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3 days
Test Coverage
import * as path from "path";
import { nanoid } from "nanoid";
import CryptoJS from "crypto-js";
import EventEmitter from "events";
import { flatten, unflatten } from "flat";
import { sortBy, chunk, isArray, merge } from "lodash";
import { PromisePool } from "@supercharge/promise-pool";

import { S3Database } from "./s3-database.class";
import { S3Client } from "./s3-client.class";
import { S3dbInvalidResource } from "./errors";
import { S3ResourceCache } from "./cache/s3-resource-cache.class";
import { ResourceWriteStream } from "./stream/resource-write-stream.class";
import { ResourceIdsReadStream } from "./stream/resource-ids-read-stream.class";
import { ResourceIdsToDataTransformer } from "./stream/resource-ids-transformer.class";

import {
} from "./s3-resource.interface";

export class S3Resource extends EventEmitter implements ResourceInterface {
  name: any;
  schema: any;
  mapObj: any;
  options: any;
  validator: any;
  reversedMapObj: any;

  s3db: S3Database;
  s3Client: S3Client;
  s3Cache: S3ResourceCache | undefined;

   * Constructor
  constructor(params: ResourceConfigInterface) {

    this.s3db = params.s3db; =;
    this.schema = params.schema;
    this.options = params.options;
    this.s3Client = params.s3Client;

    this.validator = params.validatorInstance.compile(this.schema);

    const { mapObj, reversedMapObj } = this.getMappersFromSchema(this.schema);
    this.mapObj = mapObj;
    this.reversedMapObj = reversedMapObj;


    if (this.options.cache === true) {
      this.s3Cache = new S3ResourceCache({
        resource: this,
        compressData: true,
        serializer: "json",

  getMappersFromSchema(schema: any) {
    let i = 0;

    const mapObj = sortBy(Object.entries(schema), ["0"]).reduce(
      (acc: any, [key, value]) => {
        acc[key] = String(i++);
        return acc;

    const reversedMapObj = Object.entries(mapObj).reduce(
      (acc: any, [key, value]) => {
        acc[String(value)] = key;
        return acc;

    return {

  export() {
    const data = {
      schema: { ...this.schema },
      mapper: this.mapObj,
      options: this.options,

    for (const [name, definition] of Object.entries(this.schema)) {
      data.schema[name] = JSON.stringify(definition as any);

    return data;

  studyOptions() {
    if (!this.options.afterUnmap) this.options.beforeMap = {};
    if (!this.options.afterUnmap) this.options.afterUnmap = {};

    const schema: any = flatten(this.schema, { safe: true });

    const addRule = (arr: string, attribute: string, action: string) => {
      if (!this.options[arr][attribute]) this.options[arr][attribute] = [];

      this.options[arr][attribute] = [ Set([...this.options[arr][attribute], action]),

    for (const [name, definition] of Object.entries(schema)) {
      if ((definition as string).includes("secret")) {
        if (this.options.autoDecrypt === true) {
          addRule("afterUnmap", name, "decrypt");
      if ((definition as string).includes("array")) {
        addRule("beforeMap", name, "fromArray");
        addRule("afterUnmap", name, "toArray");
      if ((definition as string).includes("number")) {
        addRule("beforeMap", name, "toString");
        addRule("afterUnmap", name, "toNumber");
      if ((definition as string).includes("boolean")) {
        addRule("beforeMap", name, "toJson");
        addRule("afterUnmap", name, "fromJson");

  private check(data: any) {
    const result = {
      original: { },
      isValid: false,
      errors: [],

    const check = this.validator(data);

    if (check === true) {
      result.isValid = true;
    } else {
      result.errors = check;

    return {

  validate(data: any) {
    return this.check(flatten(data, { safe: true }));

  map(data: any) {
    let obj: any = { };

    for (const [attribute, actions] of Object.entries(this.options.beforeMap)) {
      for (const action of actions as string[]) {
        if (action === "fromArray") {
          obj[attribute] = (obj[attribute] || []).join("|");
        } else if (action === "toString") {
          obj[attribute] = String(obj[attribute]);
        } else if (action === "toJson") {
          obj[attribute] = JSON.stringify(obj[attribute]);

    obj = Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc: any, [key, value]) => {
      acc[this.mapObj[key]] = isArray(value) ? value.join("|") : value;
      return acc;
    }, {});

    return obj;

  unmap(data: any) {
    const obj = Object.entries(data).reduce((acc: any, [key, value]) => {
      acc[this.reversedMapObj[key]] = value;
      return acc;
    }, {});

    for (const [attribute, actions] of Object.entries(
    )) {
      for (const action of actions as string[]) {
        if (action === "decrypt") {
          let content = obj[attribute];
          content = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(content, this.s3db.passphrase);
          content = content.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
          obj[attribute] = content;
        } else if (action === "toArray") {
          obj[attribute] = (obj[attribute] || "").split("|");
        } else if (action === "toNumber") {
          obj[attribute] = Number(obj[attribute] || "");
        } else if (action === "fromJson") {
          obj[attribute] = JSON.parse(obj[attribute]);

    return obj;

   * Inserts a new object into the resource list.
   * @param {Object} param
   * @returns
  async insert(attributes: any) {
    let { id, ...attrs }: { id: any; attrs: any } = flatten(attributes, {
      safe: true,

    // validate
    let { isValid, errors, data: validated } = this.check(attrs);

    if (!isValid) {
      return Promise.reject(
        new S3dbInvalidResource({
          bucket: this.s3Client.bucket,
          validation: errors,

    if (!id && id !== 0) id = nanoid();
    validated =;

    // save
    await this.s3Client.putObject({
      key: path.join(`resource=${}`, `id=${id}`),
      body: "",
      metadata: validated,

    const final = { id, ...(unflatten(this.unmap(validated)) as object) };

    if (this.s3Cache) {
      await this.s3Cache?.purge();

    this.emit("insert", final);

    return final;

   * Get a resource by id
   * @param {Object} param
   * @returns
  async get(id: any) {
    const request = await this.s3Client.headObject(
      path.join(`resource=${}`, `id=${id}`)

    let data: any = this.unmap(request.Metadata);
    data = unflatten(data); = id;
    data._length = request.ContentLength;
    data._createdAt = request.LastModified;

    if (request.Expiration) data._expiresAt = request.Expiration;

    this.emit("get", data);

    return data;

   * Update a resource by id
   * @param {Object} param
   * @returns
  async update(id: any, attributes: any) {
    const obj = await this.get(id);

    let attrs1 = flatten(attributes, { safe: true });
    let attrs2 = flatten(obj, { safe: true });

    const attrs = merge(attrs2, attrs1) as any;

    const { isValid, errors, data: validated } = this.check(attrs);

    if (!isValid) {
      return Promise.reject(
        new S3dbInvalidResource({
          bucket: this.s3Client.bucket,
          validation: errors,

    if (!id && id !== 0) id = nanoid();

    // save
    await this.s3Client.putObject({
      key: path.join(`resource=${}`, `id=${id}`),
      body: "",

    const final = {
      ...(unflatten(validated) as object),

    if (this.s3Cache) await this.s3Cache?.purge();

    this.emit("update", attributes, final);

    return final;

   * Delete a resource by id
   * @param {Object} param
   * @returns
  async delete(id: any) {
    const key = path.join(`resource=${}`, `id=${id}`);
    const response = await this.s3Client.deleteObject(key);

    if (this.s3Cache) await this.s3Cache?.purge();

    this.emit("delete", id);

    return response;

   * @returns number
  async count() {
    if (this.s3Cache) {
      const cached = await this.s3Cache.get({ action: "count" });
      if (cached) return cached;

    const count = await this.s3Client.count({
      prefix: `resource=${}`,

    if (this.s3Cache) await this.s3Cache.put({ action: "count", data: count });

    this.emit("count", count);

    return count;

  async insertMany(objects: any[]) {
    const { results } = await PromisePool.for(objects)
      .handleError(async (error, content) => {
        this.emit("error", error, content);
        this.s3db.emit("error",, error, content);
      .process(async (attributes: any) => {
        const result = await this.insert(attributes);
        return result;

    this.emit("insertMany", objects.length);

    return results;

   * Delete resources by a list of ids
   * @param {Object} param
   * @returns
  async deleteMany(ids: any[]): Promise<any[]> {
    let packages = chunk( => path.join(`resource=${}`, `id=${x}`)),

    const { results } = await PromisePool.for(packages)
      .handleError(async (error, content) => {
        this.emit("error", error, content);
        this.s3db.emit("error",, error, content);
      .process(async (keys: string[]) => {
        const response = await this.s3Client.deleteObjects(keys);

        keys.forEach((key) => {
          const id = key.split("=").pop();
          this.emit("deleted", id);
          this.s3db.emit("deleted",, id);

        return response;

    if (this.s3Cache) await this.s3Cache?.purge();

    this.emit("insertMany", ids.length);

    return results;

  async deleteAll() {
    const ids = await this.listIds();
    this.emit("deleteAll", ids.length);
    await this.deleteMany(ids);

  async listIds() {
    if (this.s3Cache) {
      const cached = await this.s3Cache.get({ action: "listIds" });
      if (cached) return cached;

    const keys = await this.s3Client.getAllKeys({
      prefix: `resource=${}`,

    const ids = => x.replace(`resource=${}/id=`, ""));

    if (this.s3Cache) {
      await this.s3Cache.put({ action: "listIds", data: ids });
      const x = await this.s3Cache.get({ action: "listIds" });

    this.emit("listIds", ids.length);
    return ids;

  async getMany(ids: string[]) {
    if (this.s3Cache) {
      const cached = await this.s3Cache.get({
        action: "getMany",
        params: { ids: ids.sort() },
      if (cached) return cached;

    const { results } = await PromisePool.for(ids)
      .process(async (id: string) => {
        this.emit("id", id);
        const data = await this.get(id);
        this.emit("data", data);
        return data;

    if (this.s3Cache)
      await this.s3Cache.put({
        action: "getMany",
        params: { ids: ids.sort() },
        data: results,

    this.emit("getMany", ids.length);

    return results;

  async getAll() {
    if (this.s3Cache) {
      const cached = await this.s3Cache.get({ action: "getAll" });
      if (cached) return cached;

    let ids: string[] = [];
    let gotFromCache = false;

    if (this.s3Cache) {
      const cached = await this.s3Cache.get({ action: "listIds" });
      if (cached) {
        ids = cached;
        gotFromCache = true;

    if (!gotFromCache) ids = await this.listIds();

    if (ids.length === 0) return [];

    const { results } = await PromisePool.for(ids)
      .process(async (id: string) => {
        const data = await this.get(id);
        return data;

    if (this.s3Cache && results.length > 0) {
      await this.s3Cache.put({ action: "getAll", data: results });

    this.emit("getAll", results.length);

    return results;

  async page({ offset = 0, size = 100 }) {
    if (this.s3Cache) {
      const cached = await this.s3Cache.get({
        action: "page",
        params: { offset, size },
      if (cached) return cached;

    const keys = await this.s3Client.getKeysPage({
      amount: size,
      offset: offset,
      prefix: `resource=${}`,

    const ids = => x.replace(`resource=${}/id=`, ""));

    const data = await this.getMany(ids);

    if (this.s3Cache)
      await this.s3Cache.put({
        action: "page",
        params: { offset, size },

    return data;

  readable() {
    const stream = new ResourceIdsReadStream({ resource: this });
    const transformer = new ResourceIdsToDataTransformer({ resource: this });

    return stream.pipe(transformer);

  writable() {
    const stream = new ResourceWriteStream({ resource: this });
    return stream;

export default S3Resource;