

Test Coverage
Setup process for adhoc mode

* requires 2 (two) Linux hosts (Gentoo or Ubuntu bionic/focal LTS)
* one "mobile" host and one "exit" host

  + "mobile" host can be any Linux desktop (pkgs for arm, arm64, x86, x86_64)
  + "exit" host can be any (Linux) hardware/VM with decent gigabit ethernet

Note about network configuration

The requirement for two hosts (as well as the steps that follow) is based
on the smallest possible private subnet, with only two free IPv4 addresses.
In `CIDR notation`_ this is a ``/30`` subnet, but you are free to add more
of your own hosts and use a different config.  But *don't worry*, this is
simple in python. Try this at a python prompt:


  Python 3.6.10 (default, Dec  6 2019, 21:16:24)
  [GCC 9.2.0] on linux
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> import ipaddress
  >>> netobj = ipaddress.ip_network('', strict=False)
  >>> netobj
  >>> list(netobj)
  [IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''),
  >>> list(netobj.hosts())
  [IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address('')]

The above demonstrates how Python "calculates" IPv4 subnets for the
(very) private 2-host network configured below.  Since every IPv4 subnet
needs both a network address and a broadcast address, this leaves only
two addresses for actual host addresses on the network.  If you want more
hosts on your adhoc network, simply use a larger subnet (eg, a ``/28``).
Keep in mind each mobile node on your adhoc network will all use the
same exit node; also note that a ``/28`` allows 14 host addresses:


  >>> netobj = ipaddress.ip_network('', strict=False)
  >>> list(netobj)
  [IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''),
      IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''),
      IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''),
      IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''),
      IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''),
  >>> len(list(netobj.hosts()))

.. _CIDR notation:

Configuration steps

The following steps are for a "personal" network (single "mobile" node).

* install fpnd, set adhoc mode (both hosts)

  + gentoo: `add the overlay`_ and ``emerge fpnd`` (``USE="adhoc"`` should be enabled by default)
  + ubuntu: `add the PPA`_ and ``apt-get install fpnd``

    - edit ``/etc/fpnd.ini`` and change ``mode = peer`` to ``mode = adhoc``

* stop ``fpnd`` and start/restart ``zerotier|zerotier-one`` (both hosts)
* get the zerotier node ID from each host

  + run ``sudo zerotier-cli info``
  + output should look something like:

    - ``200 info <YOUR_ID> 1.4.6 ONLINE``
    - where ``<YOUR_ID>`` is a 10-digit hex string
    - it may show ``OFFLINE`` after the first startup, this is normal

  + have each id ready for the next step

* create/configure a network on ``_

  + login with Google or make an account
  + select the **Free** option (read the terms of service)
  + click on the *networks* menu item and create a network
  + click on the network you just created
  + go to the **Members** section

    - in the field below *Manually Add Member*:

      * paste the **exit** node ID and click Add New Member
      * wait for the node ID to appear and give it a name/desc
      * repeat the above steps with your **mobile** node ID

.. _add the PPA:
.. _add the overlay:

.. note:: The above network Members will continue to show **Never** in the
          Last Seen column until after the final steps below are complete
          and fpnd is running on each node.

* configure the network for maximum privacy

  + scroll up to the Settings section
  + confirm Access Control is set to PRIVATE
  + scroll down to the Advanced section
  + under Managed Routes

    - delete the existing route by clicking the trashcan
    - under Add Routes

      * enter ```` in the Destination, click Submit
      * wait, then enter ```` in the Destination. **and**
      * enter ```` in (Via) and click submit

  + under IPv4 Auto-Assign

    - disable auto-assign by **un-checking** the box

  + under IPv6 Auto-Assign

    - make sure all three options are *disabled*

  + go back to the Members section under Managed IPs

    - for the **exit** node, enter ```` in the address field and click
      the **+** sign
    - for the **source** node, enter ```` in the address field and click
      the **+** sign

On each adhoc node:

* get the network ID of the network you just created (at the very top of the page)
* edit the ```` source file

  - near the top of the source file, look for the NODE_SETTINGS dictionary:

.. code:: python

      u'max_cache_age': 60,  # maximum cache age in seconds
      u'use_localhost': False,  # messaging interface to use
      u'node_role': None,  # role this node will run as
      u'ctlr_list': ['edf70dc89a'],  # list of fpn controller nodes
      u'moon_list': ['9790eaaea1'],  # list of fpn moons to orbiit
      u'home_dir': None,
      u'debug': False,
      u'node_runner': '',
      u'mode': 'peer',
      u'use_exitnode': [],  # edit to populate with ID: ['exitnode']
      u'nwid': None  # edit to populate with network ID

* find the above file using Ubuntu pkg tools:


  $ dpkg -L python3-fpnd | grep helper_funcs

* find the above file using Gentoo pkg tools:


  $ qlist fpnd | grep helper_funcs

Using a text editor (not a word processor) carefully edit the following

* ``u'nwid': None`` => replace ``None`` with the network ID string in single quotes

The last two items in ``NODE_SETTINGS`` should look something like this:

.. code:: python

    u'use_exitnode': [],  # edit to populate with ID: ['exitnode']
    u'nwid': 'b6079f73c63cea42'  # edit to populate with network ID

.. note:: Your 16-digit network ID will be different than the example shown
          above.  Also note the comment does *not* apply to the current
          0.7.2p6 release.

Once all of the above steps are complete, start the fpnd service on each

On Gentoo with openrc:


  # /etc/init.d/fpnd start

On Gentoo or Ubuntu with systemd:


  # service fpnd start

Troubleshooting adhoc mode

Once configured as above, everything else is automated so as long as the
required commands are available the main thing you can do from the user
end is stop/start the service and check the log file (and since debug is
enabled there should be plenty of log output :)

.. note:: If you're already running a local firewall (eg, iptables or ufw)
          you should make sure that port ``9993/UDP`` is allowed out.

For adhoc mode, you should *not* use the ``restart`` command; the fpnd
service does a (network) ``join`` command on startup and the corresponding
``leave`` command on shutdown and the network needs a few seconds to process
the latter for a clean startup.

The ``fpnd`` log file is written to ``/var/log/fpnd.log`` and will show
the status of the (internal) zerotier API calls and processing of network
scripts, etc.

Use the above init/service commands via sudo, and wait at least 5-10
seconds between ``stop`` and ``start``:


  $ sudo service fpnd stop  # pause 5+ sec
  $ tail -f /var/log/fpnd.log
  $ sudo service fpnd start
  $ tail -f /var/log/fpnd.log

Verify the pre-shutdown commands after ``stop`` then after startup look
for ``Success`` for both the initial setup command and the gateway check.
You should see something like this after startup on both peers:


  INFO [13086] Running job Job(interval=1, unit=seconds, do=run_net_cmd,
        args=(['/usr/lib/fpnd/'],), kwargs={})
  INFO [13086] net cmd result: Success
  DEBUG [13086] JOB: Job(interval=1, unit=seconds, do=run_net_cmd,
        args=(['/usr/lib/fpnd/'],), kwargs={})
        claims success: (True, b'Success\n', 0)

Note the lines above are truncated/wrapped for readability ;)

Lastly, you can verify the command results using the ``iptables`` command.

Once you see the above log message on the "exit" node, run the following
command from a terminal prompt::

  $ sudo iptables -L -t nat

and check the ``POSTROUTING`` chain; you should see one ``SNAT`` rule:


  target     prot opt source               destination
  SNAT       all  --      anywhere      to:<exit IP>

Similarly on the "mobile" node, run the same command::

  $ sudo iptables -L -t nat

and check the ``POSTROUTING`` chain; you should see two ``SNAT`` rules
for http/https:


  target     prot opt source               destination
  SNAT       tcp  --  <your host>  anywhere    tcp dpt:https to:
  SNAT       tcp  --  <your host>  anywhere    tcp dpt:http to:

What we test on

* various x86_64 instances (both hardware and virtual machines)
  some with resources as low as 1 GB of ram
* several embedded arm/arm64 devices, mainly chromebooks and
  (better than rpi) clones, eg, nanopi-k2 and rockchip/allwinner devices

For chromebooks we use mainly Gentoo and Ubuntu on bootable media
built using `this chromebook build script`_ for developer mode.

.. _this chromebook build script: