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# folded/history

Queue job management for your web app.

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## Summary

- [About](#about)
- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Version support](#version-support)

## About

I created this library to be able to easily create jobs to enqueue and retrieve in a later time. I use it for tasks that I don't want to block on my PHP requests (like sending an email after an account has been created, which I can send later).

Folded is a constellation of packages to help you setting up a web app easily, using ready to plug in packages.

- [folded/action]( A way to organize your controllers for your web app.
- [folded/config]( Configuration utilities for your PHP web app.
- [folded/crypt]( Encrypt and decrypt strings for your web app.
- [folded/exception]( Various kind of exception to throw for your web app.
- [folded/file]( Manipulate files with functions for your web app.
- [folded/history]( Manipulate the browser history for your web app.
- [folded/http]( HTTP utilities for your web app.
- [folded/orm]( An ORM for you web app.
- [folded/routing]( Routing functions for your PHP web app.
- [folded/request]( Request utilities, including a request validator, for your PHP web app.
- [folded/session]( Session functions for your web app.
- [folded/view]( View utilities for your PHP web app.

## Features

- Can add jobs to a queue
- Can retrieve jobs from a queue
- Can check if there is jobs to process in a queue
- Can set the queue driver
  - file
- Can set the type of job retreival
  - FIFO: First In, First Out
  - FILO: First In, Last Out

## Requirements

- PHP version >= 7.4.0
- Composer installed

## Installation

- [1. Install the package](#1-install-the-package)
- [2. Add the bootstrap code](#2-add-the-bootstrap-code)

### 1. Install the package

In your root folder, run this command:

composer required folded/queue

### 2. Add the bootstrap code

As early as possible, and by making sure the code is ran before add or get jobs in a queue:

use function Folded\setQueueDriver;
use function Folded\setQueueType;

setQueueDriver("file", [
  "folder" =>


Check the [examples](#examples) for a complete list of drivers and type of queue, as well as constants to avoid writting the queue drivers and type by hand.

## Examples

- [1. Add a job to a queue](#1-add-a-job-to-a-queue)
- [2. Get a job from a queue](#2-get-a-job-from-a-queue)
- [3. Check if there is a job to process from a queue](#3-check-if-there-is-a-job-to-process-from-a-queue)
- [4. Set the queue driver](#4-set-the-queue-driver)
- [5. Set the queue type](#5-set-the-queue-type)

### 1. Add a job to a queue

In this example, we will add a job to a queue.

use function Folded\addJobToQueue;

addJobToQueue("account-created", [
  "email" => "",

If you used the "file" driver, you will see a new `default.job` file containing your job.

If you want to organize in multiple queue identified by a special name, use the third parameter:

use function Folded\addJobToQueue;

addJobToQueue("account-created", [
  "email" => "",
], "emails");

If you use the "file" driver, you will see a new `emails.job` file named after the name of your queue, and containing your job.

### 2. Get a job from a queue

In this example, we will get the first job in our queue.

use function Folded\getJobFromQueue;

$job = getJobFromQueue();

echo "job type is {$job->getType()}";


As you can see, you will get an instance of `Folded\QueueJob` when getting the job quuee.

By default, you retreive jobs from the "default" queue. If you use the "file" driver, the job is taken from the "default.job" queue file.

When a job is taken, **it is removed from the queue**.

If you need to get a job from a named queue, use the first parameter:

use function Folded\getJobFromQueue;

$job = getJobFromQueue("emails");

echo "job type is {$job->getType()}";


For instance, if you use the "file" driver, this will take the job from the "emails.job" queue file.

### 3. Check if there is a job to process from a queue

In this example, we will check if there is a job to process from a queue.

use function Folded\hasJobFromQueue;

if (hasJobFromQueue()) {
  // can get the job queue

By default, this method will check if a job is available from the default queue. if you need to check from a named queue, use the first parameter:

use function Folded\hasJobFromQueue;

if (hasJobFromQueue("emails")) {
  // can get the job queue

### 4. Set the queue driver

In this example, we will set the queue driver.

use function Folded\setQueueDriver;


Here is a list of supported queue drivers:

- file

If you do not want to write the queue driver by hand, you can use constants instead:

use function Folded\setQueueDriver;


Here is a list of available constants:


### 5. Set the queue type

In this example, we will set the kind of job retreival.

use function Folded\setQueueType;


Here is a list of supported queue types:

- `fifo`: First In, First Out
- `filo`: First In, Last Out

If you do not want to write the queue type by hand, you can use constants instead:


So the previous code snippet becomes:

use function Folded\setQueueType;
use const Folded\QUEUE_TYPE_FIFO;


## Version support

|        | 7.3 | 7.4 | 8.0 |
| ------ | --- | --- | --- |
| v0.1.0 | ❌  | ✔️  | ❓  |