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# Identity

This document shows you the identity service (or user management) available with fog-proxmox.

Proxmox supports many authentication sources (PAM, LDAP, Active Directory) and an authorization management (ACL, privileges).

You can see more details in [Proxmox user management wiki page](

## Starting irb console


require 'fog/proxmox'

## Create identity service

with access ticket:

identity =
    proxmox_url: 'https://localhost:8006/api2/json', 
    proxmox_auth_method: 'access_ticket', 
    proxmox_username: 'your_user@your_realm', 
    proxmox_password: 'his_password',
    connection_options: { ... }

with API user token:

identity =
    proxmox_url: 'https://localhost:8006/api2/json', 
    proxmox_auth_method: 'user_token', 
    proxmox_userid: 'your_user@your_realm', 
    proxmox_tokenid: 'his_tokenid',
    proxmox_token: 'his_token',
    connection_options: { ... }

[connection_options]( are also available and optional.

## Fog Abstractions

Fog provides both a **model** and **request** abstraction. The request abstraction provides the most efficient interface and the model abstraction wraps the request abstraction to provide a convenient `ActiveModel` like interface.

### Request Layer

The request abstraction maps directly to the [Proxmox VE API]( It provides an interface to the Proxmox Identity service.

To see a list of requests supported by the identity service:


To learn more about Identity request methods refer to source files.

To learn more about Excon refer to [Excon GitHub repo](

### Model Layer

Fog models behave in a manner similar to `ActiveModel`. Models will generally respond to `create`, `save`,  `persisted?`, `destroy`, `reload` and `attributes` methods. Additionally, fog will automatically create attribute accessors.

Here is a summary of common model methods:

            Accepts hash of attributes and creates object.<br>
            Note: creation is a non-blocking call and you will be required to wait for a valid state before using resulting object.
        <td>Updates object.<br>
        Note: not all objects support updating object.</td>
            Destroys object.<br>
            Note: this is a non-blocking call and object deletion might not be instantaneous.
        <td>Returns a hash containing the list of model attributes and values.</td>
            Returns the identity of the object.<br>
            Note: This might not always be equal to

The remainder of this document details the model abstraction.

#### Users management

List all users:


This returns a collection of `Fog::Proxmox::Identity::User` models:

Create a user:

    userid: 'bobsinclar@pve',
    password: 'bobsinclar1',
    firstname: 'Bob',
    lastname: 'Sinclar',
    email: ''

Get a user:

user = identity.users.find_by_id 'bobsinclar@pve'

Change his password:

user.password = 'bobsinclar2'

Add groups to user:

user.groups = %w[group1 group2]

Delete user:


#### Groups management

Proxmox supports permissions management by group.

Proxmox recommends to manage permissions by group instead of by user.

List all groups:


This returns a collection of `Fog::Proxmox::Identity::Group` models:

Create a group:

    groupid: 'group1'

Get a group:

group = identity.groups.find_by_id 'group1'

Add a comment:

group.comment = 'Group 1'

Delete group:


#### Domains management

Proxmox supports 4 domains or realms (sources of authentication): PAM, PVE, LDAP and Active Directory.

Proxmox server has two default domains: PAM and PVE.

List all domains:


This returns a collection of `Fog::Proxmox::Identity::Domain` models:

Create a LDAP domain:

        realm: 'LDAP',
        type: 'ldap',
        base_dn: 'ou=People,dc=ldap-test,dc=com',
        user_attr: 'LDAP',
        server1: 'localhost',
        port: 389,
        default: 0,
        secure: 0

Get a domain:

ldap = 'LDAP'

Add a comment and a two factor authentication (OATH) to LDAP realm:

ldap.type.comment = 'Test domain LDAP'
ldap.type.tfa = 'type=oath,step=30,digits=8'

Delete domain:


#### Roles management

Proxmox supports roles management to give permissions to group of users.

Proxmox server has several defaults roles already created. See [Proxmox user management wiki page](

List all roles:


This returns a collection of `Fog::Proxmox::Identity::Role` models:

Create a new role:

identity.roles.create({ roleid: 'PVETestAuditor' })

Get the role:

role = identity.groups.find_by_id 'PVETestAuditor'

Add privileges to this new role:

role.privs = 'Datastore.Audit Sys.Audit VM.Audit'

List of all available privileges can be seen at [Proxmox user management wiki page](

Delete role:


#### Permissions management

Proxmox supports permissions management. Access permissions are assigned to objects, such as a virtual machines, storages or pools of resources. It uses path to identify these objects. Path is the same as REST API path.

See more details in [Proxmox user management wiki page](

List all permissions:


This returns a collection of `Fog::Proxmox::Identity::Permission` models:

Add a new permission (manage users) to a user:

    path: '/access/users',
    roles: 'PVEUserAdmin',
    users: 'bobsinclar@pve'

Add a new permission (manage users) to a group of users:

    path: '/access/users',
    roles: 'PVEUserAdmin',
    groups: 'group1'

Remove a permission to a user:

    path: '/access/users',
    roles: 'PVEUserAdmin',
    users: 'bobsinclar@pve'

User permissions:

bob = identity.users.get 'bobsinclar@pve'

#### Pools management

Proxmox supports pools management of VMs or storages. It eases managing permissions on these.

Create a pool:

identity.pools.create { poolid: 'pool1' }

Get a pool:

pool1 = identity.pools.find_by_id 'pool1'

Add comment, server 100 and storage local-lvm to the pool:

pool1.comment = 'Pool 1'
pool1.add_server 100
pool1.add_storage 'local-lvm '

Get all pools:


Delete pool:

# you need to remove all members before deleting pool
pool1.remove_server 100
pool1.remove_storage 'local-lvm '

### Examples

More examples can be seen at [examples/identity.rb](examples/identity.rb) or [spec/identity_spec.rb](spec/identity_spec.rb).