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Test Coverage
-# XXX code duplication of foodcoop-adam's app/views/group_orders/show.html.haml
- if @articles_grouped_by_category.count > 0
        %th{style: "width:40%"}= heading_helper Article, :name
        %th= heading_helper Article, :unit
        %th= t ''
          %abbr{title: t('')}= t ''
          %abbr{title: t('')}
            - if ( rescue true)
              = t ''
            - else
              = t ''
        %th= heading_helper GroupOrderArticle, :total_price
      - group_order_sum = 0
      - for category_name, goas in @articles_grouped_by_category
            = category_name
          %td{colspan: "9"}
        - goas.each do |goa|
          - # get the order-results for the ordergroup
          - oa = goa.order_article
          - r = {quantity: goa.quantity, tolerance: goa.tolerance, result: goa.result, sub_total: goa.total_price(oa)}
          - group_order_sum += r[:sub_total]
          %tr{class: cycle('even', 'odd', name: 'articles') + " order-article " + order_article_class_name(r[:quantity], r[:tolerance], r[:result])}
            -# article_info is present in foodcoop-adam only
  {style: "width:40%", title: (article_info_title(oa.article) rescue nil)}
              = article_info_icon oa.article rescue nil
              = oa.article.unit
              %span{style: 'opacity: 0.4; margin-left: 1em;'}= pkg_helper(oa.price, soft_uq: true)
            %td= number_to_currency oa.price.fc_price(@ordergroup)
              = r[:quantity]
              = "+ #{r[:tolerance]}" if oa.price.unit_quantity > 1
            %td= r[:result] > 0 ? r[:result] : "0"
            %td= number_to_currency(r[:sub_total])
          - unless oa.article.note.blank?
            %tr{id: "note_#{}", class: "note even", style: "display:none"}
              %td{colspan: "6"}=h oa.article.note
      %tr{class: cycle('even', 'odd', name: 'articles')}
        %th{colspan: "5"}= heading_helper GroupOrder, :price
        %th= number_to_currency(group_order_sum)
- elsif @articles_grouped_by_category.count == 0
  = t ''
- else
  = t ''