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import { IRepo, ICode, AccessTokenType, IDir } from '..'
// import NodeGit from 'nodegit'
import listDir from 'recursive-readdir'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import shortid from 'shortid'
import axios from 'axios'
import xml from 'xml2js'

export class Repo implements IRepo {
  /** @internal */
  protected _code: ICode

  /** @internal */
  // protected _local?: NodeGit.Repository

  /** @internal */
  protected _remote?: any

  /** @internal */
  protected _owner?: string

  /** @internal */
  protected _name?: string

  /** @internal */
  protected _dir?: IDir

  /** @internal */
  protected _nodeDir?: IDir

   * @param code
  constructor(code: ICode) {
    this._code = code

  get code() {
    return this._code

  // /**
  //  *
  //  */
  // get local() {
  //   return this._local
  // }

  get remote() {
    return this._remote

  get owner() {
    return this._owner

  get dir() {
    return this._dir

  get nodeDir() {
    return this._nodeDir

  get name() {
    return this._name

  // /**
  //  *
  //  */
  // get isOpen() {
  //   return this._local !== undefined
  // }

  get hasRemote() {
    return this._remote !== undefined

  get isRemoteForeign() {
    return this.owner !== this.code.user?.login

  async open() {
    // try {
    //   this._local = this.dir?.exists
    //     ? await NodeGit.Repository.open(this.dir!.path!)
    //     : undefined
    // } catch {}

  async loadRemote() {
    // try {
    //   this._remote =
    //     this.code.service &&
    //     (await this.code.service.repos.get({
    //       owner: this.owner!,
    //       repo: this.name!,
    //     }))
    // } catch {}

  async commit(paths: string[], comment: string) {
    // if (!this.isOpen) return

    // const signature = NodeGit.Signature.now(
    //   this.code.user?.name!,
    //   this.code.user?.email!
    // )

    // await this.local?.createCommitOnHead(paths, signature, signature, comment)

  async runNamecheapCommand (data: any) {
    // const { vault } = this.code.product.session?.index.sections.secrets

    // if (vault.isLocked) {
    //   return
    // }

    // const productConfig: any = this.code.product.manifest.data.json()
    // const { security, settings } = productConfig

    // if (!security || !settings || !settings.domain || !security.namecheap) {
    //   return
    // }

    // const vaultParts = security.namecheap.split("/")

    // if (vaultParts.length !== 3 && vaultParts[0].toLowerCase() !== '$vault') {
    //   return
    // }

    // const section = vault.read(vaultParts[1])

    // if (!section || !section[vaultParts[2]]) {
    //   return 
    // }

    // const { clientIP, username, apiKey } = section[vaultParts[2]]

    // const domainParts = settings.domain.split('.')
    // const nsTLD = domainParts.pop()
    // const nsSLD = domainParts.join('.')
    // const nsCmd = data.cmd
    // const nsCallRoot = `https://api.namecheap.com/xml.response?ApiUser=${username}&ApiKey=${apiKey}&UserName=${username}&ClientIP=${clientIP}`
    // const nsCall = `${nsCallRoot}&SLD=${nsSLD}&TLD=${nsTLD}&Command=namecheap.${nsCmd}${data.args ? '&' + data.args : ''}`   

    // const nsResponse = await axios.get(nsCall)
    // const response: any = await xml.parseStringPromise(nsResponse.data)
    // const { ApiResponse } = response
    // const { CommandResponse } = ApiResponse

    // if (!ApiResponse || !CommandResponse) {
    //   return
    // }

    // if (ApiResponse.$.Status === 'ERROR') { 
    //   return { error: ApiResponse.Errors[0].Error[0] }
    // }
    // return CommandResponse[0]

  async getNamespaceHosts (data: any) {
    // const response: any = await this.runNamecheapCommand({ ... data, cmd: "domains.dns.getHosts" })

    // if (!response || response.error || !response.DomainDNSGetHostsResult) {
    //   return 
    // }
    // const { DomainDNSGetHostsResult } = response

    // const { host } = DomainDNSGetHostsResult[0]

    // if (!host) {
    //   return 
    // }

    // return host.map((entry: any) => {
    //   return entry.$
    // })

  async updateNamespaceHosts (data: any) {
    // const hosts = await this.getNamespaceHosts(data)

    // if (!hosts) {
    //   return 
    // }

    // var args = ``
    // hosts.map((h: any, i: number) => {
    //   var name = h.Name 
    //   var type = h.Type
    //   var ttl = h.TTL
    //   var value = h.Address

    //   if (data.cid && name.substring(0, 8) === '_dnslink') {
    //     value = `dnslink=/ipfs/${data.cid}`
    //   }

    //   args = `${args}${[`HostName${i+1}`]}=${name}&${[`Address${i+1}`]}=${value}&${[`RecordType${i+1}`]}=${type}&${[`TTL${i+1}`]}=${ttl}${i < hosts.length - 1 ? '&' : ''}`
    // })

    // const response: any = await this.runNamecheapCommand({ 
    //   ...data, 
    //   args,
    //   cmd: "domains.dns.setHosts" 
    // })

    // return response

  async pinDeployment (deployment: any) {
    // const { vault } = this.code.product.session?.index.sections.secrets

    // if (!vault || vault.isLocked) {
    //   return
    // }

    // const productConfig: any = this.code.product.manifest.data.json()
    // const { security } = productConfig

    // if (!security || !security.domain || !security.pinata) {
    //   return
    // }

    // const vaultParts = security.pinata.split("/")

    // if (vaultParts.length !== 3 && vaultParts[0].toLowerCase() !== '$vault') {
    //   return
    // }

    // const section = vault.read(vaultParts[1])
    // if (!section || !section[vaultParts[2]]) {
    //   return 
    // }

    // const { apiKey, secretKey } = section[vaultParts[2]]
    // const pinataSDK = require('@pinata/sdk')
    // const pinataEngine = pinataSDK(apiKey, secretKey)

    // const result = await pinataEngine.pinByHash(deployment.urls.publicRaw, {
    //   pinataMetadata: {
    //     name: 'carmel-deployment',
    //     keyvalues: {
    //         deploymentId: deployment.id
    //     }
    //   }
    // })

    // return result

  async setupDeployment(id: string) {

  async push() {
    if (!this.dir?.exists || !this.nodeDir?.exists) return

    const deploymentId = shortid.generate()
    await this.setupDeployment(deploymentId)

    const rootDir = this.dir!.dir(deploymentId)!

    process.env.IPFS_PATH = this.nodeDir?.dir('ipfs')?.make()?.path
    const ipfsConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(process.env.IPFS_PATH!, 'config'), 'utf-8'))

    const deploymentRoot = `/deployments/${deploymentId}`                      
    const ignores = ['.DS_Store']
    let files: any[] = await listDir(rootDir.path!)

    files = files.filter(file => !ignores.includes(path.basename(file))).map(file => {
      const info = fs.statSync(file)
      return {
          path: `${deploymentRoot}/${path.relative(rootDir.path!, file)}`,
          content: fs.readFileSync(file),
          mtime: info.mtime
    let deployment: any = {
      timestamp: Date.now(),
      id: deploymentId,
      files: files.length

    if (!files || files.length === 0) return deployment 

    const ipfsClient = require('ipfs-http-client')
    const node = ipfsClient(ipfsConfig.Addresses.API)
    const localGatewayUrl = `http://${node.gatewayHost}:${node.gatewayPort}`
    const publicGatewayUrl = `https://ipfs.io`

    await Promise.all(files.map(file => node.files.write(file.path, file.content, {
      parents: true, create: true, mtime: file.mtime  

    const deployed = []
    for await (const result of node.files.ls(deploymentRoot)) deployed.push(result)

    const deploymentData = {
      code: deployed.find((d: any) => d.name === 'code'),
      content: deployed.find((d: any) => d.name === 'content'),
      web: deployed.find((d: any) => d.name === 'web')

    deployment.deployed = { 
      code: { cid: deploymentData.code.cid.toString() },
      web: { cid: deploymentData.web.cid.toString() },
      content: { cid: deploymentData.content.cid.toString() }

    // const deployedWebNamed = await node.name.publish(deployedWeb.cid)
    // deployment.urls = {
    //   publicRaw: `${publicGatewayUrl}/ipfs/${deployedWeb.cid}`,
    //   publicNamed: `${publicGatewayUrl}/ipns/${deployedWebNamed.name}`
    // }

    // const dns = await this.updateNamespaceHosts({ 
    //   cid: deployedWeb.cid
    // })

    // const pin = await this.pinDeployment(deployment)

    // console.log(dns)
    // console.log(pin)

    // response.elements.map((e: any) => {
    //   console.log("<<<<<<>llllll>>>>", e)
    //   if (e.name === 'ApiResponse') {
    //     console.log(">>EL?:", e.attributes.Status)
    //     console.log(">>ELel:", e.elements)        
    //   }
    // })

    // const shorten = await axios.post(`https://rel.ink/api/links/`,  {
    //   url: deployment.urls.publicRaw
    // }, { 
    //   headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
    // })

    // if (!shorten || !shorten.data || !shorten.data.hashid) {
    //   return deployment
    // }
    // deployment.urls.short = `https://rel.ink/${shorten.data.hashid}`

    // console.log('done. waiting to go live ...')
    // console.log(deployment.urls)

    // const check = async () => {
    //   try {
    //     console.log('checking ...')
    //     return await axios.get(deployment.urls.publicRaw)
    //   } catch {}
    // }

    // await new Promise((done) => {
    //   (async () => {
    //     let checked: any
    //     while(!checked || checked.status !== 200) {
    //       checked = await check()
    //     }
    //     done()
    //   })()
    // })

    return deployment

    // if (!this.isOpen) return

    // let remote = await this.local?.getRemote('origin')

    // if (!remote) {
    //   remote = await NodeGit.Remote.create(
    //     this.local!,
    //     'origin',
    //     `git@github.com:${this.owner}/${this.name}.git`
    //   )
    // }

    // await remote?.push(['refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master'], {
    //   callbacks: {
    //     credentials: this.code.credentials,
    //   },
    // })

  async setupHosting() {
    // const cwd = process.cwd()
    // process.chdir(this.dir!.path!)

    // DIRS.map((dir: string) => {
    //   const source = this.code?.dir?.dir(dir)
    //   const target = this.dir?.dir(dir)
    //   target?.exists && target.remove()
    //   source?.copy(target!)
    // })

    // deployWebDir?.exists && deployWebDir.remove()
    // webDir?.exists && webDir.copy(deployWebDir!)

    // const deployCarmelDir = this.dir?.dir('chunks')
    // deployWebDir?.exists && deployWebDir.remove()
    // webDir?.exists && webDir.copy(deployWebDir!)

    // const vercel = this.code.product.session?.authenticator.providers.get(
    //   AccessTokenType.VERCEL
    // )

    // const name = `carmel-${this.code.product.id}`
    // const deployment: any = await vercel?.push(name, this)

    // process.chdir(cwd)
    // return deployment

  async initialize() {
    // Always start with a fresh location
    this._dir = this.code?.dir?.dir('.deployed')?.make()
    this._nodeDir = this.code.product.session!.dir.dir('node')?.make()

    // this._owner =
    //   this.code?.product?.data?.deployRepo?.owner || this.code.user?.login
    // this._name = this.code?.product?.data?.deployRepo?.name || this.owner

    // await this.open()
    // await this.loadRemote()

    // if (!this.hasRemote && !this.isRemoteForeign) {
    //   // Create the remote repo, if possible
    //   await this.code.service.repos.createForAuthenticatedUser({
    //     name: this.name,
    //   })
    // }

    // if (this.isOpen) {
    //   // Let's get outta here
    //   return
    // }

    // try {
    //   // Initialize it, if necessary
    //   this._local = !this.hasRemote
    //     ? await NodeGit.Repository.init(this.dir!.path!, 0)
    //     : // Clone it
    //       await NodeGit.Clone.clone(
    //         `git@github.com:${this.owner}/${this.name}.git`,
    //         this.dir!.path!,
    //         {
    //           fetchOpts: {
    //             callbacks: {
    //               certificateCheck: () => 0,
    //               credentials: this.code.credentials,
    //             },
    //           },
    //         }
    //       )
    //   await this.open()
    // } catch {}