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# OpenStack Workflow (Mistral)

This document explains how to get started using OpenStack Workflow (Mistral) with Fog. It assumes you have read the [Getting Started with Fog and the OpenStack]( document.

Fog uses the [OpenStack Mistral API](

## Workflow Service

Get a handle for the Workflow service:

service ={
  :openstack_auth_url  => 'http://KEYSTONE_HOST:KEYSTONE_PORT/v2.0/tokens', # OpenStack Keystone endpoint
  :openstack_username  => OPEN_STACK_USER,                                  # Your OpenStack Username
  :openstack_tenant    => OPEN_STACK_TENANT,                                # Your tenant id
  :openstack_api_key   => OPEN_STACK_PASSWORD,                              # Your OpenStack Password
  :connection_options  => {}                                                # Optional

Read more about the [Optional Connection Parameters](common/

## Executions

A Workflow is a composition of one or more actions.

To execute a workflow, we create an execution:

workflow = "tripleo.plan_management.v1.create_default_deployment_plan"
input = { :container => 'default' }
response = service.create_execution(workflow, input)

Execution status and result can be checked by:

workflow_execution_id = response.body["id"]
response = mistral.get_execution(workflow_execution_id)
state = response.body["state"]

To execute an individual action, we create an action execution:

input = { :container => 'default' }
service.create_action_execution("tripleo.get_capabilities", input)

For actions, the result is returned when create_action_execution completes.

## Workflows

### Create a workflow

workflow_def = {
  :version => "2.0",
  :myworkflow => {
    :type        => "direct",
    :description => "description1",
    :tasks => {
      :create_vm => {
        :description => "create vm"
response = service.create_workflow(workflow_def)
workflow_id = response.body["workflows"][0]["id"]

### Validate a workflow before creating it


### Update a workflow

workflow_def_new = {
  :version => "2.0",
  :myworkflow => {
    :type        => "direct",
    :description => "description2",
    :tasks => {
      :create_vm => {
        :description => "create vm"

### List workflow


### Delete workflow


## Other Mistral resources

In addition to workflows, the following Mistral resources are also supported:

* Workbooks
* Actions
* Executions
* Tasks
* Action Executions
* Cron Triggers
* Environments
* Validations

For examples on how to interact with these resources, please refer to

## Additional Resources

* [Mistral Wiki](
* [Mistral DSL v2](
* [Mistral API v2](
* [Mistral python client]( Can be useful to see how to interact with the API.
* [more resources and feedback](common/