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<% unless node['quagga']['integrated_vtysh_config'] # {{{ integrated_vtysh_config -%>
hostname bgpd
password <%= node['quagga']['password'] %>
enable password <%= node['quagga']['enabled_password'] %>
log file /var/log/quagga/bgpd.log
<% end # }}} !integrated_vtysh_config -%>
<% @local_asns.each do |asn, data| -%>
router bgp <%= asn %>
  <% if router_id = data['router_id'] || node['quagga']['router_id'] -%>
 bgp router-id <%= router_id %>
  <% end -%>
  <% if data['multipath_relax'] -%>
 bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax
  <% end -%>
  <% if data['compare_routerid'] -%>
 bgp bestpath compare-routerid
  <% end -%>
  <% if data['hold_time'] && data['keepalive_interval'] -%>
 timers bgp <%= data['keepalive_interval'] %> <%= data['hold_time'] %>
  <% end -%>
  <% if data['log_neighbor_changes'] -%>
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
  <% end -%>
<%-# {{{ address-family independent neighbor options -%>
  <% if data['neighbors'] -%>
    <% data['neighbors'].sort_by(&method(:sort_by_bgp_neighbor)).each do |neighbor, n_opts| -%>
      <%  # A Neighbor MUST start with one of the following:
          # - neighbor remote-as  (numbered peer)
          # - neighbor string peer-group (peer-group definition)
          # - neighbor eth0 interface (peer_type='interface', peer_type='interface v6only')
          # Failure to do so will cause Quagga error: "Specify remote-as or peer-group commands first"
          # peer-group definitions also need to come BEFORE any neighbors that are members of those peer-groups
      <% if n_opts['peer_group'] && n_opts['peer_group'].is_a?(TrueClass) -%>
 neighbor <%= neighbor %> peer-group
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['peer_type'] -%>
 neighbor <%= neighbor %> <%= n_opts['peer_type'] %>
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['remote_as'] -%>
 neighbor <%= neighbor %> remote-as <%= n_opts['remote_as'] %>
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['peer_group'] && n_opts['peer_group'].is_a?(String) -%>
 neighbor <%= neighbor %> peer-group <%= n_opts['peer_group'] %>
      <% end -%>
      <% # End of required first items ######################################### -%>
      <% if n_opts['description'] -%>
 neighbor <%= neighbor %> description <%= n_opts['description'] %>
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['local_as'] -%>
 neighbor <%= neighbor %> local-as <%= n_opts['local_as'] %>
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['ebgp_multihop'] -%>
 neighbor <%= neighbor %> ebgp-multihop <%= n_opts['ebgp_multihop'] %>
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['connect_timer'] -%>
 neighbor <%= neighbor %> timers connect <%= n_opts['connect_timer'] %>
      <% end -%>
      <% Array(n_opts['capability']).compact.each do |capa| -%>
 neighbor <%= neighbor %> capability <%= capa %>
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['peer_group_range'] -%>
        <% Array(n_opts['peer_group_range']).each do |range| -%>
 bgp listen range <%= range %> peer-group <%= neighbor %>
        <% end -%>
      <% end -%>
    <% end -%>
  <% end -%>
<%-# }}} address-family independent neighbor options -%>
<%-# {{{ address-family -%>
  <% data['address_family'].sort.each do |address_family, af_opts| # sorted to ensure ipv4 comes first -%>
  <% unless address_family == 'ipv4 unicast' -%>
 address-family <%= address_family %>
  <% end -%>
    <% Array(af_opts['redistribute']).each do |route_type| -%>
      <% next unless %w( babel connected isis kernel ospf ospf6 ripng static ).include? route_type -%>
  redistribute <%= route_type %>
    <% end -%>
    <% (af_opts['aggregate_address'] || {}).each do |range, agg_opts| -%>
  aggregate-address <%= range %> <%= agg_opts if agg_opts.is_a?(String) %>
    <% end -%>
    <% if af_opts['max_paths'] -%>
  maximum-paths <%= af_opts['max_paths'] %>
    <% end -%>
<%-# {{{ neighbor -%>
    <% next unless af_opts['neighbors'] -%>
    <% af_opts['neighbors'].sort_by(&method(:sort_by_bgp_neighbor)).each do |neighbor, n_opts| -%>
      <% next if n_opts['ipv6'] && address_family != 'ipv6' # Skip ipv6 neighbors in ipv4 AF -%>
      <% unless address_family.include?('ipv4') -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> activate
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['soft_reconfig_in'] -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> soft-reconfiguration inbound
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['next_hop_self'] -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> next-hop-self <%= n_opts['next_hop_self'] if n_opts['next_hop_self'].is_a?(String) %>
      <% end -%>
      <% Array(n_opts['capability']).compact.each do |capa| -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> capability <%= capa %>
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['default_originate'] -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> default-originate <%= 'route-map' if n_opts['default_originate_map'] %> <%= n_opts['default_originate_map'] %>
      <% end -%>
<%-# {{{ neighbor prefix-list -%>
      <% if n_opts['prefix_list_in'] -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> prefix-list <%= n_opts['prefix_list_in'] %> in
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['prefix_list_out'] -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> prefix-list <%= n_opts['prefix_list_out'] %> out
      <% end -%>
<%-# }}} neighbor prefix-list -%>
<%-# {{{ neighbor route-map -%>
      <% if n_opts['route_map_in'] -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> route-map <%= n_opts['route_map_in'] %> in
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['route_map_out'] -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> route-map <%= n_opts['route_map_out'] %> out
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['route_map_import'] -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> route-map <%= n_opts['route_map_import'] %> import
      <% end -%>
      <% if n_opts['route_map_export'] -%>
  neighbor <%= neighbor %> route-map <%= n_opts['route_map_export'] %> export
      <% end -%>
<%-# }}} neighbor route-map -%>
    <% end -%>
<%-# }}} neighbor -%>
  <% end -%>
<%-# }}} address-family -%>
<% end -%>
!<%# vim: et foldmethod=marker