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2 days
Test Coverage
import { CID } from "multiformats"
import { default as init, PublicDirectory, PublicFile, PublicNode } from "wnfs"

import * as Depot from "../../components/depot/implementation.js"
import * as Manners from "../../components/manners/implementation.js"

import { WASM_WNFS_VERSION } from "../../common/version.js"
import { Segments as Path } from "../../path/index.js"

import { UnixTree, Puttable, File, Links, PuttableUnixTree } from "../types.js"
import { BlockStore, DepotBlockStore } from "./DepotBlockStore.js"
import { BaseFile } from "../base/file.js"
import { Metadata } from "../metadata.js"

// This is some global mutable state to work around global mutable state
// issues with wasm-bindgen. It's important we *never* accidentally initialize the
// "wnfs" Wasm module twice.
let initialized = false

async function loadWasm({ manners }: Dependencies) {
  // MUST be prevented from initializing twice:
  if (initialized) return
  initialized = true

  manners.log(`⏬ Loading WNFS WASM`)
  const before =
  // init accepts Promises as arguments
  await init(manners.wnfsWasmLookup(WASM_WNFS_VERSION))
  const time = - before
  manners.log(`🧪 Loaded WNFS WASM (${time.toFixed(0)}ms)`)

type Dependencies = {
  depot: Depot.Implementation
  manners: Manners.Implementation

interface DirEntry {
  name: string
  metadata: {
    version: "3.0.0"
    unixMeta: {
      created: number
      modified: number
      mode: number
      kind: "raw" | "dir" | "file" | "metadata" | "symlink" | "hamtShard"

interface OpResult<A> {
  rootDir: PublicDirectory
  result: A


export class PublicRootWasm implements UnixTree, Puttable {

  dependencies: Dependencies
  root: Promise<PublicDirectory>
  lastRoot: PublicDirectory
  store: BlockStore
  readOnly: boolean

  constructor(dependencies: Dependencies, root: PublicDirectory, store: BlockStore, readOnly: boolean) {
    this.dependencies = dependencies
    this.root = Promise.resolve(root)
    this.lastRoot = root = store
    this.readOnly = readOnly

  static async empty(dependencies: Dependencies): Promise<PublicRootWasm> {
    await loadWasm(dependencies)
    const store = new DepotBlockStore(dependencies.depot)
    const root = new PublicDirectory(new Date())
    return new PublicRootWasm(dependencies, root, store, false)

  static async fromCID(dependencies: Dependencies, cid: CID): Promise<PublicRootWasm> {
    await loadWasm(dependencies)
    const store = new DepotBlockStore(dependencies.depot)
    const root = await PublicDirectory.load(cid.bytes, store)
    return new PublicRootWasm(dependencies, root, store, false)

  private async atomically(fn: (root: PublicDirectory) => Promise<PublicDirectory>) {
    const root = await this.root
    this.root = fn(root)
    await this.root

  private async withError<T>(operation: Promise<T>, opDescription: string): Promise<T> {
    try {
      return await operation
    } catch (e) {
      console.error(`Error during WASM operation ${opDescription}:`)
      throw e

  async ls(path: Path): Promise<Links> {
    const root = await this.root

    const { result: node } = await this.withError(
    ) as OpResult<PublicNode | null>

    if (node == null) {
      throw new Error(`Can't ls ${path.join("/")}: No such directory`)

    if (!node.isDir()) {
      throw new Error(`Can't ls ${path.join("/")}: Not a directory`)

    const directory = node.asDir()

    const { result: entries } = await this.withError(,,
    ) as OpResult<DirEntry[]>

    const result: Links = {}
    for (const entry of entries) {
      const node = await directory.lookupNode(, as PublicNode

      const cid = node.isFile()
        ? CID.decode(await node.asFile().store(
        : CID.decode(await node.asDir().store(

      result[ ] = {
        isFile: entry.metadata.unixMeta.kind === "file",
        size: 0, // TODO size?
    return result

  async mkdir(path: Path): Promise<this> {
    await this.atomically(async root => {

      const { rootDir } = await this.withError(
        root.mkdir(path, new Date(),,
      ) as OpResult<null>

      return rootDir

    return this

  async cat(path: Path): Promise<Uint8Array> {
    const root = await this.root

    const { result: cidBytes } = await this.withError(,,
    ) as OpResult<Uint8Array>

    const cid = CID.decode(cidBytes)
    return this.dependencies.depot.getUnixFile(cid)

  async add(path: Path, content: Uint8Array): Promise<this> {
    const { cid } = await this.dependencies.depot.putChunked(content)

    await this.atomically(async root => {
      const { rootDir } = await this.withError(
        root.write(path, cid.bytes, new Date(),,
      ) as OpResult<null>

      return rootDir

    return this

  async rm(path: Path): Promise<this> {
    await this.atomically(async root => {
      const { rootDir } = await this.withError(
      ) as OpResult<null>

      return rootDir

    return this

  async mv(from: Path, to: Path): Promise<this> {
    await this.atomically(async root => {
      const { rootDir } = await this.withError(
        root.basicMv(from, to, new Date(),,
        `basicMv(${from.join("/")}, ${to.join("/")})`
      ) as OpResult<null>

      return rootDir

    return this

  async get(path: Path): Promise<PuttableUnixTree | File | null> {
    const root = await this.root
    const { result: node } = await this.withError(
    ) as OpResult<PublicNode>

    if (node == null) {
      return null

    if (node.isFile()) {
      const cachedFile = node.asFile()
      const content = await
      const directory = path.slice(0, -1)
      const filename = path[ path.length - 1 ]

      return new PublicFileWasm(content, directory, filename, this, cachedFile)

    } else if (node.isDir()) {
      const cachedDir = node.asDir()

      return new PublicDirectoryWasm(this.readOnly, path, this, cachedDir)

    throw new Error(`Unknown node type. Can only handle files and directories.`)

  async exists(path: Path): Promise<boolean> {
    const root = await this.root

    try {
      await root.getNode(path,
      return true
    } catch {
      return false

  async historyStep(): Promise<PublicDirectory> {
    await this.atomically(async root => {
      const { rootDir: rebasedRoot } = await root.baseHistoryOn(this.lastRoot, as OpResult<null>
      this.lastRoot = root
      return rebasedRoot
    return await this.root

  async put(): Promise<CID> {
    const rebasedRoot = await this.historyStep()
    const cidBytes = await as Uint8Array
    return CID.decode(cidBytes)

  async putDetailed(): Promise<Depot.PutResult> {
    return {
      cid: await this.put(),
      size: 0, // TODO figure out size
      isFile: false,



export class PublicDirectoryWasm implements UnixTree, Puttable {
  readOnly: boolean

  private directory: string[]
  private publicRoot: PublicRootWasm
  private cachedDir: PublicDirectory

  constructor(readOnly: boolean, directory: string[], publicRoot: PublicRootWasm, cachedDir: PublicDirectory) {
    this.readOnly = readOnly = directory
    this.publicRoot = publicRoot
    this.cachedDir = cachedDir

  private checkMutability(operation: string) {
    if (this.readOnly) throw new Error(`Directory is read-only. Cannot ${operation}`)

  private async updateCache() {
    const root = await this.publicRoot.root
    const node = await root.getNode(,
    this.cachedDir = node.asDir()

  get header(): { metadata: Metadata; previous?: CID } {
    return nodeHeader(this.cachedDir)

  async ls(path: Path): Promise<Links> {
    return await[, ...path ])

  async mkdir(path: Path): Promise<this> {
    this.checkMutability(`mkdir at ${[, ...path ].join("/")}`)
    await this.publicRoot.mkdir([, ...path ])
    await this.updateCache()
    return this

  async cat(path: Path): Promise<Uint8Array> {
    return await[, ...path ])

  async add(path: Path, content: Uint8Array): Promise<this> {
    this.checkMutability(`write at ${[, ...path ].join("/")}`)
    await this.publicRoot.add([, ...path ], content)
    await this.updateCache()
    return this

  async rm(path: Path): Promise<this> {
    this.checkMutability(`remove at ${[, ...path ].join("/")}`)
    await this.publicRoot.rm([, ...path ])
    await this.updateCache()
    return this

  async mv(from: Path, to: Path): Promise<this> {
    this.checkMutability(`mv from ${[, ...from ].join("/")} to ${[, ].join("/")}`)
    await[, ...from ], [, ])
    await this.updateCache()
    return this

  async get(path: Path): Promise<PuttableUnixTree | File | null> {
    return await this.publicRoot.get([, ...path ])

  async exists(path: Path): Promise<boolean> {
    return await this.publicRoot.exists([, ...path ])

  async put(): Promise<CID> {
    await this.publicRoot.put()
    const root = await this.publicRoot.root
    const cidBytes: Uint8Array = await
    return CID.decode(cidBytes)

  async putDetailed(): Promise<Depot.PutResult> {
    return {
      isFile: false,
      size: 0,
      cid: await this.put()


// This is somewhat of a weird hack of providing a result for a `get()` operation.

export class PublicFileWasm extends BaseFile {
  private directory: string[]
  private filename: string
  private publicRoot: PublicRootWasm
  private cachedFile: PublicFile

  constructor(content: Uint8Array, directory: string[], filename: string, publicRoot: PublicRootWasm, cachedFile: PublicFile) {
    super(content) = directory
    this.filename = filename
    this.publicRoot = publicRoot
    this.cachedFile = cachedFile

  private async updateCache() {
    const root = await this.publicRoot.root
    const node = await root.getNode([, this.filename ],
    this.cachedFile = node.asFile()

  get header(): { metadata: Metadata; previous?: CID } {
    return nodeHeader(this.cachedFile)

  async updateContent(content: Uint8Array): Promise<this> {
    await super.updateContent(content)
    await this.updateCache()
    return this

  async putDetailed(): Promise<Depot.PutResult> {
    const root = await this.publicRoot.root
    const path = [, this.filename ]
    const { result: node } = await root.getNode(path, as OpResult<PublicNode>

    if (node == null) {
      throw new Error(`No file at /${path.join("/")}.`)

    if (!node.isFile()) {
      throw new Error(`Not a file at /${path.join("/")}`)

    const file = node.asFile()

    return {
      isFile: true,
      size: 0,
      cid: CID.decode(await


function nodeHeader(node: PublicFile | PublicDirectory): { metadata: Metadata; previous?: CID } {
  // There's some differences between the two.
  const meta = node.metadata()
  const metadata: Metadata = {
    isFile: meta.unixMeta.kind === "file",
    version: meta.version,
    unixMeta: {
      _type: meta.unixMeta.kind,
      ctime: Number(meta.unixMeta.created),
      mtime: Number(meta.unixMeta.modified),
      mode: meta.unixMeta.mode,

  const previous = node.previousCid()
  return previous == null ? { metadata } : {
    previous: CID.decode(previous),