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# Last – static site generator for any Symfony project

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Last is a minimalistic static site generator for Symfony 4 applications. Once installed, Last provides a 
command that will simply create requests for all of your routes and dumps the result as a static file to a dist folder.

## Installation
*(A symfony/flex recipe will be created soon. )*

    composer require fw/last-bundle
Last should get registered automatically to config/bundles.php. If not, add it by hand:

    Fw\LastBundle\FwLastBundle::class => ['all' => true],

## Usage
Now you can run the dump command and your Symfony app gets exported as static html files. 

    # will dump to the configured dist folder, defaults to %project%/dist
    bin/console last:dump 
    # wil dump to the given folder
    bin/console last:dump --dist=./custom_dist_folder
## Is it production ready?
Soon, however the following is missing yet:

- [ ] Test with more real life projects
- [ ] Provide an symfony/flex recipe
- [ ] Automatically copy assets from public/build, public/bundles/* and other locations to dist folder after dumping

## Configuration

        dist_folder: '%kernel.project_dir%/dist' # this is the default dist folder, if you don't set it 
            static: true # Static provider is enabled per default, you can disable it here

## Request providers

Last runs requests against your kernel. So in order to make it work, all desired requests must be defined. To make 
things more easy, Last comes with a request provider for all static routes (routes without mandatory placeholders). So
you only need to implement a custom request provider if you want to include dynamic routes like *blog/article/{id}*. A
simple provider could look like this: 

    use Fw\LastBundle\Router\RouteProvider;

    class YourustomProvider implements RouteProvider
         * {@inheritdoc}
        public function getRoutes(): array
            return [

And needs to be a tagged service, in order to make it visible for Last.

            tags: ['fw.last.route_provider']

Of course you can inject any dependencies like an entity manager to create more advanced providers.

## Troubleshooting

### My links start with `http://localhost/` what should I do?
Use `{{ path() }}` instead of `{{ url() }}` in your templates to make your urls relative.