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 * fontIconPicker Plugin Class

import defaults from './defaults.js';
import jQuery from 'jquery';
import debounce from './debounce.js';

'use strict';

const $ = jQuery;

// A guid for implementing namespaced event
let guid = 0;
function FontIconPicker( element, options ) {
    this.element = $( element );
    this.settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
    if ( this.settings.emptyIcon ) {
    this.iconPicker = $( '<div/>', {
        class : 'icons-selector',
        style : 'position: relative',
        html  : this._getPickerTemplate(),
        attr: {
            'data-fip-origin': this.element.attr( 'id' )
    } );
    this.iconContainer = this.iconPicker.find( '.fip-icons-container' );
    this.searchIcon = this.iconPicker.find( '.selector-search i' );
    this.selectorPopup = this.iconPicker.find( '.selector-popup-wrap' );
    this.selectorButton = this.iconPicker.find( '.selector-button' );
    this.iconsSearched = [];
    this.isSearch = false;
    this.totalPage = 1;
    this.currentPage = 1;
    this.currentIcon = false;
    this.iconsCount = 0; = false;
    this.guid = guid++;
    this.eventNameSpace = `.fontIconPicker${guid}`;

    // Set the default values for the search related variables
    this.searchValues = [];
    this.availableCategoriesSearch = [];

    // The trigger event for change
    this.triggerEvent = null;

    // Backups
    this.backupSource = [];
    this.backupSearch = [];

    // Set the default values of the category related variables
    this.isCategorized = false; // Automatically detects if the icon listing is categorized
    this.selectCategory = this.iconPicker.find( '.icon-category-select' ); // The category SELECT input field
    this.selectedCategory = false; // false means all categories are selected
    this.availableCategories = []; // Available categories, it is a two dimensional array which holds categorized icons
    this.unCategorizedKey = null; // Key of the uncategorized category

    // Initialize plugin

FontIconPicker.prototype = {

     * Init
    init: function() {

        // Add the theme CSS to the iconPicker
        this.iconPicker.addClass( this.settings.theme );

        // To properly calculate iconPicker height and width
        // We will first append it to body (with left: -9999px so that it is not visible)
        this.iconPicker.css( {
            left: -9999
        } ).appendTo( 'body' );
        const iconPickerHeight = this.iconPicker.outerHeight(),
            iconPickerWidth = this.iconPicker.outerWidth();

        // Now reset the iconPicker CSS
        this.iconPicker.css( {
            left: ''
        } );

        // Add the icon picker after the select
        this.element.before( this.iconPicker );

        // Hide source element
        // Instead of doing a display:none, we would rather
        // make the element invisible
        // and adjust the margin
        this.element.css( {
            visibility: 'hidden',
            top: 0,
            position: 'relative',
            zIndex: '-1',
            left: '-' + iconPickerWidth + 'px',
            display: 'inline-block',
            height: iconPickerHeight + 'px',
            width: iconPickerWidth + 'px',

            // Reset all margin, border and padding
            padding: '0',
            margin: '0 -' + iconPickerWidth + 'px 0 0', // Left margin adjustment to account for dangling space
            border: '0 none',
            verticalAlign: 'top',
            float: 'none' // Fixes positioning with floated elements
        } );

        // Set the trigger event
        if ( ! 'select' ) ) {

            // Drop IE9 support and use the standard input event
            this.triggerEvent = 'input';

        // If current element is SELECT populate settings.source
        if ( ! this.settings.source && 'select' ) ) {

            // Populate data from select

        // Normalize the given source
        } else {

        // load the categories

        // Load icons

        // Initialize dropdown button

        // Category changer

        // Pagination

        // Icon Search

        // Icon Select

         * On click out
         * Add the functionality #9
         * {@link}

        // Window resize fix

     * Set icons after the fip has been initialized
    setIcons( newIcons, iconSearch ) {
        this.settings.source = Array.isArray( newIcons ) ? [ ...newIcons ] : $.extend( {}, newIcons );
        this.settings.searchSource = Array.isArray( iconSearch ) ? [ ...iconSearch ] : $.extend( {}, iconSearch );

     * Set currently selected icon programmatically
     * @param {string} theIcon current icon value
    setIcon( theIcon = '' ) {
        this._setSelectedIcon( theIcon );

     * Destroy picker and all events
    destroy() {;
        this.element.css( {
            visibility: '',
            top: '',
            position: '',
            zIndex: '',
            left: '',
            display: '',
            height: '',
            width: '',
            padding: '',
            margin: '',
            border: '',
            verticalAlign: '',
            float: ''
        } );

        // Remove the delegated events
        $( window ).off( 'resize' + this.eventNameSpace );
        $( 'html' ).off( 'click' + this.eventNameSpace );

     * Manually reset position
    resetPosition() {

     * Manually set page
     * @param {int} pageNum
    setPage( pageNum ) {
        if ( 'first' == pageNum ) {
            pageNum = 1;
        if ( 'last' == pageNum ) {
            pageNum = this.totalPage;
        pageNum = parseInt( pageNum, 10 );
        if ( isNaN( pageNum ) ) {
            pageNum = 1;
        if ( pageNum > this.totalPage ) {
            pageNum = this.totalPage;
        if ( 1 > pageNum ) {
            pageNum = 1;

        this.currentPage = pageNum;

     * Initialize Fix on window resize with debouncing
     * This helps reduce function call unnecessary times.
    _initFixOnResize() {
        $( window ).on( 'resize' + this.eventNameSpace, debounce( () => {
        }, this.settings.windowDebounceDelay ) );

     * Initiate autoClosing
     * Checks for settings, and if set to yes, then autocloses the dropdown
    _initAutoClose() {
        if ( this.settings.autoClose ) {
            $( 'html' ).on( 'click' + this.eventNameSpace, ( event ) => {

                // Check if event is coming from selector popup or icon picker
                const target =;
                if ( this.selectorPopup.has( target ).length ||
           target ) ||
                    this.iconPicker.has( target ).length ||
           target ) ) {

                    // Return

                // Close it
                if ( ) {
            } );

     * Select Icon
    _initIconSelect() {
        this.selectorPopup.on( 'click', '.fip-box', e => {
            const fipBox = $( e.currentTarget );
            this._setSelectedIcon( fipBox.attr( 'data-fip-value' ) );
        } );

     * Initiate realtime icon search
    _initIconSearch() {
        this.selectorPopup.on( 'input', '.icons-search-input', e => {

            // Get the search string
            const searchString = $( e.currentTarget ).val();

            // If the string is not empty
            if ( '' === searchString ) {

            // Set icon search to X to reset search
            this.searchIcon.removeClass( 'fip-icon-search' );
            this.searchIcon.addClass( 'fip-icon-cancel' );

            // Set this as a search
            this.isSearch = true;

            // Reset current page
            this.currentPage = 1;

            // Actual search
            // This has been modified to search the searchValues instead
            // Then return the value from the source if match is found
            this.iconsSearched = [];
            $.grep( this.searchValues, ( n, i ) => {
                if ( 0 <= n.toLowerCase().search( searchString.toLowerCase() ) ) {
                    this.iconsSearched[this.iconsSearched.length] = this.settings.source[i];
                    return true;
            } );

            // Render icon list
        } );

        * Quit search
        // Quit search happens only if clicked on the cancel button
        this.selectorPopup.on( 'click', '.selector-search .fip-icon-cancel', () => {
            this.selectorPopup.find( '.icons-search-input' ).focus();
        } );

     * Initiate Pagination
    _initPagination() {

        * Next page
        this.selectorPopup.on( 'click', '.selector-arrow-right', e => {
            if ( this.currentPage < this.totalPage ) {
                this.currentPage = this.currentPage + 1;
        } );

        * Prev page
        this.selectorPopup.on( 'click', '.selector-arrow-left', e => {
            if ( 1 < this.currentPage ) {
                this.currentPage = this.currentPage - 1;
        } );

     * Initialize category changer dropdown
    _initCategoryChanger() {

        // Since the popup can be appended anywhere
        // We will add the event listener to the popup
        // And will stop the eventPropagation on click
        // @since v2.1.0
        this.selectorPopup.on( 'change keyup', '.icon-category-select', e => {

            // Don't do anything if not categorized
            if ( false === this.isCategorized ) {
                return false;
            const targetSelect = $( e.currentTarget ),
                currentCategory = targetSelect.val();

            // Check if all categories are selected
            if ( 'all' === targetSelect.val() ) {

                // Restore from the backups
                // @note These backups must be rebuild on source change, otherwise it will lead to error
                this.settings.source = this.backupSource;
                this.searchValues = this.backupSearch;

            // No? So there is a specified category
            } else {
                const key = parseInt( currentCategory, 10 );
                if ( this.availableCategories[key] ) {
                    this.settings.source = this.availableCategories[key];
                    this.searchValues = this.availableCategoriesSearch[key];
        } );

     * Initialize Dropdown button
    _initDropDown() {
        this.selectorButton.on( 'click', event => {

            // Open/Close the icon picker

        } );

     * Get icon Picker Template String
    _getPickerTemplate() {
        const pickerTemplate = `
<div class="selector" data-fip-origin="${this.element.attr( 'id' )}">
    <span class="selected-icon">
        <i class="fip-icon-block"></i>
    <span class="selector-button">
        <i class="fip-icon-down-dir"></i>
<div class="selector-popup-wrap" data-fip-origin="${this.element.attr( 'id' )}">
    <div class="selector-popup" style="display: none;"> ${ ( this.settings.hasSearch ) ?
        `<div class="selector-search">
            <input type="text" name="" value="" placeholder="${ this.settings.searchPlaceholder }" class="icons-search-input"/>
            <i class="fip-icon-search"></i>
        </div>` : '' }
        <div class="selector-category">
            <select name="" class="icon-category-select" style="display: none"></select>
        <div class="fip-icons-container"></div>
        <div class="selector-footer" style="display:none;">
            <span class="selector-pages">1/2</span>
            <span class="selector-arrows">
                <span class="selector-arrow-left" style="display:none;">
                    <i class="fip-icon-left-dir"></i>
                <span class="selector-arrow-right">
                    <i class="fip-icon-right-dir"></i>
        return pickerTemplate;

     * Init the source & search index from the current settings
     * @return {void}
    _initSourceIndex: function() {

        // First check for any sorts of errors
        if ( 'object' !== typeof this.settings.source ) {

        // We are going to check if the passed source is an array or an object
        // If it is an array, then don't do anything
        // otherwise it has to be an object and therefore is it a categorized icon set
        if ( Array.isArray( this.settings.source ) ) {

            // This is not categorized since it is 1D array
            this.isCategorized = false;
            this.selectCategory.html( '' ).hide();

            // We are going to convert the source items to string
            // This is necessary because passed source might not be "strings" for attribute related icons
            this.settings.source = $.map( this.settings.source, ( e, i ) => {
                if ( 'function' == typeof e.toString ) {
                    return e.toString();
                } else {
                    return e;
            } );

            // Now update the search
            // First check if the search is given by user
            if ( Array.isArray( this.settings.searchSource ) ) {

                // Convert everything inside the searchSource to string
                this.searchValues = $.map( this.settings.searchSource, ( e, i ) => {
                    if ( 'function' == typeof e.toString ) {
                        return e.toString();
                    } else {
                        return e;
                } ); // Clone the searchSource
            // Not given so use the source instead
            } else {
                this.searchValues = this.settings.source.slice( 0 ); // Clone the source

        // Categorized icon set
        } else {
            const originalSource = $.extend( true, {}, this.settings.source );

            // Reset the source
            this.settings.source = [];

            // Reset other variables
            this.searchValues = [];
            this.availableCategoriesSearch = [];
            this.selectedCategory = false;
            this.availableCategories = [];
            this.unCategorizedKey = null;

            // Set the categorized to true and reset the HTML
            this.isCategorized = true;
            this.selectCategory.html( '' );

            // Now loop through the source and add to the list
            for ( const categoryLabel in originalSource ) {

                // Get the key of the new category array
                const thisCategoryKey = this.availableCategories.length,

                    // Create the new option for the selectCategory SELECT field
                    categoryOption = $( '<option />' );

                // Set the value to this categorykey
                categoryOption.attr( 'value', thisCategoryKey );

                // Set the label
                categoryOption.html( categoryLabel );

                // Append to the DOM
                this.selectCategory.append( categoryOption );

                // Init the availableCategories array
                this.availableCategories[thisCategoryKey] = [];
                this.availableCategoriesSearch[thisCategoryKey] = [];

                // Now loop through it's icons and add to the list
                for ( const newIconKey in originalSource[categoryLabel] ) {

                    // Get the new icon value
                    let newIconValue = originalSource[categoryLabel][newIconKey];

                    // Get the label either from the searchSource if set, otherwise from the source itself
                    const newIconLabel = ( this.settings.searchSource && this.settings.searchSource[categoryLabel] && this.settings.searchSource[categoryLabel][newIconKey] ) ?
                        this.settings.searchSource[categoryLabel][newIconKey] : newIconValue;

                    // Try to convert to the source value string
                    // This is to avoid attribute related icon sets
                    // Where hexadecimal or decimal numbers might be passed
                    if ( 'function' == typeof newIconValue.toString ) {
                        newIconValue = newIconValue.toString();

                    // Check if the option element has value and this value does not equal to the empty value
                    if ( newIconValue && newIconValue !== this.settings.emptyIconValue ) {

                        // Push to the source, because at first all icons are selected
                        this.settings.source.push( newIconValue );

                        // Push to the availableCategories child array
                        this.availableCategories[thisCategoryKey].push( newIconValue );

                        // Push to the search values
                        this.searchValues.push( newIconLabel );
                        this.availableCategoriesSearch[thisCategoryKey].push( newIconLabel );

        // Clone and backup the original source and search
        this.backupSource = this.settings.source.slice( 0 );
        this.backupSearch = this.searchValues.slice( 0 );

     * Populate source from select element
     * Check if select has optgroup, if so, then we are dealing with categorized
     * data. Otherwise, plain data.
    _populateSourceFromSelect() {

        // Reset the source and searchSource
        // These will be populated according to the available options
        this.settings.source = [];
        this.settings.searchSource = [];

        // Check if optgroup is present within the select
        // If it is present then the source has to be grouped
        if ( this.element.find( 'optgroup' ).length ) {

            // Set the categorized to true
            this.isCategorized = true;
            this.element.find( 'optgroup' ).each( ( i, el ) => {

                // Get the key of the new category array
                const thisCategoryKey = this.availableCategories.length,

                    // Create the new option for the selectCategory SELECT field
                    categoryOption = $( '<option />' );

                // Set the value to this categorykey
                categoryOption.attr( 'value', thisCategoryKey );

                // Set the label
                categoryOption.html( $( el ).attr( 'label' ) );

                // Append to the DOM
                this.selectCategory.append( categoryOption );

                // Init the availableCategories array
                this.availableCategories[thisCategoryKey] = [];
                this.availableCategoriesSearch[thisCategoryKey] = [];

                // Now loop through it's option elements and add the icons
                $( el ).find( 'option' ).each( ( i, cel ) => {
                    const newIconValue = $( cel ).val(),
                        newIconLabel = $( cel ).html();

                    // Check if the option element has value and this value does not equal to the empty value
                    if ( newIconValue && newIconValue !== this.settings.emptyIconValue ) {

                        // Push to the source, because at first all icons are selected
                        this.settings.source.push( newIconValue );

                        // Push to the availableCategories child array
                        this.availableCategories[thisCategoryKey].push( newIconValue );

                        // Push to the search values
                        this.searchValues.push( newIconLabel );
                        this.availableCategoriesSearch[thisCategoryKey].push( newIconLabel );
                } );
            } );

            // Additionally check for any first label option child
            if ( this.element.find( '> option' ).length ) {
                this.element.find( '> option' ).each( ( i, el ) => {
                    const newIconValue = $( el ).val(),
                        newIconLabel = $( el ).html();

                    // Don't do anything if the new icon value is empty
                    if ( ! newIconValue || '' === newIconValue || newIconValue == this.settings.emptyIconValue ) {
                        return true;

                    // Set the uncategorized key if not set already
                    if ( null === this.unCategorizedKey ) {
                        this.unCategorizedKey = this.availableCategories.length;
                        this.availableCategories[this.unCategorizedKey] = [];
                        this.availableCategoriesSearch[this.unCategorizedKey] = [];

                        // Create an option and append to the category selector
                        $( '<option />' ).attr( 'value', this.unCategorizedKey ).html( this.settings.unCategorizedText ).appendTo( this.selectCategory );

                    // Push the icon to the category
                    this.settings.source.push( newIconValue );
                    this.availableCategories[this.unCategorizedKey].push( newIconValue );

                    // Push the icon to the search
                    this.searchValues.push( newIconLabel );
                    this.availableCategoriesSearch[this.unCategorizedKey].push( newIconLabel );
                } );

        // Not categorized
        } else {
            this.element.find( 'option' ).each( ( i, el ) => {
                const newIconValue = $( el ).val(),
                    newIconLabel = $( el ).html();
                if ( newIconValue ) {
                    this.settings.source.push( newIconValue );
                    this.searchValues.push( newIconLabel );
            } );

        // Clone and backup the original source and search
        this.backupSource = this.settings.source.slice( 0 );
        this.backupSearch = this.searchValues.slice( 0 );

     * Load Categories
     * @return {void}
    _loadCategories: function() {

        // Dont do anything if it is not categorized
        if ( false === this.isCategorized ) {

        // Now append all to the category selector
        $( '<option value="all">' + this.settings.allCategoryText + '</option>' ).prependTo( this.selectCategory );

        // Show it and set default value to all categories 'all' ).trigger( 'change' );

     * Load icons
    _loadIcons: function() {

        // Set the content of the popup as loading
        this.iconContainer.html( '<i class="fip-icon-spin3 animate-spin loading"></i>' );

        // If source is set
        if ( Array.isArray( this.settings.source ) ) {

            // Render icons

     * Generate icons
     * Supports hookable third-party renderer function.
    _iconGenerator: function( icon ) {
        if ( 'function' === typeof this.settings.iconGenerator ) {
            return this.settings.iconGenerator( icon );
        return '<i ' + ( this.settings.useAttribute ? ( this.settings.attributeName + '="' + ( this.settings.convertToHex ? '&#x' + parseInt( icon, 10 ).toString( 16 ) + ';' : icon ) + '"' ) : 'class="' + icon + '"' ) + '></i>';

     * Render icons inside the popup
    _renderIconContainer: function() {

        let offset,
            iconsPaged = [],

        // Set a temporary array for icons
        if ( this.isSearch ) {
            iconsPaged = this.iconsSearched;
        } else {
            iconsPaged = this.settings.source;

        // Count elements
        this.iconsCount = iconsPaged.length;

        // Calculate total page number
        this.totalPage = Math.ceil( this.iconsCount / this.settings.iconsPerPage );

        // Hide footer if no pagination is needed
        if ( 1 < this.totalPage ) {
            this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-footer' ).show();

            // Reset the pager buttons
            // Fix #8 {@link}
            // It is better to set/hide the pager button here
            // instead of all other functions that calls back _renderIconContainer
            if ( this.currentPage < this.totalPage ) { // current page is less than total, so show the arrow right
                this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-arrow-right' ).show();
            } else { // else hide it
                this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-arrow-right' ).hide();
            if ( 1 < this.currentPage ) { // current page is greater than one, so show the arrow left
                this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-arrow-left' ).show();
            } else { // else hide it
                this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-arrow-left' ).hide();
        } else {
            this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-footer' ).hide();

        // Set the text for page number index and total icons
        this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-pages' ).html( this.currentPage + '/' + this.totalPage + ' <em>(' + this.iconsCount + ')</em>' );

        // Set the offset for slice
        offset = ( this.currentPage - 1 ) * this.settings.iconsPerPage;

        // Should empty icon be shown?
        if ( this.settings.emptyIcon ) {

            // Reset icon container HTML and prepend empty icon
            this.iconContainer.html( '<span class="fip-box" data-fip-value="fip-icon-block"><i class="fip-icon-block"></i></span>' );

        // If not show an error when no icons are found
        } else if ( 1 > iconsPaged.length ) {
            this.iconContainer.html( '<span class="icons-picker-error" data-fip-value="fip-icon-block"><i class="fip-icon-block"></i></span>' );

        // else empty the container
        } else {
            this.iconContainer.html( '' );

        // Set an array of current page icons
        iconsPaged = iconsPaged.slice( offset, offset + this.settings.iconsPerPage );

        // List icons
        for ( let i = 0, icon; icon = iconsPaged[i++]; ) { // eslint-disable-line

            // Set the icon title
            let fipBoxTitle = icon;
            $.grep( this.settings.source, $.proxy( function( e, i ) {
                if ( e === icon ) {
                    fipBoxTitle =  this.searchValues[i];
                    return true;
                return false;
            }, this ) );

            // Set the icon box
            $( '<span/>', {
                html:      this._iconGenerator( icon ),
                attr: {
                    'data-fip-value': icon
                class:   'fip-box',
                title: fipBoxTitle
            } ).appendTo( this.iconContainer );

        // If no empty icon is allowed and no current value is set or current value is not inside the icon set
        if ( ! this.settings.emptyIcon && ( ! this.element.val() || -1 === $.inArray( this.element.val(), this.settings.source ) ) ) {

            // Get the first icon
            this._setSelectedIcon( iconsPaged[0] );

        } else if ( -1 === $.inArray( this.element.val(), this.settings.source ) ) {

            // Issue #7
            // Need to pass empty string
            // Set empty
            // Otherwise DOM will be set to null value
            // which would break the initial select value
            this._setSelectedIcon( '' );

        } else {

            // Fix issue #7
            // The trick is to check the element value
            // Internally fip-icon-block must be used for empty values
            // So if element.val == emptyIconValue then pass fip-icon-block
            let passDefaultIcon = this.element.val();
            if ( passDefaultIcon === this.settings.emptyIconValue ) {
                passDefaultIcon = 'fip-icon-block';

            // Set the default selected icon even if not set
            this._setSelectedIcon( passDefaultIcon );


     * Set Highlighted icon
    _setHighlightedIcon: function() {
        this.iconContainer.find( '.current-icon' ).removeClass( 'current-icon' );
        if ( this.currentIcon ) {
            this.iconContainer.find( '[data-fip-value="' + this.currentIcon + '"]' ).addClass( 'current-icon' );

     * Set selected icon
     * @param {string} theIcon
    _setSelectedIcon: function( theIcon ) {
        if ( 'fip-icon-block' === theIcon ) {
            theIcon = '';

        const selectedIcon = this.iconPicker.find( '.selected-icon' );

        // if the icon is empty, then reset to empty
        if ( '' === theIcon ) {
            selectedIcon.html( '<i class="fip-icon-block"></i>' );
        } else {

            // Pass it to the render function
            selectedIcon.html( this._iconGenerator( theIcon ) );

        // Check if actually changing the DOM element
        const currentValue = this.element.val();

        // Set the value of the element
        this.element.val( ( '' === theIcon ? this.settings.emptyIconValue : theIcon ) );

        // trigger event if change has actually occured
        if ( currentValue !== theIcon ) {
            this.element.trigger( 'change' );
            if ( null !== this.triggerEvent ) {
                this.element.trigger( this.triggerEvent );

        this.currentIcon = theIcon;

     * Recalculate the position of the Popup
    _repositionIconSelector: function() {

        // Calculate the position + width
        const offset = this.iconPicker.offset(),
            offsetTop = + this.iconPicker.outerHeight( true ),
            offsetLeft = offset.left;

        this.selectorPopup.css( {
            left: offsetLeft,
            top: offsetTop
        } );

     * Fix window overflow of popup dropdown if needed
     * This can happen if appending to self or someplace else
    _fixWindowOverflow() {

        // Adjust the offsetLeft
        // Resolves issue #10
        // @link
        const visibilityStatus = this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-popup' ).is( ':visible' );
        if ( ! visibilityStatus ) {
            this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-popup' ).show();
        const popupWidth = this.selectorPopup.outerWidth(),
            windowWidth = $( window ).width(),
            popupOffsetLeft = this.selectorPopup.offset().left,
            containerOffset = ( 'self' == this.settings.appendTo ? this.selectorPopup.parent().offset() : $( this.settings.appendTo ).offset() );
        if ( ! visibilityStatus ) {
            this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-popup' ).hide();
        if ( popupOffsetLeft + popupWidth > windowWidth - 20 /* 20px adjustment for better appearance */ ) {
            // First we try to position with right aligned
            const pickerOffsetRight = this.selectorButton.offset().left + this.selectorButton.outerWidth();
            const preferredLeft =  Math.floor( pickerOffsetRight - popupWidth - 1 ); /** 1px adjustment for sub-pixels */

            // If preferredLeft would put the popup out of window from left
            // then don't do it
            if ( 0 > preferredLeft ) {
                this.selectorPopup.css( {
                    left: windowWidth - 20 - popupWidth - containerOffset.left
                } );
            } else {

                // Put it in the preferred position
                this.selectorPopup.css( {
                    left: preferredLeft
                } );


     * Fix on Window Resize
    _fixOnResize() {

        // If the appendTo is not self, then we need to reposition the dropdown
        if ( 'self' !== this.settings.appendTo ) {

        // In any-case, we need to fix for window overflow

     * Open/close popup (toggle)
    _toggleIconSelector: function() { = ( ! ) ? 1 : 0;

        // Append the popup if needed
        if ( ) {

            // Check the origin
            if ( 'self' !== this.settings.appendTo ) {

                // Append to the selector and set the CSS + theme
                this.selectorPopup.appendTo( this.settings.appendTo ).css( {
                    zIndex: 1000 // Let's decrease the zIndex to something reasonable
                } ).addClass( 'icons-selector ' + this.settings.theme );

                // call resize()

            // Fix positioning if needed

        this.selectorPopup.find( '.selector-popup' ).slideToggle( 300, $.proxy( function() {
            this.iconPicker.find( '.selector-button i' ).toggleClass( 'fip-icon-down-dir' );
            this.iconPicker.find( '.selector-button i' ).toggleClass( 'fip-icon-up-dir' );
            if ( ) {
                this.selectorPopup.find( '.icons-search-input' ).trigger( 'focus' ).trigger( 'select' );
            } else {

                // append and revert to the original position and reset theme
                this.selectorPopup.appendTo( this.iconPicker ).css( {
                    left: '',
                    top: '',
                    zIndex: ''
                } ).removeClass( 'icons-selector ' + this.settings.theme );
        }, this ) );

     * Reset search
    _resetSearch: function() {

        // Empty input
        this.selectorPopup.find( '.icons-search-input' ).val( '' );

        // Reset search icon class
        this.searchIcon.removeClass( 'fip-icon-cancel' );
        this.searchIcon.addClass( 'fip-icon-search' );

        // Go back to page 1
        this.currentPage = 1;
        this.isSearch = false;

        // Rerender icons

// ES6 Export it as module
export { FontIconPicker };