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// shamelessly taken from
// these keywords should not appear inside expressions, but operators like

import { regexForDelimiters } from "./utils";

// 'typeof', 'instanceof', and 'in' are allowed
const prohibitedKeywordRE = new RegExp(
  "\\b" +
      "arguments,await,break,case,catch,class,const,continue,debugger,default," +
      "delete,do,else,enum,export,extends,finally,for,function,if,import,let,new," +
      .join("\\b|\\b") +

// strip strings in expressions
const stripStringRE =

 * possible values:
 * - "JSON": JSON.stringify
 * - "Object": Object.keys
 * - "Array": Array.isArray
const whitelistNamespaces: string[] = [

export type ReplaceTemplateStringOptions = {
   * Specify the delimiters
   * @default ['{{', '}}']
  delimiters?: [string, string];
   * Whether to throw an error when an error occurs or return the original string
   * @default "throw"
  handleError?: "throw" | "ignore";

const defineReplaceTemplateString =
  (options: ReplaceTemplateStringOptions) =>
    (template: string, view = {}) =>
      replaceString(template, view, options);

export const replaceString = (
  template: string,
  view = {},
  options?: ReplaceTemplateStringOptions,
): unknown => {
  const expression = regexForDelimiters(
    options?.delimiters ?? ["{{", "}}"],

  if (!expression) {
    return template;

  function silentOrThrow(err: string | Error) {
    if (options?.handleError !== "ignore") {
      throw typeof err === "string" ? new Error(err) : err;

    return template;

  // throw with nested expression
  if (expression.match(/\${.*?}/)) {
    throw new Error("nested expression is not allowed in template string");

  const withoutStrings = expression.replace(stripStringRE, "");

  const keywordMatch = withoutStrings.match(prohibitedKeywordRE);

  if (keywordMatch) {
    throw new Error(`${keywordMatch} is not allowed in template string`);

  // check for semicolons
  if (expression.includes(";")) {
    return silentOrThrow("; is not allowed in template string");

  // check for assignment
  if (withoutStrings.includes("=")) {
    if (withoutStrings.match(/<<=|>>=|>>>=/)) {
      return silentOrThrow("assignment is not allowed in template string");

    const strippedCompare = withoutStrings.replace(/!==|===|==|!=|>=|<=/g, "");

    if (strippedCompare.includes("=>")) {
      return silentOrThrow("arrow function is not allowed in template string");

    if (strippedCompare.match(/=/g)) {
      return silentOrThrow("assignment is not allowed in template string");

    // good to go, it's a compare operator

  if (withoutStrings.match(/\+\+|--/g)) {
    throw new Error("assignment is not allowed in template string");

  const accessedVariableNames: string[] = [];

    .replace(/!==|===|==|!=|>=|<=|\+|-|\//g, " ")
    .forEach((x) => {
      if (!x) {
      const match = x.match(/^([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)/g)?.[0];
      if (match) {

  const allowedVariables = Object.keys(view);

  const notAllowedVariables = accessedVariableNames.filter(
    (x) => !allowedVariables.includes(x) && !whitelistNamespaces.includes(x),

  if (notAllowedVariables.length) {
    return silentOrThrow(`${notAllowedVariables.join(", ")} is not defined`);

  try {
    return new Function(
      /* js */ `
        const tagged = ( ${allowedVariables.join(", ")} ) => ${expression}
        return tagged(...Object.values(view))
  } catch (err: any) {
    return silentOrThrow(err);

export const delimiters = {
  mustache: ["{{", "}}"],
  ejs: ["<%=", "%>"],
} as const;

export const replaceStringMustache = defineReplaceTemplateString({
  delimiters: delimiters.mustache as any,

export const replaceStringEjs = defineReplaceTemplateString({
  delimiters: delimiters.ejs as any,