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# *Flexirest:* HTTP/parse error handling

## HTTP Errors

Sometimes the backend server may respond with a non-2xx/3xx header, in which case the code will raise an `Flexirest::HTTPClientException` for 4xx errors or an `Flexirest::HTTPServerException` for 5xx errors. 

These both have a `status` accessor, a `result` accessor (for getting access to the parsed body) and a `body` accessor (for getting access to the original unparsed body). However, you can make use of the `message` method (or the `to_s` method) that will build a nice error message for you (containing the URL and the HTTP method used for the request as well as the HTTP status code and the original body of the response).

rescue Flexirest::HTTPClientException, Flexirest::HTTPServerException => e
  # Display the HTTP status and parsed body
  puts "Backend returned HTTP #{e.status} with following parsed body: #{e.result}"
  # Display the unparsed body
  puts "Original body is: #{e.body}"
  # Using the message method, same than calling the to_s method
  puts e.message

## Parse Error

If the original response is unparsable (e.g. not in the desired content type), then it will raise an `Flexirest::ResponseParseException` which has a `status` accessor for the HTTP status code and a `body` accessor for the unparsed response body.


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