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'use strict';
/* global angular, L */
/* jshint unused:false */

var controllersModule = require('./_index');

function AdvancedSearchCtrl($http, $scope, $filter, $location, $stateParams, AppSettings, SearchService, MapPopUpTemplateService, MapCreationService) {

    var vm = this;
    var map = false;
    var prevZoomAction, prevPanAction, newZoomAction, newPanAction;

    vm.showLookUp = false;
    vm.isResultShow = false;
    vm.isNumberOfResultShown = false;
    vm.filterMessage = false;
    vm.peopleSearch = false;
    vm.mapSearch = false;
    vm.removeProfane = false;
    vm.currentResult = [];
    vm.resultMessage = "";
    vm.finalParams = {};
    vm.currentFilter = 'live';

    if ($stateParams.q === undefined) {
        vm.showAdvancedSearch = true;
    } else {
        vm.showAdvancedSearch = false;

     * Location UI component
     * If user input > 3 chars, suggest location
     * clicking on suggested location assign value to the according model
    $scope.chosenLocation = "None chosen";
    $scope.processLookedLocation = function() {
        if (document.activeElement.className.indexOf("chosen-location") > -1) {
          if ($scope.chosenLocation && $scope.chosenLocation.length >= 3) {
                 SearchService.getLocationSuggestions($scope.chosenLocation).then(function(data) {
                      vm.hasSuggestions = true;
                      vm.locationSuggestions = data.queries;
                 }, function(e) {
                     vm.hasSuggestions = false;
          } else {
              vm.hasSuggestions = false;

    $scope.$watch('chosenLocation', $scope.processLookedLocation);
    vm.setLocation = function(locationTerm) {
        $scope.chosenLocation = locationTerm;
        vm.hasSuggestions = false;

    vm.toggleShowLookUp = function() {
        if ($scope.chosenLocation === "None chosen") {
            $scope.chosenLocation = "";

    vm.reset = function() {
        $scope.aSearch = {}; = "None chosen";

     * Profanity UI component
    vm.toggleProfanity = function() {
        vm.removeProfane = !vm.removeProfane;

     * Create search param for location search
    function getLocationSearchParams(place) {
        if (place === "None chosen" && place === "") {
            return "";
        } else {
            return "near:" + place;

     * Process union values including
     * all of these words/this exact phrase/none of these words/these hashtags/these mention
     * and time
    function getUnionSearchParams() {
        var rawParams = $scope.aSearch;
        var unionTermArray = [];
        var unionTermResult;
        var relatedPropArray = ['union', 'phrase', 'negUnion', 'hashtags', 'accountMentionUnion'];

        relatedPropArray.forEach(function(ele) {
            if (rawParams && rawParams[ele]) {
        if (rawParams && rawParams.sinceDate) {
            unionTermArray.push("since:" + $filter('date')(rawParams.sinceDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd'));
        if (rawParams && rawParams.untilDate) {
            unionTermArray.push("until:" + $filter('date')(rawParams.untilDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd'));
        if (vm.removeProfane) {
        if ($scope.chosenLocation && $ !== "None chosen") {
        unionTermResult = unionTermArray.join(" ");

        return unionTermResult;

     * Process intersect values including
     * any of these words/from these accounts
     * for now support only one parameter each field
     function getIntersectSeachParams() {
         var rawParams = $scope.aSearch;
         var intersectTermResult;
         var hasInput = false;

        if (rawParams && rawParams.intersect) {
            hasInput = true;
            var words = rawParams.intersect.split(" ");
            if (words.length === 1) {
                intersectTermResult = words[0];
            } else {
                intersectTermResult = words[0] + " OR " + words[1];
        if (rawParams && rawParams.accountIntersect) {
            hasInput = true;
            intersectTermResult = "from:" + rawParams.accountIntersect.split(" ")[0];

         if (hasInput) {
             return intersectTermResult;
         } else {
             return "";

     * Interchange view based on result
    function processResultLayout(resultContainer) {
        if (resultContainer.length === 0) {
            vm.resultMessage = "No result found";
            vm.isResultShow = false;
        } else {
            vm.resultMessage = "Found " + resultContainer.length + " results!";
            vm.isResultShow = true;

     * Change stateParams on search
    function updatePath(query) {
      ${q: query});

     * Process advanced search options
     * With given Union params & Intersect params
    vm.processSearch = function() {
        vm.showAdvancedSearch = false;
        vm.currentResult = {};
        var unionQ = getUnionSearchParams();
        var intersectQ = getIntersectSeachParams();

        // Currently, there're three cases to process intersect term
        // If it's an OR, like loklak OR food, use this & overrule the rest
        // If it's an from:screen_name, append this to union search
        // It it's only one word, also append this to union search
        // If empty use union
        if (intersectQ) {
            if (intersectQ.indexOf("OR") > -1) {
                vm.finalParams.q = intersectQ;
            } else {
                vm.finalParams.q = unionQ + " " + intersectQ;
        } else {
            vm.finalParams.q = unionQ;


     * Based on processed search params, get search result
    vm.getResult = function(Params) {
        if ( {;}
        vm.mapSearch = false;
         vm.peopleSearch = false;
        vm.currentResult = [];
        SearchService.initData(Params).then(function(data) {
            vm.currentResult = data.statuses;
            vm.isResultShow = true;
            if (vm.currentResult.length === 0) {
                console.log("No result from server");
        }, function() {});

     * Empty all field, show a new search
    vm.initNewSearchView = function() {
        vm.finalParams = {};
        vm.showAdvancedSearch = true;
        vm.isResultShow = false;

    // Init search if path is a search url
    angular.element(document).ready(function() {
        if ($stateParams.q !== undefined) {
            vm.finalParams.q = $stateParams.q;
            vm.currentFilter = 'live';

    //// filter fn is used as ng-click trigger
    //// a typical filter trigger will include these operation:
    //// - change current filter model;  - show/hide related result according to filter
    //// - request for new result; - update path based on search term & filter
    //// Filter explanation: live = no filter; accounts = show accounts only;
    //// photos = tweet with native twitter photo + tweet with recognized photo link
    //// video = tweet with native twitter video + tweet with recognized video link
    //// map = no filter, but results are shown on a map
     vm.filterLive = function() {
         vm.peopleSearch = false;
         vm.mapSearch = false;
         vm.currentFilter = 'live';
         vm.getResult({q: $});

     vm.filterPhotos = function() {
         vm.peopleSearch = false;
         vm.mapSearch = false;
         vm.currentFilter = 'photos';
         vm.getResult({q: $ + '+/image'});

     vm.filterVideos = function() {
         vm.peopleSearch = false;
         vm.mapSearch = false;
         vm.currentResult = [];
            vm.currentFilter = 'videos';
            // Get native videos
            SearchService.getData({q: $ + '+/video'}).then(function(data) {
                var statuses = data.statuses;
                statuses.forEach(function(status) {
                    if (status.videos_count) {
                        if (status.videos[0].substr(-4) === '.mp4') {
                            status.links[0] = status.videos[0];
            }, function() {});

     vm.filterAccounts = function() {
         vm.peopleSearch = true;
         vm.mapSearch = false;
         vm.currentFilter = 'accounts';
         vm.currentResult = [];
         vm.accounts = [];
         SearchService.getData({q: $}).then(function(data) {
           data.statuses.forEach(function(ele) {
               var notYetInAccounts = true;
               vm.accounts.forEach(function(account) {
                   if (account.screen_name === ele.screen_name) {
                       return notYetInAccounts = false;
               if (notYetInAccounts) { vm.accounts.push(ele);}
       }, function() {});

     * Add listener on maps' action
     * When zoom/pan, new /location bound is calculated, and then is used to get & add more map points
     * prevZoomAction, prevPanAction, newZoomAction, newPanAction are used to prevent event bubbling
    function getMoreLocationOnMapAction() {
        var bound =;
        var locationTerm = MapCreationService.getLocationParamFromBound(bound);
        var params = { q: vm.term + "+" + locationTerm, count: 300};
        SearchService.initData(params).then(function(data) {
            MapCreationService.addPointsToMap(, MapCreationService.initMapPoints(data.statuses, "genStaticTwitterStatus"), "simpleCircle", addListenersOnMap);
        }, function(data) {});

    function addListenersOnMap() {
  "zoomend", function(event) {
                    if (!prevZoomAction) {
                            prevZoomAction = new Date();
                    } else {
                            newZoomAction = new Date();
                            var interval = (newZoomAction - prevZoomAction);
                            if (interval > 1000) {
                                    prevZoomAction = newZoomAction;
  "dragend", function(event) {
                    if (!prevPanAction) {
                            prevPanAction = new Date();
                    } else {
                            newPanAction = new Date();
                            var interval = (newPanAction - prevPanAction);
                            if (interval > 1000) {
                                    prevPanAction = newPanAction;

     vm.filterMap = function() {
         if ( { delete(; }
         vm.mapSearch = true;
         vm.peopleSearch = false;
         vm.currentFilter = "map";
         vm.currentResult = [];
         vm.accounts = [];

         var params = {
             q: $,
             count: 500

         SearchService.initData(params).then(function(data) {
             vm.resultMessage = false;
                 data: data.statuses,
                 mapId: "advanced-search-map",
                 markerType: "simpleCircle",
                 templateEngine: "genStaticTwitterStatus",
                 cbOnMapAction: addListenersOnMap
         }, function() {});


controllersModule.controller('AdvancedSearchCtrl', ['$http', '$scope', '$filter', '$location', '$stateParams', 'AppSettings', 'SearchService', 'MapPopUpTemplateService', 'MapCreationService', AdvancedSearchCtrl