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Test Coverage
package de.uniks.networkparser.ext;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import de.uniks.networkparser.SimpleEvent;
import de.uniks.networkparser.buffer.CharacterBuffer;
import de.uniks.networkparser.ext.io.FileBuffer;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.Association;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.Clazz;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.ClazzSet;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.Feature;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.GraphMetric;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.GraphModel;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.GraphUtil;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.Method;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.MethodSet;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.Modifier;
import de.uniks.networkparser.graph.Parameter;
import de.uniks.networkparser.interfaces.ObjectCondition;
import de.uniks.networkparser.list.SimpleKeyValueList;
import de.uniks.networkparser.list.SimpleList;
import de.uniks.networkparser.list.SimpleSet;
import de.uniks.networkparser.logic.FeatureCondition;
import de.uniks.networkparser.parser.ParserEntity;
import de.uniks.networkparser.parser.SimpleReverseEngineering;
import de.uniks.networkparser.parser.SymTabEntry;
import de.uniks.networkparser.xml.HTMLEntity;

/*String string = model.toString(new DotConverter().withShowAssocInfo(false).withShowSimpleNodeInfo(true));
  FileBuffer.writeFile("model2.data", string.getBytes()); */

public class FileClassModel extends ClassModel {
     * The suffix of a java file as constant for easer use
    private static final String JAVA_FILE_SUFFIX = ".java";
    public static final String RECURSIVE = "rekursive";
    private SimpleSet<ParserEntity> error = new SimpleSet<ParserEntity>();
    private SimpleSet<ParserEntity> list = new SimpleSet<ParserEntity>();
    private SimpleKeyValueList<String, SimpleList<ParserEntity>> packageList = new SimpleKeyValueList<String, SimpleList<ParserEntity>>();
    private boolean parseFile = true;
    private ObjectCondition reverseEngineering;
    public FileClassModel(String packageName) {

    public FileClassModel withParseFile(boolean value) {
        this.parseFile = value;
        return this;

    public boolean readFiles(String path, ObjectCondition... conditions) {
        return readFiles(path, null, conditions);

    public boolean readFiles(String path, String type, ObjectCondition... conditions) {
        ObjectCondition condition = null;
        if (conditions != null && conditions.length > 0) {
            condition = conditions[0];
        String name = this.getName();
        String pkgName = name.replace('.', '/');
        String parent = "";
        if (name.indexOf('.') > 0) {
            parent = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
        if (path != null) {
            if ((path.endsWith("/") || path.endsWith("\\")) == false) {
                path += "/";
        } else {
            path = "";

        getFiles(new File(path + pkgName), condition, parent);
        if (parseFile) {
            for (ParserEntity item : list) {
        return true;

    public boolean finishReverseEngineering() {
        SimpleEvent event = new SimpleEvent(this, "reverseengineering", null, this.list);
        boolean update = getReverseEngineering().update(event);
        return update;

    public SimpleList<String> analyseJavaDoc(boolean fullCheck) {
        SimpleList<String> errors = new SimpleList<String>();
        for (ParserEntity item : list) {
            errors.addAll(analyseJavaDoc(item, fullCheck));
        return errors;

     * Validates a single java file for the java doc
     * @param entity    Analyse JavaDoc
     * @param fullCheck FullCheck
     * @return List f Warnings and Errors
    public SimpleList<String> analyseJavaDoc(ParserEntity entity, boolean fullCheck) {
        CharacterBuffer content = FileBuffer.readFile(entity.getFileName());
        content.replace('\t', ' ');

        /* Create a string */
        SimpleList<String> lines = new SimpleList<String>();
        while (content.isEnd() == false) {
        SimpleList<String> msg = new SimpleList<String>();
        String currentPackage = null;
        for (String s : lines) {
            if (s.contains("package")) {
                currentPackage = s.replace("package", "");
        if (currentPackage != null) {
            currentPackage = currentPackage.substring(0, currentPackage.length() - 1);
        /* Set the current file name */
        String currentFileName = entity.getFileName();

        /* Check the class java doc */
        msg.addAll(checkClassJavaDoc(content, lines, fullCheck, currentPackage, currentFileName));

        /* Check all method java doc */
        msg.addAll(checkMethodsJavaDoc(content, lines, fullCheck, currentPackage, currentFileName));

        return msg;

     * Checks if there is a java doc over the class declaration
     * @param text            The text which should be checked
     * @param lines           All lines of the current checked file
     * @param fullCheck       Should founded warnings or error
     * @param currentPackage  PackageName
     * @param currentFileName FileName
     * @return All Messages
    private SimpleList<String> checkClassJavaDoc(CharacterBuffer text, SimpleList<String> lines, boolean fullCheck,
            String currentPackage, String currentFileName) {
        SimpleList<String> msg = new SimpleList<String>();
         * First check if the class has java doc, first get the index of "public class"
        int start = text.indexOf("public class");

        /* if the start -1 the class could be abstract */
        if (start == -1) {
            /* Get the index of "public abstract class" */
            start = text.indexOf("public abstract class");

        /* If the start -1 the class is a enumeration */
        if (start == -1) {
            /* Get the index of "public enum" */
            start = text.indexOf("public enum");

        /* If the start -1 the class is a interface */
        if (start == -1) {
            /* Get the index of "public interface" */
            start = text.indexOf("public interface");

        /* Maybe there is just a class */
        if (start == -1) {
            /* Get the index of "class" */
            start = text.indexOf("class ");

        /* Get the line of the class definition to jump there if there is no comment */
        int lineClass = -1;
        for (String s : lines) {
            if (s.contains("public class")) {
                lineClass = lines.indexOf(s) + 1;

        /* Check if line class is still -1, this means class could be abstract */
        for (String s : lines) {
            if (s.contains("public abstract class")) {
                lineClass = lines.indexOf(s) + 1;

        /* Check if line class is still -1, this means class is a interface */
        if (lineClass == -1) {
            for (String s : lines) {
                if (s.contains("public interface")) {
                    lineClass = lines.indexOf(s) + 1;


        /* Check if line class is still -1, this means class is a enumeration */
        if (lineClass == -1) {
            for (String s : lines) {
                if (s.contains("public enum")) {
                    lineClass = lines.indexOf(s) + 1;

        /* Maybe there is just a class */
        if (lineClass == -1) {
            for (String s : lines) {
                if (s.contains("class ")) {
                    lineClass = lines.indexOf(s) + 1;

        /* Check if the char before the method declaration is a end of a comment */
        if (lines.get(lineClass - 2).contains("*/")) {
            /* Get the java doc comment, 0 because the first comment is the class comment */
            String classDoc = extractJavaDocComment(text, start);

            /* There is no comment or a wrong one */
            if (classDoc.isEmpty() && fullCheck) {
                /* Put the missing java doc to the trace informations */
                msg.add("ERROR:" + currentPackage + ".missing.ClassDoc(" + currentFileName + ":" + lineClass + ")");
            } else {
                /* Check if there is a line like * some text */
                if (Pattern.compile("\\u002A \\w+").matcher(classDoc).find() == false) {
                    /* There is no text, put a missing doc description error */
                    msg.add("WARNING:" + currentPackage + ".missing.ClassDocText(" + currentFileName + ":" + lineClass
                            + ")");
                /* Check if there is the @author tag with some text */
                if (classDoc.split("@author").length == 1) {
                    /* There is no tag and no text */
                    msg.add("ERROR:" + currentPackage + ".missing.AuthorTag(" + currentFileName + ":" + lineClass
                            + ")");
                } else if (classDoc.split("@author [a-zA-Z]+").length == 1) {
                    /* There is no text after the tag, create warning */
                    msg.add("WARNING:" + currentPackage + ".missing.AuthoTagText(" + currentFileName + ":" + lineClass
                            + ")");
            /* Return we found a doc or a incomplete doc */
            return msg;

        /* Only if full check is enable */
        if (fullCheck) {
             * There is no comment in any case over the class definition, therefore create
             * error
            msg.add("ERROR:" + currentPackage + ".missing.ClassDoc(" + currentFileName + ":" + lineClass + ")");
        return msg;

     * Checks if there is a java doc over all method declarations
     * @param text            The text which should be checked
     * @param lines           All lines of the current checked file
     * @param fullCheck       Should founded warnings or error
     * @param currentPackage  PackageName
     * @param currentFileName FileName
     * @return All Messages
    private SimpleList<String> checkMethodsJavaDoc(CharacterBuffer text, SimpleList<String> lines, boolean fullCheck,
            String currentPackage, String currentFileName) {
        SimpleList<String> msg = new SimpleList<String>();
        /* Create a matcher to find all method declarations */
        Matcher methodPattern = Pattern.compile(

        /* Go through all matches */
        while (methodPattern.find()) {
            /* Get the current match */
            String match = methodPattern.group();
            /* Get the index of the current match in the text */
            int start = methodPattern.start();

            /* Get the line of the method definition to jump there if there is no comment */
            int lineMethod = -1;
            for (String s : lines) {
                if (s.contains(match)) {
                    lineMethod = lines.indexOf(s) + 1;

             * If lineMethod still -1 the { is in the next row therefore cut at \n and try
             * again
            if (lineMethod == -1) {
                for (String s : lines) {
                    if (s.contains(match.split("\n")[0])) {
                        lineMethod = lines.indexOf(s) + 1;
            if (lineMethod == -1) {

             * Check if there is a annotation over the method, if so go to the next method
            if (lines.get(lineMethod - 2).contains("@")) {

            /* Check if the char before the method declaration is a end of a comment */
            if (lines.get(lineMethod - 2).contains("*/")) {
                /* Get the java doc comment */
                String methodDoc = extractJavaDocComment(text, start);

                /* There is no comment or a wrong one */
                if (methodDoc.isEmpty() && fullCheck) {

                    /* Put the missing java doc to the trace informations */
                    msg.add("ERROR:" + currentPackage + ".missing.MethodDoc(" + currentFileName + ":" + lineMethod
                            + ")");
                } else {
                    /* Check if there is a line like * some text */
                    if (Pattern.compile("\\u002A \\s*[\\w+<]").matcher(methodDoc).find() == false) {
                        if (match.contains(" get") || match.contains(" set") || match.contains(" is")
                                || match.contains(" with")) {
                            /* no nessessary Comment for getter and Setter */
                        /* There is no text, put a missing doc description error */
                        msg.add("WARNING:" + currentPackage + ".missing.MethodDocText(" + currentFileName + ":"
                                + lineMethod + ")");

                    /* Check if there are parameters in the method declaration */
                    if (match.contains("()") == false) {
                        /* Get all parameters from method declaration */
                        String temp = match.substring(match.indexOf("(") + 1, match.indexOf(")"))
                                .replaceAll("<[^\\)]*>", "");
                        String[] parameters = temp.split(",");

                        /* Go through all parameters and check the @param tag */
                        for (String s : parameters) {
                            String[] param = s.trim().split(" ");

                            String parameterName = null;
                            if (param.length > 1) {
                                parameterName = param[1];

                            /* Check if there is a @param tag with the current parameter name */
                            if (methodDoc.split("@param " + parameterName).length == 1) {

                                /* There is no tag and no text */
                                msg.add("ERROR:" + currentPackage + ".missing.ParamTag(" + currentFileName + ":"
                                        + lineMethod + ")");
                            } else if (methodDoc.split("@param " + parameterName + "[ ]+[a-zA-Z*\r]+").length == 1) {
                                /* There is no text after the tag, create warning */
                                msg.add("WARNING:" + currentPackage + ".missing.ParamTagText(" + currentFileName + ":"
                                        + lineMethod + ")");

                    /* Check if there is a return type in the method */
                    if (match.contains("void") == false) {
                        /* There is no tag and text */
                        if (methodDoc.split("@return").length == 1) {
                            /* There is no tag and no text */
                            msg.add("ERROR:" + currentPackage + ".missing.ReturnTag(" + currentFileName + ":"
                                    + lineMethod + ")");
                        } else if (methodDoc.split("@return[ \t]+[a-zA-Z]+").length == 1) {
                            /* There is no text after the tag, create warning */
                            msg.add("WARNING:" + currentPackage + ".missing.ReturnTagText(" + currentFileName + ":"
                                    + lineMethod + ")");
                /* Look at the next match */

            /* Only if full check is enable */
            if (fullCheck) {
                 * There is no comment in any case over the method definition, therefore create
                 * error
                msg.add("ERROR:" + currentPackage + ".missing.MethodDoc(" + currentFileName + ":" + lineMethod + ")");
        return msg;

     * Extract a java doc comment from a given string
     * @param extractFrom The text where the comment should be extracted from
     * @param searchIndex The index from which the search will start
     * @return The extracted comment as string
    private String extractJavaDocComment(CharacterBuffer extractFrom, int searchIndex) {

        /* Initialize attribute which describe the range of the doc */
        int begin = -1;
        int end = -1;

        /* Go back from the searchIndex */
        for (int i = searchIndex; i > 0; i--) {

            /* Found the start of the java doc */
            if (extractFrom.charAt(i) == '*' && extractFrom.charAt(i - 1) == '*' && extractFrom.charAt(i - 2) == '/') {

                /* The start of the comment */
                begin = i - 2;

                /* Found the end of the java doc */
            } else if (extractFrom.charAt(i) == '/' && extractFrom.charAt(i - 1) == '*') {

                /* The end of the comment */
                end = i;

            /* If both values found break */
            if (begin != -1 && end != -1) {

        /* Wrong comment just a /* or there is no comment */
        if (begin == -1) {
            return "";
        return extractFrom.substring(begin, end + 2);

    public SimpleKeyValueList<String, SimpleList<ParserEntity>> getPackageList() {
        return packageList;

    public static ParserEntity createParserEntity(File file, ObjectCondition condition) {
        return new ParserEntity().withFile(file.getAbsolutePath()).withCondition(condition);

    public ParserEntity analyse(ParserEntity entity) {
        CharacterBuffer content = FileBuffer.readFile(entity.getFileName());
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return entity;

    public ClassModel analyseSymTabEntry(ClassModel model) {
        if (model == null) {
            model = this;
        for (ParserEntity element : list) {
        return model;

    public ClassModel analyseBounds(ClassModel model) {
        if (model == null) {
            model = this;
        String search = "import " + model.getName();
        SimpleKeyValueList<Clazz, SimpleList<String>> assocs = new SimpleKeyValueList<Clazz, SimpleList<String>>();
        ClazzSet set = new ClazzSet();

        for (ParserEntity element : list) {
            Clazz clazz = element.getClazz();
            SimpleList<SymTabEntry> imports = element.getSymbolEntries(SymTabEntry.TYPE_IMPORT);
            SimpleList<String> assoc = new SimpleList<String>();
            for (SymTabEntry item : imports) {
                if (item.getName().startsWith(search)) {
                    String ref = item.getName().substring(7);
                    ref = ref.substring(ref.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                    if (ref.equals("//") == false) {
            assocs.add(clazz, assoc);
        for (int i = 0; i < assocs.size(); i++) {
            Clazz clazz = assocs.getKeyByIndex(i);
            SimpleList<String> assocValue = assocs.getValueByIndex(i);
            if (assocValue.size() > 0) {
            for (String item : assocValue) {
                Clazz target = (Clazz) this.getChildByName(item, Clazz.class);
                if (target == null) {
                    target = set.getClazz(item);
                if (target == null) {
                    target = model.createClazz(item);
                clazz.createBidirectional(target, "use", Association.ONE, "use", Association.ONE);

        for (int i = 0; i < packageList.size(); i++) {
            SimpleList<ParserEntity> parserEntities = packageList.getValueByIndex(i);
            for (int p = 0; p < parserEntities.size(); p++) {
                ParserEntity parserEntity = parserEntities.get(p);
                CharacterBuffer content = parserEntity.getCode().getContent();
                Clazz clazz = parserEntity.getClazz();
                for (int e = 0; e < parserEntities.size(); e++) {
                    if (e == p) {
                    Clazz targetClazz = parserEntities.get(e).getClazz();
                    String targetName = targetClazz.getName();
                    if (content.indexOf(targetName) > 0) {
                        clazz.createBidirectional(targetClazz, "use", Association.ONE, "use", Association.ONE);
        return model;

    private void getFiles(File directory, ObjectCondition condition, String parent) {
        if (directory.exists() && directory.isDirectory()) {
            File[] items = directory.listFiles();
            if (items == null) {
            SimpleList<ParserEntity> packageEntity = new SimpleList<ParserEntity>();
            ObjectCondition con = null;
            boolean isRekusive = true;
            if(condition instanceof FeatureCondition) {
        Feature feature = ((FeatureCondition) condition).getFeature(null);
        if(feature != null && RECURSIVE.equalsIgnoreCase(feature.getName())){
          isRekusive = false;
            if(isRekusive) {
              con = condition;
            for (File file : items) {
                if (file.getName().endsWith(JAVA_FILE_SUFFIX)) {
                    ParserEntity element = createParserEntity(file, con);
                } else if (file.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("test") == false && file.isDirectory()) {
                if(isRekusive == false){
                    getFiles(file, condition, parent + directory.getName() + ".");
            if (packageEntity.size() > 0) {
                packageList.put(parent + directory.getName(), packageEntity);

    public ClassModel analyseInBoundLinks(ClassModel model) {
        if (model == null) {
            model = this;
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            ParserEntity parserEntity = list.get(i);
            CharacterBuffer content = parserEntity.getCode().getContent();
            Clazz clazz = parserEntity.getClazz();
            for (int p = 0; p < list.size(); p++) {
                if (p == i) {

                Clazz targetClazz = list.get(p).getClazz();
                String targetName = targetClazz.getName();
                if (content.indexOf("protected " + targetName + " ") > 0) {
                    clazz.createBidirectional(targetClazz, "use", Association.ONE, "use", Association.ONE);
                if (content.indexOf("public " + targetName + " ") > 0) {
                    clazz.createBidirectional(targetClazz, "use", Association.ONE, "use", Association.ONE);
                MethodSet methods = clazz.getMethods();
                for (Method m : methods) {
                    if (m.getModifier().has(Modifier.PROTECTED) || m.getModifier().has(Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
                        for (Parameter param : methods.getParameters()) {
                            if (param.getType().equals(targetClazz)) {
                                clazz.createBidirectional(targetClazz, "use", Association.ONE, "use", Association.ONE);
        return model;

    public SimpleSet<ParserEntity> getErros() {
        return error;

    public int analyseMcCabe(Object item) {
        String methodBody = null;
        Method owner = null;
        if (item instanceof Method) {
            owner = (Method) item;
            methodBody = owner.getBody();
            methodBody = methodBody.toLowerCase();
            methodBody = methodBody.replace("\n", "");
            methodBody = methodBody.replaceAll("\t", "");
            methodBody = methodBody.replaceAll(" ", "");
            methodBody = methodBody.replace('<', '(');
            methodBody = methodBody.replace('>', ')');
        } else if (item instanceof String) {
            methodBody = (String) item;
        int mcCabe = 1;
        if (methodBody != null) {
            mcCabe += check(methodBody, "if(");
            mcCabe += check(methodBody, "do{");
            mcCabe += check(methodBody, "while(");
            mcCabe += check(methodBody, "&&");
            if (owner != null) {
                GraphMetric metric = GraphMetric.create(owner);
        return mcCabe;

    private int check(String body, String search) {
        int mcCabe = 0;
        int index = 0;
        while (index >= 0) {
            index = body.indexOf(search, index);
            if (index == -1) {
            if (checkQuotes(body, index)) {
                index += 1;
            } else {
                index += 1;
        return mcCabe;

    public boolean checkQuotes(String allText, int index) {
        int quote = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
            char nextChar = allText.charAt(i);
            if (nextChar == '\"')

        if (quote % 2 == 0) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public GraphMetric analyseLoC(Object item) {
        String methodBody = null;
        Method owner = null;
        if (item instanceof GraphModel) {
            GraphModel model = (GraphModel) item;
            GraphMetric modelMetric = GraphMetric.create(model);
            ClazzSet clazzes = model.getClazzes();
            for (Clazz clazz : clazzes) {
                GraphMetric clazzMetric = GraphMetric.create(clazz);
                MethodSet methods = clazz.getMethods();
                for (Method m : methods) {
                    GraphMetric methodMetric = analyseLoC(m);
            return modelMetric;
        if (item instanceof Method) {
            owner = (Method) item;
            methodBody = owner.getBody();
        } else if (item instanceof String) {
            methodBody = (String) item;
        GraphMetric metric = GraphMetric.create(owner);
        if (methodBody == null) {
            return metric;
        int emptyLine = 0, commentCount = 0, methodheader = 0, annotation = 0, linesOfCode = 0;
        String[] lines = methodBody.split("\n");
        for (String line : lines) {
            String simple = line.trim();
            if (simple.length() < 1) {
            if (simple.indexOf("/*") >= 0 || simple.indexOf("*/") >= 0 || simple.indexOf("//") >= 0
                    || simple.startsWith("*")) {
            if ("{}".indexOf(simple) >= 0) {
            if (simple.startsWith("@")) {
        metric.withLoc(emptyLine, commentCount, methodheader, annotation, linesOfCode);
        return metric;

    public ParserEntity readFile(String fileName, ObjectCondition condition) {
        File file = new File(fileName);
        if (file.getName().endsWith(".java")) {
            ParserEntity element = createParserEntity(file, condition);
            SimpleList<ParserEntity> packageEntity = new SimpleList<ParserEntity>();
            if (packageEntity.size() > 0) {
                packageList.put(file.getParent(), packageEntity);
            return analyse(element);
        return null;

    public ObjectCondition getReverseEngineering() {
        if (reverseEngineering == null) {
            reverseEngineering = new SimpleReverseEngineering();
        return reverseEngineering;

    public FileClassModel withReverseEngineering(ObjectCondition reverseEngineering) {
        this.reverseEngineering = reverseEngineering;
        return this;

    public Object getValue(String attribute) {
        if (PROPERTY_FILETYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(attribute)) {
            return getClass().getSuperclass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase();
        return super.getValue(attribute);
    public HTMLEntity dumpHTML(String diagramName, boolean... write) {
      return super.dumpHTML(diagramName, write);
     public static final FeatureCondition createFeature(String key) {
        FeatureCondition condition=new FeatureCondition();
        Feature item= GraphUtil.createFeature(key);
        return condition;
