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//  Bulldog.swift
//  Bulldog
//  Created by Suraj Pathak on 19/11/16.
//  Copyright © 2016 Suraj Pathak. All rights reserved.

import Foundation

/// Any key type that should be scripted conform to this protocol PathType. For eg. String, Int
public protocol PathType {}
extension String: PathType {}
extension Int: PathType {}

/// Bulldog is a super-fast json parser that will keep attacking until it gets the value you desire, or you give up. Just like a bulldog.

public struct Bulldog {
    let json: Any
    // MARK: Initializer
    public init(json: Any) {
        self.json = json
    // MARK: Public Methods
    public func value<T: Equatable>(_ keyPath: PathType...) -> T? {
        return raw(keyPath) as? T
    public func string(_ keyPath: PathType...) -> String? {
        return raw(keyPath) as? String
    public func int(_ keyPath: PathType...) -> Int? {
        return raw(keyPath) as? Int
    // Returns int value, even if the original value is in string type
    public func intPromised(_ keyPath: PathType...) -> Int? {
        var finalValue = raw(keyPath) as? Int
        if let value = raw(keyPath) as? String, let intValue = Int(value) {
            finalValue = intValue
        return finalValue
    public func double(_ keyPath: PathType...) -> Double? {
        return raw(keyPath) as? Double
    /// Returns double value, even if the original value is in string type
    public func doublePromised(_ keyPath: PathType...) -> Double? {
        var finalValue = raw(keyPath) as? Double
        if let value = raw(keyPath) as? String, let doubleValue = Double(value) {
            finalValue = doubleValue
        return finalValue
    /// Returns bool value from the keypath, if not return default ifNot
    public func bool(_ keyPath: PathType..., ifNot: Bool = false) -> Bool {
        return raw(keyPath) as? Bool ?? ifNot
    public func date(with format: String, keyPath: PathType ...) -> Date? {
        if let dateString = raw(keyPath) as? String {
            let df = DateFormatter()
            df.dateFormat = format
            return dateString)
        return nil

    public func dictionary(_ keyPath: PathType...) -> [String: Any]? {
        return raw(keyPath) as? [String: Any]
    public func array(_ keyPath: PathType...) -> [Any]? {
        return raw(keyPath) as? [Any]
    public func rawJson(_ keyPath: PathType...) -> Any? {
        return raw(keyPath)
    public func bulldog(_ keyPath: String...) -> Bulldog? {
        guard let json = raw(keyPath) else { return nil }
        return Bulldog(json: json)
    // MARK: Private methods
    private func raw(_ keyPath: [PathType]) -> Any? {
        let count = keyPath.count
        var finalJson: Any? = json
        for i in 0..<count {
            let path = keyPath[i]
            if let dictPath = path as? String {
                if let newJson = finalJson as? [String: Any] {
                    finalJson = newJson[dictPath]
                } else {
                    return nil
            } else if let arrayPath = path as? Int {
                if let newJson = finalJson as? [Any], arrayPath < newJson.count {
                    finalJson = newJson[arrayPath]
                } else {
                    return nil
        return finalJson