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# folded/config

Configuration and environment utilities for your PHP web app.

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## Summary

- [About](#about)
- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Version support](#version-support)

## About

I created this library to get an easy to setup way to perform configuration/environment value fetch.

Folded is a constellation of packages to help you setting up a web app easily, using ready to plug in packages.

- [folded/action]( A way to organize your controllers for your web app.
- [folded/config]( Configuration and environment utilities for your PHP web app.
- [folded/crypt]( Encrypt and decrypt strings for your web app.
- [folded/exception]( Various kind of exception to throw for your web app.
- [folded/history]( Manipulate the browser history for your web app.
- [folded/http]( HTTP utilities for your web app.
- [folded/orm]( An ORM for you web app.
- [folded/request]( Request utilities, including a request validator, for your PHP web app.
- [folded/routing]( Routing functions for your PHP web app.
- [folded/session]( Session functions for your web app.
- [folded/view]( View utilities for your PHP web app.

## Features

- Can get configuration or `.env` values (using dot syntax)
- Can check if a configuration or an env value exist
- Eager load the configuration, such as it is only booted when you get a configuration or an env value

## Requirements

- PHP version >= 7.4.0
- Composer installed

## Installation

- [1. Install the package](#1-install-the-package)
- [2. Set up the library](#2-set-up-the-library)

### 1. Install the package

In your project root directory, run this command:

composer require folded/config

### 2. Set up the library

Right before getting the config or env values, integrate this script:

use function Folded\setConfigFolderPath;
use function Folded\setEnvFolderPath;

setConfigFolderPath(__DIR__ . "/config");

You don't have to set up both if you only want to use one or the other. However, if you plan to use both, make sure that `setEnvFolderPath()` is called before `setConfigFolderPath()` in order to take advantage of env variables in configurations.

The env folder path is the folder that contains your `.env` file.

## Examples

Since this library uses vlucas/phpdotenv for the env feature, you can learn more on this file format [in the documentation](

- [1. Getting a configuration value](#1-getting-a-configuration-value)
- [2. Getting an env value](#2-getting-an-env-value)
- [3. Checking if a configuration exist](#3-checking-if-a-configuration-exist)
- [4. Check if an env value exist](#4-check-if-an-env-value-exist)
- [5. Get all config variables](#5-get-all-config-variables)

### 1. Getting a configuration value

In this example, we will get a configuration value.

use function Folded\getConfig;

echo getConfig("");

Asuming your configuration file is located at `config/app.php`, and contains:

return [
    "name" => "Folded",

### 2. Getting an env value

In this example, we will get a value stored in the `.env` file.

echo Folded\getEnv("APP_NAME");

Asuming your `.env` file contains:

APP_NAME="Your app name"

### 3. Checking if a configuration exist

In this example, we will check if a configuration key exist.

use function Folded\hasConfig;

if (hasConfig("")) {
    echo "config exist";
} else {
    echo "config don't exist";

### 4. Check if an env value exist

In this example, we will check if an env variable exist.

use function Folded\hasEnv;

if (hasEnv("APP_NAME")) {
    echo "has env";
} else {
    echo "has not env";

### 5. Get all config variables

In this example, we will get all the key/values inside the config file `app.php`.

use function Folded\getAllConfig;

$app = getAllConfig("app");

echo $app["name"];

## Version support

|        | 7.3 | 7.4 | 8.0 |
| ------ | --- | --- | --- |
| v0.1.0 | ❌  | ✔️  | ❓  |
| v0.1.1 | ❌  | ✔️  | ❓  |
| v0.1.2 | ❌  | ✔️  | ❓  |
| v0.1.3 | ❌  | ✔️  | ❓  |
| v0.1.4 | ❌  | ✔️  | ❓  |
| v0.1.5 | ❌  | ✔️  | ❓  |