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Test Coverage
Name: Minimal Shock Resistance
Invented on: 2011-03-07
Invented by: flonatel
Owner: flonatel
Description: Defines the minimal shock resistance of a device.
Note: This constraint is automatically evaluated.\par
 If the current node does not explicitly include this constraint, a
 new constraint is computed from the parent's constraints: the maximum
 number is used.\
 If the current node does explicitly define this constraint, it is
 checked if all the parent's constraints values are less or equal to
 the node's value.
 class MinShockResistance:
    def __init__(self, v):
      self.msr = v
    def description(self):
      return "minimal shock resistance of %d G" % self.msr
    def unite(self, mobj, loa):
      # The maximum is needed here
      ma = 0
      for l in loa:
        if ma<l.msr:
          ma = l.msr
      # If there is no local constraint, put the max into the local
      if mobj==None:
        return self.mclass(ma)
      # Check if the local is at least the maximum
      ce3assert(mobj.msr>=ma, \
                "MinShockResistance: " \
                "Value of device is smaller than the needed - " \
                "device will fail. " \
                "Device [%dG] - needed [%dG]" % (mobj.msr, ma))
      return None
 MinShockResistance.mclass = MinShockResistance