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Test Coverage

*- research
    *- how to add coverage badges on github readme (code climate)
    *- choose unit testing framework (probably just mocha chai)

*- create repo, proper package.json with version, upload to github, add to code climate

*- create first test (.spec.js)
    *- expandable (easy one)

*- I changed order of args for expandable, so update code. modelName 3rd

*- ensure npm test works as expected

*- fill out index.js with exports of functions from files.

*- Update config example

*- allow single definition for manyToMany

*- add tests (.spec.js)
    *- forEachM2mRelation
    *- create definition of correct for flattened data and for expanded data
    *- flatten
    *- expand model
    *- remove model
    *- I need to remove all 'entities' levels from the state. It should be identical to flattened state.
    *- fix all main code, so it no longer uses entities
    *- fix all tests

*- handle reflective data. So if we're given { book: { id: 1, author: { id: 1 } } } then also add { author: { id: 1, book: { id: 1 } } }
    *- we need to check for the key in existing data, if singular or plural exist, then don't add the key, otherwise add the key. [don't do an overwrite object]
    *- we need a base person, then have personWithConfig and personNoConfig

*- get travis CI setup for schemaless normalizer

- get code climate code coverage showing

- try and get the testing badge url

- get any other badges that would be neat.

- do I need the "7" version on the yml file??

- do I still need the local instanbul code coverage folder? Or the dev dep?
    - remove if I don't.

- publish
    - clever short name
    - beautiful readme with artsy cover image
    - post on dischord "i-made-this" and on /r/redux and /r/javascript

- When im done, restart my computer for updates

- try and improve the code a bit