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Test Coverage
#As an admin, I want to be able to see the applications, so I can consider their applications.

Feature: seeing applications
  As an admin,
  I want to be able to see all the applications,
  So I can consider their applications

    # Given I am not logged in
    Given the following users exist:
    | email                       | password    | member_type |
    |          | password123 | admin       |
    Given the following applications exist:
    | name        | email                     | major         | graduation | info       |
    | Bob Saget   |    | French        | 1923       | wowzers!   |  
    | Jeremy Lin  |         | Baller        | 2007       | bball      |
    Given the following clients exist:
    | name                        | email                     | info                    |
    | Bobby Flay                  |       | we need $$$$            |
    | Carmelo Anthony             |           | pls help                |
    Given the following sponsors exist:
    | name                        | email                     | info                    |
    | Guy Fieri                   |        | heres all our $$$       |
  Scenario: an admin can access the all applications page
    Given I am on the home page
    When I follow "Login"
    And I fill in "Email" with ""
    And I fill in "Password" with "password123"
    And I press "Log in"
    # And I should see "Admin"
    And I follow "Admin"
    Then I should see "Applications"
  Scenario: checking applications
    Given I am on the home page
    When I follow "Login"
    And I fill in "Email" with ""
    And I fill in "Password" with "password123"
    And I press "Log in"
    And I follow "Admin"
    And I follow "Applications"
    # Check student
    Then I should see "Jeremy Lin"
    And I should see ""
    And I should see "Baller"
    And I should see "2007"
    And I should see "bball"
    # All students?
    And I should see "Bob Saget"
    # Check client
    # And I should see "Bobby Flay"
    # And I should see ""
    # And I should see "we need $$$$"
    # # Check sponsor
    # And I should see "Guy Fieri"
    # And I should see ""
    # And I should see "heres all our $$$"
  # Scenario: a non-admin cannot see all all application
  #   Given I am logged in as a non-admin
  #   When I go to the application page
  #   Then I should not see "All Applications"