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3 days
Test Coverage
var iframelyCore = require('../../lib/core');
var utils = require('../../utils');
var _ = require('underscore');
var async = require('async');
var cache = require('../../lib/cache');
var iframelyUtils = require('../../lib/utils');
var oembedUtils = require('../../lib/oembed');
var whitelist = require('../../lib/whitelist');
var pluginLoader = require('../../lib/loader/pluginLoader');
var jsonxml = require('jsontoxml');

function prepareUri(uri) {

    if (!uri) {
        return uri;

    uri = uri.replace(/[\u200B-\u200D\uFEFF]/g, '');

    if (uri.match(/^\/\//i)) {
        return "http:" + uri;

    if (!uri.match(/^https?:\/\//i)) {
        return "http://" + uri;

    return uri;

var log = utils.log;

var version = require('../../package.json').version;

function getBooleanParam(req, param) {
    var v = req.query[param];
    return v === 'true' || v === '1';

function getIntParam(req, param) {
    var v = req.query[param];
    return v && parseInt(v);

function handleIframelyError(error, res, next) {


    if (error == 404 || error.code == 'ENOTFOUND') {
        return next(new utils.NotFound('Page not found'));

    if (typeof error === "number") {
        next(new utils.HttpError(error, "Requested page error: " + error));
    } else {
        next(new Error("Iframely error: " + error));

module.exports = function(app) {

    app.get('/iframely', function(req, res, next) {

        var uri = prepareUri(req.query.uri || req.query.url);

        if (!uri) {
            return next(new Error("'uri' get param expected"));

        if (!CONFIG.DEBUG && uri.split('/')[2].indexOf('.') === -1) {
            return next(new Error("local domains not supported"));

        log(req, 'Loading /iframely for', uri);


            function(cb) {

      , {
                    debug: getBooleanParam(req, 'debug'),
                    mixAllWithDomainPlugin: getBooleanParam(req, 'mixAllWithDomainPlugin'),
                    forceParams: req.query.meta === "true" ? ["meta", "oembed"] : null,
                    whitelist: getBooleanParam(req, 'whitelist'),
                    readability: getBooleanParam(req, 'readability'),
                    getWhitelistRecord: whitelist.findWhitelistRecordFor,
                    maxWidth: getIntParam(req, 'maxwidth') || getIntParam(req, 'max-width'),
                    promoUri: req.query.promoUri,
                    refresh: getBooleanParam(req, 'refresh')
                }, cb);

        ], function(error, result) {

            if (error) {
                return handleIframelyError(error, res, next);

            if (result.safe_html) {
                cache.set('html:' + version + ':' + uri, result.safe_html);
                    href: CONFIG.baseAppUrl + "/reader.js?uri=" + encodeURIComponent(uri),
                    type: CONFIG.T.javascript,
                    rel: [CONFIG.R.reader, CONFIG.R.inline]
                delete result.safe_html;

                var render_link = _.find(result.links, function(link) {
                    return link.html
                        && !link.href
                        && link.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.inline) === -1
                        && link.type === CONFIG.T.text_html;
                if (render_link) {
                    cache.set('render_link:' + version + ':' + uri, _.extend({
                        title: result.meta.title
                    }, render_link)); // Copy to keep removed fields.
                    render_link.href = CONFIG.baseAppUrl + "/render?uri=" + encodeURIComponent(uri);
                    delete render_link.html;
                } else {
                    // Cache non inline link to later render for older consumers.
                    render_link = _.find(result.links, function(link) {
                        return link.html
                            && link.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.inline) > -1
                            && link.type === CONFIG.T.text_html;
                    if (render_link) {
                        cache.set('render_link:' + version + ':' + uri, _.extend({
                            title: result.meta.title
                        }, render_link)); // Copy to keep removed fields.


            iframelyUtils.filterLinks(result, {
                filterNonSSL: getBooleanParam(req, 'ssl'),
                filterNonHTML5: getBooleanParam(req, 'html5'),
                maxWidth: getIntParam(req, 'maxwidth') || getIntParam(req, 'max-width')

            iframelyUtils.generateLinksHtml(result, {
                autoplayMode: getBooleanParam(req, 'autoplay')

            if ( || CONFIG.GROUP_LINKS) {
                var links = result.links;
                var groups = {};
                CONFIG.REL_GROUPS.forEach(function(rel) {
                    var l = links.filter(function(link) { return link.rel.indexOf(rel) > -1; });
                    if (l.length > 0) {
                        groups[rel] = l;

                var other = links.filter(function(link) {
                    return _.intersection(link.rel, CONFIG.REL_GROUPS).length == 0
                if (other.length) {
                    groups.other = other;
                result.links = groups;
            if (req.query.whitelist) {
                // if whitelist record's domain is "*" - ignore this wildcard
                var whitelistRecord = iframely.whitelist.findWhitelistRecordFor(uri) || {} ;
                result.whitelist = whitelistRecord.isDefault ? {} : whitelistRecord;



            if (global.gc) {
                //console.log('GC called');

    app.get('/reader.js', function(req, res, next) {

        var uri = prepareUri(req.query.uri);

        if (!uri) {
            return next(new Error("'uri' get param expected"));

        if (!CONFIG.DEBUG && uri.split('/')[2].indexOf('.') === -1) {
            return next(new Error("local domains not supported"));

        log(req, 'Loading /reader for', uri);


            function(cb) {

                cache.withCache('html:' + version + ':' + uri, function(cb) {

          , {
                        getWhitelistRecord: whitelist.findWhitelistRecordFor,
                        readability: true
                    }, function(error, data) {

                        if (!data || !data.safe_html) {
                            error = 404;

                        cb(error, data && data.safe_html);

                }, cb);


        ], function(error, html) {

            if (error) {
                return handleIframelyError(error, res, next);

            var htmlArray = (html || "").match(/.{1,8191}/g) || "";

            var context = {
                embedCode: JSON.stringify(htmlArray),
                widgetId: JSON.stringify(1),
                uri: JSON.stringify(uri)

            res.renderCached("readerjs.ejs", context, {
                "Content-Type": "text/javascript"


    app.get('/render', function(req, res, next) {

        var uri = prepareUri(req.query.uri);

        if (!uri) {
            return next(new Error("'uri' get param expected"));

        if (!CONFIG.DEBUG && uri.split('/')[2].indexOf('.') === -1) {
            return next(new Error("local domains not supported"));

        log(req, 'Loading /render for', uri);


            function(cb) {

                cache.withCache('render_link:' + version + ':' + uri, function(cb) {

          , {
                        getWhitelistRecord: whitelist.findWhitelistRecordFor
                    }, function(error, result) {

                        if (error) {
                            return cb(error);

                        var render_link = result && _.find(result.links, function(link) {
                            return link.html
                                && link.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.inline) === -1
                                && link.type === CONFIG.T.text_html;

                        if (!render_link) {
                            // Cache non inline link to later render for older consumers.
                            render_link = _.find(result.links, function(link) {
                                return link.html
                                    && link.rel.indexOf(CONFIG.R.inline) > -1
                                    && link.type === CONFIG.T.text_html;

                        if (render_link) {
                            render_link.title = result.meta.title;

                        cb(error, render_link);

                }, cb);

        ], function(error, link) {

            if (error) {
                return handleIframelyError(error, res, next);

            if (!link) {
                return next(new utils.NotFound());

            res.renderCached('embed-html.ejs', {
                title: link.title,
                html: link.html


    app.get('/supported-plugins-re.json', function(req, res, next) {

        var plugins = pluginLoader._plugins;

        var regexps = [];

        var domainsDict = {};

        for(var pluginId in plugins) {

            var plugin = plugins[pluginId];

            if (plugin.domain) {

                if ( &&{
                            s: re.source,
                            m: ''+ ('g':'')+(re.ignoreCase?'i':'')+(re.multiline?'m':'')
                } else if (!(plugin.domain in domainsDict)) {

                    domainsDict[plugin.domain] = true;

                        s: plugin.domain.replace(/\./g, "\\."),
                        m: ''



    app.get('/oembed', function(req, res, next) {

        var uri = prepareUri(req.query.url);

        if (!uri) {
            return next(new Error("'url' get param expected"));

        if (!CONFIG.DEBUG && uri.split('/')[2].indexOf('.') === -1) {
            return next(new Error("local domains not supported"));

        log(req, 'Loading /oembed for', uri);


            function(cb) {

      , {
                    getWhitelistRecord: whitelist.findWhitelistRecordFor,
                    filterNonSSL: getBooleanParam(req, 'ssl'),
                    filterNonHTML5: getBooleanParam(req, 'html5'),
                    maxWidth: getIntParam(req, 'maxwidth') || getIntParam(req, 'max-width'),
                    refresh: getBooleanParam(req, 'refresh')
                }, cb);

        ], function(error, result) {

            if (error) {
                return handleIframelyError(error, res, next);


            iframelyUtils.filterLinks(result, {
                filterNonSSL: getBooleanParam(req, 'ssl'),
                filterNonHTML5: getBooleanParam(req, 'html5'),
                maxWidth: getIntParam(req, 'maxwidth') || getIntParam(req, 'max-width')

            var oembed = oembedUtils.getOembed(uri, result, {
                mediaPriority: getBooleanParam(req, 'media')

            if (req.query.format === "xml") {

                var out = jsonxml({
                    oembed: oembed
                }, {
                    escape: true,
                    xmlHeader: {
                        standalone: true

                res.sendCached('text/xml', out);

            } else {


