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import { CID } from "multiformats/cid"

import * as Crypto from "./components/crypto/implementation.js"
import * as Depot from "./components/depot/implementation.js"
import * as DID from "./did/index.js"
import * as Events from "./events.js"
import * as Protocol from "./fs/protocol/index.js"
import * as Reference from "./components/reference/implementation.js"
import * as RootKey from "./common/root-key.js"
import * as Storage from "./components/storage/implementation.js"
import * as Ucan from "./ucan/index.js"
import * as Versions from "./fs/versions.js"

import { AuthenticationStrategy } from "./index.js"
import { RootBranch } from "./path/index.js"
import { Configuration } from "./configuration.js"
import { Dependencies } from "./fs/filesystem.js"
import { Maybe, decodeCID, EMPTY_CID } from "./common/index.js"
import { type RecoverFileSystemParams } from "./fs/types/params.js"

import FileSystem from "./fs/filesystem.js"

 * Load a user's file system.
export async function loadFileSystem({ config, dependencies, eventEmitter, rootKey, username }: {
  config: Configuration
  dependencies: Dependencies
  eventEmitter: Events.Emitter<Events.FileSystem>
  rootKey?: Uint8Array
  username: string
}): Promise<FileSystem> {
  const { crypto, depot, manners, reference, storage } = dependencies

  let cid: Maybe<CID>
  let fs

  // Repositories
  const cidLog = reference.repositories.cidLog

  // Account
  const account = { username, rootDID: await reference.didRoot.lookup(username) }

  // Determine the correct CID of the file system to load
  const dataCid = navigator.onLine ? await getDataRoot(reference, username, { maxRetries: 20 }) : null
  const logIdx = dataCid ? cidLog.indexOf(dataCid) : -1

  if (!navigator.onLine) {
    // Offline, use local CID
    cid = cidLog.newest()
    if (cid) manners.log("📓 Working offline, using local CID:", cid.toString())

    throw new Error("Offline, don't have a filesystem to work with.")

  } else if (!dataCid) {
    // No DNS CID yet
    cid = cidLog.newest()
    if (cid) manners.log("📓 No DNSLink, using local CID:", cid.toString())
    else manners.log("📓 Creating a new file system")

  } else if (logIdx === cidLog.length() - 1) {
    // DNS is up to date
    cid = dataCid
    manners.log("📓 DNSLink is up to date:", cid.toString())

  } else if (logIdx !== -1 && logIdx < cidLog.length() - 1) {
    // DNS is outdated
    cid = cidLog.newest()
    const diff = cidLog.length() - 1 - logIdx
    const idxLog = diff === 1 ? "1 newer local entry" : diff.toString() + " newer local entries"
    manners.log("📓 DNSLink is outdated (" + idxLog + "), using local CID:", cid.toString())

  } else {
    // DNS is newer
    cid = dataCid
    await cidLog.add(cid)
    manners.log("📓 DNSLink is newer:", cid.toString())

    // TODO: We could test the filesystem version at this DNSLink at this point to figure out whether to continue locally.
    // However, that needs a plan for reconciling local changes back into the DNSLink, once migrated. And a plan for migrating changes
    // that are only stored locally.


  // If a file system exists, load it and return it
  const p = config.permissions
  const dataComponents = { crypto, depot, reference, storage }

  if (cid) {
    await checkFileSystemVersion(dependencies.depot, config, cid)
    await manners.fileSystem.hooks.beforeLoadExisting(cid, account, dataComponents)

    fs = await FileSystem.fromCID(cid, { account, dependencies, eventEmitter, permissions: p })

    await manners.fileSystem.hooks.afterLoadExisting(fs, account, dataComponents)

    return fs

  // Otherwise make a new one
  await manners.fileSystem.hooks.beforeLoadNew(account, dataComponents)

  fs = await FileSystem.empty({
    permissions: p,
    version: config.fileSystem?.version

  await manners.fileSystem.hooks.afterLoadNew(fs, account, dataComponents)

  // Fin
  return fs

 * Recover a user's file system.
export async function recoverFileSystem({
}: {
  auth: AuthenticationStrategy
  dependencies: {
    crypto: Crypto.Implementation
    reference: Reference.Implementation
    storage: Storage.Implementation
} & RecoverFileSystemParams): Promise<{ success: boolean }> {

  const { crypto, reference, storage } = dependencies

  const newRootDID = await DID.agent(crypto)

  // Register a new user with the `newUsername`
  const { success } = await auth.register({
    username: newUsername,
  if (!success) {
    throw new Error("Failed to register new user")

  // Build an ephemeral UCAN to authorize the dataRoot.update call
  const proof: string | null = await storage.getItem(storage.KEYS.ACCOUNT_UCAN)
  const ucan = await{
    potency: "APPEND",
    resource: "*",
    proof: proof ? proof : undefined,
    lifetimeInSeconds: 60 * 3, // Three minutes
    audience: newRootDID,
    issuer: newRootDID,

  const oldRootCID = await reference.dataRoot.lookup(oldUsername)
  if (!oldRootCID) {
    throw new Error("Failed to lookup oldUsername")

  // Update the dataRoot of the new user
  await reference.dataRoot.update(oldRootCID, ucan)

  // Store the read key, which is namespaced using the account DID
    accountDID: newRootDID,
    crypto: crypto,

  return {
    success: true,


  versionMismatch: {
    newer: async () => alertIfPossible(`Sorry, we can't sync your filesystem with this app. This app only understands older versions of filesystems.\n\nPlease try to hard refresh this site or let this app's developer know.\n\nFeel free to contact Fission support:`),
    older: async () => alertIfPossible(`Sorry, we can't sync your filesystem with this app. Your filesystem version is out-dated and it needs to be migrated.\n\nRun a migration ( or talk to Fission support:`),

export async function checkFileSystemVersion(
  depot: Depot.Implementation,
  config: Configuration,
  filesystemCID: CID
): Promise<void> {
  const links = await Protocol.basic.getSimpleLinks(depot, filesystemCID)
  // if there's no version link, we assume it's from a 1.0.0-compatible version
  // (from before ~ November 2020)
  const versionStr = links[ RootBranch.Version ] == null
    ? "1.0.0"
    : new TextDecoder().decode(
      await Protocol.basic.getFile(
        decodeCID(links[ RootBranch.Version ].cid)

  const errorVersionBigger = async () => {
    await (config.userMessages || DEFAULT_USER_MESSAGES).versionMismatch.newer(versionStr)
    return new Error(`Incompatible filesystem version. Version: ${versionStr} Supported versions: ${ => Versions.toString(v)).join(", ")}. Please upgrade this app's ODD SDK version.`)

  const errorVersionSmaller = async () => {
    await (config.userMessages || DEFAULT_USER_MESSAGES).versionMismatch.older(versionStr)
    return new Error(`Incompatible filesystem version. Version: ${versionStr} Supported versions: ${ => Versions.toString(v)).join(", ")}. The user should migrate their filesystem.`)

  const versionParsed = Versions.fromString(versionStr)

  if (versionParsed == null) {
    throw await errorVersionBigger()

  const support = Versions.isSupported(versionParsed)

  if (support === "too-high") {
    throw await errorVersionBigger()
  if (support === "too-low") {
    throw await errorVersionSmaller()

function alertIfPossible(str: string) {
  if (globalThis.alert != null) globalThis.alert(str)


 * Get a user's data root
 * @param username The user's name
 * @param options Optional parameters
 * @param options.maxRetries Maximum number of retry attempts
 * @param options.retryInterval Retry interval in milliseconds
 * @returns data root CID or null
async function getDataRoot(
  reference: Reference.Implementation,
  username: string,
  options: { maxRetries?: number; retryInterval?: number }
    = {}
): Promise<CID | null> {
  const maxRetries = options.maxRetries ?? 0
  const retryInterval = options.retryInterval ?? 500

  let dataCid = await reference.dataRoot.lookup(username).catch(() => null)
  if (dataCid) return (dataCid.toString() === EMPTY_CID ? null : dataCid)

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let attempt = 0

    const dataRootInterval = setInterval(async () => {
      dataCid = await reference.dataRoot.lookup(username).catch(() => null)

      if (!dataCid && attempt < maxRetries) {
      } else if (attempt >= maxRetries) {
        reject("Failed to load data root")

      resolve(dataCid?.toString() === EMPTY_CID ? null : dataCid)
    }, retryInterval)