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Test Coverage
Thanks for taking the time to report an issue you've found in CouchbaseODM. Please delete this text and fill in the template below. If unsure about something, just do as best as you're able.

Note that it will be much easier for us to fix the issue if a test case that reproduces the problem is provided. Ideally this test case should not have any external dependencies. We understand that it is not always possible to reduce your code to a small test case, but we would appreciate to have as much data as possible. Thank you!

## What you are doing?
_Post a minimal code sample that reproduces the issue, including models (and associations)_

// code here

## What do you expect to happen?
_I wanted Foo!_

## What is actually happening?
_But the output was bar!_

__Couchbase SDK version:__ XXX
__Couchbase Server version:__ XXX
__CouchbaseODM version/branch:__ XXX