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1 day
Test Coverage
package biff

import (

var exit = func() {

// deprecated
// AssertNotEqual return true if `obtained` is not equal to `expected` otherwise
// it will print trace and exit.
func (a *A) AssertNotEqual(obtained, expected interface{}) bool {
    if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, obtained) {
        l, r := printShould(expected)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is not equal %s\n", l, r)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(expected, obtained)

    return false

// AssertNotEqual return true if `obtained` is not equal to `expected` otherwise
// it will print trace and exit.
func AssertNotEqual(obtained, expected interface{}) bool {
    if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, obtained) {
        l, r := printShould(expected)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is not equal %s\n", l, r)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(expected, obtained)

    return false

// deprecated
// AssertEqual return true if `obtained` is equal to `expected` otherwise it
// will print trace and exit.
func (a *A) AssertEqual(obtained, expected interface{}) bool {
    if reflect.DeepEqual(expected, obtained) {
        l, r := printShould(expected)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is %s\n", l, r)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(expected, obtained)

    return false

// AssertEqual return true if `obtained` is equal to `expected` otherwise it
// will print trace and exit.
func AssertEqual(obtained, expected interface{}) bool {

    if reflect.DeepEqual(expected, obtained) {
        l, r := printShould(expected)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is %s\n", l, r)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(expected, obtained)

    return false

func readFileLine(filename string, line int) string {

    data, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
    lines := strings.Split(string(data), "\n")

    return lines[line-1]

// deprecated
// AssertEqualJson return true if `obtained` is equal to `expected`. Prior to
// comparison, both values are JSON Marshaled/Unmarshaled to avoid JSON type
// issues like int vs float etc. Otherwise it will print trace and exit.
func (a *A) AssertEqualJson(obtained, expected interface{}) bool {
    e := interface{}(nil)
        b, _ := json.Marshal(expected)
        json.Unmarshal(b, &e)

    o := interface{}(nil)
        b, _ := json.Marshal(obtained)
        json.Unmarshal(b, &o)

    if reflect.DeepEqual(e, o) {
        l, r := printShould(expected)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is same JSON as %s\n", l, r)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(e, o)

    return false

// AssertEqualJson return true if `obtained` is equal to `expected`. Prior to
// comparison, both values are JSON Marshaled/Unmarshaled to avoid JSON type
// issues like int vs float etc. Otherwise it will print trace and exit.
func AssertEqualJson(obtained, expected interface{}) bool {

    e := interface{}(nil)
        b, _ := json.Marshal(expected)
        json.Unmarshal(b, &e)

    o := interface{}(nil)
        b, _ := json.Marshal(obtained)
        json.Unmarshal(b, &o)

    if reflect.DeepEqual(e, o) {
        l, r := printShould(expected)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is same JSON as %s\n", l, r)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(e, o)

    return false

// deprecated
// AssertNil return true if `obtained` is nil, otherwise it will print trace and
// exit.
func (a *A) AssertNil(obtained interface{}) bool {

    if nil == obtained || reflect.ValueOf(obtained).IsNil() {
        l, _ := printShould(nil)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is nil\n", l)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(nil, obtained)

    return false

// AssertNil return true if `obtained` is nil, otherwise it will print trace and
// exit.
func AssertNil(obtained interface{}) bool {

    if nil == obtained || reflect.ValueOf(obtained).IsNil() {
        l, _ := printShould(nil)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is nil\n", l)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(nil, obtained)

    return false

// deprecated
// AssertNotNil return true if `obtained` is NOT nil, otherwise it will print trace
// and exit.
func (a *A) AssertNotNil(obtained interface{}) bool {

    if isNil(obtained) {
        line := getStackLine(2)
            "    Expected: not nil\n"+
            "    Obtained: %#v\n"+
            "    at %s\n", obtained, line)
        return false

    l, _ := printShould(nil)
    v := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", obtained)
    if v != l {
        v = " (" + v + ")"
    fmt.Printf("    %s is not nil%s\n", l, v)

    return true

// AssertNotNil return true if `obtained` is NOT nil, otherwise it will print trace
// and exit.
func AssertNotNil(obtained interface{}) bool {

    if isNil(obtained) {
        line := getStackLine(2)
            "    Expected: not nil\n"+
            "    Obtained: %#v\n"+
            "    at %s\n", obtained, line)
        return false

    l, _ := printShould(nil)
    v := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", obtained)
    if v != l {
        v = " (" + v + ")"
    fmt.Printf("    %s is not nil%s\n", l, v)

    return true

// deprecated
// AssertTrue return true if `obtained` is true, otherwise it will print trace
// and exit.
func (a *A) AssertTrue(obtained interface{}) bool {

    if reflect.DeepEqual(true, obtained) {
        l, _ := printShould(nil)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is true\n", l)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(true, obtained)

    return false

// AssertTrue return true if `obtained` is true, otherwise it will print trace
// and exit.
func AssertTrue(obtained interface{}) bool {

    if reflect.DeepEqual(true, obtained) {
        l, _ := printShould(nil)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is true\n", l)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(true, obtained)

    return false

// deprecated
// AssertFalse return true if `obtained` is false, otherwise it will print trace
// and exit.
func (a *A) AssertFalse(obtained interface{}) bool {

    if reflect.DeepEqual(false, obtained) {
        l, _ := printShould(nil)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is false\n", l)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(true, obtained)

    return false

// AssertFalse return true if `obtained` is false, otherwise it will print trace
// and exit.
func AssertFalse(obtained interface{}) bool {

    if reflect.DeepEqual(false, obtained) {
        l, _ := printShould(nil)
        fmt.Printf("    %s is false\n", l)
        return true

    printExpectedObtained(true, obtained)

    return false

// deprecated
// AssertInArray return true if `item` match at least with one element of the
// array. Otherwise it will print trace and exit.
func (a *A) AssertInArray(array interface{}, item interface{}) bool {

    v := reflect.ValueOf(array)
    if v.Kind() != reflect.Array && v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
        line := getStackLine(2)
        fmt.Printf("Expected second argument to be array:\n"+
            "    Obtained: %#v\n"+
            "    at %s\n", array, line)

    l := v.Len()
    for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
        e := v.Index(i)
        if reflect.DeepEqual(e.Interface(), item) {
            l, r := printShould(item)
            fmt.Printf("    %s[%d] is %s\n", l, i, r)
            return true

    line := getStackLine(2)
        "    Expected item to be in array.\n"+
        "    Item: %#v\n"+
        "    Array: %#v\n"+
        "    at %s\n", item, array, line)


    return false

// AssertInArray return true if `item` match at least with one element of the
// array. Otherwise it will print trace and exit.
func AssertInArray(array interface{}, item interface{}) bool {

    v := reflect.ValueOf(array)
    if v.Kind() != reflect.Array && v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
        line := getStackLine(2)
        fmt.Printf("Expected second argument to be array:\n"+
            "    Obtained: %#v\n"+
            "    at %s\n", array, line)

    l := v.Len()
    for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
        e := v.Index(i)
        if reflect.DeepEqual(e.Interface(), item) {
            l, r := printShould(item)
            fmt.Printf("    %s[%d] is %s\n", l, i, r)
            return true

    line := getStackLine(2)
        "    Expected item to be in array.\n"+
        "    Item: %#v\n"+
        "    Array: %#v\n"+
        "    at %s\n", item, array, line)


    return false

func getStackLine(linesToSkip int) string {

    stack := debug.Stack()
    lines := make([]string, 0)
    index := 0
    for i := 0; i < len(stack); i++ {
        if stack[i] == []byte("\n")[0] {
            lines = append(lines, string(stack[index:i-1]))
            index = i + 1
    return lines[linesToSkip*2+3] + " " + lines[linesToSkip*2+4]

func printExpectedObtained(expected, obtained interface{}) {

    line := getStackLine(3)
        "    Expected: %#v\n"+
        "    Obtained: %#v\n"+
        "    at %s\n", expected, obtained, line)


func printShould(value interface{}) (arg0, arg1 string) {
    arg0 = "It"
    arg1 = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", value)

    func() {

        p := make([]runtime.StackRecord, 50)

        _, ok := runtime.GoroutineProfile(p)
        if !ok {

        frames := runtime.CallersFrames(p[0].Stack())

        // Make it compatible with latests golang versions (1.14 on)
        frame, more := frames.Next()
        for ; more; frame, more = frames.Next() {
            if frame.Function == "github.com/fulldump/biff.printShould" {

        frame, _ = frames.Next()
        frame, _ = frames.Next()

        l := readFileLine(frame.File, frame.Line)

        a, err := parser.ParseExpr(l)
        if nil != err {

        aFunc, ok := a.(*ast.CallExpr)
        if !ok {

        a0 := aFunc.Args[0]
        arg0 = l[a0.Pos()-1 : a0.End()-1]

        if len(aFunc.Args) > 1 {
            a1 := aFunc.Args[1]
            arg1 = l[a1.Pos()-1 : a1.End()-1]


    v := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", value)

    if v != arg1 {
        arg1 = arg1 + " (" + v + ")"


// Source: https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/stretchr/testify/-/blob/assert/assertions.go#L520:6
// isNil checks if a specified object is nil or not, without Failing.
func isNil(object interface{}) bool {
    if object == nil {
        return true

    value := reflect.ValueOf(object)
    kind := value.Kind()
    isNilableKind := containsKind(
            reflect.Chan, reflect.Func,
            reflect.Interface, reflect.Map,
            reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice},

    if isNilableKind && value.IsNil() {
        return true

    return false

// source: github.com/stretchr/testify/-/blob/assert/assertions.go#L524
// containsKind checks if a specified kind in the slice of kinds.
func containsKind(kinds []reflect.Kind, kind reflect.Kind) bool {
    for i := 0; i < len(kinds); i++ {
        if kind == kinds[i] {
            return true

    return false