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              %title About Us

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      %p About Us
 Our Team
          %img.img-circle.img-responsive.img-center.img-fix{:alt => "", :src => "execs/tony.jpg"}
              Tony Kim
              %small President
            %p President of 180 Degrees at Berkeley
          %img.img-circle.img-responsive.img-center.img-fix{:alt => "", :src => "execs/alok.jpg"}
              Alok Narahari
              %small IVP
            %p Internal Vice President of 180 Degrees at Berkeley
          %img.img-circle.img-responsive.img-center.img-fix{:alt => "", :src => ""}
              Federico Marchese
              %small EVP
            %p External Vice President of 180 Degrees at Berkeley
          %img.img-circle.img-responsive.img-center.img-fix{:alt => "", :src => "execs/josh.jpg"}
              Josh Min
              %small PM Coordinator
            %p Project Manager coordinator at 180 Degrees at Berkeley
          %img.img-circle.img-responsive.img-center.img-fix{:alt => "", :src => "execs/ella.jpg"}
              Ella Gao
              %small Project Manager
            %p Project Manager
          %img.img-circle.img-responsive.img-center.img-fix{:alt => "", :src => "execs/clara.jpg"}
              Clara Ki
              %small Project Manager
            %p Project Manager
          %img.img-circle.img-responsive.img-center.img-fix{:alt => "", :src => "execs/hans.jpg"}
              Hans Husmann
              %small Project Manager
            %p Project Manager