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# Movies rails application using Neo4j

This is a project example similar to [movies-ruby-neo4j-core]( but using rails and the latest version of neo4j

# Why?

Because I wanted to update to the latest ruby library and I wanted to have tests in the example project.

# Setup

You need to start neo4j and set up the environment variable `NEO4J_URL`

neo4j start
echo NEO4J_URL=http://user:password@localhost:7474/ >> .env

Also, you need to install and setup the test database

rake neo4j:install[community-2.2.4,test]
rake neo4j:config[test,7475]
echo NEO4J_URL=http://localhost:7475/ >> .env.test

# Test

In order to run the test suite you need to run a [test instance of neo4j](

rake neo4j:start[test]

I am skipping the seed tests with Guard, but you can test the seed task manually with

rspec spec/lib/tasks/db_spec.rb

# seed the database

rake db:seed

# Issues

## installing liibv8

run this command. You can read more [here](

gem install libv8 -v '' -- --with-system-v8

## Neo4j configuration error

If your username or password is incorrect you might get this error

resource.rb:37:in `handle_response_error!': Expected response code 200 Error for request