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Test Coverage

          = form_for @q, url: current_orders_articles_path, method: 'get', html: {data: {'submit-onchange' => true}, class: 'form-search'}, remote: true do |f|
              = f.text_field :article_name_contains, placeholder: t('.article_placeholder'), class: 'search-query input-block-level resettable'
              %button.add-on.btn.reset-search{type: 'button'}
        = render 'articles', orders: @current_orders

    = render 'actions'
    = render 'article', order_article: @order_article
    = render 'shared/articles_by/common'

- content_for :javascript do

    $(function() {

      // update number of received items - would prefer to do this server-side to
      // keep working when showing a partial list, but this avoids an extra ajax call
      $(document).on('GroupOrderArticle#update #update_articles_summary', function(e) {
        var count_sum = 0;
        // number of received items
        $('#articles_by_articles input[data-delta]').each(function() {
          count_sum += Number($(this).val());
        $('#single_order_article_total .count_sum').html(count_sum);
        // delta
        // @todo partial code-duplication with orders/_edit_amounts
        var expected = $('#single_order_article_delta .units_delta').data('quantity-expected');
        var delta = Math.round((count_sum - expected)*100)/100.0;
        if (isNaN(delta)) {
          html = '';
          color = 'inherit';
        } else if (delta == 0) {
          html = I18n.t('js.current_orders.articles.equal');
          color = 'green';
          //$('#single_order_article_total .count_sum').html(count_sum + ' <i class="icon-ok"></i>');
        } else if (delta < 0) {
          html = I18n.t('js.current_orders.articles.below', {count: -delta});
          color = 'inherit';
        } else {
          html = I18n.t('js.current_orders.articles.above', {count: delta});
          color = 'red';
        $('#single_order_article_delta .units_delta').html(html).attr('style', 'color: '+color);
        $('#single_order_article_total .count_sum').attr('style', 'color: '+color);

      // add ordergroup
      $('#group_order_article_ordergroup_id').select2().select2('data', null);
      $(document).on('GroupOrderArticle#create', function(e) {
        // reset selection
        $('#group_order_article_ordergroup_id').select2('data', null);
        // update table
          url: '#{show_on_group_order_article_create_current_orders_articles_path}',
          type: 'get',
          data: {group_order_article_id: e.group_order_article_id}