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IPFS node things.


// Considered dev dependency as these imports will not be present in the resulting lib code
import type { IPFS as IPFSCore } from "ipfs-core-types"
import type { IPFSRepo } from "ipfs-repo"
import type { PeerId } from "@libp2p/interface-peer-id"

import * as keys from "@libp2p/interface-keys"
import { multiaddr, Multiaddr } from "@multiformats/multiaddr"
import { peerIdFromString } from "@libp2p/peer-id"

import * as Storage from "../../../../components/storage/implementation.js"
import * as t from "../../../../common/type-checks.js"
import { IPFSPackage, Options as IPFSOptions } from "./package.js"

import * as IpfsRepo from "./node/repo.js"


const latestPeerTimeoutIds: { [ peer: string ]: null | ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> } = {}
const isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(globalThis.navigator?.userAgent || "")


export type BackOff = {
  retryNumber: number
  lastBackoff: number
  currentBackoff: number

export type Dependencies = {
  storage: Storage.Implementation

export type Status = {
  connected: boolean
  lastConnectedAt: number | null
  latency: number | null

export type IPFS = IPFSCore & {
  libp2p: { ping(peerId: PeerId | Multiaddr): Promise<number> }


/** 🎛️ Connection interval knobs
 * KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL: Interval to keep the connection alive when online
 * KEEP_TRYING_INTERVAL: Interval to keep trying the connection when offline
 * BACKOFF_INIT: Starting intervals for fibonacci backoff used when establishing a connection
  1 * 60 * 1000 // 1 minute

  5 * 60 * 1000 // 5 minutes

const BACKOFF_INIT = {
  retryNumber: 0,
  lastBackoff: 0,
  currentBackoff: 1000

/** 🎛️ IPFS Options
export const OPTIONS: IPFSOptions = {
  config: {
    Addresses: {
      Delegates: []
    Bootstrap: [],
    Discovery: {
      webRTCStar: { Enabled: false }
    Pubsub: {
      Enabled: false
  preload: {
    enabled: false,
    addresses: []
  libp2p: {
    peerDiscovery: [],
    connectionManager: {
      autoDial: false
  init: {
    algorithm: isSafari ? keys.RSA : undefined,
    emptyRepo: true

// 🚀

export async function createAndConnect(
  dependencies: Dependencies,
  pkg: IPFSPackage,
  peersUrl: string,
  repoName: string,
  logging: boolean
): Promise<{ ipfs: IPFSCore; repo: IPFSRepo }> {
  const peers = await listPeers(, peersUrl)

  if (peers.length === 0) {
    throw new Error("💥 Couldn't start IPFS node, peer list is empty")

  // Start an IPFS node & connect to all the peers
  const repo = IpfsRepo.create(repoName)
  const ipfs: IPFSCore = await pkg.create({ ...OPTIONS, repo })

  peers.forEach(peer => {
    latestPeerTimeoutIds[ peer.toString() ] = null
    tryConnecting(ipfs as unknown as IPFS, peer, logging)

  // Try connecting when browser comes online
  globalThis.addEventListener("online", async () => {
    (await listPeers(, peersUrl))
      .filter(peer => {
        const peerStr = peer.toString()
        return !peerStr.includes("/localhost/") &&
          !peerStr.includes("/") &&
      .forEach(peer => {
        tryConnecting(ipfs as unknown as IPFS, peer, logging)

  // Fin
  if (logging) console.log("🚀 Started IPFS node")
  return { ipfs, repo }

// -----

export function fetchPeers(peersUrl: string): Promise<string[]> {
  return fetch(peersUrl)
    .then(r => r.json())
    .then(r => Array.isArray(r) ? r : [])
    .then(r => r.filter(p => t.isString(p) && p.includes("/wss/")))
    .catch(() => { throw new Error("💥 Couldn't start IPFS node, failed to fetch peer list") })

export async function listPeers(
  storage: Storage.Implementation,
  peersUrl: string
): Promise<Multiaddr[]> {
  let peers

  const storageKey = `ipfs-peers-${peersUrl}`
  const maybePeers = await storage.getItem(storageKey)

  if (t.isString(maybePeers) && maybePeers.trim() !== "") {
    peers = JSON.parse(maybePeers)

    fetchPeers(peersUrl).then(list =>
      storage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(list))
    ).catch(err => {
      // don't throw

  } else {
    peers = await fetchPeers(peersUrl)
    await storage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(peers))



// -----------

function keepAlive(ipfs: IPFS, peer: Multiaddr, backoff: BackOff, status: Status): void {
  let timeoutId: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null

  if (backoff.currentBackoff < KEEP_TRYING_INTERVAL) {
    // Start race between reconnect and ping
    timeoutId = setTimeout(() => reconnect(ipfs, peer, backoff, status), backoff.currentBackoff)

  } else {
    // Disregard backoff, but keep trying
    timeoutId = setTimeout(() => reconnect(ipfs, peer, backoff, status), KEEP_TRYING_INTERVAL)


  // Track the latest reconnect attempt
  latestPeerTimeoutIds[ peer.toString() ] = timeoutId

  ping(ipfs, peer).then(({ latency }) => {
    const updatedStatus = { connected: true, lastConnectedAt:, latency }
    report(peer, updatedStatus)

    // Cancel reconnect because ping won
    if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId)

    // Keep alive after the latest ping-reconnect race, ignore the rest
    if (timeoutId === latestPeerTimeoutIds[ peer.toString() ]) {
      setTimeout(() => keepAlive(ipfs, peer, BACKOFF_INIT, updatedStatus), KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL)
  }).catch(() => {
    // ignore errors

async function reconnect(ipfs: IPFS, peer: Multiaddr, backoff: BackOff, status: Status): Promise<void> {
  const updatedStatus = { ...status, connected: false, latency: null }

  report(peer, updatedStatus)

  try {
    await ipfs.swarm.disconnect(peer)
    await ipfs.swarm.connect(peer)
  } catch {
    // No action needed, we will retry

  if (backoff.currentBackoff < KEEP_TRYING_INTERVAL) {
    const nextBackoff = {
      retryNumber: backoff.retryNumber + 1,
      lastBackoff: backoff.currentBackoff,
      currentBackoff: backoff.lastBackoff + backoff.currentBackoff

    keepAlive(ipfs, peer, nextBackoff, updatedStatus)
  } else {
    keepAlive(ipfs, peer, backoff, updatedStatus)

export function tryConnecting(ipfs: IPFS, peer: Multiaddr, logging: boolean): void {
  ping(ipfs, peer).then(({ latency }) => {
    return ipfs.swarm
      .connect(peer, { timeout: 60 * 1000 })
      .then(() => {
        if (logging) console.log(`🪐 Connected to ${peer}`)

        const status = { connected: true, lastConnectedAt:, latency }
        report(peer, status)

        // Ensure permanent connection to a peer
        // NOTE: This is a temporary solution while we wait for
        //       (see "Keep alive" bit)
        setTimeout(() => keepAlive(ipfs, peer, BACKOFF_INIT, status), KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL)

  }).catch(() => {
    if (logging) console.log(`🪓 Could not connect to ${peer}`)

    const status = { connected: false, lastConnectedAt: null, latency: null }

    report(peer, status)
    keepAlive(ipfs, peer, BACKOFF_INIT, status)


export async function ping(ipfs: IPFS, peer: Multiaddr): Promise<{ latency: number }> {
  return => ({ latency }))

// ---------

let peerConnections: { peer: Multiaddr; status: Status }[] = []
let monitoringPeers = false

function report(peer: Multiaddr, status: Status): void {
  peerConnections = peerConnections
    .filter(connection => connection.peer !== peer)
    .concat({ peer, status })

  const offline = peerConnections.every(connection => !connection.status.connected)
  const lastConnectedAt: number = peerConnections.reduce((newest, { status }) =>
    newest >= (status.lastConnectedAt || 0) ? newest : (status.lastConnectedAt || 0),

  const activeConnections = peerConnections.filter(connection => connection.status.latency !== null)
  const averageLatency = activeConnections.length > 0
    ? peerConnections.reduce((sum, connection) => sum + (connection.status.latency || 0), 0) / activeConnections.length
    : null

  if (monitoringPeers) {
    console.log("offline", offline)
    console.log("last connected at", lastConnectedAt === 0 ? null : lastConnectedAt)
    console.log("average latency", averageLatency)

export async function monitorPeers() {
  monitoringPeers = true
  console.log("📡 Monitoring IPFS peers")

export function stopMonitoringPeers() {
  monitoringPeers = false

// 🔮

let monitor: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null

export async function monitorBitswap(dependencies: Dependencies, ipfs: IPFS, peersUrl: string, verbose: boolean): Promise<void> {
  const cidCount: { [ k: string ]: number } = {}
  const seen: string[] = []
  const peers = await listPeers(, peersUrl)

  verbose = verbose === undefined ? false : true

  console.log("🕵️‍♀️ Monitoring IPFS bitswap requests")
  await stopMonitoringBitswap()

  monitor = setInterval(async () => {
    const peerList = peers peer => {
      const peerIdString = peer.getPeerId()
      if (!peerIdString) return
      const peerId = peerIdFromString(peerIdString)
      const wantList = await ipfs.bitswap.wantlistForPeer(peerId, { timeout: 120 * 1000 })

      wantList.forEach(async cid => {
        const c = cid.toString()
        const s = peer + "-" + c

        if (!seen.includes(s)) {
          const seenCid = !!cidCount[ c ]
          const emoji = seenCid ? "📡" : "🔮"
          const msg = `${emoji} Peer ${peer} requested CID ${c}`

          cidCount[ c ] = (cidCount[ c ] || 0) + 1

          if (seenCid) {
            if (verbose) console.log(msg + ` (#${cidCount[ c ]})`)
          } else {

          const start =

          const dag = await ipfs.dag.get(cid)
          const end =
          const diff = end - start
          const loaded = `loaded locally in ${diff.toFixed(2)} ms`

          if (dag.value.Links) {
            console.log(`🧱 ${c} is a 👉 DAG structure (${loaded})`)
              ; (console.table || console.log)(
                  .map((l: unknown) => {
                    if (t.isObject(l) && t.hasProp(l, "Name") && t.hasProp(l, "Hash")) {
                      return { name: l.Name, cid: (l.Hash as unknown as string).toString() }
                    } else {
                      return null
                  .filter((a: { name: string; cid: string } | null) => a)

          } else {
            console.log(`📦 ${c} is 👉 Data (${loaded})`)

  }, 20)

export async function stopMonitoringBitswap() {
  if (monitor) clearInterval(monitor)