
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
    "_readme": [
        "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
        "Read more about it at",
        "This file is @generated automatically"
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                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Roman Borschel",
                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Benjamin Eberlei",
                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Jonathan Wage",
                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Johannes Schmitt",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "PHP Doctrine Inflector is a small library that can perform string manipulations with regard to upper/lowercase and singular/plural forms of words.",
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            "keywords": [
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                    "name": "Taylor Otwell",
                    "email": ""
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                    "email": ""
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                "illuminate/support": "^7.0",
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                "fzaninotto/faker": "Required to use the eloquent factory builder (^1.9.1).",
                "illuminate/console": "Required to use the database commands (^7.0).",
                "illuminate/events": "Required to use the observers with Eloquent (^7.0).",
                "illuminate/filesystem": "Required to use the migrations (^7.0).",
                "illuminate/pagination": "Required to paginate the result set (^7.0).",
                "symfony/finder": "Required to use Eloquent model factories (^5.0)."
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            "extra": {
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                    "email": ""
            "description": "The Illuminate Database package.",
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                    "name": "Taylor Otwell",
                    "email": ""
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            "time": "2020-08-24T13:15:53+00:00"
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                "ramsey/uuid": "Required to use Str::uuid() (^3.7|^4.0).",
                "symfony/process": "Required to use the composer class (^5.0).",
                "symfony/var-dumper": "Required to use the dd function (^5.0).",
                "vlucas/phpdotenv": "Required to use the Env class and env helper (^4.0)."
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                "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.1",
                "php-cs-fixer/accessible-object": "^1.0",
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                "ext-dom": "For handling output formats in XML",
                "ext-mbstring": "For handling non-UTF8 characters.",
                "php-cs-fixer/phpunit-constraint-isidenticalstring": "For IsIdenticalString constraint.",
                "php-cs-fixer/phpunit-constraint-xmlmatchesxsd": "For XmlMatchesXsd constraint.",
                "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "When enabling `ext-mbstring` is not possible."
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            "authors": [
                    "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                    "email": ""
                    "name": "Dariusz Rumiński",
                    "email": ""
            "description": "A tool to automatically fix PHP code style",
            "time": "2020-06-27T23:57:46+00:00"
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            "description": "Create deep copies (clones) of your objects",
            "keywords": [
                "object graph"
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            "version": "v4.9.1",
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                    "name": "Nikita Popov"
            "description": "A PHP parser written in PHP",
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            "time": "2020-08-30T16:15:20+00:00"
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                    "email": ""
            "description": "Cli error handling for console/command-line PHP applications.",
            "keywords": [
            "time": "2020-08-27T18:58:22+00:00"
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                "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes."
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                    "email": "",
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            "description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7",
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            "time": "2018-07-02T15:55:56+00:00"
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            "version": "v0.3.1",
            "source": {
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