy.phtml:10
msgid "Where a user is associated to an individual record in a family tree and has a role of member, editor, or moderator, you can prevent them from accessing the details of distant, living relations. You specify the number of relationship steps that the user is allowed to see."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile batek bere erregistro pertsonala baldin badu zuhaitzean eta partaidea, editatzailea edo moderatzailea baldin bada, bizirik dauden arbasoen xehetasunak gorde ahal izanen ditu. Bisitariek ikusten dituzten famili-mailak zehaztu ahal izanen ditu."

#. I18N: Label for a configuration option
#: resources/views/modules/sitemap/config.phtml:29
msgid "Which family trees should be included in the sitemaps"
msgstr "Zein zuhaitz genealogiko sartu beharrak diren webgunearen mapan"

#. I18N: A configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:265
msgid "Who can upload new media files"
msgstr "Nork igotzen ahal dituen artxibo berriak"

#. I18N: Name of a module. (A list of users who are online now)
#: app/Module/LoggedInUsersModule.php:43
msgid "Who is online"
msgstr "Nor dagoen konektatua"

#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-page.phtml:84
msgid "Why does this list include records that do not need to be updated?"
msgstr "Zergatik erakusten ditu zerrenda honek eguneratu behar ez diren erregistroak?"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:97
msgid "Widow"
msgstr "Alarguna"

#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:92
msgid "Widower"
msgstr "Alarguna"

#: app/Gedcom.php:443 app/Gedcom.php:497
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LinkSpouseToIndividualPage.php:75
#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:29
#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:44
#: resources/views/fact-date.phtml:145
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:501
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:1078
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:207
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:224
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:493
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:195
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:216
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:489
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:111
msgid "Wife"
msgstr "Emaztea"

#: app/Gedcom.php:444 resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:355
msgid "Wife’s age"
msgstr "Emaztearen adina"

#: app/Gedcom.php:760
msgid "Will"
msgstr "Testamentua"

#. I18N: Location of an LDS church temple
#: app/Elements/TempleCode.php:207
msgid "Winter Quarters, Nebraska, United States"
msgstr "Winter Quarters, Nebraska, Estatu Batuak"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartFamilyWithSources.php:76
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartIndividualWithSources.php:76
msgid "With sources"
msgstr "Iturriekin"

#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartFamilyWithSources.php:71
#: app/Statistics/Google/ChartIndividualWithSources.php:71
msgid "Without sources"
msgstr "Iturririk gabe"

#: app/Elements/RelationIsDescriptor.php:128
msgid "Witness"
msgstr "Lekukoa"

#: app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:132 app/CustomTags/GedcomL.php:186
msgid "Witnesses"
msgstr "Lekukoak"

#: app/SurnameTradition/LithuanianSurnameTradition.php:77
#: app/SurnameTradition/PaternalSurnameTradition.php:51
#: app/SurnameTradition/PolishSurnameTradition.php:67
msgid "Wives take their husband’s surname."
msgstr "Emazteek senarren abizena hartzen dute."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataAdd.php:75
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/page.phtml:30
#: resources/views/modules/place-hierarchy/page.phtml:33
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:179
msgid "World"
msgstr "Mundua"

#: app/CustomTags/BrothersKeeper.php:111
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/table.phtml:36
msgid "Yahrzeit"
msgstr "Yahrzeit"

#. I18N: Name of a module. Yahrzeiten (the plural of Yahrzeit) are special anniversaries of deaths in the Hebrew faith/calendar.
#: app/Module/YahrzeitModule.php:67
msgid "Yahrzeiten"
msgstr "Yahrzeiten"

#: app/Module/CalendarMenuModule.php:117 resources/views/calendar-page.phtml:78
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Urtea"

#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:147
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:412
msgid "Year:"
msgstr "Urtea:"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:540
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Yemen"

#. I18N: %1$s is the site URL and %2$s is an email address
#: resources/views/emails/register-user-html.phtml:22
#: resources/views/emails/register-user-text.phtml:18
#, php-format
msgid "You (or someone claiming to be you) has requested an account at %1$s using the email address %2$s."
msgstr "Zeuk (edo zure lekua hartu nahi duen norbaitek) kontu berria eskatu du %1$s-an, %2$s helbide elektronikoa erabiliz."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ContactAction.php:122
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterAction.php:272
msgid "You are not allowed to send messages that contain external links."
msgstr "Ez da onartzen kanpoko URL-loturaren bat daraman mezurik bidaltzea."

#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-out.phtml:17
#, php-format
msgid "You are signed in as %s."
msgstr "%s izenarekin ireki da saioa."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginPage.php:97
msgid "You can apply for an account using the link below."
msgstr "Behean ageri den lotura erabiliz erabiltzaile-kontua eskatzen ahal duzu."

#. I18N: Help text for the "Default theme" site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:71
msgid "You can change the appearance of webtrees using “themes”. Each theme has a different style, layout, color scheme, etc."
msgstr "Webtrees-en itxura aldatzen ahal duzu \"Itxura/Gaia\"-n dauden plantillak erabiliz. Gai bakoitzak bere estiloa, formatoa, koloreak, etabar... dauzka. Hemen \"Rural\" izeneko gaia lehenesten dugu."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:177
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:152
msgid "You can choose whether to appear in the list of users who are currently signed-in."
msgstr "Momentuan konektatuak dauden erabiltzaileen zerrendan agertu nahi duzun edo ez aukeratzen ahal duzu."

#. I18N: %s is a URL
#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-fact.phtml:29
#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-record.phtml:28
#, php-format
msgid "You can download a copy of the GEDCOM specification from %s."
msgstr "%s-en GEDCOM zehaztapena deskargatzen ahal da."

#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/page.phtml:66
msgid "You can opt out of tracking by setting the “Do Not Track” header in your browser preferences."
msgstr "Jarraitua ez izateko aukera daukazu, nabigatzailean lehenesten baduzu."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-renumber.phtml:28
msgid "You can renumber the records in a family tree, so that these internal reference numbers are not duplicated in any other family tree."
msgstr "Zuhaitzeko erregistroak berriz zenbakitzen ahhal dituzu, sortutako erreferentzia zenbaki horiek bertze edozein zuhaitzetan ez errepikatzeko moduan."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-renumber.phtml:37
msgid "You can renumber this family tree."
msgstr "Berriz zenbakitzen ahal duzu zuhaitz genealogiko hau."

#. I18N: Privacy restrictions are RESN tags in GEDCOM.
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:158
msgid "You can set the access for a specific record, fact, or event by adding a restriction to it. If a record, fact, or event does not have a restriction, the following default restrictions will be used."
msgstr "Edozein erregistro, gertaera edo gertakizun konfiguratzen ahal duzu murrizketa baten bitartez. Erregistro, gertaera edo gertakizun batek ez badu murrizketarik, hurrengo murrizketak lehenetsiko dira."

#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:39
msgid "You can simplify the edit forms by hiding GEDCOM tags that you do not use."
msgstr "Edizio formularioak errazten ahal dituzu erabiltzen ez dituzun GEDCOM etiketak ezkutatuz."

#. I18N: Description of a “Data fix” module
#: app/Module/FixMissingDeaths.php:66
msgid "You can speed up the privacy calculations by adding a death record to individuals whose death can be inferred from other dates, but who do not have a record of death, burial, cremation, etc."
msgstr "Pribatutasun kalkuluak azkartzen ahal dira defuntzio partida bat gehituta heriotz, ehorzketa edo errausketa erregistrorik ez duten pertsonei. Bertze gertaera batzuren datatik ondorioztatuko litzateke pertsona horren defuntzioaren partidan paratu beharreko guti gora beherako data."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginAction.php:108
msgid "You cannot sign in because your browser does not accept cookies."
msgstr "Ezin da saiorik hasi zure nabigatzaileak ez duelako cookie-rik onartzen."

#: app/Http/Exceptions/HttpAccessDeniedException.php:35
#: app/Http/Exceptions/HttpNotFoundException.php:35
msgid "You do not have permission to view this page."
msgstr "Ez duzu orri hau ikusteko baimenik."

#: resources/views/verify-success-page.phtml:19
msgid "You have confirmed your request to become a registered user."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile erregistratua izateko eskaera konfirmatu duzu."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:33
msgid "You have selected a GEDCOM file with a different name. Is this correct?"
msgstr "Izen ezberdina duen GEDCOM artxiboa aukeratu duzu. Ongi dago?"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/Logout.php:52
msgid "You have signed out."
msgstr "Saioa itxi duzu."

#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:29
msgid "You may use HTML to format the answer and to add links to other websites."
msgstr "HTML erabiltzen ahal duzu erantzunerako eta bertze webgunetarako loturak gehitzeko."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SetupWizard.php:374
msgid "You must enter all the administrator account fields."
msgstr "Administratzaile konturako eremu guztiak bete beharko dituzu."

#: resources/views/admin/trees-merge.phtml:33
msgid "You must renumber the records in one of the trees before you can merge them."
msgstr "Bi zuhaitz bateratu nahi baditugu, bietako baten erregistro guztiei zenbaki berria sartu beharko diegu."

#: app/Module/ChartsBlockModule.php:182
msgid "You must select an individual and a chart type in the block preferences"
msgstr "Gizabanako bat eta grafiko mota bat aukeratu behar da blokearen konfigurazioan"

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:366
msgid "You must specify an individual record before you can restrict the user to their immediate family."
msgstr "Gizabanako baten erregistroa aukeratu behar da erabiltzaileek bere ahaide hurbilei murrizketak paratu aitzinetik."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginPage.php:89
msgid "You need to be a family member to access this website."
msgstr "Familiko kidea izan behar duzu webgune honetara sartzeko."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/LoginPage.php:86
msgid "You need to be an authorized user to access this website."
msgstr "Baimendutako erabiltzailea izan behar duzu webgune honetara sartu ahal izateko."

#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:307
#: resources/views/admin/trees.phtml:50
msgid "You need to create a family tree."
msgstr "Zuhaitz genealogikoa sortu beharko duzu."

#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-html.phtml:30
#: resources/views/emails/verify-notify-text.phtml:23
msgid "You need to review the account details."
msgstr "Kontuaren xehetasunak egiaztatu beharko dituzu."

#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:51
msgid "You need to set up an administrator account. This account can control all aspects of this webtrees installation. Please choose a strong password."
msgstr "Adminstratzaile kontua konfiguratu beharko duzu. Kontu horren bitartez webtrees-en instalazioaren xehetasun guztiak izanen dituzu eskura. Pasahitza sendoa aukeratu."

#: resources/views/emails/message-copy-html.phtml:22
#: resources/views/emails/message-copy-text.phtml:18
msgid "You sent the following message to a webtrees user:"
msgstr "Mezu hauxe bidali zenion erabiltzaileari:"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:194
msgid "You should accept or reject all pending changes before upgrading."
msgstr "Eguneratu gabeak dauden behin behineko aldaketa guztiak onartu edo errefusatu beharko dituzu."

#. I18N: e.g. ‘You should delete the “https://” from “” and try again.’
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/ContactAction.php:123
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterAction.php:272
#, php-format
msgid "You should delete the “%1$s” from “%2$s” and try again."
msgstr "“%2$s”etik “%1$s”a ezabatu beharko duzu eta berriz saiatu."

#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:115
msgid "You should not approve an account unless you know that the email address is correct."
msgstr "Ezin duzu erabiltzaile bat onartu bere helbide elektronikoa zuzena dela egiaztatu gabe."

#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-html.phtml:45
#: resources/views/emails/register-notify-text.phtml:34
msgid "You will be informed by email when this prospective user has confirmed the request. You can then complete the process by activating the username. The new user will not be able to sign in until you activate the account."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzailea izan litekeenari, behin eskaera onartutakoan, korreo "
"elektronikoz informatuko zaio. Ondotik aktibatzen ahal izanen da "
"erabiltzaile-kontua. Erabiltzaile berriak ezin izanen du saiorik ireki "
"administratzaileak kontua gaitu arte."

#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:73
msgid "You will use this to sign in to webtrees."
msgstr "Wentrees-en saioa irekitzeko erabiliko duen identifikatzailea."

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/birth-age.phtml:17
msgid "Youngest father"
msgstr "Aitarik gazteena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/marriage-age.phtml:28
msgid "Youngest female"
msgstr "Emazkumezkorik gazteena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/marriage-age.phtml:18
msgid "Youngest male"
msgstr "Gizonezkorik gazteena"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/birth-age.phtml:28
msgid "Youngest mother"
msgstr "Amarik gazteena"

#: resources/views/modules/clippings/show.phtml:26
msgid "Your clippings cart is empty."
msgstr "Zure saskia hutsa dago."

#: resources/views/contact-page.phtml:43
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:56
msgid "Your name"
msgstr "Zure izena"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PasswordResetAction.php:72
msgid "Your password has been updated."
msgstr "Zure pasahitza eguneratu da."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/RegisterAction.php:157
#, php-format
msgid "Your registration at %s"
msgstr "Zure erregistroa %sen"

#: app/Services/ServerCheckService.php:192
#, php-format
msgid "Your web server is using PHP version %s, which is no longer receiving security updates. You should upgrade to a later version as soon as possible."
msgstr "Zure orriaren zerbitzaria %s PHP bertsioa erabiltzen ari da, eta dagoeneko ez du segurtasun eguneratzerik hartzen. Zeuk eguneratu beharko zenuke berehala."

#. I18N: ZIP = file format
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:40
#: resources/views/admin/gedcom-export-options.phtml:48
msgid "ZIP"
msgstr "ZIP"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:544
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Zambia"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:546
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Zimbabwe"

#: resources/views/modules/fanchart/page.phtml:60
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Zoom"

#: app/Services/LeafletJsService.php:79
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/page.phtml:52
msgid "Zoom in"
msgstr "Handitu"

#: app/Services/LeafletJsService.php:80
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/page.phtml:55
msgid "Zoom out"
msgstr "Urrundu"

#. I18N: Description of a “Data fix” module
#: app/Module/FixWtObjeSortTag.php:70
msgid "_WT_OBJE_SORT tags were used by old versions of webtrees to indicate the preferred image for an individual. An alternative is to re-order the images so that the preferred one is listed first."
msgstr "Webtrees-en bertsio zaharrak _WT_OBJE_SORT etiketak erabiltzen zituzten gizabanako bakoitzaren irudi lehenetsia erakusteko. Bertze aukera da irudiak antolatzea, lehenetsia lehenbiziko lekuan gelditu dadin."

#. I18N: Gedcom ABT dates
#: app/Date.php:185
#, php-format
msgid "about %s"
msgstr "%saren inguruan"

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/family-page-pending.phtml:25
#: resources/views/individual-page-pending.phtml:29
#: resources/views/media-page-pending.phtml:24
#: resources/views/note-page-pending.phtml:25
#: resources/views/record-page-pending.phtml:25
msgctxt "You should review the changes and then accept or reject them."
msgid "accept"
msgstr "Onartu"

#. I18N: %1$s is “accept”, %2$s is “reject”. These are links.
#: resources/views/family-page-pending.phtml:19
#: resources/views/individual-page-pending.phtml:20
#: resources/views/media-page-pending.phtml:18
#: resources/views/note-page-pending.phtml:19
#: resources/views/record-page-pending.phtml:19
msgctxt "You should review the deletion and then accept or reject it."
msgid "accept"
msgstr "Onartu"

#. I18N: the status of an edit accepted/rejected/pending
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChangesLogPage.php:116
msgid "accepted"
msgstr "Onartua"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:238
#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails-form.phtml:26
#: resources/views/edit/add-fact-row.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/census-assistant.phtml:63
#: resources/views/modules/lifespans-chart/page.phtml:75
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/page.phtml:41
msgid "add"
msgstr "Gehitu"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:147
msgid "add place"
msgstr "Leku bat gehitu"

#. I18N: The name given to a child by its adoptive parents
#: app/Elements/NameType.php:71
msgid "adopted name"
msgstr "Adopzio izena"

#: app/Elements/GeneatiqueAct.php:44
msgid "after"
msgstr ""

#. I18N: Gedcom AFT dates
#: app/Date.php:205
#, php-format
msgid "after %s"
msgstr "%sren ondotik"

#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:518
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:580
#: app/Module/StatisticsChartModule.php:641
msgid "age"
msgstr "Adina"

#. I18N: The name by which an individual is also known. e.g. a professional name or a stage name
#: app/Elements/NameType.php:73
msgid "also known as"
msgstr "modu honetan ere ezaguna"

#: app/Statistics/Repository/FamilyRepository.php:479
#: app/Statistics/Repository/UserRepository.php:93
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-list-age.phtml:21
#: resources/views/statistics/families/top10-nolist-age.phtml:21
#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:394
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:131
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:230
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:299
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:363
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:433
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:486
msgid "and"
msgstr "eta"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:782
msgctxt "father’s brother’s wife"
msgid "aunt"
msgstr "izeba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:540
msgctxt "father’s sister"
msgid "aunt"
msgstr "izeba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:862
msgctxt "mother’s brother’s wife"
msgid "aunt"
msgstr "izeba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:578
msgctxt "mother’s sister"
msgid "aunt"
msgstr "izeba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:914
msgctxt "parent’s brother’s wife"
msgid "aunt"
msgstr "izeba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:596
msgctxt "parent’s sister"
msgid "aunt"
msgstr "izeba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:538
msgctxt "father’s sibling"
msgid "aunt/uncle"
msgstr "izeba/osaba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:576
msgctxt "mother’s sibling"
msgid "aunt/uncle"
msgstr "izeba/osaba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:594
msgctxt "parent’s sibling"
msgid "aunt/uncle"
msgstr "izeba/osaba"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:86
msgid "automatic"
msgstr "automatikoa"

#: resources/views/modules/faq/show.phtml:32
msgid "back to top"
msgstr "hasierara itzuli"

#: app/Elements/GeneatiqueAct.php:43
msgid "before"
msgstr ""

#. I18N: Gedcom BEF dates
#: app/Date.php:201
#, php-format
msgid "before %s"
msgstr "%saren aitzinetik"

#. I18N: Gedcom BET-AND dates
#: app/Date.php:217
#, php-format
msgid "between %s and %s"
msgstr "%s eta %sren artean"

#. I18N: The name given to an individual at their birth
#: app/Elements/NameType.php:75
msgid "birth name"
msgstr "jaiotza-izena"

#. I18N: Extend privacy to dead individuals who were…
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:108
#, php-format
msgid "born in the last %1$s years or died in the last %2$s years"
msgstr "Azken %1$s urteetan jaio diren edo azkeneko %2$s urteetan hil diren gizabanakoak babestu"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:452
msgid "brother"
msgstr "anaia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:720
msgctxt "brother’s wife’s brother"
msgid "brother-in-law"
msgstr "anaiaren koinatua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:546
msgctxt "husband’s brother"
msgid "brother-in-law"
msgstr "koinatua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:836
msgctxt "husband’s sister’s husband"
msgid "brother-in-law"
msgstr "koinatua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:614
msgctxt "sister’s husband"
msgid "brother-in-law"
msgstr "koinatua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1020
msgctxt "sister’s husband’s brother"
msgid "brother-in-law"
msgstr "arreba/ahizparen koinatua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:626
msgctxt "spouse’s brother"
msgid "brother-in-law"
msgstr "koinatua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:644
msgctxt "wife’s brother"
msgid "brother-in-law"
msgstr "koinatua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1076
msgctxt "wife’s sister’s husband"
msgid "brother-in-law"
msgstr "koinatua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:722
msgctxt "brother’s wife’s sibling"
msgid "brother/sister-in-law"
msgstr "anaiaren koinatu/koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:556
msgctxt "husband’s sibling"
msgid "brother/sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinatu/koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:608
msgctxt "sibling’s spouse"
msgid "brother/sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinatu/koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1022
msgctxt "sister’s husband’s sibling"
msgid "brother/sister-in-law"
msgstr "Arreba/ahizparen koinatu/koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:642
msgctxt "spouse’s sibling"
msgid "brother/sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinatu/koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:654
msgctxt "wife’s sibling"
msgid "brother/sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinatu/koinata"

#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Module/TopSurnamesModule.php:275
msgid "bullet list"
msgstr "bineta zerrenda"

#. I18N: Gedcom CAL dates
#: app/Date.php:189
#, php-format
msgid "calculated %s"
msgstr "%s kalkulatuak"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/analytics-edit.phtml:46
#: resources/views/admin/broadcast.phtml:68
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:171
#: resources/views/admin/email-page.phtml:73
#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:64
#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:76
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:244
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:119
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:84
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1070
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:725
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:291
#: resources/views/contact-page.phtml:83
#: resources/views/edit-blocks-page.phtml:70
#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:92
#: resources/views/edit/edit-fact.phtml:47
#: resources/views/edit/edit-record.phtml:47
#: resources/views/edit/link-child-to-family.phtml:54
#: resources/views/edit/link-spouse-to-individual.phtml:55
#: resources/views/edit/new-individual.phtml:54
#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-fact.phtml:47
#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-record.phtml:75
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-children.phtml:54
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-families.phtml:104
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-media-files.phtml:44
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-media.phtml:43
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-names.phtml:46
#: resources/views/edit/shared-note.phtml:46
#: resources/views/message-page.phtml:71
#: resources/views/modals/create-media-from-file.phtml:65
#: resources/views/modals/footer-save-cancel.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/bing-maps/config.phtml:49
#: resources/views/modules/clippings/add-options.phtml:40
#: resources/views/modules/clippings/download.phtml:40
#: resources/views/modules/custom-css-js/edit.phtml:52
#: resources/views/modules/edit-block-config.phtml:39
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:172
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/edit.phtml:54
#: resources/views/modules/geonames/config.phtml:49
#: resources/views/modules/google-maps/config.phtml:49
#: resources/views/modules/here-maps/config.phtml:49
#: resources/views/modules/map-box/config.phtml:49
#: resources/views/modules/openrouteservice/config.phtml:49
#: resources/views/modules/stories/edit.phtml:76
#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/edit.phtml:54
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "ezeztatu"

#. I18N: Status of child-parent link
#: app/Elements/ChildLinkageStatus.php:65
msgid "challenged"
msgstr "inpugnatua"

#. I18N: A name chosen by an individual, to replace their existing name (whether legal or otherwise)
#: app/Elements/NameType.php:77
msgid "change of name"
msgstr "izen aldaketa"

#. I18N: button label
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:194
#: resources/views/admin/control-panel.phtml:215
msgid "check now"
msgstr "orain egiaztatu"

#: app/Elements/AgeAtEvent.php:90 app/Elements/RoleInEvent.php:78
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:431
msgid "child"
msgstr "seme-alaba"

#. I18N: Type of demographic data
#: app/Elements/DemographicDataType.php:56
msgid "citizen"
msgstr "herritarra"

#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:108
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:129
#: resources/views/components/alert-warning-dismissible.phtml:16
#: resources/views/layouts/administration.phtml:76
#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:128
#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:162
#: resources/views/modals/create-media-from-file.phtml:21
#: resources/views/modals/footer-close.phtml:12
#: resources/views/modals/header.phtml:17
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:58
#: resources/views/modules/privacy-policy/footer.phtml:25
msgid "close"
msgstr "Itxi"

#. I18N: Name of a theme.
#: app/Module/CloudsTheme.php:43
msgid "clouds"
msgstr "hodeiak"

#. I18N: Name of a theme.
#: app/Module/ColorsTheme.php:53
msgid "colors"
msgstr "koloreak"

#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Module/TopSurnamesModule.php:277
msgid "compact list"
msgstr "zerrenda trinkoa"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UpgradeWizardStep.php:291
#: resources/views/admin/import-progress.phtml:40
#: resources/views/admin/map-import-form.phtml:72
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-1.phtml:149
#: resources/views/admin/synchronize-trees.phtml:26
#: resources/views/admin/trees-import.phtml:137
#: resources/views/admin/trees-merge.phtml:59
#: resources/views/admin/trees-renumber.phtml:44
#: resources/views/admin/upgrade/wizard.phtml:40
#: resources/views/forgot-password-page.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/clippings/add-options.phtml:35
#: resources/views/password-request-page.phtml:36
#: resources/views/password-reset-page.phtml:50
#: resources/views/pending-changes-page.phtml:36
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:101
#: resources/views/report-select-page.phtml:40
msgid "continue"
msgstr "jarraitu"

#: app/Elements/GeneatiqueAct.php:40
msgctxt "NOUN"
msgid "copy"
msgstr ""

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/trees-create.phtml:57
msgid "create"
msgstr "sortu"

#. I18N: Type of location hierarchy
#: app/Elements/HierarchicalRelationship.php:59
msgid "cultural"
msgstr "kulturala"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:93
msgid "date periods"
msgstr "daten denbora-tarteak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:429
msgid "daughter"
msgstr "alaba"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:226
msgid "daughter of"
msgstr "honen alaba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:516
msgctxt "child’s wife"
msgid "daughter-in-law"
msgstr "erraina"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:624
msgctxt "son’s wife"
msgid "daughter-in-law"
msgstr "erraina"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1068
msgctxt "son’s wife’s father"
msgid "daughter-in-law’s father"
msgstr "guraskidea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1070
msgctxt "son’s wife’s mother"
msgid "daughter-in-law’s mother"
msgstr "guraskidea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1072
msgctxt "son’s wife’s parent"
msgid "daughter-in-law’s parent"
msgstr "guraskidea"

#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:47
#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:54
msgid "degrees"
msgstr "graduak"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:115
#: resources/views/admin/clean-data.phtml:47
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:129
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:107
#: resources/views/admin/users-cleanup.phtml:78
#: resources/views/admin/webtrees1-thumbnails-form.phtml:35
msgid "delete"
msgstr "ezabatu"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:137
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:365
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "died"
msgstr "hila"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:134
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:435
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "died"
msgstr "hila"

#. I18N: Status of child-parent link
#: app/Elements/ChildLinkageStatus.php:66
msgid "disproven"
msgstr "ezeztatua"

#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:365
#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:373
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-card-header.phtml:32
msgid "down"
msgstr "beheiti"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:110
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:102
#: resources/views/admin/trees-export.phtml:68
#: resources/views/modules/clippings/download.phtml:36
#: resources/views/report-setup-page.phtml:82
#: resources/views/report-setup-page.phtml:95
msgid "download"
msgstr "deskarga"

#: resources/views/modules/descendancy_chart/tree.phtml:19
msgid "d’Aboville number"
msgstr "d’Aboville zenbakia"

#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:141
#: resources/views/family-page-menu.phtml:29
#: resources/views/individual-page-menu.phtml:30
#: resources/views/media-page-menu.phtml:28
#: resources/views/record-page-menu.phtml:23
msgid "edit"
msgstr "editatu"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2339
msgid "eighth cousin"
msgstr "8. lehengusua/lehengusina"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2303
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "eighth cousin"
msgstr "8. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2258
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "eighth cousin"
msgstr "8. lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:447
msgid "elder brother"
msgstr "anaia zaharragoa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:489
msgid "elder sibling"
msgstr "anai-arreba zaharragoak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:468
msgid "elder sister"
msgstr "arreba/ahizpa zaharragoa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2345
msgid "eleventh cousin"
msgstr "hamaikagarren lehengusu/lehengusina"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2309
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "eleventh cousin"
msgstr "hamaikagarren lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2267
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "eleventh cousin"
msgstr "hamaikagarren lehengusua"

#. I18N: A name given to an individual, from the farm or estate on which they lived or worked
#: app/Elements/NameType.php:79
msgid "estate name"
msgstr "etxalde izena"

#. I18N: Gedcom EST dates
#: app/Date.php:193
#, php-format
msgid "estimated %s"
msgstr "%s guti gora behera"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:366
msgid "ex-husband"
msgstr "senar ohia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:413
msgid "ex-spouse"
msgstr "senar-emazte ohia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:390
msgid "ex-wife"
msgstr "emazte ohia"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:153
msgid "export file"
msgstr "artxiboa esportatu"

#: app/Elements/GeneatiqueAct.php:42
msgctxt "NOUN"
msgid "extract"
msgstr ""

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:113
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:6
msgid "facts"
msgstr "gertaerak"

#: app/Elements/RoleInEvent.php:82 app/Services/RelationshipService.php:352
msgid "father"
msgstr "aita"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:552
msgctxt "husband’s father"
msgid "father-in-law"
msgstr "aitaginarreba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:632
msgctxt "spouse’s father"
msgid "father-in-law"
msgstr "aitaginarreba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:650
msgctxt "wife’s father"
msgid "father-in-law"
msgstr "aitaginarreba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:370
msgid "fiancé"
msgstr "senargaia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:417
msgid "fiancé(e)"
msgstr "senargai/emaztegaia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:394
msgid "fiancée"
msgstr "emaztegaia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2353
msgid "fifteenth cousin"
msgstr "hamabostgarren lehengusu/lehengusina"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2317
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "fifteenth cousin"
msgstr "hamabostgarren lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2279
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "fifteenth cousin"
msgstr "hamabostgarren lehengusua"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2434
#, php-format
msgid "fifth %s"
msgstr "bosgarren %s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2412
#, php-format
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "fifth %s"
msgstr "bosgarren %s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2389
#, php-format
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "fifth %s"
msgstr "bosgarren %s"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2333
msgid "fifth cousin"
msgstr "5. lehengusina/lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2297
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "fifth cousin"
msgstr "Bosgarren lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2249
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "fifth cousin"
msgstr "5. lehengusua"

#. I18N: A button label, first page
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:561
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-card-header.phtml:24
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:16
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/pagination.phtml:27
msgid "first"
msgstr "lehenbizikora"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:570
msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name."
msgid "first"
msgstr "lehenbizikoa"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2422
#, php-format
msgid "first %s"
msgstr "lehenbiziko %s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2400
#, php-format
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "first %s"
msgstr "lehenbiziko %s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2377
#, php-format
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "first %s"
msgstr "lehenbiziko %s"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2325
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusua/lehengusina propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2289
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina propioa"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2237
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:776
msgctxt "father’s brother’s child"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "Lehengusina/lehengusu propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:778
msgctxt "father’s brother’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "Lehengusina propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:780
msgctxt "father’s brother’s son"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "Lehengusu propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:820
msgctxt "father’s sister’s child"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:822
msgctxt "father’s sister’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:826
msgctxt "father’s sister’s son"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:856
msgctxt "mother’s brother’s child"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:858
msgctxt "mother’s brother’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:860
msgctxt "mother’s brother’s son"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:906
msgctxt "mother’s sister’s child"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:908
msgctxt "mother’s sister’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:912
msgctxt "mother’s sister’s son"
msgid "first cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu propioa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1156
msgctxt "father’s father’s brother’s child"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba/osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1152
msgctxt "father’s father’s brother’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1154
msgctxt "father’s father’s brother’s son"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1162
msgctxt "father’s father’s sister’s child"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba/osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1158
msgctxt "father’s father’s sister’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1160
msgctxt "father’s father’s sister’s son"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1168
msgctxt "father’s mother’s brother’s child"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba/osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1164
msgctxt "father’s mother’s brother’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1166
msgctxt "father’s mother’s brother’s son"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1174
msgctxt "father’s mother’s sister’s child"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba/osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1170
msgctxt "father’s mother’s sister’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1172
msgctxt "father’s mother’s sister’s son"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1180
msgctxt "mother’s father’s brother’s child"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba/osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1176
msgctxt "mother’s father’s brother’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1178
msgctxt "mother’s father’s brother’s son"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1186
msgctxt "mother’s father’s sister’s child"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba/osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1182
msgctxt "mother’s father’s sister’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1184
msgctxt "mother’s father’s sister’s son"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1192
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s brother’s child"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba/osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1188
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s brother’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1190
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s brother’s son"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1198
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s sister’s child"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba/osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1194
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s sister’s daughter"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "izeba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1196
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s sister’s son"
msgid "first cousin once removed ascending"
msgstr "osaba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2351
msgid "fourteenth cousin"
msgstr "14. lehengusina/lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2315
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "fourteenth cousin"
msgstr "14. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2276
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "fourteenth cousin"
msgstr "14. lehengusua"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2431
#, php-format
msgid "fourth %s"
msgstr "%s iloba txikia"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2409
#, php-format
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "fourth %s"
msgstr "%s iloba txikia"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2386
#, php-format
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "fourth %s"
msgstr "%s iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2331
msgid "fourth cousin"
msgstr "4. lehengusina/lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2295
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "fourth cousin"
msgstr "4. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2246
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "fourth cousin"
msgstr "4. lehengusua"

#. I18N: from 1700 interval 50 years
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:101
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:104
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:107
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:110
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:113
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:116
#, php-format
msgid "from %1$s interval %2$s year"
msgid_plural "from %1$s interval %2$s years"
msgstr[0] "%1$stik hasita %2$s urteko denbora-tartea"
msgstr[1] "%1$stik hasita %2$s urtetako denbora-tartea"

#. I18N: Gedcom FROM dates
#: app/Date.php:209
#, php-format
msgid "from %s"
msgstr "%stik hasita"

#. I18N: Gedcom FROM-TO dates
#: app/Date.php:221
#, php-format
msgid "from %s to %s"
msgstr "%stik hasita %s(e)ra"

#. I18N: layout option for the fan chart
#: app/Module/FanChartModule.php:515
msgid "full circle"
msgstr "Borobil osoa"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:88
msgid "gender"
msgstr "generoa"

#. I18N: Type of location hierarchy
#: app/Elements/HierarchicalRelationship.php:58
msgid "geographic"
msgstr "geografikoa"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/edit/new-individual.phtml:49
msgid "go to new individual"
msgstr "pertsona berrira joan"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:506
msgctxt "child’s child"
msgid "grandchild"
msgstr "biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:518
msgctxt "daughter’s child"
msgid "grandchild"
msgstr "biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:618
msgctxt "son’s child"
msgid "grandchild"
msgstr "biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:508
msgctxt "child’s daughter"
msgid "granddaughter"
msgstr "biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:520
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter"
msgid "granddaughter"
msgstr "biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:620
msgctxt "son’s daughter"
msgid "granddaughter"
msgstr "biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:736
msgctxt "child’s daughter’s husband"
msgid "granddaughter’s husband"
msgstr "bilobaren bikotea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:758
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter’s husband"
msgid "granddaughter’s husband"
msgstr "bilobaren bikotea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1056
msgctxt "son’s daughter’s husband"
msgid "granddaughter’s husband"
msgstr "bilobaren bikotea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:588
msgctxt "parent’s father"
msgid "grandfather"
msgstr "Atautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:590
msgctxt "parent’s mother"
msgid "grandmother"
msgstr "amautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:592
msgctxt "parent’s parent"
msgid "grandparent"
msgstr "atautxi-amautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:512
msgctxt "child’s son"
msgid "grandson"
msgstr "biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:524
msgctxt "daughter’s son"
msgid "grandson"
msgstr "biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:622
msgctxt "son’s son"
msgid "grandson"
msgstr "biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:746
msgctxt "child’s son’s wife"
msgid "grandson’s wife"
msgstr "bilobaren bikotea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:774
msgctxt "daughter’s son’s wife"
msgid "grandson’s wife"
msgstr "bilobaren bikotea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1066
msgctxt "son’s son’s wife"
msgid "grandson’s wife"
msgstr "bilobaren bikotea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1442
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1461
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1473
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1485
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1496
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1512
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s aunt"
msgstr "%s. izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1445
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1464
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1476
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1488
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1499
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1515
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s aunt/uncle"
msgstr "%s. izeba/osaba zaharra"

#. I18N: if you need a different number for %s, contact the developers, as a code-change is required
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2056
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2067
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2078
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2099
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s grandchild"
msgstr "%s. birbiloba"

#. I18N: if you need a different number for %s, contact the developers, as a code-change is required
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2053
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2064
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2075
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2095
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s granddaughter"
msgstr "%s. birbiloba"

#. I18N: if you need a different number for %s, contact the developers, as a code-change is required
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1890
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1904
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1916
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1927
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1940
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1956
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s grandfather"
msgstr "%s. birratautxia"

#. I18N: if you need a different number for %s, contact the developers, as a code-change is required
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1894
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1908
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1920
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1931
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1945
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1961
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s grandmother"
msgstr "%s. birramautxia"

#. I18N: if you need a different number for %s, contact the developers, as a code-change is required
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1897
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1911
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1923
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1934
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1949
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1965
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s grandparent"
msgstr "%s. birratautxia/birramautxia"

#. I18N: if you need a different number for %s, contact the developers, as a code-change is required
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2049
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2060
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2072
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2090
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s grandson"
msgstr "%s. birbiloba"

#. I18N: if you need a different number for %s, contact the developers, as a code-change is required
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1773
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1785
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1801
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s nephew"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1673
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1708
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1744
#, php-format
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great ×(%s-1) grandson"
msgid "great ×%s nephew"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1677
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1712
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1747
#, php-format
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great ×(%s-1) grandson"
msgid "great ×%s nephew"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1680
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1715
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1750
#, php-format
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great ×%s nephew"
msgid "great ×%s nephew"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1780
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1792
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1808
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s nephew/niece"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1696
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1731
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1763
#, php-format
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great ×(%s-1) grandchild"
msgid "great ×%s nephew/niece"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1700
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1735
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1766
#, php-format
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great ×(%s-1) grandchild"
msgid "great ×%s nephew/niece"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1703
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1738
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1769
#, php-format
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great ×%s nephew/niece"
msgid "great ×%s nephew/niece"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1777
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1789
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1805
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s niece"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1685
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1720
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1754
#, php-format
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great ×(%s-1) granddaughter"
msgid "great ×%s niece"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1689
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1724
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1757
#, php-format
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great ×(%s-1) granddaughter"
msgid "great ×%s niece"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1692
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1727
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1760
#, php-format
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great ×%s niece"
msgid "great ×%s niece"
msgstr "%s. iloba txikia"

#. I18N: if you need a different number for %s, contact the developers, as a code-change is required
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1438
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1469
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1481
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1493
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1508
#, php-format
msgid "great ×%s uncle"
msgstr "%s. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1450
#, php-format
msgctxt "great ×(%s-1) grandfather’s brother"
msgid "great ×%s uncle"
msgstr "%s. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1454
#, php-format
msgctxt "great ×(%s-1) grandmother’s brother"
msgid "great ×%s uncle"
msgstr "%s. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1457
#, php-format
msgctxt "great ×(%s-1) grandparent’s brother"
msgid "great ×%s uncle"
msgstr "%s. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1368
msgid "great ×4 aunt"
msgstr "4. izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1371
msgid "great ×4 aunt/uncle"
msgstr "4. osaba-izeba zaharrak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2004
msgid "great ×4 grandchild"
msgstr "Laugarren biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2001
msgid "great ×4 granddaughter"
msgstr "4. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1840
msgid "great ×4 grandfather"
msgstr "4. atautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1844
msgid "great ×4 grandmother"
msgstr "4. amautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1847
msgid "great ×4 grandparent"
msgstr "4. atautxi-amautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1997
msgid "great ×4 grandson"
msgstr "4. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1597
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great-great-great-grandson"
msgid "great ×4 nephew"
msgstr "4. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1601
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great-great-great-grandson"
msgid "great ×4 nephew"
msgstr "4. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1604
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great ×4 nephew"
msgid "great ×4 nephew"
msgstr "4. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1620
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great-great-great-grandchild"
msgid "great ×4 nephew/niece"
msgstr "4. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1624
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great-great-great-grandchild"
msgid "great ×4 nephew/niece"
msgstr "4. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1627
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great ×4 nephew/niece"
msgid "great ×4 nephew/niece"
msgstr "4. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1609
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great-great-great-granddaughter"
msgid "great ×4 niece"
msgstr "4. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1613
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great-great-great-granddaughter"
msgid "great ×4 niece"
msgstr "4. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1616
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great ×4 niece"
msgid "great ×4 niece"
msgstr "4. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1357
msgctxt "great-great-great-grandfather’s brother"
msgid "great ×4 uncle"
msgstr "4. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1361
msgctxt "great-great-great-grandmother’s brother"
msgid "great ×4 uncle"
msgstr "4. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1364
msgctxt "great-great-great-grandparent’s brother"
msgid "great ×4 uncle"
msgstr "4. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1387
msgid "great ×5 aunt"
msgstr "5. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1390
msgid "great ×5 aunt/uncle"
msgstr "5. osaba-izeba zaharrak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2015
msgid "great ×5 grandchild"
msgstr "5. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2012
msgid "great ×5 granddaughter"
msgstr "5. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1851
msgid "great ×5 grandfather"
msgstr "5. atautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1855
msgid "great ×5 grandmother"
msgstr "5. amautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1858
msgid "great ×5 grandparent"
msgstr "5. atautxi-amautxiak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2008
msgid "great ×5 grandson"
msgstr "5. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1632
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great ×4 grandson"
msgid "great ×5 nephew"
msgstr "5. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1636
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great ×4 grandson"
msgid "great ×5 nephew"
msgstr "5. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1639
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great ×5 nephew"
msgid "great ×5 nephew"
msgstr "5. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1655
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great ×4 grandchild"
msgid "great ×5 nephew/niece"
msgstr "5. iloba txikiak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1659
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great ×4 grandchild"
msgid "great ×5 nephew/niece"
msgstr "5. iloba txikiak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1662
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great ×5 nephew/niece"
msgid "great ×5 nephew/niece"
msgstr "5. iloba txikiak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1644
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great ×4 granddaughter"
msgid "great ×5 niece"
msgstr "5. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1648
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great ×4 granddaughter"
msgid "great ×5 niece"
msgstr "5. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1651
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great ×5 niece"
msgid "great ×5 niece"
msgstr "5. iloba txikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1376
msgctxt "great ×4 grandfather’s brother"
msgid "great ×5 uncle"
msgstr "5. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1380
msgctxt "great ×4 grandmother’s brother"
msgid "great ×5 uncle"
msgstr "5. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1383
msgctxt "great ×4 grandparent’s brother"
msgid "great ×5 uncle"
msgstr "5. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1406
msgid "great ×6 aunt"
msgstr "6. osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1409
msgid "great ×6 aunt/uncle"
msgstr "6. osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2026
msgid "great ×6 grandchild"
msgstr "6. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2023
msgid "great ×6 granddaughter"
msgstr "6. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1862
msgid "great ×6 grandfather"
msgstr "6. atautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1866
msgid "great ×6 grandmother"
msgstr "6. amautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1869
msgid "great ×6 grandparent"
msgstr "6. atautxi-amautxiak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2019
msgid "great ×6 grandson"
msgstr "6. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1395
msgctxt "great ×5 grandfather’s brother"
msgid "great ×6 uncle"
msgstr "6. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1399
msgctxt "great ×5 grandmother’s brother"
msgid "great ×6 uncle"
msgstr "6. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1402
msgctxt "great ×5 grandparent’s brother"
msgid "great ×6 uncle"
msgstr "6. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1425
msgid "great ×7 aunt"
msgstr "6. izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1428
msgid "great ×7 aunt/uncle"
msgstr "7. osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2037
msgid "great ×7 grandchild"
msgstr "7. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2034
msgid "great ×7 granddaughter"
msgstr "7. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1873
msgid "great ×7 grandfather"
msgstr "7. atautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1877
msgid "great ×7 grandmother"
msgstr "7. amautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1880
msgid "great ×7 grandparent"
msgstr "7. atautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2030
msgid "great ×7 grandson"
msgstr "7. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1414
msgctxt "great ×6 grandfather’s brother"
msgid "great ×7 uncle"
msgstr "7. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1418
msgctxt "great ×6 grandmother’s brother"
msgid "great ×7 uncle"
msgstr "7. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1421
msgctxt "great ×6 grandparent’s brother"
msgid "great ×7 uncle"
msgstr "7. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1098
msgctxt "father’s father’s brother’s wife"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:794
msgctxt "father’s father’s sister"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1104
msgctxt "father’s mother’s brother’s wife"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:806
msgctxt "father’s mother’s sister"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1110
msgctxt "father’s parent’s brother’s wife"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:818
msgctxt "father’s parent’s sister"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1116
msgctxt "mother’s father’s brother’s wife"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:874
msgctxt "mother’s father’s sister"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1122
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s brother’s wife"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:892
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s sister"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1128
msgctxt "mother’s parent’s brother’s wife"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:904
msgctxt "mother’s parent’s sister"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1134
msgctxt "parent’s father’s brother’s wife"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:926
msgctxt "parent’s father’s sister"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1140
msgctxt "parent’s mother’s brother’s wife"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:938
msgctxt "parent’s mother’s sister"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1146
msgctxt "parent’s parent’s brother’s wife"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:950
msgctxt "parent’s parent’s sister"
msgid "great-aunt"
msgstr "izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:792
msgctxt "father’s father’s sibling"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1100
msgctxt "father’s father’s sibling’s spouse"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:804
msgctxt "father’s mother’s sibling"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1106
msgctxt "father’s mother’s sibling’s spouse"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:816
msgctxt "father’s parent’s sibling"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1112
msgctxt "father’s parent’s sibling’s spouse"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:872
msgctxt "mother’s father’s sibling"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1118
msgctxt "mother’s father’s sibling’s spouse"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:890
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s sibling"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1124
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s sibling’s spouse"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:902
msgctxt "mother’s parent’s sibling"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1130
msgctxt "mother’s parent’s sibling’s spouse"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:924
msgctxt "parent’s father’s sibling"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1136
msgctxt "parent’s father’s sibling’s spouse"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:936
msgctxt "parent’s mother’s sibling"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1142
msgctxt "parent’s mother’s sibling’s spouse"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:948
msgctxt "parent’s parent’s sibling"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1148
msgctxt "parent’s parent’s sibling’s spouse"
msgid "great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:726
msgctxt "child’s child’s child"
msgid "great-grandchild"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:732
msgctxt "child’s daughter’s child"
msgid "great-grandchild"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:740
msgctxt "child’s son’s child"
msgid "great-grandchild"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:748
msgctxt "daughter’s child’s child"
msgid "great-grandchild"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:754
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter’s child"
msgid "great-grandchild"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:768
msgctxt "daughter’s son’s child"
msgid "great-grandchild"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1046
msgctxt "son’s child’s child"
msgid "great-grandchild"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1052
msgctxt "son’s daughter’s child"
msgid "great-grandchild"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1060
msgctxt "son’s son’s child"
msgid "great-grandchild"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:728
msgctxt "child’s child’s daughter"
msgid "great-granddaughter"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:734
msgctxt "child’s daughter’s daughter"
msgid "great-granddaughter"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:742
msgctxt "child’s son’s daughter"
msgid "great-granddaughter"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:750
msgctxt "daughter’s child’s daughter"
msgid "great-granddaughter"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:756
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter’s daughter"
msgid "great-granddaughter"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:770
msgctxt "daughter’s son’s daughter"
msgid "great-granddaughter"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1048
msgctxt "son’s child’s daughter"
msgid "great-granddaughter"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1054
msgctxt "son’s daughter’s daughter"
msgid "great-granddaughter"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1062
msgctxt "son’s son’s daughter"
msgid "great-granddaughter"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:786
msgctxt "father’s father’s father"
msgid "great-grandfather"
msgstr "birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:798
msgctxt "father’s mother’s father"
msgid "great-grandfather"
msgstr "birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:810
msgctxt "father’s parent’s father"
msgid "great-grandfather"
msgstr "birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:866
msgctxt "mother’s father’s father"
msgid "great-grandfather"
msgstr "birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:884
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s father"
msgid "great-grandfather"
msgstr "birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:896
msgctxt "mother’s parent’s father"
msgid "great-grandfather"
msgstr "birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:918
msgctxt "parent’s father’s father"
msgid "great-grandfather"
msgstr "birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:930
msgctxt "parent’s mother’s father"
msgid "great-grandfather"
msgstr "birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:942
msgctxt "parent’s parent’s father"
msgid "great-grandfather"
msgstr "birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:788
msgctxt "father’s father’s mother"
msgid "great-grandmother"
msgstr "birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:800
msgctxt "father’s mother’s mother"
msgid "great-grandmother"
msgstr "birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:812
msgctxt "father’s parent’s mother"
msgid "great-grandmother"
msgstr "birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:868
msgctxt "mother’s father’s mother"
msgid "great-grandmother"
msgstr "birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:886
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s mother"
msgid "great-grandmother"
msgstr "birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:898
msgctxt "mother’s parent’s mother"
msgid "great-grandmother"
msgstr "birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:920
msgctxt "parent’s father’s mother"
msgid "great-grandmother"
msgstr "birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:932
msgctxt "parent’s mother’s mother"
msgid "great-grandmother"
msgstr "birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:944
msgctxt "parent’s parent’s mother"
msgid "great-grandmother"
msgstr "birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:790
msgctxt "father’s father’s parent"
msgid "great-grandparent"
msgstr "birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:802
msgctxt "father’s mother’s parent"
msgid "great-grandparent"
msgstr "birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:814
msgctxt "father’s parent’s parent"
msgid "great-grandparent"
msgstr "birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:870
msgctxt "mother’s father’s parent"
msgid "great-grandparent"
msgstr "birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:888
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s parent"
msgid "great-grandparent"
msgstr "birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:900
msgctxt "mother’s parent’s parent"
msgid "great-grandparent"
msgstr "birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:922
msgctxt "parent’s father’s parent"
msgid "great-grandparent"
msgstr "birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:934
msgctxt "parent’s mother’s parent"
msgid "great-grandparent"
msgstr "birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:946
msgctxt "parent’s parent’s parent"
msgid "great-grandparent"
msgstr "birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:730
msgctxt "child’s child’s son"
msgid "great-grandson"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:738
msgctxt "child’s daughter’s son"
msgid "great-grandson"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:744
msgctxt "child’s son’s son"
msgid "great-grandson"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:752
msgctxt "daughter’s child’s son"
msgid "great-grandson"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:760
msgctxt "daughter’s daughter’s son"
msgid "great-grandson"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:772
msgctxt "daughter’s son’s son"
msgid "great-grandson"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1050
msgctxt "son’s child’s son"
msgid "great-grandson"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1058
msgctxt "son’s daughter’s son"
msgid "great-grandson"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1064
msgctxt "son’s son’s son"
msgid "great-grandson"
msgstr "birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1330
msgid "great-great-aunt"
msgstr "2. izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1333
msgid "great-great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "2. osaba-izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1982
msgid "great-great-grandchild"
msgstr "2. birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1979
msgid "great-great-granddaughter"
msgstr "2. birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1818
msgid "great-great-grandfather"
msgstr "2. birratautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1822
msgid "great-great-grandmother"
msgstr "2. birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1825
msgid "great-great-grandparent"
msgstr "2. birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1975
msgid "great-great-grandson"
msgstr "3. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1349
msgid "great-great-great-aunt"
msgstr "3. izeba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1352
msgid "great-great-great-aunt/uncle"
msgstr "3. izeba-osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1993
msgid "great-great-great-grandchild"
msgstr "3. birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1990
msgid "great-great-great-granddaughter"
msgstr "3. birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1829
msgid "great-great-great-grandfather"
msgstr "3. birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1833
msgid "great-great-great-grandmother"
msgstr "3. birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1836
msgid "great-great-great-grandparent"
msgstr "3. birratautxia-birramautxia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1986
msgid "great-great-great-grandson"
msgstr "4. birbiloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1562
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great-great-grandson"
msgid "great-great-great-nephew"
msgstr "anaiaren 3. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1566
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great-great-grandson"
msgid "great-great-great-nephew"
msgstr "arrebaren 3. biloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1569
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great-great-great-nephew"
msgid "great-great-great-nephew"
msgstr "3. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1585
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great-great-grandchild"
msgid "great-great-great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "3. biloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1589
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great-great-grandchild"
msgid "great-great-great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "3. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1592
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great-great-great-nephew/niece"
msgid "great-great-great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "3. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1574
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great-great-granddaughter"
msgid "great-great-great-niece"
msgstr "3. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1578
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great-great-granddaughter"
msgid "great-great-great-niece"
msgstr "3. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1581
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great-great-great-niece"
msgid "great-great-great-niece"
msgstr "3. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1338
msgctxt "great-great-grandfather’s brother"
msgid "great-great-great-uncle"
msgstr "3. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1342
msgctxt "great-great-grandmother’s brother"
msgid "great-great-great-uncle"
msgstr "3. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1345
msgctxt "great-great-grandparent’s brother"
msgid "great-great-great-uncle"
msgstr "3. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1527
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great-grandson"
msgid "great-great-nephew"
msgstr "2. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1531
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great-grandson"
msgid "great-great-nephew"
msgstr "2. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1534
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great-great-nephew"
msgid "great-great-nephew"
msgstr "2. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1550
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great-grandchild"
msgid "great-great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "2. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1554
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great-grandchild"
msgid "great-great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "2. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1557
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great-great-nephew/niece"
msgid "great-great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "2. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1539
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s great-granddaughter"
msgid "great-great-niece"
msgstr "2. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1543
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s great-granddaughter"
msgid "great-great-niece"
msgstr "2. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1546
msgctxt "(a woman’s) great-great-niece"
msgid "great-great-niece"
msgstr "2. iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1319
msgctxt "great-grandfather’s brother"
msgid "great-great-uncle"
msgstr "2. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1323
msgctxt "great-grandmother’s brother"
msgid "great-great-uncle"
msgstr "2. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1326
msgctxt "great-grandparent’s brother"
msgid "great-great-uncle"
msgstr "2. osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:675
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s child’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:695
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s daughter’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:713
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s son’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:995
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s child’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1015
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s daughter’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1039
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s son’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:678
msgctxt "(a woman’s) brother’s child’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:698
msgctxt "(a woman’s) brother’s daughter’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:716
msgctxt "(a woman’s) brother’s son’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:998
msgctxt "(a woman’s) sister’s child’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1018
msgctxt "(a woman’s) sister’s daughter’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1042
msgctxt "(a woman’s) sister’s son’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:964
msgctxt "sibling’s child’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:972
msgctxt "sibling’s daughter’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:978
msgctxt "sibling’s son’s son"
msgid "great-nephew"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:663
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s child’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:681
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s daughter’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:701
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s son’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:983
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s child’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1001
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s daughter’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1027
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s son’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:666
msgctxt "(a woman’s) brother’s child’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:684
msgctxt "(a woman’s) brother’s daughter’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:704
msgctxt "(a woman’s) brother’s son’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:986
msgctxt "(a woman’s) sister’s child’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1004
msgctxt "(a woman’s) sister’s daughter’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1030
msgctxt "(a woman’s) sister’s son’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:960
msgctxt "sibling’s child’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:966
msgctxt "sibling’s daughter’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:974
msgctxt "sibling’s son’s child"
msgid "great-nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:669
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s child’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:687
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s daughter’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:707
msgctxt "(a man’s) brother’s son’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:989
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s child’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1007
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s daughter’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1033
msgctxt "(a man’s) sister’s son’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:672
msgctxt "(a woman’s) brother’s child’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:690
msgctxt "(a woman’s) brother’s daughter’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:710
msgctxt "(a woman’s) brother’s son’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:992
msgctxt "(a woman’s) sister’s child’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1010
msgctxt "(a woman’s) sister’s daughter’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1036
msgctxt "(a woman’s) sister’s son’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:962
msgctxt "sibling’s child’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:968
msgctxt "sibling’s daughter’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:976
msgctxt "sibling’s son’s daughter"
msgid "great-niece"
msgstr "iloba ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:784
msgctxt "father’s father’s brother"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1102
msgctxt "father’s father’s sister’s husband"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:796
msgctxt "father’s mother’s brother"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1108
msgctxt "father’s mother’s sister’s husband"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:808
msgctxt "father’s parent’s brother"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1114
msgctxt "father’s parent’s sister’s husband"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:864
msgctxt "mother’s father’s brother"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1120
msgctxt "mother’s father’s sister’s husband"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:882
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s brother"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1126
msgctxt "mother’s mother’s sister’s husband"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:894
msgctxt "mother’s parent’s brother"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1132
msgctxt "mother’s parent’s sister’s husband"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:916
msgctxt "parent’s father’s brother"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1138
msgctxt "parent’s father’s sister’s husband"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:928
msgctxt "parent’s mother’s brother"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1144
msgctxt "parent’s mother’s sister’s husband"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:940
msgctxt "parent’s parent’s brother"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1150
msgctxt "parent’s parent’s sister’s husband"
msgid "great-uncle"
msgstr "osaba zaharra"

#. I18N: layout option for the fan chart
#: app/Module/FanChartModule.php:511
msgid "half circle"
msgstr "borobil erdia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:542
msgctxt "father’s son"
msgid "half-brother"
msgstr "anaiordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:580
msgctxt "mother’s son"
msgid "half-brother"
msgstr "anaiordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:598
msgctxt "parent’s son"
msgid "half-brother"
msgstr "anaiordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:528
msgctxt "father’s child"
msgid "half-sibling"
msgstr "anaia/arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:564
msgctxt "mother’s child"
msgid "half-sibling"
msgstr "anaia/arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:584
msgctxt "parent’s child"
msgid "half-sibling"
msgstr "anaia/arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:530
msgctxt "father’s daughter"
msgid "half-sister"
msgstr "arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:566
msgctxt "mother’s daughter"
msgid "half-sister"
msgstr "ahizpaorde/arrebaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:586
msgctxt "parent’s daughter"
msgid "half-sister"
msgstr "ahizpaorde/arrebaordea"

#. I18N: reflexive pronoun
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:245
msgid "herself"
msgstr "bera"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:152
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:70 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:84
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:98 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:110
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:124 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:138
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:152 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:166
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:200 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:214
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:228 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:242
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:258 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:292
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:306 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:320
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:354 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:367
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:381 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:395
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:434 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:468
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:482 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:496
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:514 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:532
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:546 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:564
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:578 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:592
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:606 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:620
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:634 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:648
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:662 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:676
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:690 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:704
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:718 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:772
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:806 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:820
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:834 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:848
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:862 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:876
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:912 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:930
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:296
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:373
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:386
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:400
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:518
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:617
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:630
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:61
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:72
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:91
#: resources/views/login-page.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-in.phtml:34
#: resources/views/password-reset-page.phtml:37
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:76
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:119
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:85
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:85
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:83
msgid "hide"
msgstr "gorde"

#. I18N: reflexive pronoun
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:242
msgid "himself"
msgstr "bera"

#. I18N: Type of demographic data
#: app/Elements/DemographicDataType.php:55
msgid "household"
msgstr "etxea"

#: app/Elements/RoleInEvent.php:79 app/Services/RelationshipService.php:368
msgid "husband"
msgstr "senarra"

#. I18N: A name taken on immigration - e.g. migrants to the USA frequently anglicized their names
#: app/Elements/NameType.php:81
msgid "immigration name"
msgstr "inmigrazio izena"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/locations.phtml:166
msgid "import file"
msgstr "artxiboa garraiatu"

#: app/Elements/AgeAtEvent.php:93
msgid "infant"
msgstr "haurra"

#: app/Elements/NoteStructure.php:65
msgid "inline note"
msgstr "oharra linean"

#. I18N: Gedcom INT dates
#: app/Date.php:197
#, php-format
msgid "interpreted %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s interpretatuak (%s)"

#. I18N: reverse the selection (of a list of options)
#: resources/views/search-trees.phtml:54
msgid "invert selection"
msgstr "aukeraketa inbertitu"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:173
msgctxt "GENITIVE"
msgid "jours complementaires"
msgstr "egun osagarriak"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:267
msgid "jours complementaires"
msgstr "egun osagarriak"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:220
msgctxt "LOCATIVE"
msgid "jours complementaires"
msgstr "egun osagarriak"

#. I18N: a month in the French republican calendar
#: app/Date/FrenchDate.php:126
msgctxt "NOMINATIVE"
msgid "jours complementaires"
msgstr "egun osagarriak"

#. I18N: A button label, last page
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:561
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-card-header.phtml:36
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:18
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/pagination.phtml:55
msgid "last"
msgstr "azkena"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:570
msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name."
msgid "last"
msgstr "azkenekora"

#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:362
#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:370
msgid "left"
msgstr "ezkerra"

#. I18N: Layout option for lists of names
#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:90
#: app/Module/OnThisDayModule.php:268 app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:259
#: app/Module/TopGivenNamesModule.php:184
#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:316
#: app/Module/YahrzeitModule.php:260
msgid "list"
msgstr "zerrenda"

#: app/Elements/GeneatiqueAct.php:39
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:58
msgid "local"
msgstr ""

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/MapDataImportAction.php:193
#, php-format
msgid "locations updated: %s, locations added: %s"
msgstr "eguneratutako ubikazioak: %s, gehitutako ubikazioak: %s"

#. I18N: A woman’s name, before she marries (in cultures where women take their new husband’s name on marriage)
#: app/Elements/NameType.php:83
msgid "maiden name"
msgstr "ezkongabetako izena"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:127
msgid "managers"
msgstr "begiraleak"

#. I18N:
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:108
msgid "markdown"
msgstr "markdown"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:245
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "married"
msgstr "ezkondua"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:176
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "married"
msgstr "ezkondua"

#. I18N: A name taken on marriage - usually the wife takes the husband’s surname
#: app/Elements/NameType.php:85
msgid "married name"
msgstr "ezkongabetako izena"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:568
msgctxt "mother’s father"
msgid "maternal grandfather"
msgstr "atautxia (amaren aldetik)"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:572
msgctxt "mother’s mother"
msgid "maternal grandmother"
msgstr "amautxia (amaren aldetik)"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:574
msgctxt "mother’s parent"
msgid "maternal grandparent"
msgstr "atautxi-amautxiak (amaren aldetik)"

#. I18N: A system where children take their mother’s surname
#: app/SurnameTradition/MatrilinealSurnameTradition.php:39
msgid "matrilineal"
msgstr "ama-lerrokoa"

#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:27
#: resources/views/modules/upcoming_events/config.phtml:27
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/config.phtml:25
#, php-format
msgid "maximum %s day"
msgid_plural "maximum %s days"
msgstr[0] "egun bat gehienez"
msgstr[1] "%s egun gehienez"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:37
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:56
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:87
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:126
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:146
msgid "members"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak"

#. I18N: Name of a theme.
#: app/Module/MinimalTheme.php:39
msgid "minimal"
msgstr "soila"

#: app/Elements/RoleInEvent.php:81 app/Services/RelationshipService.php:350
msgid "mother"
msgstr "ama"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:554
msgctxt "husband’s mother"
msgid "mother-in-law"
msgstr "amaginarreba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:634
msgctxt "spouse’s mother"
msgid "mother-in-law"
msgstr "amaginarreba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:652
msgctxt "wife’s mother"
msgid "mother-in-law"
msgstr "amaginarreba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:640
msgctxt "spouse’s parent"
msgid "mother/father-in-law"
msgstr "amaginarreba/aitaginarreba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:502
msgctxt "brother’s son"
msgid "nephew"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:854
msgctxt "husband’s brother’s son"
msgid "nephew"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:850
msgctxt "husband’s sibling’s son"
msgid "nephew"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:852
msgctxt "husband’s sister’s son"
msgid "nephew"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:606
msgctxt "sibling’s son"
msgid "nephew"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:616
msgctxt "sister’s son"
msgid "nephew"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1094
msgctxt "wife’s brother’s son"
msgid "nephew"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1090
msgctxt "wife’s sibling’s son"
msgid "nephew"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1092
msgctxt "wife’s sister’s son"
msgid "nephew"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:692
msgctxt "brother’s daughter’s husband"
msgid "nephew-in-law"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:970
msgctxt "sibling’s daughter’s husband"
msgid "nephew-in-law"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1012
msgctxt "sisters’s daughter’s husband"
msgid "nephew-in-law"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:498
msgctxt "brother’s child"
msgid "nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:842
msgctxt "husband’s brother’s child"
msgid "nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:838
msgctxt "husband’s sibling’s child"
msgid "nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:840
msgctxt "husband’s sister’s child"
msgid "nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:602
msgctxt "sibling’s child"
msgid "nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:610
msgctxt "sister’s child"
msgid "nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1082
msgctxt "wife’s brother’s child"
msgid "nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1078
msgctxt "wife’s sibling’s child"
msgid "nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1080
msgctxt "wife’s sister’s child"
msgid "nephew/niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:73
msgid "network"
msgstr ""

#. I18N: A button label, next page
#: resources/views/admin/data-fix-select.phtml:50
#: resources/views/individual-page-images.phtml:53
#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:159
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:20
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/pagination.phtml:47
#: resources/views/setup/step-1-language.phtml:61
#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:89
#: resources/views/setup/step-3-database-type.phtml:95
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:150
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:115
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlite.phtml:91
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:115
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:106
msgid "next"
msgstr "hurrengoa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:500
msgctxt "brother’s daughter"
msgid "niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:848
msgctxt "husband’s brother’s daughter"
msgid "niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:844
msgctxt "husband’s sibling’s daughter"
msgid "niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:846
msgctxt "husband’s sister’s daughter"
msgid "niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:604
msgctxt "sibling’s daughter"
msgid "niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:612
msgctxt "sister’s daughter"
msgid "niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1088
msgctxt "wife’s brother’s daughter"
msgid "niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1084
msgctxt "wife’s sibling’s daughter"
msgid "niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1086
msgctxt "wife’s sister’s daughter"
msgid "niece"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:718
msgctxt "brother’s son’s wife"
msgid "niece-in-law"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:980
msgctxt "sibling’s son’s wife"
msgid "niece-in-law"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1044
msgctxt "sisters’s son’s wife"
msgid "niece-in-law"
msgstr "iloba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2341
msgid "ninth cousin"
msgstr "9. lehengusu/lehengusina"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2305
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "ninth cousin"
msgstr "9. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2261
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "ninth cousin"
msgstr "9. lehengusua"

#: app/Elements/OrdinanceProcessFlag.php:55
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserListData.php:138
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserListData.php:139
#: app/Statistics/Repository/LatestUserRepository.php:144
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:124
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:102
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:54
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:69
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:143
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:309
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:531
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:545
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:604
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:710
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:232
#: resources/views/modules/fix-search-and-replace/options.phtml:56
#: resources/views/modules/html/config.phtml:56
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:42
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:51
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:63
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:72
#: resources/views/modules/review_changes/config.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/todays_events/config.phtml:24
#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:45
#: resources/views/modules/upcoming_events/config.phtml:36
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:255
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:426
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:609
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:953
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:190
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:178
msgid "no"
msgstr "ez"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:112
#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:476
#: app/Services/EmailService.php:205
#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:83
msgid "none"
msgstr "bakarrik ere"

#: app/SurnameTradition/DefaultSurnameTradition.php:57
msgctxt "Surname tradition"
msgid "none"
msgstr "deus"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:126
msgid "numbers"
msgstr "zenbakiak"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:56
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:42
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:32
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:35
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:45
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:33
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:43
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:44
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:89
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:89
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:31
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:38
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:51
msgid "of"
msgstr "ren"

#: app/Elements/GeneatiqueAct.php:38
msgid "online"
msgstr ""

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:354
msgid "parent"
msgstr "gurasoak"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:424
msgid "partner"
msgstr "bikotea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:401
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "partner"
msgstr "bikotekidea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:377
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "partner"
msgstr "bikotekidea"

#: app/SurnameTradition/PaternalSurnameTradition.php:38
msgctxt "Surname tradition"
msgid "paternal"
msgstr "patronimikoa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:532
msgctxt "father’s father"
msgid "paternal grandfather"
msgstr "atautxi (aitaren aldetik)"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:534
msgctxt "father’s mother"
msgid "paternal grandmother"
msgstr "amautxia (aitaren aldetik)"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:536
msgctxt "father’s parent"
msgid "paternal grandparent"
msgstr "atautxi-amautxiak (aitaren aldetik)"

#. I18N: A system where children take their father’s surname
#: app/SurnameTradition/PatrilinealSurnameTradition.php:39
msgid "patrilineal"
msgstr "aita-lerrokoa"

#. I18N: the status of an edit accepted/rejected/pending
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChangesLogPage.php:120
msgid "pending"
msgstr "egiteke"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:131
msgid "percentage"
msgstr "portzentaia"

#: app/Elements/GeneatiqueAct.php:41
msgid "photocopy"
msgstr ""

#. I18N:
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:106
msgid "plain text"
msgstr "formatorik gabeko testoa"

#. I18N: Type of location hierarchy
#: app/Elements/HierarchicalRelationship.php:56
msgid "political"
msgstr "politikoa"

#. I18N: A button label, previous page
#: resources/views/individual-page-images.phtml:49
#: resources/views/layouts/default.phtml:158
#: resources/views/lists/datatables-attributes.phtml:22
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/pagination.phtml:35
#: resources/views/setup/step-2-server-checks.phtml:93
#: resources/views/setup/step-3-database-type.phtml:99
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:154
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:119
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlite.phtml:95
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:119
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:110
msgid "previous"
msgstr "aitzinekoa"

#. I18N: Quality of source information - GEDCOM tag “QUAY 3”
#: app/Elements/CertaintyAssessment.php:52
msgid "primary evidence"
msgstr "jatorrizko iturria"

#. I18N: Status of child-parent link
#: app/Elements/ChildLinkageStatus.php:67
msgid "proven"
msgstr "frogatua"

#. I18N: Quality of source information - GEDCOM tag “QUAY 1”
#: app/Elements/CertaintyAssessment.php:50
msgid "questionable evidence"
msgstr "zalantzazko iturria"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:114
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:6
msgid "records"
msgstr "erregistroak"

#: resources/views/family-page-pending.phtml:25
#: resources/views/individual-page-pending.phtml:29
#: resources/views/media-page-pending.phtml:24
#: resources/views/note-page-pending.phtml:25
#: resources/views/record-page-pending.phtml:25
msgctxt "You should review the changes and then accept or reject them."
msgid "reject"
msgstr "errefusatu"

#: resources/views/family-page-pending.phtml:19
#: resources/views/individual-page-pending.phtml:20
#: resources/views/media-page-pending.phtml:18
#: resources/views/note-page-pending.phtml:19
#: resources/views/record-page-pending.phtml:19
msgctxt "You should review the deletion and then accept or reject it."
msgid "reject"
msgstr "errefusatu"

#. I18N: the status of an edit accepted/rejected/pending
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChangesLogPage.php:118
msgid "rejected"
msgstr "errefusatua"

#. I18N: Type of location hierarchy
#: app/Elements/HierarchicalRelationship.php:57
msgid "religious"
msgstr "erlijiozkoa"

#. I18N: A name taken when entering a religion or a religious order
#: app/Elements/NameType.php:87
msgid "religious name"
msgstr "erlijiozko izena"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/search-replace-page.phtml:53
msgid "replace"
msgstr "ordeztu ezazu"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:106
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:97
#: resources/views/modules/lifespans-chart/page.phtml:79
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:87
#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/page.phtml:44
msgid "reset"
msgstr "berrabiarazi"

#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:363
#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:371
msgid "right"
msgstr "eskuina"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/analytics-edit.phtml:41
#: resources/views/admin/components.phtml:166
#: resources/views/admin/location-edit.phtml:60
#: resources/views/admin/merge-records-step-2.phtml:178
#: resources/views/admin/modules.phtml:295
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:239
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:114
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:79
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1066
#: resources/views/admin/trees-export.phtml:42
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:721
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:286
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:84
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:349
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:162
#: resources/views/edit-blocks-page.phtml:65
#: resources/views/edit/change-family-members.phtml:87
#: resources/views/edit/edit-fact.phtml:41
#: resources/views/edit/edit-record.phtml:41
#: resources/views/edit/link-child-to-family.phtml:49
#: resources/views/edit/link-spouse-to-individual.phtml:50
#: resources/views/edit/new-individual.phtml:44
#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-fact.phtml:43
#: resources/views/edit/raw-gedcom-record.phtml:71
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-children.phtml:44
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-families.phtml:99
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-media-files.phtml:39
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-media.phtml:38
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-names.phtml:41
#: resources/views/edit/shared-note.phtml:41
#: resources/views/modals/create-media-from-file.phtml:61
#: resources/views/modals/footer-save-cancel.phtml:12
#: resources/views/modules/bing-maps/config.phtml:44
#: resources/views/modules/custom-css-js/edit.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/edit-block-config.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modules/faq/edit.phtml:90
#: resources/views/modules/favorites/favorites.phtml:176
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/edit.phtml:50
#: resources/views/modules/geonames/config.phtml:44
#: resources/views/modules/google-maps/config.phtml:44
#: resources/views/modules/here-maps/config.phtml:44
#: resources/views/modules/map-box/config.phtml:44
#: resources/views/modules/openrouteservice/config.phtml:44
#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/config.phtml:57
#: resources/views/modules/sitemap/config.phtml:38
#: resources/views/modules/stories/edit.phtml:71
#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/edit.phtml:50
msgid "save"
msgstr "gorde"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/changes-log.phtml:101
#: resources/views/admin/site-logs.phtml:92
#: resources/views/modules/media-list/page.phtml:84
#: resources/views/search-advanced-page.phtml:91
#: resources/views/search-general-page.phtml:128
#: resources/views/search-phonetic-page.phtml:88
msgid "search"
msgstr "bilatu"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2425
#, php-format
msgid "second %s"
msgstr "bigarren %s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2403
#, php-format
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "second %s"
msgstr "bigarren %s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2380
#, php-format
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "second %s"
msgstr "bigarren %s"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2327
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu/lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2291
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2240
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1211
msgctxt "grandfather’s brother’s grandchild"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1203
msgctxt "grandfather’s brother’s granddaughter"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1207
msgctxt "grandfather’s brother’s grandson"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1235
msgctxt "grandfather’s sibling’s grandchild"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1227
msgctxt "grandfather’s sibling’s granddaughter"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1231
msgctxt "grandfather’s sibling’s grandson"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1223
msgctxt "grandfather’s sister’s grandchild"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1215
msgctxt "grandfather’s sister’s granddaughter"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1219
msgctxt "grandfather’s sister’s grandson"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1247
msgctxt "grandmother’s brother’s grandchild"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1239
msgctxt "grandmother’s brother’s granddaughter"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1243
msgctxt "grandmother’s brother’s grandson"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1271
msgctxt "grandmother’s sibling’s grandchild"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1263
msgctxt "grandmother’s sibling’s granddaughter"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1267
msgctxt "grandmother’s sibling’s grandson"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1259
msgctxt "grandmother’s sister’s grandchild"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1251
msgctxt "grandmother’s sister’s granddaughter"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1255
msgctxt "grandmother’s sister’s grandson"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1283
msgctxt "grandparent’s brother’s grandchild"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1275
msgctxt "grandparent’s brother’s granddaughter"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1279
msgctxt "grandparent’s brother’s grandson"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1307
msgctxt "grandparent’s sibling’s grandchild"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1299
msgctxt "grandparent’s sibling’s granddaughter"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1303
msgctxt "grandparent’s sibling’s grandson"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1295
msgctxt "grandparent’s sister’s grandchild"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina/lehengusu ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1287
msgctxt "grandparent’s sister’s granddaughter"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusina ttikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1291
msgctxt "grandparent’s sister’s grandson"
msgid "second cousin"
msgstr "lehengusu ttikia"

#. I18N: Quality of source information - GEDCOM tag “QUAY 2”
#: app/Elements/CertaintyAssessment.php:51
msgid "secondary evidence"
msgstr "iturri sekundarioa"

#. I18N: select all (of a list of options)
#: resources/views/search-trees.phtml:47
msgid "select all"
msgstr "denak aukeratu"

#. I18N: select none (of a list of options)
#: resources/views/search-trees.phtml:50
msgid "select none"
msgstr "deus ez aukeratu"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:347
msgid "self"
msgstr "Bilatutakoa bera"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2337
msgid "seventh cousin"
msgstr "7. lehengusina/lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2301
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "seventh cousin"
msgstr "7. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2255
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "seventh cousin"
msgstr "7. legengusua"

#: app/Elements/NoteStructure.php:66
msgid "shared note"
msgstr "partekatutako oharra"

#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:152
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:970 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:984
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:998 resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1014
#: resources/views/admin/tags.phtml:1056
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:296
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:373
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:386
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:400
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:518
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:617
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:630
#: resources/views/admin/users-create.phtml:61
#: resources/views/admin/users-edit.phtml:72
#: resources/views/edit-account-page.phtml:91
#: resources/views/login-page.phtml:47
#: resources/views/modules/faq/config.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-in.phtml:34
#: resources/views/modules/stories/config.phtml:28
#: resources/views/password-reset-page.phtml:37
#: resources/views/register-page.phtml:76
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-mysql.phtml:119
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-pgsql.phtml:85
#: resources/views/setup/step-4-database-sqlsrv.phtml:85
#: resources/views/setup/step-5-administrator.phtml:83
msgid "show"
msgstr "ikusi"

#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:275
msgid "show changes made in webtrees"
msgstr "webtrees-en egindako aldaketak ikusi"

#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:277
msgid "show changes recorded in the genealogy data"
msgstr "erakutsi datu genealogikoetan egindako aldaketak"

#. I18N: button label
#: resources/views/admin/trees-check.phtml:88
#: resources/views/lists/anniversaries-list.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/gedcom_news/list.phtml:28
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/changes-list.phtml:25
#: resources/views/modules/user_blog/list.phtml:28
#: resources/views/modules/yahrzeit/list.phtml:23
msgid "show more"
msgstr "gehiago erakutsi"

#: resources/views/modules/statistics-chart/custom.phtml:208
msgid "show the chart"
msgstr "grafikoa ikusi"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:494
msgid "sibling"
msgstr "anai-arreba"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/login-page.phtml:57
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-in.phtml:39
msgid "sign in"
msgstr "saioa ireki"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/modules/login_block/sign-out.phtml:22
msgid "sign out"
msgstr "saioa itxi"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:473
msgid "sister"
msgstr "ahizpa/arreba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:504
msgctxt "brother’s wife"
msgid "sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:724
msgctxt "brother’s wife’s sister"
msgid "sister-in-law"
msgstr "anaiaren koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:834
msgctxt "husband’s brother’s wife"
msgid "sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:558
msgctxt "husband’s sister"
msgid "sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1024
msgctxt "sister’s husband’s sister"
msgid "sister-in-law"
msgstr "ahizpa/arrebaren koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:636
msgctxt "spouse’s sister"
msgid "sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:1074
msgctxt "wife’s brother’s wife"
msgid "sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:656
msgctxt "wife’s sister"
msgid "sister-in-law"
msgstr "koinata"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2335
msgid "sixth cousin"
msgstr "6. lehengusina/lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2299
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "sixth cousin"
msgstr "6. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2252
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "sixth cousin"
msgstr "6. lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:427
msgid "son"
msgstr "semea"

#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:295
msgid "son of"
msgstr "-ren semea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:510
msgctxt "child’s husband"
msgid "son-in-law"
msgstr "suhia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:522
msgctxt "daughter’s husband"
msgid "son-in-law"
msgstr "suhia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:762
msgctxt "daughter’s husband’s father"
msgid "son-in-law’s father"
msgstr "guraskidea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:764
msgctxt "daughter’s husband’s mother"
msgid "son-in-law’s mother"
msgstr "guraskidea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:766
msgctxt "daughter’s husband’s parent"
msgid "son-in-law’s parent"
msgstr "guraskidea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:514
msgctxt "child’s spouse"
msgid "son/daughter-in-law"
msgstr "erraina"

#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:328
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:7
msgid "sort by date"
msgstr "dataz sailkatu"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-children.phtml:49
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:7
msgid "sort by date of birth"
msgstr "jaiotzaren dataz sailkatu"

#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:7
msgid "sort by date of death"
msgstr "heriotzaren dataz sailkatu"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-families.phtml:42
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:9
msgid "sort by date of marriage"
msgstr "ezkontzaren dataz sailkatu"

#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Module/OnThisDayModule.php:279 app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:270
msgid "sort by date, newest first"
msgstr "dataz sailkatu, hurbilkoenetik hasita"

#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Module/OnThisDayModule.php:277 app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:268
msgid "sort by date, oldest first"
msgstr "dataz sailkatu, urrunekoenetik hasita"

#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Module/OnThisDayModule.php:275 app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:266
#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:327
#: resources/xml/reports/bdm_report.xml:11
#: resources/xml/reports/birth_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/cemetery_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/death_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/fact_sources.xml:7
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/marriage_report.xml:9
#: resources/xml/reports/occupation_report.xml:6
#: resources/xml/reports/relative_ext_report.xml:7
msgid "sort by name"
msgstr "Izenez sailkatu"

#: app/Elements/RoleInEvent.php:83 app/Services/RelationshipService.php:415
msgid "spouse"
msgstr "ezkontidea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:832
msgctxt "father’s wife’s son"
msgid "step-brother"
msgstr "anaiordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:880
msgctxt "mother’s husband’s son"
msgid "step-brother"
msgstr "anaiordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:958
msgctxt "parent’s spouse’s son"
msgid "step-brother"
msgstr "anaiordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:548
msgctxt "husband’s child"
msgid "step-child"
msgstr "seme-alabaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:628
msgctxt "spouse’s child"
msgid "step-child"
msgstr "seme-alabaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:646
msgctxt "wife’s child"
msgid "step-child"
msgstr "seme-alabaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:550
msgctxt "husband’s daughter"
msgid "step-daughter"
msgstr "alabaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:630
msgctxt "spouse’s daughter"
msgid "step-daughter"
msgstr "alabaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:648
msgctxt "wife’s daughter"
msgid "step-daughter"
msgstr "alabaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:570
msgctxt "mother’s husband"
msgid "step-father"
msgstr "aitaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:544
msgctxt "father’s wife"
msgid "step-mother"
msgstr "amaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:600
msgctxt "parent’s spouse"
msgid "step-parent"
msgstr "aita-amaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:828
msgctxt "father’s wife’s child"
msgid "step-sibling"
msgstr "anaiordea / arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:876
msgctxt "mother’s husband’s child"
msgid "step-sibling"
msgstr "anaia/ arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:954
msgctxt "parent’s spouse’s child"
msgid "step-sibling"
msgstr "anaia / arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:830
msgctxt "father’s wife’s daughter"
msgid "step-sister"
msgstr "arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:878
msgctxt "mother’s husband’s daughter"
msgid "step-sister"
msgstr "arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:956
msgctxt "parent’s spouse’s daughter"
msgid "step-sister"
msgstr "arreba/ahizpaordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:560
msgctxt "husband’s son"
msgid "step-son"
msgstr "semeordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:638
msgctxt "spouse’s son"
msgid "step-son"
msgstr "semeordea"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:658
msgctxt "wife’s son"
msgid "step-son"
msgstr "semeordea"

#: app/Elements/AgeAtEvent.php:96
msgid "stillborn"
msgstr "hilik jaioa"

#. I18N: Layout option for lists of names
#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:92
#: app/Module/OnThisDayModule.php:270 app/Module/RecentChangesModule.php:261
#: app/Module/TopGivenNamesModule.php:186 app/Module/TopSurnamesModule.php:279
#: app/Module/UpcomingAnniversariesModule.php:317
#: app/Module/YahrzeitModule.php:262
msgid "table"
msgstr "taula"

#. I18N: Layout option for lists of names
#. I18N: An option in a list-box
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/TreePreferencesPage.php:94
#: app/Module/TopSurnamesModule.php:281
msgid "tag cloud"
msgstr "etiketa-lainoa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2343
msgid "tenth cousin"
msgstr "10. lehengusina/lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2307
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "tenth cousin"
msgstr "10. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2264
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "tenth cousin"
msgstr "10. lehengusua"

#. I18N: [you should check that:] ...
#: resources/views/errors/database-connection.phtml:26
msgid "the database connection settings in the file “/data/config.ini.php” are still correct"
msgstr "“/data/config.ini.php” artxiboan dagoen datu-basearen konexioaren parametroak zuzenak dira"

#. I18N: [you should check that:] ...
#: resources/views/errors/database-connection.phtml:29
msgid "the folder “/data” and the file “/data/config.ini.php” have access permissions that allow the webserver to read them"
msgstr "“/data” direktorioan eta “/data/config.ini.php” artxiboaren sarrera-baimenek datuen irakurketa uzten diote web zerbitzariari"

#. I18N: reflexive pronoun - gender neutral version of himself/herself
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:248
msgid "themself"
msgstr "eurek"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2428
#, php-format
msgid "third %s"
msgstr "hirugarren %s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2406
#, php-format
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "third %s"
msgstr "hirugarren %s"

#. I18N: A Spanish relationship name, such as third great-nephew
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2383
#, php-format
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "third %s"
msgstr "hirugarren %s"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2329
msgid "third cousin"
msgstr "3. lehengusina/lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2293
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "third cousin"
msgstr "3. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2243
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "third cousin"
msgstr "3. lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2349
msgid "thirteenth cousin"
msgstr "13. lehengusina/lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2313
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "thirteenth cousin"
msgstr "13. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2273
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "thirteenth cousin"
msgstr "13. lehengusua"

#. I18N: layout option for the fan chart
#: app/Module/FanChartModule.php:513
msgid "three-quarter circle"
msgstr "borobilaren hiru laurdenak"

#. I18N: Gedcom TO dates
#: app/Date.php:213
#, php-format
msgid "to %s"
msgstr "%s arte"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2347
msgid "twelfth cousin"
msgstr "12. lehengusina/lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2311
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "twelfth cousin"
msgstr "12. lehengusina"

#. I18N: Note that for Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has already generated the correct “N” for your language. You only need to translate - you do not need to convert. For other languages, if your cousin rules are different from English, please contact the developers.
#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:2270
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "twelfth cousin"
msgstr "12. lehengusua"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:439
msgid "twin brother"
msgstr "anaia bikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:481
msgid "twin sibling"
msgstr "arreba/ahizpa - anaia bikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:460
msgid "twin sister"
msgstr "arreba/ahizpa bikia"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:526
msgctxt "father’s brother"
msgid "uncle"
msgstr "osaba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:824
msgctxt "father’s sister’s husband"
msgid "uncle"
msgstr "osaba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:562
msgctxt "mother’s brother"
msgid "uncle"
msgstr "osaba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:910
msgctxt "mother’s sister’s husband"
msgid "uncle"
msgstr "osaba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:582
msgctxt "parent’s brother"
msgid "uncle"
msgstr "osaba"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:952
msgctxt "parent’s sister’s husband"
msgid "uncle"
msgstr "osaba"

#: app/Place.php:246
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "ezezaguna"

#: app/Module/InteractiveTree/TreeView.php:358
msgctxt "unknown family"
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "ezezaguna"

#: app/Module/RelationshipsChartModule.php:480
msgid "unlimited"
msgstr "mugagabea"

#. I18N: Quality of source information - GEDCOM tag “QUAY 0”
#: app/Elements/CertaintyAssessment.php:49
msgid "unreliable evidence"
msgstr "iturri ez fidagarria"

#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:364
#: app/Module/PedigreeChartModule.php:372
#: resources/views/edit/reorder-card-header.phtml:28
msgid "up"
msgstr "goiti"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-unconnected.phtml:33
msgid "update"
msgstr "eguneratu"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/admin/media-upload.phtml:74
msgid "upload"
msgstr "igo"

#. I18N: A button label.
#: resources/views/branches-page.phtml:51
#: resources/views/modules/ancestors-chart/page.phtml:58
#: resources/views/modules/compact-chart/page.phtml:35
#: resources/views/modules/descendancy_chart/page.phtml:58
#: resources/views/modules/family-book-chart/page.phtml:69
#: resources/views/modules/fanchart/page.phtml:73
#: resources/views/modules/hourglass-chart/page.phtml:57
#: resources/views/modules/interactive-tree/page.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-chart/page.phtml:59
#: resources/views/modules/pedigree-map/page.phtml:45
#: resources/views/modules/relationships-chart/page.phtml:79
#: resources/views/report-setup-page.phtml:86
#: resources/views/report-setup-page.phtml:91
msgid "view"
msgstr "ikusi"

#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:36
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:55
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:86
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:125
#: resources/views/admin/trees-privacy.phtml:145
msgid "visitors"
msgstr "bisitariak"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:142
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:105
msgctxt "FEMALE"
msgid "was born"
msgstr "jaio zen"

#: resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml:141
#: resources/xml/reports/descendancy_report.xml:102
msgctxt "MALE"
msgid "was born"
msgstr "jaio zen"

#: app/Module/WebtreesTheme.php:38
msgid "webtrees"
msgstr "webtrees"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:303
msgid "webtrees cannot create thumbnails for this file format."
msgstr "webtrees-ek ezin du miniaturarik sortu artxiboaren formatu honentzat."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:300
msgid "webtrees does not recognise this file format."
msgstr "webtrees-ek ez du artxiboaren formatua ezagutzen."

#: app/Services/MessageService.php:134
msgid "webtrees message"
msgstr "webtrees-en mezua"

#: resources/views/setup/step-3-database-type.phtml:49
msgid "webtrees needs a database to store your genealogy data."
msgstr "webtrees-ek datu-base baten beharra du bere datu genealogikoak gordetzeko."

#. I18N: Help text for the “Messages” site configuration setting
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:49
msgid "webtrees needs to send emails, such as password reminders and website notifications."
msgstr "Webtrees-ek korreo elektronikoak bidaltzen ditu, pasahitzen oroigarriak edo webgunearen jakinarazpenak erabiltzaileei helarazteko, errate baterako."

#: app/Services/MessageService.php:231
msgid "webtrees sends emails with no storage"
msgstr "webtrees-ek gordetzen ez diren korreoak bidaltzen ditu"

#: app/Elements/RoleInEvent.php:80 app/Services/RelationshipService.php:392
msgid "wife"
msgstr "emaztea"

#. I18N: Name of a theme.
#: app/Module/XeneaTheme.php:39
msgid "xenea"
msgstr "xenea"

#: resources/views/modules/timeline-chart/chart.phtml:145
msgid "years"
msgstr "urteak"

#: app/Elements/AbstractEventElement.php:88
#: app/Elements/OrdinanceProcessFlag.php:56
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/FamilyPage.php:141
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserListData.php:138
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/UserListData.php:139
#: app/Statistics/Repository/LatestUserRepository.php:143
#: resources/views/admin/site-mail.phtml:124
#: resources/views/admin/site-preferences.phtml:102
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:54
#: resources/views/admin/site-registration.phtml:69
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:143
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:309
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:531
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:545
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:604
#: resources/views/admin/trees-preferences.phtml:710
#: resources/views/lists/families-table.phtml:234
#: resources/views/modules/fix-search-and-replace/options.phtml:56
#: resources/views/modules/html/config.phtml:56
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:42
#: resources/views/modules/random_media/config.phtml:51
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:63
#: resources/views/modules/recent_changes/config.phtml:72
#: resources/views/modules/review_changes/config.phtml:23
#: resources/views/modules/todays_events/config.phtml:24
#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:26
#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:36
#: resources/views/modules/todo/config.phtml:45
#: resources/views/modules/upcoming_events/config.phtml:36
#: resources/xml/reports/change_report.xml:8
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:252
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:423
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:606
#: resources/xml/reports/family_group_report.xml:950
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml:187
#: resources/xml/reports/individual_report.xml:175
msgid "yes"
msgstr "bai"

#. I18N: [you should check that:] ...
#: resources/views/errors/database-connection.phtml:32
msgid "you can connect to the database using other applications, such as phpmyadmin"
msgstr "bertze aplikazio batzuk erabiliz konektatzen ahal zara datu-baseekin, \"phpmyadmin\"-ekin errate baterako"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:443
msgid "younger brother"
msgstr "anaia gazteagoa"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:485
msgid "younger sibling"
msgstr "anai-arreba gazteena"

#: app/Services/RelationshipService.php:464
msgid "younger sister"
msgstr "arreba/ahizpa gazteagoa"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:240
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:241
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:242
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:243
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/SearchAdvancedPage.php:244
#, php-format
msgid "±%s year"
msgid_plural "±%s years"
msgstr[0] "±%s urte"
msgstr[1] "±%s urte"

#. I18N: Name of a country or state
#: app/Statistics/Service/CountryService.php:48
msgid "Åland Islands"
msgstr "Åland Uharteak"

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CheckTree.php:291
#, php-format
msgid "“%1$s” should be “%2$s”."
msgstr "“%1$s”-k “%2$s” beharko luke izan."

#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/CopyFact.php:69
#, php-format
msgid "“%s“ has been copied to the clipboard."
msgstr "“%s“ arbelean kopiatu da."

#. I18N: %s is the name of a genealogy record
#: app/Http/RequestHandlers/PendingChangesAcceptRecord.php:63
#: app/Services/MapDataService.php:199
#, php-format
msgid "“%s” has been deleted."
msgstr "“%s” ezabatu da."

#. I18N: Description of a “Data fix” module
#: app/Module/FixPrimaryTag.php:70
msgid "“Highlighted image” (_PRIM) tags are used by some genealogy applications to indicate the preferred image for an individual. An alternative is to re-order the images so that the preferred one is listed first."
msgstr "“Irudi aukeratua” (_PRIM) etiketak aplikazio genealogiko batzuek erabiltzen dituzte, gizabanako batentzako irudi gogokoena adierazteko. Aukeretako bat irudiak berriro ordenatzea da, gustukoena zerrendaren lehenengo lekuan paratuta."

#: app/Individual.php:481 app/Individual.php:485 app/Note.php:100
#: app/Report/ReportParserGenerate.php:986
#: app/Report/ReportParserGenerate.php:1072
msgid "…"
msgstr "…"

#: app/Census/CensusColumnSurnameGivenNames.php:42 app/Family.php:362
#: app/Family.php:380 app/Individual.php:1059
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:260
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:516
msgctxt "Unknown given name"
msgid "…"
msgstr "…"

#: app/Census/CensusColumnSurnameGivenNames.php:41 app/Family.php:362
#: app/Family.php:380 app/Individual.php:1058
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:245
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:268
#: app/Module/IndividualListModule.php:532
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-bullet-list.phtml:23
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-column-list.phtml:26
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-compact-list.phtml:23
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-table.phtml:55
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-table.phtml:63
#: resources/views/lists/surnames-tag-cloud.phtml:31
msgctxt "Unknown surname"
msgid "…"
msgstr "…"

#~ msgid "If you connect to the database using a UNIX socket, enter the path here and leave the port number empty."
#~ msgstr "UNIX entxufe bat erabiliz datu-basera konektatzen bazara, sartu hemen bidea eta utzi ataka-zenbakia hutsik."

#~ msgid "Most sites are configured to use the default value of 3306."
#~ msgstr "Orri gehienak aurrez zehaztutako 3306 balorea erabiltzeko konfiguratuak daude."

#~ msgid "This is case sensitive."
#~ msgstr "Maiuskulak eta miniskulak bereizi behar dira."