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Test Coverage
- min_order_quantity = (Float(@order.supplier.min_order_quantity) rescue 0)
- unless @order.supplier.min_order_quantity.blank? or min_order_quantity > 0
    %i= t('simple_form.labels.supplier.min_order_quantity') + ': ' +  @order.supplier.min_order_quantity

- if min_order_quantity > 0
    %i#min_quantity_text{title: t('.title_note', amount: number_to_currency(min_order_quantity))}
      - if min_order_quantity > @order.sum(:gross)
        = t '.status_needed', amount: number_to_currency(min_order_quantity-@order.sum(:gross)+0.5, precision: 0) 
      -# else
        = t '.status_enough_others'

  - content_for :javascript do
    -# The dynamic computation is approximate, since the minimum order quantity is based on
    -# gross amounts, and the group_order screen only has net amounts. To give an estimation,
    -# we add the markup to the minimum order quantity. This does not take into account deposit.
      $(function() {
        var sum_others = #{@order.sum(:fc) - @group_order.price};
        var min_order_quantity = #{min_order_quantity * (1+FoodsoftConfig[:price_markup]/100)};
        $(document).bind('foodsoft:group_order_sum_changed', function(evt, total, balance) {
          var text;
          if ( sum_others >= min_order_quantity) {
            text = '#{j t('.status_enough_others')}';
          } else if ( (sum_others + total) >= min_order_quantity) {
            text = '#{j t('.status_enough_affected')}';
          } else {
            var amount = I18n.toCurrency(min_order_quantity-sum_others-total+0.5, {precision: 0});
            text = '#{j t('.status_needed_approx')}'.replace('%{amount}', amount);