<?phpdeclare(strict_types = 1); namespace Pastry\Board; use Pastry\Board\Revision\NewStyle;use Pastry\Board\Revision\OldStyle;use RuntimeException; /** * @link * @link * @link */abstract class Revision { protected string $releaseDate; protected int $overvoltage; protected int $otpProgram; protected int $otpRead; protected int $warranty; protected int $newFlag; protected int $memorySize; protected int $manufacturer; protected int $processor; protected int $type; protected float $pcbRevision; protected const RELEASE_MAP = [ 0x0002 => 'Q1 2012', 0x0003 => 'Q3 2012', 0x0004 => 'Q3 2012', 0x0005 => 'Q4 2012', 0x0006 => 'Q4 2012', 0x0007 => 'Q1 2013', 0x0008 => 'Q1 2013', 0x0009 => 'Q1 2013', 0x000d => 'Q4 2012', 0x000e => 'Q4 2012', 0x000f => 'Q4 2012', 0x0010 => 'Q3 2014', 0x0011 => 'Q2 2014', 0x0012 => 'Q4 2014', 0x0013 => 'Q1 2015', 0x0014 => 'Q2 2014', 0x0015 => 'Unknown', 0xa01040 => 'Unknown', 0xa01041 => 'Q1 2015', 0xa21041 => 'Q1 2015', 0xa22042 => 'Q3 2016', 0x900021 => 'Q3 2016', 0x900032 => 'Q2 2016', 0x900092 => 'Q4 2015', 0x900093 => 'Q2 2016', 0x920093 => 'Q4 2016', 0x9000c1 => 'Q1 2017', 0xa02082 => 'Q1 2016', 0xa020a0 => 'Q1 2017', 0xa22082 => 'Q1 2016', 0xa32082 => 'Q4 2016', 0xa020d3 => 'Q1 2018', 0x9020e0 => 'Q4 2018', 0xa02100 => 'Q1 2019', 0xa03111 => 'Q2 2019', 0xb03111 => 'Q2 2019', 0xb03112 => 'Q2 2019', 0xb03114 => 'Q2 2020', 0xc03111 => 'Q2 2019', 0xc03112 => 'Q2 2019', 0xc03114 => 'Q2 2020', 0xd03114 => 'Q2 2020', 0x902120 => 'Q4 2021' ]; public const OVERVOLTAGE = [ 'Overvoltage allowed', 'Overvoltage disallowed' ]; public const OTP_PROGRAM = [ 'OTP programming allowed', 'OTP programming disallowed' ]; public const OTP_READ = [ 'OTP reading allowed', 'OTP reading disallowed' ]; public const WARRANTY = [ 'Warranty is intact', 'Warranty has been voided by overclocking' ]; public const NEW_FLAG = [ 'old-style revision', 'new-style revision' ]; public const MEMORY_SIZE = [ '256MB', '512MB', '1GB', '2GB', '4GB', '8GB' ]; public const MANUFACTURER = [ 'Sony UK', 'Egoman', 'Embest', 'Sony Japan', 'Embest', 'Stadium' ]; public const PROCESSOR = [ 'BCM2835', 'BCM2836', 'BCM2837', 'BCM2711' ]; public const TYPE = [ 'A', 'B', 'A+', 'B+', '2B', 'Alpha (early prototype)', 'CM1', '3B', 'Zero', 'CM3', '', 'Zero W', '3B+', '3A+', 'Internal use only', 'CM3+', '4B', 'Zero 2 W', '400', 'CM4' ]; Function `fromCpuInfo` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. public static function fromCpuInfo(array $info): static { $revision = -1; foreach ($info as $line) { if (preg_match('/^revision *: (.*)$/i', $line, $match) === 1) { $revision = hexdec($match[1]); break; } } if ($revision === -1) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to extract revision number from /proc/cpuinfo output'); } if ($revision <= 0x0015) { return new OldStyle($revision); } return new NewStyle($revision); } public function getReleaseDate(): string { return $this->releaseDate; } public function getOvervoltage(): int { return $this->overvoltage; } public function getOtpProgram(): int { return $this->otpProgram; } public function getOtpRead(): int { return $this->otpRead; } public function getWarranty(): int { return $this->warranty; } public function getNewFlag(): int { return $this->newFlag; } public function getMemorySize(): int { return $this->memorySize; } public function getManufacturer(): int { return $this->manufacturer; } public function getProcessor(): int { return $this->processor; } public function getType(): int { return $this->type; } public function getPcbRevision(): float { return $this->pcbRevision; }}