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/*jslint indent:2,white:true,sloppy:true,node:true */
var EventInterface = require('../../src/proxy/eventInterface');
var Consumer = require('../../src/consumer');
var util = require('../../src/util');

 * Core freedom services available to all modules.
 * Created by the environment helper in response to a 'core' request.
 * @Class Core_unprivileged
 * @constructor
 * @param {Manager} manager The manager this core is connected with.
 * @private
var Core_unprivileged = function(manager, postMessage) {
  this.manager = manager.module;
  this.debug = this.manager.debug;

Core_unprivileged.unboundChannels = {};

Core_unprivileged.contextId = undefined;
Core_unprivileged.moduleInternal = undefined;

 * Create a custom channel.
 * Returns the structure {channel: Proxy, identifier: Object},
 * where the identifier can be 'redeemed' by another module or provider using
 * bind channel, at which point the deferred object will resolve with a channel
 * between the two endpoints.
 * @method createChannel
 * @params {Function} continuation Method to call with the cosntructed structure.
Core_unprivileged.prototype.createChannel = function(continuation) {
  var proxy = new Consumer(EventInterface, this.manager.debug),
      id = util.getId(),
      chan = this.getChannel(proxy);

  if (this.isInModule()) {
    this.manager.emit(this.manager.delegate, {
      type: 'Delegation',
      request: 'handle',
      flow: 'core',
      message: {
        type: 'register',
        id: id
  Core_unprivileged.unboundChannels[id] = {
    local: true,
    proxy: proxy

  proxy.once('start', this.getChannel.bind(this, proxy));

    channel: chan,
    identifier: id

Core_unprivileged.prototype.getChannel = function(proxy) {
  var iface = proxy.getProxyInterface(),
      chan = iface();
  chan.close = iface.close;
  chan.onClose = iface.onClose;
  iface.onClose(chan, function() {
  return chan;

 * Receive a message from another core instance.
 * Note: Core_unprivileged is not registered on the hub. it is a provider,
 *     as it's location and name would indicate. This function is called by
 *     port-app to relay messages up to higher levels.  More generally, the
 *     messages emitted by the core to 'this.manager.emit(this.mananage.delegate'
 *     Should be onMessaged to the controlling core.
 * @param {String} source The source of the message.
 * @param {Object} msg The messsage from an isolated core provider.
Core_unprivileged.prototype.onMessage = function(source, msg) {
  if (msg.type === 'register') {
    Core_unprivileged.unboundChannels[] = {
      remote: true,
      resolve: msg.reply,
      source: source
  } else if (msg.type === 'clear') {
    delete Core_unprivileged.unboundChannels[];
  } else if (msg.type === 'bind') {
    if (Core_unprivileged.unboundChannels[]) {
      this.bindChannel(, function() {}, source);
  } else if (msg.type === 'require') {
    source.require(, msg.manifest);

 * Bind a custom channel.
 * Creates a proxy interface to the custom channel, which will be bound to
 * the proxy obtained through an earlier createChannel call.
 * channel to a proxy.
 * @method bindChannel
 * @param {Object} identifier An identifier obtained through createChannel.
 * @param {Function} continuation A function to be called with the proxy.
Core_unprivileged.prototype.bindChannel = function(identifier, continuation, source) {
  var toBind = Core_unprivileged.unboundChannels[identifier],
      newSource = !source;

  // when bindChannel is called directly, source will be undefined.
  // When it is propogated by onMessage, a source for binding will already exist.
  if (newSource) {
    this.debug.debug('making local proxy for core binding');
    source = new Consumer(EventInterface, this.debug);

  // If this is a known identifier and is in the same context, binding is easy.
  if (toBind && toBind.local) {
    this.debug.debug('Binding a channel to port on this hub:' + source);
    this.manager.createLink(source, identifier, toBind.proxy, 'default');
    delete Core_unprivileged.unboundChannels[identifier];
    if (this.manager.delegate && this.manager.toDelegate.core) {
      this.manager.emit(this.manager.delegate, {
        type: 'Delegation',
        request: 'handle',
        flow: 'core',
        message: {
          type: 'clear',
          id: identifier
  } else if (toBind && toBind.remote) {
    this.debug.debug('Binding a channel into a module.');
        newSource ? 'default' : identifier,
      type: 'Bind Channel',
      flow: 'core',
      message: {
        type: 'bind',
        id: identifier
    delete Core_unprivileged.unboundChannels[identifier];
  } else if (this.isInModule()) {'delegating channel bind for an unknown ID:' + identifier);
    this.manager.emit(this.manager.delegate, {
      type: 'Delegation',
      request: 'handle',
      flow: 'core',
      message: {
        type: 'bind',
        id: identifier
    source.once('start', function(p, cb) {
    }.bind(this, source, continuation));
    delete Core_unprivileged.unboundChannels[identifier];
  } else {
    this.debug.warn('Asked to bind unknown channel: ' + identifier);

  if (source.getInterface) {
  } else {

 * @method isInModule
 * @private
 * @returns {Boolean} Whether this class is running in a module.
Core_unprivileged.prototype.isInModule = function () {
  return (this.manager.delegate && this.manager.toDelegate.core);

 * Require a dynamic dependency for your freedom module.
 * If new permissions are needed beyond what are already available to the
 * freedom context, the user will need to approve of the requested permissions.
 * @method require
 * @param {String} manifest The URL of the manifest to require.
 * @param {String} api The API of the dependency to expose if not default.
 * @param {Function} callback The function to call with the dependency.
Core_unprivileged.prototype.require = function (manifest, api, callback) {
  if (this.isInModule() && Core_unprivileged.moduleInternal) {
    // Register a callback with moduleInternal.
    // DependencyName is the name of the channel moduelInternal will allocate
    // callback will be called once a link to that channel is seen.
    var dependencyName =
        Core_unprivileged.moduleInternal.registerId(api, callback);

    // Request the dependency be added.
    this.manager.emit(this.manager.delegate, {
      type: 'Delegation',
      request: 'handle',
      flow: 'core',
      message: {
        type: 'require',
        manifest: manifest,
        id: dependencyName
  } else {
    this.debug.error('The require function in external context makes no sense' +
        ' Instead create a new freedom() context.');
    callback(undefined, {
      errcode: 'InvalidContext',
      message: 'Cannot call require() from this context.'

 * Get the ID of the current freedom.js context.  Provides an
 * array of module URLs, the lineage of the current context.
 * When not in an application context, the ID is the lineage
 * of the current View.
 * @method getId
 * @param {Function} callback The function called with ID information.
Core_unprivileged.prototype.getId = function(callback) {
  // TODO: make sure contextID is properly frozen.

 * Get a logger for logging to the freedom.js logger. Provides a
 * log object with an interface similar to the standard javascript console,
 * which logs via debug.
 * @method getLogger
 * @param {String} name The name of the logger, used as its 'source'
 * @param {Function} callback The function to call with the logger.
Core_unprivileged.prototype.getLogger = function(name, callback) {

 * Set the ID of the current freedom.js context.
 * @method setId
 * @private
 * @param {String[]} id The lineage of the current context.
 * @param {ModuleInternal} moduleInternal The Module environment if one exists.
Core_unprivileged.prototype.setId = function(id, moduleInternal) {
  Core_unprivileged.contextId = id;
  Core_unprivileged.moduleInternal = moduleInternal;

exports.provider = Core_unprivileged; = "core";
exports.flags = {module: true};