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Test Coverage
# As an admin, I want to be able to mark applicants with a checkbox and press a submit button, 
# so I can change multiple application statuses at a time.

Feature: bulk accept/reject/change applicants
    As an admin,
    I want to be able to mark applicants with a checkbox and press a submit button,
    so I can change multiple application statuses at a time.
    Given the following users exist:
    | email                       | password    | member_type |
    |          | password123 | admin       |
    Given the following applications exist:
    | name | email              | major         | graduation | info       |
    | S1   |    | French        | 1923       | wowzers!   |  
    | S2   |    | Baller        | 2007       | bball      |
    | S3   |    | Chicano       | 2020       | None       |
    | S4   |    | Hobo          | 2050       | None       |
  Scenario: accept some people
    Given I am on the home page
    When I follow "Login"
    And I fill in "Email" with ""
    And I fill in "Password" with "password123"
    And I press "Log in"
    And I follow "Admin"
    And I follow "Applications"
    # Everyone should be application pending.
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"

    And I select checkbox for ""
    And I select checkbox for ""
    And I fill in "text" with "GRATZZZZ"
    And I press "Accept Selected"
    Then I should see "User has been notified of their updated application status by email."
    # The selected should have status = "accepted"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Accepted"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Accepted"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"

  Scenario: reject some people
    Given I am on the home page
    When I follow "Login"
    And I fill in "Email" with ""
    And I fill in "Password" with "password123"
    And I press "Log in"
    And I follow "Admin"
    And I follow "Applications"
    # Everyone should be application pending.
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"

    And I select checkbox for ""
    And I select checkbox for ""
    And I fill in "text" with "Sorry man"
    And I press "Reject Selected"
    Then I should see "User has been notified of their updated application status by email."
    # The selected should have status = "rejected"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Rejected"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Pending"
    And I should see the "status" for "" as "Rejected"