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Test Coverage

_Thanks for taking the time to contribute something to CouchbaseODM ! Please delete this text and fill in the template below. If unsure about something, just do as best as you're able._

_If your PR only contains changes to documentation, you may skip the template below._

### Pull Request check-list

_Please make sure to review and check all of these items:_

- [ ] Does `npm run unit-tests` pass with this change?
- [ ] Does your issue contain a link to existing issue (Closes #[issue]) or a description of the issue you are solving?
- [ ] Have you added new tests to prevent regressions?
- [ ] Is a documentation update included (if this change modifies existing APIs, or introduces new ones)?
- [ ] Have you added an entry under `Future` in the changelog?

_NOTE: these things are not required to open a PR and can be done afterwards / while the PR is open._

### Description of change

_Please provide a description of the change here._