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/*globals freedom:true, WebSocket, DEBUG */
/*jslint indent:2, white:true, node:true, sloppy:true, browser:true */

 * Implementation of a Social provider that depends on
 * the WebSockets server code in server/
 * The current implementation uses a public facing common server
 * hosted on
 * The provider offers
 * - A single global buddylist that everyone is on
 * - no reliability
 * - out of order delivery
 * - ephemeral userIds and clientIds
 * @class WSSocialProvider
 * @constructor
 * @param {Function} dispatchEvent callback to signal events
 * @param {WebSocket} webSocket Alternative webSocket implementation for tests
function WSSocialProvider(dispatchEvent, webSocket) {
  this.dispatchEvent = dispatchEvent;

  this.websocket = freedom["core.websocket"] || webSocket;
  this.WS_URL = 'ws://'; = freedom();

  this.conn = null;   // Web Socket = null;     // userId of this user
  //Note that in this.websocket, there is a 1-1 relationship between user and client
  this.users = {};    // List of seen users (<user_profile>)
  this.clients = {};  // List of seen clients (<client_state>)

 * Connect to the Web Socket rendezvous server
 * e.g. social.login(Object options)
 * The only login option needed is 'agent', used to determine which group to join in the server
 * @method login
 * @param {Object} loginOptions
 * @return {Object} status - Same schema as 'onStatus' events
WSSocialProvider.prototype.login = function(loginOpts, continuation) {
  // Wrap the continuation so that it will only be called once by
  // onmessage in the case of success.
  var finishLogin = {
    continuation: continuation,
    finish: function(msg, err) {
      if (this.continuation) {
        this.continuation(msg, err);
        delete this.continuation;

  if (this.conn !== null) {
    finishLogin.finish(undefined, this.err("LOGIN_ALREADYONLINE"));
  this.conn = this.websocket(this.WS_URL + loginOpts.agent);
  // Save the continuation until we get a status message for
  // successful login.
  this.conn.on("onMessage", this.onMessage.bind(this, finishLogin));
  this.conn.on("onError", function (cont, error) {
    this.conn = null;
    cont.finish(undefined, this.err('ERR_CONNECTION'));
  }.bind(this, finishLogin));
  this.conn.on("onClose", function (cont, msg) {
    this.conn = null;
    this.changeRoster(, false);
  }.bind(this, finishLogin));


 * Returns all the <user_profile>s that we've seen so far (from 'onUserProfile' events)
 * Note: the user's own <user_profile> will be somewhere in this list. 
 * Use the userId returned from social.login() to extract your element
 * NOTE: This does not guarantee to be entire roster, just users we're currently aware of at the moment
 * e.g. social.getUsers();
 * @method getUsers
 * @return {Object} { 
 *    'userId1': <user_profile>,
 *    'userId2': <user_profile>,
 *     ...
 * } List of <user_profile>s indexed by userId
 *   On failure, rejects with an error code (see above)
WSSocialProvider.prototype.getUsers = function(continuation) {
  if (this.conn === null) {
    continuation(undefined, this.err("OFFLINE"));

 * Returns all the <client_state>s that we've seen so far (from any 'onClientState' event)
 * Note: this instance's own <client_state> will be somewhere in this list
 * Use the clientId returned from social.login() to extract your element
 * NOTE: This does not guarantee to be entire roster, just clients we're currently aware of at the moment
 * e.g. social.getClients()
 * @method getClients
 * @return {Object} { 
 *    'clientId1': <client_state>,
 *    'clientId2': <client_state>,
 *     ...
 * } List of <client_state>s indexed by clientId
 *   On failure, rejects with an error code (see above)
WSSocialProvider.prototype.getClients = function(continuation) {
  if (this.conn === null) {
    continuation(undefined, this.err("OFFLINE"));

 * Send a message to user on your network
 * If the destination is not specified or invalid, the message is dropped
 * Note: userId and clientId are the same for this.websocket
 * e.g. sendMessage(String destination_id, String message)
 * @method sendMessage
 * @param {String} destination_id - target
 * @return nothing
WSSocialProvider.prototype.sendMessage = function(to, msg, continuation) {
  if (this.conn === null) {
    continuation(undefined, this.err("OFFLINE"));
  } else if (!this.clients.hasOwnProperty(to) && !this.users.hasOwnProperty(to)) {
    continuation(undefined, this.err("SEND_INVALIDDESTINATION"));

  this.conn.send({text: JSON.stringify({to: to, msg: msg})});

 * Disconnects from the Web Socket server
 * e.g. logout(Object options)
 * No options needed
 * @method logout
 * @return {Object} status - same schema as 'onStatus' events
WSSocialProvider.prototype.logout = function(continuation) {
  if (this.conn === null) { // We may not have been logged in
    this.changeRoster(, false);
    continuation(undefined, this.err("OFFLINE"));
  this.conn.on("onClose", function(continuation) {
    this.conn = null;
    this.changeRoster(, false);
  }.bind(this, continuation));


 * Dispatch an 'onClientState' event with the following status and return the <client_card>
 * Modify entries in this.users and this.clients if necessary
 * Note, because this provider has a global buddylist of ephemeral clients, we trim all OFFLINE users
 * @method changeRoster
 * @private
 * @param {String} id - userId and clientId are the same in this provider
 * @param {Boolean} stat - true if "ONLINE", false if "OFFLINE".
 *                          "ONLINE_WITH_OTHER_APP"
 * @return {Object} - same schema as 'onStatus' event
WSSocialProvider.prototype.changeRoster = function(id, stat) {
  var newStatus, result = {
    userId: id,
    clientId: id,
    lastUpdated: (this.clients.hasOwnProperty(id)) ? this.clients[id].lastUpdated: (new Date()).getTime(),
    lastSeen: (new Date()).getTime()
  if (stat) {
    newStatus = "ONLINE";
  } else {
    newStatus = "OFFLINE";
  result.status = newStatus;
  if (!this.clients.hasOwnProperty(id) || 
      (this.clients[id] && this.clients[id].status !== newStatus)) {
    this.dispatchEvent('onClientState', result);

  if (stat) {
    this.clients[id] = result;
    if (!this.users.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
      this.users[id] = {
        userId: id,
        name: id,
        lastUpdated: (new Date()).getTime()
      this.dispatchEvent('onUserProfile', this.users[id]);
  } else {
    delete this.users[id];
    delete this.clients[id];
  return result;

 * Interpret messages from the server
 * There are 3 types of messages
 * - Directed messages from friends
 * - State information from the server on initialization
 * - Roster change events (users go online/offline)
 * @method onMessage
 * @private
 * @param {Object} finishLogin Function to call upon successful login
 * @param {String} msg Message from the server (see server/ for schema)
 * @return nothing
WSSocialProvider.prototype.onMessage = function(finishLogin, msg) {
  var i;
  msg = JSON.parse(msg.text);

  // If state information from the server
  // Store my own ID and all known users at the time
  if (msg.cmd === 'state') { =;
    for (i = 0; i < msg.msg.length; i += 1) {
      this.changeRoster(msg.msg[i], true);
    finishLogin.finish(this.changeRoster(, true));
    // If directed message, emit event
  } else if (msg.cmd === 'message') {
    this.dispatchEvent('onMessage', {
      from: this.changeRoster(msg.from, true),
      message: msg.msg
    // Roster change event
  } else if (msg.cmd === 'roster') {
    // No idea what this message is, but let's keep track of who it's from
  } else if (msg.from) {
    this.changeRoster(msg.from, true);

WSSocialProvider.prototype.err = function(code) {
  var err = {
    errcode: code,
  return err;

if (typeof freedom !== 'undefined') {

if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
  exports.provider = WSSocialProvider; = 'social';