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Test Coverage
# This hook script will automatically add the Pivotal Tracker ID
# to the beginning of the git commit message (in the format of
# [#12345678]) if it is not already there.
# The script pulls the ID from the beginning of the branch name.  If
# the branch name does not start with the Pivotal Tracker ID, then
# this script will do nothing.
# Specifying the Pivotal Tracker ID in the git commit message allows
# Pivotal to list all commits associated with a story when the
# story is viewed.
# To enable this script, copy it into your repo's .git/hooks directory.

CURRENT_BRANCH=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
TRACKER_ID=`echo $CURRENT_BRANCH | awk -F\. '{print $2}'`

# Make sure the branch name starts with what looks like a tracker ID
if [ "$TRACKER_ID" != "" ]; then

  # If we could not find the tracker ID in the commit message in the
  # proper format, then add it.
  grep -q "\[#$TRACKER_ID\]" $COMMIT_MSG_FILE
  if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    sed "1s/^/[#$TRACKER_ID] /" $COMMIT_MSG_FILE > /tmp/tracker_git_commit_msg
    mv /tmp/tracker_git_commit_msg $COMMIT_MSG_FILE

# Explicitly exit 0 to make sure we don't accidentally abort the commit
exit 0