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Test Coverage
# Copyright 2019 Felix Soubelet <felix.soubelet@cern.ch>
# MIT License

# Documentation for most of what you will see here can be found at the following links:
# for the GNU make special targets: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Special-Targets.html
# for python packaging: https://docs.python.org/3/distutils/introduction.html

# ANSI escape sequences for bold, cyan, dark blue, end, pink and red.
B = \033[1m
C = \033[96m
D = \033[34m
E = \033[0m
P = \033[95m
R = \033[31m

.PHONY : help clean format install lines lint tests type

all: install

    @echo "Please use 'make $(R)<target>$(E)' where $(R)<target>$(E) is one of:"
    @echo "  $(R) build $(E)  \t  to build wheel and source distribution with $(P)Hatch$(E)."
    @echo "  $(R) clean $(E)  \t  to recursively remove build, run and bitecode files/dirs."
    @echo "  $(R) format $(E)  \t  to check and format code with $(P)Ruff$(E) through $(P)Hatch$(E)."
    @echo "  $(R) install $(E)  \t  to $(C)pip install$(E) this package into the current environment."
    @echo "  $(R) lint $(E)  \t  to lint-check the code with $(P)Ruff$(E)."
    @echo "  $(R) tests $(E)  \t  to run tests with the $(P)pytest$(E) package."

    @echo "Re-building wheel and dist"
    @rm -rf dist
    @hatch build --clean
    @echo "Created build is located in the $(C)dist$(E) folder."

    @echo "Cleaning up distutils remains."
    @rm -rf build
    @rm -rf dist
    @rm -rf aoe2netwrapper.egg-info
    @rm -rf .eggs
    @echo "Cleaning up bitecode files and python cache."
    @find . -type f -name '*.py[co]' -delete -o -type d -name __pycache__ -delete
    @echo "Cleaning up pytest cache."
    @find . -type d -name '*.pytest_cache' -exec rm -rf {} + -o -type f -name '*.pytest_cache' -exec rm -rf {} +
    @echo "Cleaning up mypy cache."
    @find . -type d -name "*.mypy_cache" -exec rm -rf {} +
    @echo "Cleaning up coverage reports."
    @find . -type f -name '.coverage' -exec rm -rf {} + -o -type f -name 'coverage.xml' -delete
    @echo "All cleaned up!\n"

    @echo "Checking code with Ruff through Hatch."
    @hatch fmt

install: format clean
    @echo "Installing (editable) with $(D)pip$(E) in the current environment."
    @python -m pip install --editable . -v

    @echo "Checking code with Ruff through Hatch."
    @hatch fmt

tests: clean
    @python -m pytest
    @make clean

# Catch-all unknow targets without returning an error. This is a POSIX-compliant syntax.
    @echo "Make caught an invalid target."
    @echo "See help output below for available targets."
    @echo ""
    @make help