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package de.uniks.networkparser.converter;

import de.uniks.networkparser.NetworkParserLog;
import de.uniks.networkparser.buffer.CharacterBuffer;
import de.uniks.networkparser.ext.FileClassModel;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.Attribute;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.AttributeSet;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.Clazz;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.GraphMember;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.GraphMetric;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.GraphSimpleSet;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.GraphUtil;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.Method;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.MethodSet;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.SourceCode;
import de.uniks.networkparser.interfaces.BaseItem;
import de.uniks.networkparser.interfaces.Converter;
import de.uniks.networkparser.interfaces.TemplateItem;
import de.uniks.networkparser.list.SimpleKeyValueList;
import de.uniks.networkparser.list.SimpleList;
import de.uniks.networkparser.parser.ParserEntity;
import de.uniks.networkparser.parser.SymTabEntry;

public class CodeCityConverter implements Converter {
    private NetworkParserLog logger;

     * Root := Document ? Document := OPEN ElementNode \* CLOSE ElementNode := OPEN
     * NAME Serial ? AttributeNode \* CLOSE Serial := OPEN ID INTEGER CLOSE
     * AttributeNode := OPEN Name ValueNode \* CLOSE ValueNode := Primitive |
     * Reference | ElementNode Primitive := STRING | NUMBER | Boolean | Unlimited
     * Boolean := TRUE | FALSE Unlimited := NIL Reference := IntegerReference |
     * NameReference IntegerReference := OPEN REF INTEGER CLOSE NameReference :=
     * OPEN REF NAME CLOSE OPEN := "(" CLOSE := ")" ID := "id:" REF := "ref:" TRUE
     * := "true" FALSE := "false" NAME := letter ( letter | digit ) \* ( "." letter
     * ( letter | digit ) ) \* INTEGER := digit + NUMBER := "-" ? digit + ( "."
     * digit + ) ? ( ( "e" | "E" ) ( "-" | "+" ) ? digit + ) ? STRING := ( "'" \[^']
     * \* "'" ) + digit := \[0-9] letter := \[a-zA-Z_] Whitespace are the usual
     * suspects, and comments are
     * comment := "\"" \[^"] \* "\""
    public String encode(BaseItem entity) {
        CharacterBuffer buffer = new CharacterBuffer();
        if (entity instanceof FileClassModel == false) {
            return buffer.toString();
        FileClassModel model = (FileClassModel) entity;
        buffer.with("(Moose.Model (sourceLanguage 'Java') (entity ", BaseItem.CRLF);

        SimpleKeyValueList<String, SimpleList<ParserEntity>> packageList = model.getPackageList();
        for (int i = 0; i < packageList.size(); i++) {
            String packageName = packageList.get(i);
            buffer.with("(FAMIX.Namespace (id: " + (i + 1) + ") (name '" + packageName.replace(".", "::") + "'))",
        int index = ((packageList.size() + 2) / 100) + 100;
        SimpleKeyValueList<GraphMember, Integer> list = new SimpleKeyValueList<GraphMember, Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < packageList.size(); i++) {
            SimpleList<ParserEntity> entities = packageList.getValueByIndex(i);
            for (int p = 0; p < entities.size(); p++) {
                ParserEntity parserEntity = entities.get(p);
                index = addElement(buffer, parserEntity, i + 1, index, list);
         * (FAMIX.InheritanceDefinition (id: 66938)(subclass (idref: 11679)) (superclass
         * (idref: 12796))
        return buffer.toString();

    private int addElement(CharacterBuffer buffer, ParserEntity entity, int packageId, int index,
            SimpleKeyValueList<GraphMember, Integer> list) {
        if (buffer == null || entity == null || list == null) {
            return -1;
        Clazz clazz = entity.getClazz();
        if (clazz == null) {
            return -1;
        int clazzId = index++;
        list.add(clazz, clazzId);
        SourceCode code = entity.getCode();

        buffer.withLine("(FAMIX.Class (id: " + clazzId + ")");
        buffer.withLine("\t(name '" + clazz.getName(true) + "')");
        buffer.withLine("\t(belongsTo (idref: " + packageId + "))");
        buffer.withLine("\t(isAbstract " + GraphUtil.isAbstract(clazz) + ")");
        buffer.withLine("\t(isInterface " + GraphUtil.isInterface(clazz) + ")");
        buffer.withLine("\t(fileName 'FILE:" + entity.getFileName() + "')");
        buffer.withLine("\t(startLine " + code.getBodyStartLine() + ")");
        buffer.withLine("\t(endLine " + code.getEndofBodyLine() + ")");
        GraphMetric metric = getMetric(clazz);
        if (metric == null && logger != null) {
            logger.error(this, "addElement", "Clazz has no Metric: " + clazz.getName() + ": " + metric);
        if (metric != null) {
            buffer.withLine("\t(WLOC " + metric.getLinesOfCode() + ")");
            buffer.withLine("\t(WNOCmts " + metric.getCommentCount() + ")");
         * (GodClass false) (DataClass false) (BrainClass false) (RefusedParentBequest
         * false) (TraditionBreaker false) (WNOS 23.0) (WNOCond 3.0) (WOC 0.60) (ATFD
         * 0.00) (WMC 7.00) (TCC 0.33) (CRIX 0.00) (NOAM 1.00) (NOPA 0.00) (BUR 1.00)
         * (BOvR 0.00) (AMW 1.40) (NOM 5.00) (NAS 0.00) (PNAS -1.00) (LOC 56.00) (NProtM
         * 0.00)
        buffer.with(")", BaseItem.CRLF, BaseItem.CRLF);

        AttributeSet attributes = clazz.getAttributes();
        for (Attribute attr : attributes) {
            index = addElement(buffer, entity, attr, index, list);

        MethodSet methods = clazz.getMethods();
        for (Method method : methods) {
            index = addElement(buffer, entity, method, index, list);
        return index;

    private int addElement(CharacterBuffer buffer, ParserEntity entity, Attribute attribute, int index,
            SimpleKeyValueList<GraphMember, Integer> list) {
        if (buffer == null || entity == null || list == null) {
            return -1;
        int attriuteId = index++;

        list.add(attribute, attriuteId);

        buffer.withLine("(FAMIX.Attribute (id: " + attriuteId + ")");
        buffer.withLine("\t(name '" + attribute.getName() + "')");
        buffer.withLine("\t(belongsTo (idref: " + list.get(attribute.getClazz()) + "))");
        buffer.withLine("\t(hasClassScope true)");
        buffer.withLine("\t(accessControlQualifier " + GraphUtil.getVisible(attribute) + ")");
        buffer.with(")", BaseItem.CRLF, BaseItem.CRLF);

        return index;

    private GraphMetric getMetric(TemplateItem member) {
        GraphSimpleSet children = GraphUtil.getChildren(member);
        if (children != null) {
            for (GraphMember item : children) {
                if (item instanceof GraphMetric) {
                    return (GraphMetric) item;
        return null;

    private int addElement(CharacterBuffer buffer, ParserEntity entity, Method method, int index,
            SimpleKeyValueList<GraphMember, Integer> list) {
        if (entity == null || buffer == null) {
            return 0;
        int methodId = index++;
        SourceCode code = entity.getCode();
        if (code == null) {
            return 0;
        list.add(method, methodId);
        GraphMetric metric = getMetric(method);
        SymTabEntry symbolEntry = code.getSymbolEntry(SymTabEntry.TYPE_METHOD, method.getName());
        buffer.withLine("(FAMIX.Method (id: " + methodId + ")");
        buffer.withLine("\t(fileName 'FILE:" + code.getFileName() + "')");
        if (symbolEntry != null) {
            buffer.withLine("\t(startLine " + symbolEntry.getStartLine() + ")");
            buffer.withLine("\t(endLine " + symbolEntry.getEndLine() + ")");
        buffer.withLine("\t(name '" + method.getName() + "')");
        buffer.withLine("\t(belongsTo (idref: " + list.get(method.getClazz()) + "))");
        buffer.withLine("\t(accessControlQualifier " + GraphUtil.getVisible(method) + ")");
        buffer.withLine("\t(signature '" + method.getName(true, true) + "')");
        if (metric != null) {
            buffer.withLine("\t(LOC " + metric.getLinesOfCode() + ")");
            buffer.withLine("\t(NOCmts " + metric.getCommentCount() + ")");

        buffer.with(")", BaseItem.CRLF, BaseItem.CRLF);
        return index;
         * (hasClassScope false) (isAbstract false) (isConstructor false)
         * (isPureAccessor false) (FeatureEnvy false) (BrainMethod false)
         * (IntensiveCoupling false) (DispersedCoupling false) (ShotgunSurgery false)
         * (NOS 2.0) (NOCond 0.0) (NMAA 1.0) (NI 2.0) (CYCLO 1.0) (CINT 0.00) (CDISP
         * 0.00) (CM 0.00) (CC 0.00) (ATFD 2.00) (LAA 1.00) (FDP 0.00) (MAXNESTING 0.00)
         * (NOAV 1.00)