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1 wk
Test Coverage
(function(core) {

    var _ = require('underscore'),
        request = require('request'),
        urlLib = require('url');

    var pluginUtils = require('./loader/utils'),
        utils = require('./utils'),
        sysUtils = require('../logging'),
        oembedUtils = require('./oembed'),
        pluginLoader = require('./loader/pluginLoader'),
        requestWrapper = require('./request');

    var plugins = pluginLoader._plugins,
        providedParamsDict = pluginLoader._providedParamsDict,
        pluginsList = pluginLoader._pluginsList,
        usedParamsDict = pluginLoader._usedParamsDict,
        postPluginsList = pluginLoader._postPluginsList,

     * Recursively finds plugin methods to run, including 'mixins' and dependencies (up and down by tree).
     * */
    function findPluginMethods(pluginId, loadedParams, pluginsUrlMatches, usedMethods, usedParams, methods, scannedPluginsIds, usedDomains, mandatoryParams) {

        * Params:
        * pluginId - id of plugin where methods to run will be found.
        * loadedParams - list of currently loaded params keys.
        * var loadedParams = _.keys(context);
        * loadedParams = ['cb', 'uri', 'title', 'meta']
        * pluginsUrlMatches - dict of urlMatches for specific plugins.
        * pluginsUrlMatches = {
        *   pluginId: matchObj
        * }
        * usedMethods - global dict with registered to run, or finished methods.
        * This is used control each async function state.
        * usedMethods = {
        *   pluginId: {
        *       methodName1: false, // - method registered to run.
        *       methodName2: true,  // - method finished.
        *   }
        * }
        * usedParams - global dict of params used or asked to use in searched plugins.
        * This dict used to determine new params (mandatory params), which could be used in some new plugins.
        * E.g. plugin can return 'youtube_data' param. And then core will find plugins which will use 'youtube_data' to provide embed code.
        * This is used for "go down by tree" algorithm.
        * usedParams = {
        *   paramName: true
        * }
        * methods - result methods to run list. This is main returned value.
        * methods = [{
        *   pluginId: pluginId,
        *   name: methodName,
        *   handle: <function>
        * }]
        * scannedPluginsIds - all plugins scanned in one 'runPlugins' iteration with single loadedParams set.
        * Used to prevent recursion in one iteration.
        * scannedPluginsIds = {
        *   pluginId: true
        * }
        * mandatoryParams - list of new params not used by plugins. Core will find what can use them.
        * 'mandatoryParams' enables mandatory mode: function will use _only_ methods which has this input 'mandatoryParams'.
        * This is used for "go down by tree" algorithm.
        * var mandatoryParams = _.difference(loadedParams, _.keys(usedParams));
        * mandatoryParams = [
        *   paramName
        * ]
        * */

        // Do not process plugin twice (if recursive dependency).
        if (pluginId in scannedPluginsIds) {

        var plugin = plugins[pluginId];
        if (!plugin) {

        // Register result array.
        scannedPluginsIds[] = true;

        // Process all mixins.
        if (!mandatoryParams) {
            var mixins = plugin.module.mixins;
            if (mixins) {
                for(var i = 0; i < mixins.length; i++) {
                    findPluginMethods(mixins[i], loadedParams, pluginsUrlMatches, usedMethods, usedParams, methods, scannedPluginsIds, usedDomains);

        var usedPluginMethods = usedMethods[] = usedMethods[] || {};

        // Check each plugin method.
        for(var i = 0; i < PLUGIN_METHODS.length; i++) {

            var method = PLUGIN_METHODS[i];

            if (method in plugin.methods) {

                // Skip used method.
                if (usedPluginMethods && (method in usedPluginMethods)) {

                var params = plugin.methods[method];

                // If mandatory params mode.
                if (mandatoryParams && mandatoryParams.length > 0) {
                    if (_.intersection(params, mandatoryParams).length === 0) {
                        // Skip method if its not using mandatory params.

                var absentParams = _.difference(params, loadedParams);

                // If "__" super mandatory params are absent - skip plugin.
                var hasMandatoryParams = false;
                for(var j = 0; j < absentParams.length && !hasMandatoryParams; j++) {
                    var param = absentParams[j];
                    if (param.substr(0, 2) === "__") {
                        hasMandatoryParams = true;
                if (hasMandatoryParams) {

                // 'ulrMatch' workaround.
                // Each plugin can have own match, or no match at all.
                var urlMatchParamIdx = absentParams.indexOf('urlMatch');
                if (urlMatchParamIdx > -1) {
                    if (pluginsUrlMatches[pluginId]) {
                        // If 'urlMatch' for plugin found - remove from 'absentParams'.
                        absentParams.splice(urlMatchParamIdx, 1);
                    } else {
                        // Skip method with 'urlMatch' required. Match not found for that plugin.

                if (absentParams.length > 0) {

                    // This branch finds methods in upper dependencies tree.

                    var pluginsId = findPluginsForAbsentParams(absentParams, usedDomains, usedParams);

                    // Find absent params in other plugins 'provides' attribute.
                    for(var j = 0; j < pluginsId.length; j++) {
                        var foundPluginId = pluginsId[j];
                        findPluginMethods(foundPluginId, loadedParams, pluginsUrlMatches, usedMethods, usedParams, methods, scannedPluginsIds, usedDomains);

                } else {

                    // This branch goes down by the tree.

                    // Mark method used but not finished.
                    usedPluginMethods[method] = 1;

                    // Method will run, store in result set.
                        pluginId: pluginId,
                        name: method,
                        handle: plugin.module[method]

    * Run list of methods.
    * */
    function runMethods(methods, context, pluginsUrlMatches, options, asyncMethodCb) {

        // Sync results list.
        var results = [];

        for(var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
            (function() {

                var method = methods[i];

                var plugin = plugins[method.pluginId];

                var params = plugin.methods[];

                var args = [];

                if (options.debug) {
                    var methodTimer = utils.createTimer();

                var asyncMethod = false;

                var timeout;

                // Result callback for both sync and async methods.
                var callback = function(error, data) {

                    if (timeout) {
                        timeout = null;
                    } else if (asyncMethod) {

                    if (data) {
                        for(var key in data) {
                            var v = data[key];
                            if (v === null || (typeof v === 'undefined') || (typeof v === 'number' && isNaN(v))) {
                                delete data[key];

                    var result = {
                        method: method,
                        data: data

                    if (options.debug) {
                        result.time = methodTimer();

                    if (error) {

                        if (error.code) {
                            var statusCode = error.code;
                            error = {};
                            error[SYS_ERRORS.responseStatusCode] = statusCode;

                        if (error instanceof Error) {
                            error = error.toString();

                        result.error = error;

                    // TODO: rerun plugins check.

                    if (asyncMethod) {
                        // Grant real async if callback was called before function return.
                        process.nextTick(function() {
                            asyncMethodCb(null, [result]);
                    } else {

                        // Mark method finished - later, on results callback.

                // Prepare specific params (cb, urlMatch).
                for(var j = 0; j < params.length; j++) {

                    var param = params[j];

                    if (param === 'cb') {

                        // Generate callback param.
                        asyncMethod = true;


                    } else if (param === 'urlMatch') {

                        // Generate 'urlMatch' param depending on plugin.



                try {

                    // TODO: check timeout for async method.
                    if (asyncMethod) {
                        timeout = setTimeout(function() {
                            // In case of async timeout - call 'callback' with error param.
                        }, options.timeout || CONFIG.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);

                    // Call method.
                    var result = method.handle.apply(plugin.module, args);

                } catch(ex) {

                    // Immediately stop method with error.

                    if (!asyncMethod) {
                        // Prevent run sync callback.
                        asyncMethod = true;


                // Sync callback.
                if (!asyncMethod) {
                    callback(null, result);


        // Call sync methods result in next tick (imitate real async).
        if (results.length) {
            process.nextTick(function() {
                asyncMethodCb(null, results);

    * Single iteration of run plugins wave.
    * */
    function runPluginsIteration(requiredPlugins, context, pluginsUrlMatches, usedMethods, usedParams, usedDomains, options, asyncMethodCb) {

        var loadedParams = _.keys(context);

        var mandatoryParams = _.difference(loadedParams, _.keys(usedParams));

        // Reset scanned plugins for each iteration.
        var scannedPluginsIds = {};

        // Methods to run will be here.
        var methods = [];

        // Find methods in each required plugin.
        for(var i = 0; i < requiredPlugins.length; i++) {
            var plugin = requiredPlugins[i];
            findPluginMethods(, loadedParams, pluginsUrlMatches, usedMethods, usedParams, methods, scannedPluginsIds, usedDomains);

        // If has new unused params (mandatoryParams) - then find plugins which can use them.
        if (mandatoryParams && mandatoryParams.length > 0) {

            var secondaryPlugins = findPluginsForMandatoryParams(mandatoryParams, usedDomains);

            // Find methods in plugins, which can use mandatory params.
            for(var i = 0; i < secondaryPlugins.length; i++) {
                var pluginId = secondaryPlugins[i];
                findPluginMethods(pluginId, loadedParams, pluginsUrlMatches, usedMethods, usedParams, methods, scannedPluginsIds, usedDomains, mandatoryParams);

        // Run found methods.
        runMethods(methods, context, pluginsUrlMatches, options, asyncMethodCb);

        return methods.length;

    function getPluginsSet(uri, options, usedParams) {

        var initialPlugins = [],
            isDomainPluginsMode = false,
            pluginsUrlMatches = {};

        if (options.fetchParam) {

            var paramPlugins = providedParamsDict[options.fetchParam];
            if (paramPlugins && paramPlugins.length) {

                // Store dependency param. Need to determine mandatory params in feature.
                usedParams[options.fetchParam] = true;

                for(var k = 0; k < paramPlugins.length; k++) {
                    var foundPluginId = paramPlugins[k];

        } else {

            var domain = uri.split('/')[2].replace(/^www\./i, "").toLowerCase();

            var pluginMatchesByDomains = {};

            function registerDomainPlugin(plugin, match) {
                usedDomains = usedDomains || {};
                usedDomains[plugin.domain] = true;
                var domainPlugins = pluginMatchesByDomains[plugin.domain] = pluginMatchesByDomains[plugin.domain] || {};
                domainPlugins[] = !!match;

                if (plugin.mixinAllGeneric) {
                    options.mixAllWithDomainPlugin = true;

            if (!options.useOnlyGenericPlugins) {

                for(var i = 0; i < pluginsList.length; i++) {
                    var plugin = pluginsList[i];

                    if (plugin.domain) {

                        // Match only by regexp. Used in specific cases where domain changes (like national domain).

                        var match = null, j = 0, res =;
                        while (!match && j < res.length) {
                            match = uri.match(res[j]);
                        if (match) {
                            // Store match for plugin.
                            registerDomainPlugin(plugin, match);
                            pluginsUrlMatches[] = match;
                        } else if (res.length) {
                            // Skip plugin with unmatched re.

                        // Straight match by domain.

                        // Positive match on plugin.domain="", domain=""
                        // Positive match on plugin.domain="", domain=""
                        var idx = domain.indexOf(plugin.domain);

                        if (idx === -1 || ((idx > 0) && domain.charAt(idx - 1) !== '.')) {
                            // Break if not found, or not dot separation.

                        var match = (idx + plugin.domain.length) === domain.length;

                        if (match) {
                            registerDomainPlugin(plugin, null);

            function addAllGeneric() {
                // Use all generic plugins.
                for(var i = 0; i < pluginsList.length; i++) {
                    var plugin = pluginsList[i];
                    if (!plugin.domain && !plugin.custom) {

            // In domain debug: add all plugins before domain plugins to make them low priority.
            if (options.mixAllWithDomainPlugin) {

            for(var domain in pluginMatchesByDomains) {
                var domainPlugins = pluginMatchesByDomains[domain];

                var matchedPluginsNames = [];

                // Find domain plugins with re match.
                for(var pluginId in domainPlugins) {
                    var match = domainPlugins[pluginId];
                    if (match) {

                // Add all domain plugins without re.
                // Old: If no re match - use only non-re domain plugins.
                //if (matchedPluginsNames.length === 0) {
                    for(var pluginId in domainPlugins) {
                        var plugin = plugins[pluginId];
                        if (! {

                for(var i = 0; i < matchedPluginsNames.length; i++) {
                    var pluginId = matchedPluginsNames[i];
                    isDomainPluginsMode = true;

            // If not domain or no domain plugins - fill with generic.
            if (initialPlugins.length === 0) {

            if (options.forceParams) {
                // TODO: replace forEach
                options.forceParams.forEach(function(param) {

                    var paramPlugins = providedParamsDict[param];
                    if (paramPlugins && paramPlugins.length) {

                        // Store dependency param. Need to determine mandatory params in feature.
                        usedParams[param] = true;

                        for(var k = 0; k < paramPlugins.length; k++) {
                            var foundPluginId = paramPlugins[k];

                            var exists = _.find(initialPlugins, function(plugin) {
                                return === foundPluginId;
                            if (!exists) {

        return {
            initialPlugins: initialPlugins,
            pluginsUrlMatches: pluginsUrlMatches,
            usedDomains: usedDomains,
            isDomainPluginsMode: isDomainPluginsMode

    * Find plugins which can use 'mandatoryParams'.
    * Find only generic plugins or plugins from matched domain.
    * */
    function findPluginsForMandatoryParams(mandatoryParams, usedDomains) {

        var foundPluginsDict = {},
            result = [];

        // TODO: gether secondaryPlugins by dict, who uses mandatory params. Not full for-loop.
        for(var i = 0; i < mandatoryParams.length; i++) {
            var pluginsIds = usedParamsDict[mandatoryParams[i]];
            if (pluginsIds) {
                for(var j = 0; j < pluginsIds.length; j++) {
                    var pluginId = pluginsIds[j];
                    var plugin = plugins[pluginId];
                    // Prevent duplicates.
                    // Find only generic plugins or plugins from matched domain.
                    if (!(pluginId in foundPluginsDict) && (!plugin.domain || (usedDomains && (plugin.domain in usedDomains)))) {
                        foundPluginsDict[pluginId] = true;

        return result;

    * Find plugins which can produce 'absentParams'.
    * Find only generic plugins or plugins from matched domain.
    * */
    function findPluginsForAbsentParams(absentParams, usedDomains, usedParams) {

        var foundPluginsDict = {},
            result = [];

        for(var i = 0; i < absentParams.length; i++) {
            var param = absentParams[i];
            // Find absent params in other plugins 'provides' attribute.
            var paramPlugins = providedParamsDict[param];
            if (paramPlugins && paramPlugins.length) {
                for (var j = 0; j < paramPlugins.length; j++) {
                    var pluginId = paramPlugins[j];
                    var plugin = plugins[pluginId];
                    // Prevent duplicates.
                    // Find only generic plugins or plugins from matched domain.
                    if (!(pluginId in foundPluginsDict) && (!plugin.domain || (usedDomains && (plugin.domain in usedDomains)))) {
                        usedParams[param] = true;
                        foundPluginsDict[pluginId] = true;

        return result;

    function runPostPlugins(link, dataRecord, usedMethods, context, pluginsContexts, asyncMethodCb) {

        for(var i = 0; i < postPluginsList.length; i++) {
            (function() {

                // This will prevent lower priority plugins if previous _sync_ plugin placed link.error.
                if (link.error) {

                var plugin = postPluginsList[i];
                var method = 'prepareLink';
                var params = plugin.methods[method];
                var handle = plugin.module[method];

                var args = [];

                var asyncMethod = false;

                var finished = false;

                // Result callback for both sync and async methods.
                var callback = function(error) {

                    if (finished) {

                    finished = true;

                    if (error) {
                        if (error instanceof Error) {
                            error = error.toString();
                        console.error("   -- Post plugin error in", + "." + method, error);

                    if (asyncMethod) {

                        // Grant real async if callback was called before function return.
                        process.nextTick(function() {

                            // Mark async method finished.
                            var usedPluginMethods = usedMethods[];
                            usedPluginMethods[method] = usedPluginMethods[method] - 1;

                            // Call 'asyncMethodCb' only for async post plugin, because core must wait it.

                // Prepare specific params (cb, urlMatch).
                for(var j = 0; j < params.length; j++) {

                    var param = params[j];

                    if (param === 'cb') {

                        // Generate callback param.
                        asyncMethod = true;


                    } else if (param === 'link') {

                        // Generate 'link' param.


                    } else if (param === 'pluginContext') {

                        var pluginContext = pluginsContexts[] = pluginsContexts[] || {};

                        // Generate 'pluginContext' param.


                    } else if (param === 'pluginId') {




                if (asyncMethod) {
                    // Mark async method launched.
                    // Sync methods never marked.
                    var usedPluginMethods = usedMethods[] = usedMethods[] || {};
                    usedPluginMethods[method] = (usedPluginMethods[method] || 0) + 1;

                try {

                    // Call method.
                    handle.apply(plugin.module, args);

                } catch(ex) {

                    // Immediately stop method with error.

                    if (!asyncMethod) {
                        // Prevent run sync callback again.
                        asyncMethod = true;


                // Sync callback.
                if (!asyncMethod) {


    function useResult(usedMethods, context, pluginsContexts, allResults, result, options, asyncMethodCb) {

        if (!result) {
            return false;

        var hasNewData = false;

        for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {

            var r = result[i];

            // Mark method finished.
            // Mark synced to asyncMethodCb call.
            var method = r.method;
            var usedPluginMethods = usedMethods[method.pluginId];
            usedPluginMethods[] = 0;

            if (result.error) {
                console.error("   -- Plugin error", method.pluginId,, result.error);

            // Collect total result.

            if ( && && !context.title) {
                // Store title.
                context.title =;

            // Merge data to context.
            if ( {

                if (!( instanceof Object)) {

                    // Check if method result is Object.

                    console.error('Non object returned in', r.method.pluginId,;

                    r.error = 'Non object returned';

                } else if ( === 'getData') {

                    // Extend context with 'getData' result.

                    for(var key in {
                        // First data has priority, do not override it.
                        // whitelistRecord - exception for oembed plugin.
                        if (!(key in context) || key === 'whitelistRecord') {
                            context[key] =[key];
                            hasNewData = true;

                } else if ( === "getMeta") {

                    // Extend unified meta.

                    for(var key in {
                        var v =[key];

                        // TODO: postprocessing meta plugins.

                        if (key === 'date') {
                            v = utils.unifyDate(v);
                            if (!v) {
                                // Disable invalid date.
                      [key] = v;

                        if (key === 'title' || key === 'canonical') {
                            if (v instanceof Array) {
                                v = v[0];

                        if (key === 'author' && v.match && v.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
                            key = 'author_url';

                        if (v !== '' && v !== null && (typeof v === 'string' || typeof v === 'number')) {

                            // Check meta plugins order.
                            allResults.meta._sources = allResults.meta._sources || {};

                            var prevOrder = null, nextOrder = null, pluginId = allResults.meta._sources[key];

                            if (pluginId && plugins[pluginId] && plugins[r.method.pluginId]) {
                                prevOrder = plugins[pluginId].order;
                                nextOrder = plugins[r.method.pluginId].order;

                            if (!prevOrder || !nextOrder || prevOrder < nextOrder) {
                                allResults.meta[key] = v;
                                allResults.meta._sources[key] = r.method.pluginId;

        // After new context received - launch link post plugins.

        for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {

            var r = result[i];

            if ( && !r.error && === 'getLink' || === 'getLinks') {

                var links =;

                if (!links) {

                if (!(links instanceof Array)) {
                    links = [links];

                for(var j = 0; j < links.length; j++) {
                    var link = links[j];
                    runPostPlugins(link, r, usedMethods, context, pluginsContexts, asyncMethodCb);

        return hasNewData;

    function isEmpty(obj) {
        for (var key in obj) {
            return false;
        return true;

    function resultsHasDomainData(requiredPlugins, allData) {

        var hasDomainData = false;

        // Mark required plugin without methods as it is have data.
        for(var i = 0; i < requiredPlugins.length && !hasDomainData; i++) {
            var plugin = requiredPlugins[i];

            // TODO: Optimize?
            if (isEmpty(plugin.methods)) {
                hasDomainData = true;

        // Check if some domain plugin returned some links.
        // Also see if getData returned safe_html.
        for(var i = 0; i < allData.length && !hasDomainData; i++) {
            var r = allData[i];
            var plugin = plugins[r.method.pluginId];
            if (plugin.domain && && !r.error) {

                var hasGetLinkMethod = plugin.methods.getLink || plugin.methods.getLinks;
                var getLinkMethodUsed = === 'getLink' || === 'getLinks';

                if ((hasGetLinkMethod && getLinkMethodUsed)
                    || ( === 'getData' &&
                    || (!hasGetLinkMethod && === 'getMeta')) {
                    hasDomainData = true;

        return hasDomainData;

    var BIG_CONTEXT = ['htmlparser', 'readability', 'decode'];

    function prepareResultData(uri, result, options) {

        if (!options.debug) {
            // TODO: deep clean?
            delete result.allData;
            delete result.meta._sources;

        var links = result.links;

        if (!result.meta.canonical) {
            result.meta.canonical = uri;

        // Remove canonical links.
        // Remove _meta data.
        var canonical = result.meta.canonical;

        if (result.meta.title === result.meta.description) {
            delete result.meta.description;

        for(var i = 0; i < links.length;) {
            var link = links[i];

            // Remove canonical links.
            if (canonical && link.href && typeof link.href === 'string' && link.rel && link.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.file) === -1 && link.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.iframely) === -1) {

                // Remove last / from url.

                var link1 = link.href.replace(/\/+$/, '');
                var link2 = canonical.replace(/\/+$/, '');

                if (link1 === link2 && link.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.oembed) == -1) {
                    // allow the canonical links for oEmbeds, as such mistakes are usually made for OG and Twitter: 
                    // if publisher has oEmbed, he is most likely to have the valid embed codes
                    link.error = "Removed canonical link";

            // Remove links with error.
            if (link.error) {
                links.splice(i, 1);
            } else {

                if (link.type.indexOf('video/') === 0) {
                    var autoplayIdx = link.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.autoplay);
                    if (autoplayIdx > -1) {
                        link.rel.splice(autoplayIdx, 1);

                if (! && link.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.player) > -1) {
           = 'player';

                if (options.debug) {
                    link.sourceId = i;

                if ('_imageMeta' in link || '_imageStatus' in link) {

                    var newLink;
                    if (options.debug) {
                        newLink = _.extend({}, link);
                    } else {
                        newLink = link;

                    delete newLink._imageMeta;
                    delete newLink._imageStatus;
                    links[i] = newLink;


        // Sort links.

        var allData = result.allData;
        if (allData) {
            for(var i = 0; i < allData.length; i++) {
                var r = allData[i];
                for(var j = 0; j < BIG_CONTEXT.length; j++) {
                    var d = BIG_CONTEXT[j];
                    if ( &&[d]) {
              [d] = 'BIG_CONTEXT';

        if (options.debug && options.totalTimer) {
            result.time = {
                total: options.totalTimer()

    core.sortLinks = function(links) {

        // Sort links in order of REL according to CONFIG.REL_GROUPS.
        function getRelIndex(rel) {
            var rels = _.intersection(rel, CONFIG.REL_GROUPS);
            var gr = CONFIG.REL_GROUPS.length + 1;
            if (rels.length > 0) {
                for(var i = 0; i < rels.length; i++) {
                    // Find smallest index.
                    var idx = CONFIG.REL_GROUPS.indexOf(rels[i]);
                    if (idx < gr) {
                        gr = idx;
            return gr;
        links.sort(function(l1, l2) {

            var groupDiff = getRelIndex(l1.rel) - getRelIndex(l2.rel);

            if (groupDiff !== 0) {
                return groupDiff;

            var iframely1 = l1.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.iframely) > -1 ? 0 : 1;
            var iframely2 = l2.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.iframely) > -1 ? 0 : 1;

            if (iframely1 !== iframely2) {
                return iframely1 - iframely2;

            var m1 =;
            var m2 =;
            if (m1 && m2) {

                if (m1.width && m2.width) {
                    // Bigger first.
                    return m2.width - m1.width;

                } else if (m1['aspect-ratio'] && !m2['aspect-ratio']) {
                    // Has aspect - first.
                    return -1;

                } else if (!m1['aspect-ratio'] && m2['aspect-ratio']) {
                    // Has aspect - first.
                    return 1;

                } else if (m1.width && !m2.width) {
                    // Has width - first.
                    return -1;

                } else if (!m1.width && m2.width) {
                    // Has width - first.
                    return 1;

            } else if (m1 && !m2) {
                // Has media - first.
                return -1;

            } else if (!m1 && m2) {
                // Has media - first.
                return 1;

            return 0;

    var SYS_ERRORS = {
        redirect: 'redirect',
        responseStatusCode: 'responseStatusCode',
        timeout: 'timeout'

    function findRedirectError(result) {
        if (result) {
            for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                var r = result[i];
                if (r.error && r.error[SYS_ERRORS.redirect]) {
                    sysUtils.log('   -- plugin redirect (by "' + r.method.pluginId + '")', r.error[SYS_ERRORS.redirect]);
                    return r.error[SYS_ERRORS.redirect];

    function findResponseStatusCode(result) {
        if (result) {
            for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                var r = result[i];

                if (r.error && r.error[SYS_ERRORS.responseStatusCode]) {
                    sysUtils.log('   -- response (by "' + r.method.pluginId + '")', r.error[SYS_ERRORS.responseStatusCode]);
                    return r.error[SYS_ERRORS.responseStatusCode];

                if (r.error && r.error === SYS_ERRORS.timeout) {
                    sysUtils.log('   -- response (by "' + r.method.pluginId + '")', SYS_ERRORS.timeout);
                    return SYS_ERRORS.timeout;

    function searchParamInObj(start, bits, obj) {

        if (start === bits.length) {
            return obj;

        if (!obj || !obj.hasOwnProperty) {

        var path = bits[start];
        while(!obj.hasOwnProperty(path) && start < (bits.length - 1)) {
            path += '.' + bits[start];

        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
            return searchParamInObj(start + 1, bits, obj[path]);
        } else {

    function generateProviderOptionsFunc(options) {
        // Do not redefine getProviderOptions func.
        if (options.getProviderOptions) {

        options.getProviderOptions = function(path, defaultValue) {
            var bits = path.split('.');

            var value = searchParamInObj(0, bits, options.providerOptions);

            if (typeof value === 'object') {

                // Result is object. Extend default settings with custom settings.
                var valueDefault = searchParamInObj(0, bits, CONFIG.providerOptions);
                value = _.extend({}, valueDefault, value);

            } else if (typeof value === 'undefined') {

                // Custom setting is undefined, get default.
                value = searchParamInObj(0, bits, CONFIG.providerOptions);

            return typeof value !== 'undefined' ? value : defaultValue;

    * Run plugins to collect all possible data.
    * */
    var run = = function(uri, options, cb) {

        if (typeof options === 'function') {
            cb = options;
            options = {};

        if (!options.jar) {
            options.jar = request.jar();


        if (options.redirectsCount && options.redirectsCount > (CONFIG.MAX_REDIRECTS || 4)) {
            return cb('redirect loop');

        // Mark initial context params as used.
        var usedParams = {
            title: true,
            url: true,
            cb: true,
            options: true,
            request: true,
            whitelistRecord: true

        var domain = uri.split('/')[2];
        uri = uri.replace(domain, domain.toLowerCase());

        var pluginsSet = getPluginsSet(uri, options, usedParams);

        if (options.debug && !options.totalTimer) {
            options.totalTimer = utils.createTimer();

        var requiredPlugins = pluginsSet.initialPlugins,
            pluginsUrlMatches = pluginsSet.pluginsUrlMatches,
            usedDomains = pluginsSet.usedDomains,
            isDomainPluginsMode = pluginsSet.isDomainPluginsMode,

            // Initial context.
            context = {
                url: uri,
                cb: true,
                options: options,
                request: requestWrapper

            pluginsContexts = {},

            allResults = {
                meta: {},
                links: [],
                allData: []
            usedMethods = {},

            aborted = false,

            finish = function() {

                // Abort request.
                if (context.htmlparser && context.htmlparser.request) {

                // Prepare data.
                prepareResultData(uri, allResults, options);

                if (context.safe_html) {
                    allResults.safe_html = context.safe_html;

                if (options.forceParams) {
                    for(var i = 0; i < options.forceParams.length; i++) {
                        var param = options.forceParams[i];
                        var value = context[param];
                        if (value) {
                            var c = allResults.context = allResults.context || {};
                            c[param] = value;

                if (options.whitelist) {
                    allResults.whitelist = options.getWhitelistRecord && options.getWhitelistRecord(uri, {disableWildcard: true});

                if (options.fetchParam) {
                    cb('param not found');
                } else {
                    cb(null, allResults);

                utils.sendLogToWhitelist(uri, context.meta, context.oembed, context.whitelistRecord);

            // Recursive callback to continue run available plugins
            asyncMethodCb = function(error, result) {

                if (aborted) {

                if (result) {
                    //console.log(' - call result:', error, result && {return r.method.pluginId;}).join(', '));

                // Find redirect command.
                var redirect = findRedirectError(result);
                if (redirect) {
                    if (!redirect.match(/^(https?:)?\/\//)) {
                        redirect = urlLib.resolve(uri, redirect);
                    options.redirectsCount = (options.redirectsCount || 0) + 1;
                    options.redirectsHistory = options.redirectsHistory || [];
                    run(redirect, options, cb);
                    aborted = true;

                // Abort on error response code.
                var errorResponseCode = findResponseStatusCode(result);
                if (errorResponseCode) {
                    aborted = true;
                    return cb(errorResponseCode);

                // Gather results.
                var hasNewData = useResult(usedMethods, context, pluginsContexts, allResults, result, options, asyncMethodCb);

                if (options.fetchParam && options.fetchParam in context) {
                    cb(null, context[options.fetchParam]);
                    aborted = true;

                // Run all available plugins again with new data.
                var hasRuns = 0;
                if (hasNewData || error === 'initial') {
                    hasRuns = runPluginsIteration(requiredPlugins, context, pluginsUrlMatches, usedMethods, usedParams, usedDomains, options, asyncMethodCb);

                if (hasRuns === 0) {

                    // If no available mathods found - check if some async methods still running.
                    for(var pluginId in usedMethods) {
                        var pluginMethods = usedMethods[pluginId];
                        for(var method in pluginMethods) {
                            var runs = pluginMethods[method];
                            if (runs) {

                    // If no data from domain plugins - try fallback to generic plugins.
                    if (!options.mixAllWithDomainPlugin && isDomainPluginsMode && !resultsHasDomainData(requiredPlugins, allResults.allData)) {

                        sysUtils.log('   -- fallback from domain to generic', usedDomains);

                        // Reload pluginsSet selecting only generic.
                        pluginsSet = getPluginsSet(uri, _.extend({}, options, {
                            useOnlyGenericPlugins: true
                        }), usedParams);
                        requiredPlugins = pluginsSet.initialPlugins;
                        pluginsUrlMatches = pluginsSet.pluginsUrlMatches;
                        usedDomains = pluginsSet.usedDomains; // Will be null.
                        isDomainPluginsMode = pluginsSet.isDomainPluginsMode;

                        // Recursive call with same context to prevent same data fetching.
                        hasRuns = runPluginsIteration(requiredPlugins, context, pluginsUrlMatches, usedMethods, usedParams, usedDomains, options, asyncMethodCb);

                        if (hasRuns === 0) {

                    } else {
                        // If no methods running - call finish callback.

        if (options.promoUri) {
            context.__promoUri = options.promoUri;

        if (options.getWhitelistRecord) {
            var whitelistRecord = options.getWhitelistRecord(uri);
            if (whitelistRecord) {
                context.whitelistRecord = whitelistRecord;

        if (options.getProviderOptions('readability.enabled') === true || options.readability) {
            context.__readabilityEnabled = true;
            // Prevent force load readability plugin.
            usedParams.__readabilityEnabled = true;


    exports.getPluginData = function(uri, param, cb) {
        run(uri, {
            fetchParam: param
        }, cb);

    exports.getOembed = oembedUtils.getOembed;
