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# Amaze Hands [![Code Climate](]( [![Travis CI](]( [![Test Coverage](](

Amaze Hands is an amazing tool developed for analysing Kanban board cards, in a similar fashion to poker [hands]( analysis.

Developed initially for the amazing Pricing squad in Group Platform at [REA](, and now being used by the Pricing and Products squads.

## Why?

_Lorem ipsum spreadsheet amaze._

Previously, as a [Delivery Lead]( I spent a significant portion of my time manually recording card dates and working out the cycle time and wait time. LeanKit unfortunately does not help much - its reporting tool is very basic and somewhat inaccurate.

Below is the spreadsheet I used - Excel formulas are helpful, but punching in dates is an extremely tedious process.


## Amaze Hands to the Rescue

__The goal of Amaze Hands is to incrementally add intelligence to our agile process.__

By incrementally adding and/or filtering data points for analysis, we will be able to zero in on the problematic areas of our agile process. The following is a list of potential areas we could perform analysis on:

- cycle time
- wait time
- blocked time
- knocked-back time
- context switch (between different streams of work)
- other factors such as meetings, attrition, etc


## How?

_Lorem ipsum copy paste amaze._

Even though LeanKit does offer an XML export function for exporting card history, the function is broken therefore Amaze Hands relies on copy-pasted card history text from each card to process the data and generate metrics.

Below is a high level system architecture diagram that shows how Amaze Hands handles data.

        |        Text         | <- Raw text input.
    |         Strategies          |
    |   +---------------------+   |
    |   |    Preprocessor     |   | <- Normalises text input for parsing.
    |   +----------+----------+   |
    |              |              |
    |   +----------v----------+   |
    |   |       Parser        |   | <- Parses text into an AST.
    |   +----------+----------+   |
    |              |              |
    |   +----------v----------+   |
    |   |     Transformer     |   | <- Transforms the AST into a common AST.
    |   +---------------------+   |
        |       Builder       | <- Builds the dataset from the common AST.
        |       Reducer       | <- Filters the dataset.
        |      Analyser       | <- Analyses the dataset for metrics.
        |      Producer       | <- Produces metrics.
        |      Presenter      | <- Presents metrics.

## Supported Kanban Boards

Amaze Hands out of the box has parser and transformer strategies for the following tools:

- [LeanKit](

## Stack

Amaze Hands is proudly built with:

- Ruby 2.1+
- [Lotus](
- [Parslet]( for [PEG](
- [C3.js](
- [Bootstrap](
- [RUI](

## How to Use

### Run Metrics in CLI

bundle install
lotus c

# in lotus repl
  strategy: Strategies::LeanKit,
  lanes:    Strategies::LeanKit::PricingLanes,
  files:    Dir["#{__dir__}/db/pricing/*.txt"]

### Run Metrics in Local Web App

bundle install
lotus s

## Credits

- [Fred Wu]( - author.
- [REA Group]( - where Amaze Hands was built.

## License

Licensed under [MIT](
