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   Free and Open Source Requirements Management Tool

  Priority attribute

 (c) 2010-2012,2017 by flonatel GmbH & Co. KG

 For licensing details see COPYING
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from rmtoo.lib.RMTException import RMTException
from rmtoo.lib.ReqTagGeneric import ReqTagGeneric
from rmtoo.lib.InputModuleTypes import InputModuleTypes

class ReqPriority(ReqTagGeneric):
    '''A priority is a number between 0 and 1.
    The stakeholders can name a number between 0 and 10 (only full
    numbers) which are scaled down to the interval [0..1].
    If a priority is not given, a priority of 0 is assumed - which in
    turn means, that the whole subtree has priority 0.
    The computed priority is the average of all stakeholders numbers.

    def __init__(self, config):
        ReqTagGeneric.__init__(self, config, "Priority",
                               set([InputModuleTypes.reqtag, ]))

    def rewrite(self, rid, req):
        """This tag is mandatory - but might be empty"""
        if self.get_tag() not in req:
            return "Factor", 0.0
        # Compute the priority.  This is done by adding the simple
        # priorities and afterwars build the average from this.
        tag = req[self.get_tag()]
        lop = tag.get_content().split()
        # The (computed) priority
        priority_sum = 0.0
        num_stakeholders = 0
        # A list to check if each stakeholder votes maximal one time.
        priority_done = []
        for line in lop:
            split_line = line.split(":", 1)
            if len(split_line) != 2 or not split_line[1]:
                raise RMTException(12, "%s: faulty priority declaration '%s'"
                                   % (rid, line))
            # p[0] is the stakeholder
            # p[1] is the given priority
            if split_line[0] not in self.get_config().get_value(
                raise RMTException(13, "%s: stakeholder '%s' not known"
                                   % (rid, split_line[0]))
            if split_line[0] in priority_done:
                raise RMTException(14, "%s: stakeholder '%s' voted more "
                                   "than once" % (rid, split_line[0]))
            # Convert it to a float - so it's easier to compare.
            prio_f = float(split_line[1])
            # Check if in valid range [0..10]
            if prio_f < 0 or prio_f > 10:
                raise RMTException(15, "%s: invalid priority '%f' - must "
                                   "be between 0 and 10" % (rid, prio_f))
            # Compute new sum...
            priority_sum += prio_f / 10
            # ... and increase the stakeholders count.
            num_stakeholders += 1
            # Flag stakeholder that he voted already

        del req[self.get_tag()]
        return "Factor", priority_sum / float(num_stakeholders)