

7 hrs
Test Coverage
# coding: utf-8

"""Miscellaneous helper functions."""
from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import logging

from configparser import ConfigParser as SafeConfigParser

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Constant(tuple):
    "Pretty display of immutable constant."
    def __new__(cls, name):
        return tuple.__new__(cls, (name,))

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s' % self[0]

ENODATA = Constant('ENODATA')  # error return for async state data updates

    u'private_dns_only': False,  # drop routed port 53 traffic
    u'route_dns': False,  # route insecure dns with web traffic
    u'default_iface': None,  # set default network interface name
    u'doh_host': None,  # use doh_host for show_geoip command
    u'drop_ip6': False,  # set IPv6 in/out/fwd policies to drop while running
    u'max_timeout': 75,  # max wait timeout for network changes in seconds
    u'max_cache_age': 60,  # maximum cache age in seconds
    u'use_localhost': False,  # messaging interface to use
    u'runas_user': False,  # user to run as
    u'node_role': None,  # role this node will run as
    u'ctlr_list': ['edf70dc89a'],  # list of fpn controller nodes
    u'moon_list': ['ab37e685af'],  # list of fpn moons to orbit
    u'home_dir': None,
    u'debug': False,
    u'node_runner': '',
    u'mode': 'peer',
    u'use_exitnode': [],  # edit to populate with ID: ['exitnode']
    u'nwid': None  # adhoc mode network ID goes here

def config_from_ini(file_path=None):
    config = SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
    candidates = ['/etc/fpnd.ini',
    if file_path:
    found =

    if not found:
        message = 'No usable cfg found, files in /tmp/ dir.'
        return False, message

    for tgt_ini in found:
        if 'fpnd' in tgt_ini:
            message = 'Found system settings...'
            return config, message
        if 'settings' in tgt_ini and config.has_option('Options', 'prefix'):
            message = 'Found local settings...'
            config['Paths']['log_path'] = ''
            config['Paths']['pid_path'] = ''
            config['Options']['prefix'] = 'local_'
            return config, message

def do_setup():
    import os
    from appdirs import AppDirs

    dirs = AppDirs('fpnd', 'FreePN')
    my_conf, msg = config_from_ini()
    if my_conf:
        home = my_conf['Paths']['home_dir']
        role = my_conf['Options']['role']
        mode = my_conf['Options']['mode']
        debug = my_conf.getboolean('Options', 'debug')
        user_perms = my_conf.getboolean('Options', 'user_perms')
        NODE_SETTINGS['doh_host'] = my_conf['Options']['doh_host']
        NODE_SETTINGS['max_timeout'] = int(my_conf['Options']['net_timeout'])
        NODE_SETTINGS['default_iface'] = my_conf['Options']['default_iface']
        NODE_SETTINGS['route_dns_53'] = my_conf.getboolean('Options', 'route_dns')
        NODE_SETTINGS['private_dns_only'] = my_conf.getboolean('Options', 'private_dns_only')
        NODE_SETTINGS['drop_ipv6'] = my_conf.getboolean('Options', 'drop_ip6')
        NODE_SETTINGS['mode'] = mode
        NODE_SETTINGS['debug'] = debug
        NODE_SETTINGS['runas_user'] = user_perms
        NODE_SETTINGS['home_dir'] = home
        if 'system' not in msg:
            prefix = my_conf['Options']['prefix']
            prefix = ''
        pid_path = my_conf['Paths']['pid_path']
        log_path = my_conf['Paths']['log_path']
        if user_perms:
            pid_path = dirs.user_state_dir
            log_path = dirs.user_log_dir
        pid_file = my_conf['Options']['pid_name']
        log_file = my_conf['Options']['log_name']
        pid = os.path.join(pid_path, prefix, pid_file)
        log = os.path.join(log_path, prefix, log_file)

        home = None
        debug = False
        pid = '/tmp/'
        log = '/tmp/fpnd.log'
    return home, pid, log, debug, msg, mode, role

def exec_full(filepath):
    global_namespace = {
        "__file__": filepath,
        "__name__": "__main__",
    with open(filepath, 'rb') as file:
        exec(compile(, filepath, 'exec'), global_namespace)

def find_ipv4_iface(addr_string, strip=True):
    This is intended mainly for picking the IPv4 address from the list
    of 'assignedAddresses' in the JSON network data payload for a
    single ZT network.
    :param addr_string: IPv4 address in CIDR format
    :param strip: check addr or return bare addr string
    :return addr: Stripped addr_str if 'strip' return IPv4 addr only, or
    :return boolean: True if not 'strip' or False if addr not valid
    import ipaddress
        interface = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(addr_string)
        if not strip:
            return True
            return str(interface.ip)
    except ValueError:
        return False

def get_cachedir(dir_name='fpn_cache', user_dirs=False):
    Get temp cachedir according to OS (create it if needed)
    * override the dir_name arg for non-cache data
    import os
    import pwd
    import tempfile

    from appdirs import AppDirs

    temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
    dirs = AppDirs('fpnd', 'FreePN')
    if user_dirs or NODE_SETTINGS['runas_user']:
        cache_dir = dirs.user_cache_dir
        cache_dir = '/var/lib/fpnd'
        sys_usr = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name
        sys_uids = os.getresuid()
        if not sys_usr == 'fpnd' and 0 not in sys_uids:
            cache_dir = temp_dir
        # logger.debug('UIDs for cachedir: {}'.format(sys_uids))
        # logger.debug('effective user for cachedir: {}'.format(sys_usr))
    if cache_dir == temp_dir:
        logger.debug('Falling back to temp dir: {}'.format(temp_dir))
    return os.path.join(cache_dir, dir_name)

def get_filepath():
    import platform
    """Get default ZeroTier HOME filepath according to OS."""
    if platform.system() == "Linux":
        return "/var/lib/zerotier-one"
    elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
        return "/Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One"
    elif platform.system() == "FreeBSD" or platform.system() == "OpenBSD":
        return "/var/db/zerotier-one"
    elif platform.system() == "Windows":
        return "C:\\ProgramData\\ZeroTier\\One"

def get_runtimedir(user_dirs=False):
    Get runtime directory according to XDG spec, systemd, or LFS,
    with tempfile fallback. Note this is currently Linux-only.
    This should really be in appdirs.
    import os
    import tempfile

    from pathlib import Path

    temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
    if user_dirs or NODE_SETTINGS['runas_user']:
        run_path = os.getenv('XDG_RUNTIME_DIR', temp_dir)
        run_path = '/run/fpnd'
        path_chk = Path(run_path)
        if path_chk.exists() and not == 'fpnd':
            run_path = temp_dir
        elif not path_chk.exists() and 0 not in os.getresuid():
            run_path = temp_dir
    if run_path == temp_dir:
        logger.debug('Falling back to temp dir: {}'.format(temp_dir))
    return run_path

def get_token(zt_home=None):
    """Get ZeroTier authentication token (requires root or user acl)."""
    import os

    if not zt_home:
        zt_home = get_filepath()
        full_path = os.path.join(zt_home, 'authtoken.secret')
    with open(full_path) as file:
        auth_token =
    return auth_token

def json_dump_file(endpoint, data, dirname=None):
    import os
    import json

    def opener(dirname, flags):
        return, flags, mode=0o600, dir_fd=dir_fd)

    if dirname:
        dir_fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
        opener = None

    with open(endpoint + '.json', 'w', opener=opener) as fp:
        json.dump(data, fp, sort_keys=False)
    logger.debug('{} data in {}.json'.format(endpoint, endpoint))

def json_load_file(endpoint, dirname=None):
    import os
    import json

    def opener(dirname, flags):
        return, flags, dir_fd=dir_fd)

    if dirname:
        dir_fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
        opener = None

    with open(endpoint + '.json', 'r', opener=opener) as fp:
        data = json.load(fp)
    logger.debug('{} data read from {}.json'.format(endpoint, endpoint))
    return data

def log_fpn_state(diff=None):
    if diff is None:
        from node_tools import state_data as st
        diff = st.changes

    if diff:
        for iface, state in diff:
            if iface in ['fpn0', 'fpn1']:
                if state:
          '{} is UP'.format(iface))
          '{} is DOWN'.format(iface))

def net_change_handler(iface, state):
    Net change event handler for configuring fpn network devices
    (calls net cmds for a given interface/state).  Schedules a new
    run_net_cmd() job for each change event.
    :param iface: <'fpn0'|'fpn1'> fpn interface to act on
    :param state: <True|False> new iface state, ie, up|down
    import schedule
    from node_tools.network_funcs import get_net_cmds
    from node_tools.network_funcs import run_net_cmd

    fpn_home = NODE_SETTINGS['home_dir']
    cmd = get_net_cmds(fpn_home, iface, state)

    if cmd:
        if NODE_SETTINGS['mode'] == 'adhoc' and NODE_SETTINGS['nwid']:
        logger.debug('run_net_cmd using cmd: {}'.format(cmd))
        schedule.every(1), cmd).tag('net-change')
        logger.error('get_net_cmds returned None')
        # raise Exception('Missing command return from get_net_cmds()!')

def net_id_handler(iface, nwid, old=False):
    Net ID handler for, well, handling network IDs when fpn interfaces
    come and go.  We use a deque to store the new ID and then remove it
    on cleanup (or the next startup).
    :param iface: fpn iface ID name <fpn_id0|fpn_id1>
    :param nwid: fpn network ID or None (state in the caller)
    :param old: set old=True to remove `nwid` from the net queue
    import diskcache as dc

    net_q = dc.Deque(directory=get_cachedir('net_queue'))

    if not old and nwid is not None:
        if nwid not in list(net_q):
            logger.debug('Added network id {} to net_q'.format(nwid))
    if old:
        if nwid in list(net_q):
            logger.debug('Removed network id {} from net_q'.format(nwid))

def network_cruft_cleaner():
    This is (sort of) the companion to net_id_handler() for checking
    the net_q on startup and sending a ztcli command to leave any
    stale networks found (and clear the queue).
    import diskcache as dc
    from node_tools.node_funcs import run_ztcli_cmd

    if NODE_SETTINGS['node_role'] is None:
        net_q = dc.Deque(directory=get_cachedir('net_queue'))

        for nwid in list(net_q):
            res = run_ztcli_cmd(action='leave', extra=nwid)
            logger.debug('run_ztcli_cmd leave result: {}'.format(res))


def put_state_msg(msg, state_file=None, clean=True):
    Put a status msg in the state file so the indicator can read it.
    :defaults: We use the runtime directory returned by `get_runtimedir`
               and there is only one line with current status.
    :param msg: <str> state message
    :param state_file: <str> path to state file
    :param clean: if true, only the current status msg is retained
    import os

    log_level = logging.getLevelName(logger.getEffectiveLevel())
    if log_level == 'DEBUG':
        clean = False

    mode = 'w'
    fmt = '{}'
    if not clean:
        mode = 'a'
        fmt = '{}\n'
    if not state_file:
        state_file = os.path.join(get_runtimedir(), 'fpnd.state')
    with open(state_file, mode) as f:

def reset_wedge_state():
    Reset route and wdg_ref to defaults whenever 'fpn0' state changes
    to UP and set a post-up wait_cache so we don't send a wedge msg
    too soon.
    from node_tools import state_data as st

    st.fpnState['wdg_ref'] = None
    st.fpnState['route'] = None
    st.wait_cache.set('fpn0_UP', True, NODE_SETTINGS['max_timeout'])

def run_event_handlers(diff=None):
    Run state change event handlers (currently just the net handlers)
    :param diff: <st.changes> (a shared state change diff)
    from node_tools import state_data as st

    if diff is None:
        diff = st.changes

    if diff:
        for iface, state in diff:
            if iface in ['fpn0', 'fpn1']:
                logger.debug('running net_change_handler for iface {} and state {}'.format(iface, state))
                net_change_handler(iface, state)
                if state and iface == 'fpn0':
                    logger.debug('running reset_wedge_state for iface {}'.format(iface))
            if iface in ['fpn_id0', 'fpn_id1']:
                logger.debug('running net_id_handler for iface {} and net id {}'.format(iface, state))
                net_id_handler(iface, state)

def send_announce_msg(fpn_id, addr, send_cfg=False):
    Send node announcement message (hey, this is my id).
    import schedule
    from node_tools.network_funcs import echo_client

    if fpn_id:
        if send_cfg:
            logger.debug('CFG: Sending cfg msg: {} to addr {}'.format(fpn_id, addr))
            schedule.every(3), fpn_id, addr, send_cfg=True).tag('need-net')
            logger.debug('MSG: Sending msg: {} to addr {}'.format(fpn_id, addr))
            schedule.every(1), fpn_id, addr).tag('hey-moon')

def send_cfg_handler():
    Event handler for cfg request message (somewhat analogous to the
    startup_handlers func).  Runs *after* the announce msg succeeds, or
    after each network ID change.
    from node_tools import state_data as st

    nsState = AttrDict.from_nested_dict(st.fpnState)
    addr = nsState.moon_addr

    if NODE_SETTINGS['use_localhost'] or not addr:
        addr = ''

    if nsState.msg_ref:
            send_announce_msg(nsState.fpn_id, addr, send_cfg=True)
        except Exception as exc:
            logger.warning('send_cfg_msg exception: {}'.format(exc))
        logger.error('CFG: missing msg ref for {}'.format(nsState.fpn_id))

def set_initial_role():
    Set initial node role from node ID if ID is a known infra node.
    from node_tools.node_funcs import run_ztcli_cmd

        res = run_ztcli_cmd(action='info')
        if res:
            node_data = res.split()
            logger.debug('INITNODE: node data is {}'.format(node_data))

            if NODE_SETTINGS['mode'] == 'peer':
                node_id = node_data[2]
                if node_id in NODE_SETTINGS['moon_list']:
                    NODE_SETTINGS['node_role'] = 'moon'
                elif node_id in NODE_SETTINGS['ctlr_list']:
                    NODE_SETTINGS['node_role'] = 'controller'
            logger.debug('INITROLE: role is {}'.format(NODE_SETTINGS['node_role']))
            logger.debug('INITMODE: mode is {}'.format(NODE_SETTINGS['mode']))

    except Exception as exc:
        logger.warning('run_ztcli_cmd exception: {}'.format(exc))

def startup_handlers():
    Event handlers that need to run at, well, startup (currently only
    the node announcement message).
    from node_tools import state_data as st

    addr = None
    nsState = AttrDict.from_nested_dict(st.fpnState)

    if nsState.moon_id0 in NODE_SETTINGS['moon_list']:
        addr = nsState.moon_addr
    if NODE_SETTINGS['use_localhost'] or not addr:
        addr = ''

        send_announce_msg(nsState.fpn_id, addr)
    except Exception as exc:
        logger.warning('send_announce_msg exception: {}'.format(exc))

def update_state(scr=None):
    import pathlib

    if not scr:
        scr = NODE_SETTINGS['node_runner']

    here = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
    node_scr = here.joinpath(scr)

        return 'OK'
    except Exception as exc:
        logger.warning('{} exception: {}'.format(scr, exc))
        return ENODATA

def validate_role():
    Validate and set initial role with state data from the cache.
    from node_tools import state_data as st
    nodeState = AttrDict.from_nested_dict(st.fpnState)

    if NODE_SETTINGS['mode'] == 'peer':
        if nodeState.fpn_id in NODE_SETTINGS['moon_list']:
            NODE_SETTINGS['node_role'] = 'moon'
            NODE_SETTINGS['node_runner'] = ''
        elif nodeState.fpn_id in NODE_SETTINGS['ctlr_list']:
            NODE_SETTINGS['node_role'] = 'controller'
            NODE_SETTINGS['node_runner'] = ''
            NODE_SETTINGS['node_role'] = None
    elif NODE_SETTINGS['mode'] == 'adhoc':
        NODE_SETTINGS['node_role'] = None
        if NODE_SETTINGS['use_exitnode'] == []:
            logger.warning('No adhoc node IDs found in NODE_SETTINGS.')
            logger.warning('Follow the initial setup docs for adhoc mode.')
    st.fpnState['fpn_role'] = NODE_SETTINGS['node_role']
    logger.debug('ROLE: validated role is {}'.format(st.fpnState['fpn_role']))

def xform_state_diff(diff):
    Function to extract and transform state diff type to a new
    dictionary (this means the input must be non-empty). Note the
    object returned is mutable!
    :caveats: if returned k,v are tuples of (old, new) state values
              the returned keys are prefixed with `old_` and `new_`
    :param diff: state_data.changes obj (list of tuples with state changes)
    :return AttrDict: dict with state changes (with attribute access)

    d = {}
    if not diff:
        return d

    for item in diff:
        if isinstance(item, tuple) or isinstance(item, list):
            if isinstance(item[0], str):
                d[item[0]] = item[1]
            elif isinstance(item[0], tuple):
                # we know we have duplicate keys so make new ones
                # using 'old_' and 'new_' prefix
                old_key = 'old_' + item[0][0]
                d[old_key] = item[0][1]
                new_key = 'new_' + item[1][0]
                d[new_key] = item[1][1]

    return AttrDict.from_nested_dict(d)

class AttrDict(dict):
    """ Dictionary subclass whose entries can be accessed by attributes
        (as well as normally).
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__dict__ = self

    def from_nested_dict(data):
        """ Construct nested AttrDicts from nested dictionaries. """
        if not isinstance(data, dict):
            return data
            return AttrDict({key: AttrDict.from_nested_dict(data[key])
                             for key in data})