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import * as Uint8arrays from "uint8arrays"

import type { Components } from "../../../components.js"
import type { Dependencies } from "./base.js"
import type { Implementation } from "../implementation.js"

import * as Base from "./base.js"
import * as DID from "../../../did/index.js"
import * as Events from "../../../events.js"
import * as RootKey from "../../../common/root-key.js"
import * as SessionMod from "../../../session.js"
import * as TypeChecks from "../../../common/type-checks.js"
import * as Ucan from "../../../ucan/index.js"

import { Configuration } from "../../../configuration.js"
import { LinkingError } from "../../../linking/common.js"
import { Maybe } from "../../../common/types.js"
import { Session } from "../../../session.js"
import { loadFileSystem } from "../../../filesystem.js"

export async function canDelegateAccount(
  dependencies: Dependencies,
  username: string
): Promise<boolean> {
  const accountDID = await dependencies.reference.didRoot.lookup(username)
  const readKey = await RootKey.retrieve({ crypto: dependencies.crypto, accountDID })
  if (!readKey) return false

  return Base.canDelegateAccount(dependencies, username)

export async function delegateAccount(
  dependencies: Dependencies,
  username: string,
  audience: string
): Promise<Record<string, unknown>> {
  const accountDID = await dependencies.reference.didRoot.lookup(username)
  const readKey = await RootKey.retrieve({ crypto: dependencies.crypto, accountDID })
  const { token } = await Base.delegateAccount(dependencies, username, audience)
  return { readKey: Uint8arrays.toString(readKey, "base64pad"), ucan: token }

export async function linkDevice(
  dependencies: Dependencies,
  username: string,
  data: Record<string, unknown>
): Promise<void> {
  if (!isWnfsLinkingData(data)) {
    throw new LinkingError(`Consumer received invalid link device response from producer: Expected read key and ucan, but got ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)

  const { readKey, ucan: encodedToken } = data
  const ucan = Ucan.decode(encodedToken as string)

  if (await Ucan.isValid(dependencies.crypto, ucan)) {
    await, encodedToken)

      accountDID: await dependencies.reference.didRoot.lookup(username),
      crypto: dependencies.crypto,
      readKey: RootKey.fromString(readKey)

    // Create and store filesystem UCAN
    const issuer = await DID.write(dependencies.crypto)
    const fsUcan = await{
      dependencies: dependencies,
      potency: "APPEND",
      resource: "*",
      proof: encodedToken,
      lifetimeInSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12 * 1000, // 1000 years

      audience: issuer,

    await dependencies.reference.repositories.ucans.add(fsUcan)

  } else {
    throw new LinkingError(`Consumer received invalid link device response from producer. Given ucan is invalid: ${data.ucan}`)


  await SessionMod.provide(, { type: Base.TYPE, username })

export async function session(
  components: Components,
  authedUsername: Maybe<string>,
  config: Configuration,
  eventEmitters: { fileSystem: Events.Emitter<Events.FileSystem>; session: Events.Emitter<Events.Session<Session>> }
): Promise<Maybe<Session>> {
  if (authedUsername) {
    // Self-authorize a filesystem UCAN if needed
    const hasSelfAuthorisedFsUcan = components.reference.repositories.ucans.find(
      ucan => {
        // 🛑 If the UCAN expires within a week
        if (ucan.payload.exp < ( + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)) return false

        // Check potency and resource
        return ucan.payload.ptc === "APPEND" && ucan.payload.rsc === "*"

    if (!hasSelfAuthorisedFsUcan) {
      const issuer = await DID.write(components.crypto)
      const proof: string | null = await

      const fsUcan = await{
        dependencies: components,
        potency: "APPEND",
        resource: "*",
        proof: proof ? proof : undefined,
        lifetimeInSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12 * 1000, // 1000 years

        audience: issuer,

      await components.reference.repositories.ucans.add(fsUcan)

    // Load filesystem
    const fs = config.fileSystem?.loadImmediately === false ?
      undefined :
      await loadFileSystem({

        dependencies: {
          crypto: components.crypto,
          depot: components.depot,
          manners: components.manners,
          reference: components.reference,
        eventEmitter: eventEmitters.fileSystem,
        username: authedUsername,

    const session = new Session({
      crypto: components.crypto,
      fs: fs,
      eventEmitter: eventEmitters.session,
      type: Base.TYPE,
      username: authedUsername

    // Fin
    return session

  return null

// 🛠

export function isWnfsLinkingData(data: unknown): data is { readKey: string; ucan: string } {
  return TypeChecks.isObject(data)
    && "readKey" in data && typeof data.readKey === "string"
    && "ucan" in data && typeof data.ucan === "string"

// 🛳

export function implementation(
  dependencies: Dependencies
): Implementation<Components> {
  const base = Base.implementation(dependencies)

  return {
    type: base.type,


    canDelegateAccount: (...args) => canDelegateAccount(dependencies, ...args),
    delegateAccount: (...args) => delegateAccount(dependencies, ...args),
    linkDevice: (...args) => linkDevice(dependencies, ...args),

    // Have to be implemented properly by other implementations
    createChannel: base.createChannel,
    isUsernameValid: base.isUsernameValid,
    isUsernameAvailable: base.isUsernameAvailable,
    register: base.register,