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# As an admin, I want an email to be sent to the applicant when their status has been updated, so that they will know that their application has been reviewed.

Feature: sending status email
  As an admin,
  I want an email to be sent to the applicant when their status has been updated,
  so that they will know that their application has been reviewed.
    Given the following users exist:
    | email                       | password    | member_type |
    |          | password123 | admin       |
    Given the following applications exist:
    | name        | email                     | major         | graduation | info       | status  |
    | Bob Saget   |    | French        | 1923       | wowzers!   | pending |
    | Jeremy Lin  |         | Baller        | 2007       | bball      | pending |
  Scenario: as an admin, an email should be sent when I change an applicant's status
    Given I am on the home page
    When I follow "Login"
    And I fill in "Email" with ""
    And I fill in "Password" with "password123"
    And I press "Log in"
    And I follow "Admin"
    And I follow "Applications"
    And I select checkbox for ""
    And I fill in "text" with "gratz"
    And I press "Accept Selected"
    Then I should see "User has been notified of their updated application status by email."