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# Hubspot custom ID property sync script
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You find you need to do anything fancy but there is no way to uniquely identify users apart from their
email address? Well here is a hokey-pokey work-around.

What this does is just ***base64 encodes*** the `vid` property to a custom property that we can actually use.
I don't like the idea of directly exposing the vid. So this obfuscates it slightly. However, it is still easy
to decode in pretty much any programming language as far as I am aware of.

***One example of a use case*** is adding it as query string in a url from a link in an email.
We can then use it to identify the user that clicked the email on the target page.

### Install

Using [composer](

composer require focuscanada/hubspot-custom-id

### Usage

##### 1. Create a new contact property for the custom ID
Name it something like `custom_id`, and make it a **single line text** field.

![Custom property](

##### 2. Create a new smart list
You will need to create a new *smart list* that contains only contacts where the `custom_id` property is `unknown`.
Remember the ID of that list. (*It should be the number as the last component of the url when editing the list*)

![list url](

##### 3. Use it (example)


require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Focus\HubspotId\SyncService;
use Fungku\HubSpot\HubSpotService;

$hubspot_api_key = 'demo';
$hubspot_list_id = '12345';
$hubspot_property = 'custom_id';

$hubspot = HubSpotService::make($hubspot_api_key);
$sync = new SyncService($hubspot, $hubspot_property);


##### 4. Make a workflow (optional)
If you don't want it to run just as something like a cron job, or manually. Then you can deploy
it to a server somewhere and create a workflow to access your script as a webhook.

### Credits

- The idea came from [these instructions]( on
- The [original idea thread]( on the Hubspot forums.
- Uses [ryanwinchester/hubspot-php]( for the API.