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Test Coverage
disabled_rules: # rule identifiers to exclude from running
    - attributes                               
    - closure_parameter_position               
    - colon                                    
    - comma                                    
    - compiler_protocol_init                   
    - conditional_returns_on_newline           
    - convenience_type                         
    - discouraged_object_literal               
    - discouraged_optional_boolean             
    - discouraged_optional_collection          
    - dynamic_inline                           
    - empty_xctest_method                      
    - explicit_acl                             
    - explicit_enum_raw_value                  
    - explicit_top_level_acl                   
    - explicit_type_interface                  
    - extension_access_modifier                
    - fatal_error_message                      
    - file_header                              
    - file_length                              
    - file_name                                
    - function_default_parameter_at_end        
    - function_parameter_count                 
    - generic_type_name                        
    - identifier_name                          
    - joined_default_parameter                 
    - leading_whitespace                       
    - let_var_whitespace                       
    - line_length                              
    - literal_expression_end_indentation       
    - lower_acl_than_parent                    
    - modifier_order                           
    - multiline_arguments                      
    - multiline_function_chains                
    - multiline_parameters                     
    - no_extension_access_modifier             
    - no_grouping_extension                    
    - number_separator                         
    - object_literal                           
    - opening_brace                            
    - operator_usage_whitespace                
    - operator_whitespace                      
    - pattern_matching_keywords                
    - prefixed_toplevel_constant               
    - private_action                           
    - private_outlet                           
    - private_over_fileprivate                 
    - private_unit_test                        
    - protocol_property_accessors_order        
    - redundant_optional_initialization        
    - redundant_set_access_control             
    - redundant_string_enum_value                                
    - return_arrow_whitespace                  
    - single_test_class                        
    - sorted_imports                           
    - statement_position                       
    - strict_fileprivate                       
    - trailing_comma                           
    - type_name                                
    - unavailable_function                     
    - untyped_error_in_catch                   
    - valid_ibinspectable                      
    - vertical_parameter_alignment             
    - vertical_parameter_alignment_on_call     
    - vertical_whitespace                      
    - void_return                              
    - xctfail_message                          
    - force_unwrapping                         
    - trailing_whitespace                      
    - multiple_closures_with_trailing_closure  
    - nesting                                  
    - large_tuple                              
    - strong_iboutlet
    - unused_optional_binding  
    - empty_collection_literal
    - contains_over_filter_count
    - contains_over_filter_is_empty
    - unused_declaration
    - closing_brace                             
    - custom_rules                             
    - closure_spacing                          
    - collection_alignment
    - switch_case_on_newline                   
    - discouraged_direct_init                  
    - reduce_boolean
    - unowned_variable_capture
    - unused_capture_list
    - redundant_type_annotation
    - anyobject_protocol
    - deployment_target
    - duplicate_imports
    - unused_setter_value
    - only_single_muted_parameter
    - last_where
    - first_where
    - unused_control_flow_label
    - redundant_objc_attribute
    - legacy_hashing
    - static_operator
    - identical_operands
    - unused_import
    - explicit_init                            
    - block_based_kvo                          
    - contains_over_first_not_nil              
    - control_statement                        
    - required_enum_case                       
    - trailing_closure                         
    - discarded_notification_center_observer   
    - implicit_return                          
    - closure_end_indentation                  
    - implicitly_unwrapped_optional            
    - cyclomatic_complexity                    
    - implicit_getter                          
    - is_disjoint                          
    - yoda_condition
    - unneeded_break_in_switch                 
    - empty_enum_arguments                     
    - empty_parameters                         
    - empty_parentheses_with_trailing_closure  
    - empty_string                             
    - array_init
    - for_where                                
    - function_body_length                     
    - legacy_cggeometry_functions              
    - legacy_constant                          
    - legacy_constructor                       
    - legacy_nsgeometry_functions              
    - mark                                     
    - switch_case_alignment                    
    - notification_center_detachment           
    - sorted_first_last                        
    - override_in_extension
    - no_fallthrough_only
    - shorthand_operator                       
    - overridden_super_call                    
    - todo                                     
    - unused_closure_parameter                 
    - unused_enumerated                        
    - syntactic_sugar                          
    - weak_delegate                            
    - empty_count
    - force_cast                               
    - force_try                                
    - trailing_semicolon 
    - redundant_discardable_let                
    - redundant_nil_coalescing    
    - fallthrough  
    - trailing_newline 
    - class_delegate_protocol 
    - redundant_void_return                  
    - type_body_length                         
    - prohibited_super_call                    
    - unneeded_parentheses_in_closure_argument 

included: # paths to include during linting. `--path` is ignored if present.
    - SASeatBooking
excluded: # paths to ignore during linting. Takes precedence over `included`.
    - Pods
# configurable rules can be customized from this configuration file
# binary rules can set their severity level
weak_delegate: error
force_cast: error 
force_try: error 
overridden_super_call: error
  - 15
  - 15
# they can set both implicitly with an array
  - 160 # warning
  - 200 # error
# or they can set both explicitly
  warning: 500
  error: 500
# naming rules can set warnings/errors for min_length and max_length
# additionally they can set excluded names
  min_length: 4 # only warning
  max_length: # warning and error
    warning: 40
    error: 50
  excluded: iPhone # excluded via string
  min_length: # only min_length
    error: 4 # only error
#  excluded: # excluded via string array
#    - id
#    - URL
#    - GlobalAPIKey
reporter: "xcode" # reporter type (xcode, json, csv, checkstyle, junit, html, emoji)