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Test Coverage
package golax

import "strings"

// Node represents a path part of an URL
type Node struct {
    Interceptors         []*Interceptor
    InterceptorsDeep     []*Interceptor
    Methods              map[string]Handler
    Children             []*Node
    Documentation        Doc
    DocumentationMethods map[string]Doc
    Operations           map[string]*Operation

    _path          string
    _hasOperations bool
    _isParameter   bool
    _isRegex       bool
    _isFullPath    bool
    _parameterKey  string

// NewNode instances and initializes a new node
func NewNode() *Node {
    return &Node{
        _path:                "",
        Interceptors:         []*Interceptor{},
        InterceptorsDeep:     []*Interceptor{},
        Methods:              map[string]Handler{},
        Children:             []*Node{},
        DocumentationMethods: map[string]Doc{},
        Operations:           map[string]*Operation{},

// Method implements an HTTP method for a handler and optionally allows
// a third documentation parameter
func (n *Node) Method(m string, h Handler, d ...Doc) *Node {
    M := strings.ToUpper(m)
    n.Methods[M] = h
    if len(d) > 0 {
        n.DocumentationMethods[M] = d[0]
    return n

// Interceptor attaches an *Interceptor to a *Node
func (n *Node) Interceptor(m *Interceptor) *Node {
    n.Interceptors = append(n.Interceptors, m)
    return n

// InterceptorDeep attaches an *Interceptor to a *Node but will be executed
// after all regular interceptors.
func (n *Node) InterceptorDeep(m *Interceptor) *Node {
    n.InterceptorsDeep = append(n.InterceptorsDeep, m)
    return n

// Doc attaches documentation to a *Node
func (n *Node) Doc(d Doc) *Node {
    n.Documentation = d

    return n

// Node appends a child node
func (n *Node) Node(p string) *Node {
    newNode := NewNode()

    n.Children = append(n.Children, newNode)

    return newNode

// Operation appends an operation to a *Node
func (n *Node) Operation(p string) *Operation {
    n._hasOperations = true

    newOperation := NewOperation()
    newOperation.Path = p

    n.Operations[p] = newOperation

    return newOperation

// SetPath modifies a node path
func (n *Node) SetPath(p string) {
    n._path = p

    if "{{*}}" == p {
        n._isFullPath = true
    } else if isParameter(p) {
        n._isParameter = true
        n._parameterKey = biTrim("{", p, "}")
    } else if isRegex(p) {
        n._isRegex = true
        n._parameterKey = biTrim("(", p, ")")

// GetPath retrieves a node path
func (n *Node) GetPath() string {
    return n._path

func isParameter(path string) bool {
    return '{' == path[0] && '}' == path[len(path)-1]

func isRegex(path string) bool {
    return '(' == path[0] && ')' == path[len(path)-1]

func biTrim(l, s, r string) string {
    return strings.TrimLeft(strings.TrimRight(s, r), l)